Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Here Come the Black Friday Horrors

Today I got my little taste of Black Friday when a friend of mine took me first to the bank, so I could make a deposit to prevent a check from bouncing- - -and the bank was busier than I'd seen it in a long time, and then to Wall Mart for coffee and you had to hunt to even find a parking spot.  It was much more crowded inside and notable was the large number of small children in there.  I got my coffee, which had not gone up in price.  Those of you who are reading this blog on your I Pads while in traffic or whatever trying to get home, you have my condolences.  I have had a harrowing day I may go into later.  But of course you know stores used to garner sales advantage by opening up at Six AM, and then it was moved to Four AM, and from there to Midnight.  While Midnight is OK for many stores, there is a trend to start black Friday sales at Eight PM on Thanksgiving ruining family gatherings by having one of the members have to rush off for work.  Of course this is not at all volentary, and they say they will fire you if you miss this one day.  At least Ebonezer Scrooge felt compelled to grand Bob Crachet "the whole Day off" on Christmas.  Today we have gone beyond that.  I've had one brother who for years now has "had to work on Thanksgiving" and we have all had to alter our plans to accomodate him.  Of course now Wall Mart has these starvation wages of fifteen thousand dollars a year, which won't support one person for a year, let along a whole family.  These people are denied full time status but fall just short of it, because it keeps the corporation from having to conform to certain standards.  The Wall Mart employees are unhappy.  And then you have Hostess where the media blames the Union for sinking the company driving it into bankrupsey, when in reality it is greedy management along the lines of Bane Capital where the rich fat cats give themselves raises while abusing and short changing their workers.  It totally sucks, and if Mitt Romney had become President we would see a lot more of it.  It turns out that President Obama got 51 percent of the popular vote, and that 47 percent Romney dreaded, is what HE got in the way of the popular vote.  Hence the President's margin of victory has grown from two percent to four on final tallying.  Alan West finally conceded in his Florida House race yesterday, when a recount of St. Lucia county or whatever- show that West lost by even more votes than we thought.  Meanwhile Nicole Sandler (who was pushing for the recount they eventually did) states that the 29 year old victor, in fact is a "blue dog" democrat, and his vote won't be that reliable, anyhow.

In other news Elmo of Seseme Street got accused of two sexual molestation charges of a sixteen year old and a fifteen year old teenage boy.  How do you explain to our children that he is "just the voice of Elmo" and not really Elmo in "real life"?  I guess it goes to show people who work on kid's shows have certain natural "proclivities".  They say that people who adopt children sometimes do so for the purpose of molesting them.  I hope they have adequate psychological screening tests for that.  Meanwhile in Santa Monica the grinch who stole Christmas reigns supreme as a Judge ruled that a Nativity Scene would not be erected as it has been for the past sixty years.  People who have little "faith" may still have emotional attachments to such nativity scenes as a pleasent part of their childhoods.  I am one of theese.  My rule is that s symbol or inanimate object cannot "Indoctrinate" you.  I would argue that the "freedom FROM religion amendment- - guarentees freedom from government propaganda and indoctrination (hence oppression) but does not prohibit the "free exercise" of a cultural tradition.  To me the distinction is like night and day.  Money is an object with me now and Dr. Messina just asked me to participate in some "drug research program" because he thought I was a "good candidate to have my scitzophrenic symptums observed and scrutenized by others.  And they would try out various drugs on me that haven't been approved by the FDA.  When informed I'd be paid $75.00 a visit for my troubles I asked "What's in it for them".  And Dr. Messina just said "Oh these pharmasutical companies always do stuff like this.  It's how they get business".  I've watched enough Homer Simpson episodes to know that certain things just aren't worth it - no matter how much you get paid.

They have announced a peace in the mideast as a Cease Fire accord has been agreed upon by both sides brokered by Hillary Clinton in what may be one of her final acts in office.  It is pointed out that Arab getting along with Jew is not news and they co exist wonderfully all the time in the Holy Land, as even Lacude types like Dr. Levy point out when he travels there.  He said his wife might not go on vacation with him if the violence kept up.  So the Peace is good news for marital harmony.  But the thing is that Islam and Judaism and Christianity are all austensively religions of Peace and not war, and unless you're a Neil Savedra type out there - - Peace is by far the preferred, ideal state that is to be striven after.  Fine.  But of course there are extremes of all three religions on their own political right where five factors are held in common by all three.  One is religious exclusivity- - believing God has chosen Them and only Them and everybody else can - -and Does go to Hell.  Dr. Levy has come out against such exclusivity.  He much prefers the "Whatever works for you" notion.  But the next tennant of these three are Violence to solve their problems rather than discussion and negotiation.  People like Gingrich and Romney believe that since Islam is the devil incarnate and out to kill you at the slightest pretence, you can't trust them as far as you can throw a bowling ball.  The third tennant is Homophobia.  You know all about that.  The fourth tennant is their oppressive view of Women.  And the fifth is like unto it.  There is a general hang-up on Sexual Things- - and if these things involve a woman's sexual hygene or health- - the hang-up only intensifies.  I guess it was George Burnes as God who said 'Shame is a horrible thing.  I don't know why I created it".  (Selah)   So the lesson we can take away from this paragraph is Vox Populai - - or the common people know best- - and not those who would be their overlords.  (Selah)  I think there is an evolutionary push forward.  It may be slow but it is inexerable and will not be halted but in the end will eventually win out.  In this we should hope.

.  Before we get into our "final movement" - we have the following song and dance for you from yesterday.  The reading if worth your while or I wouldn't have it here.  I went for coffee in the courtyard and got two cups and again we had bread pudding from Dora.  I had a little “Live and local” on.  Earlier the radio had been off.  We had sloppy Joes for lunch and French fries and catsup, and the coffee at lunch was better.  We had fruit.  We had seconds on sloppy Joes.  I had Randy Rhodes on at noon and watched the soap opera at one.  Marlena may have been cleverly out-manuvered by Christine on the soap opera if she did indeed hire those muggers.  That is suspicious because it was am amazing stroke of coincidence that first a bright woman like Christine would put herself at risk by being mugged in a secluded place, and that Brady would just “happen” to see it, and this mugger would just “happen” to come with a back up with a baseball bat.  Also there was something about the first mugger’s verbalization that sounded suspicious that a real mugger wouldn’t bother with.  Real thieves prize the element of stealth and time, and making a fast escape.  This guy would have flunked mugging 101.  The big with John’s phone didn’t help Marlena’s case any- - - but if I were she I wouldn’t want to be crucified on the basis of a minor “strategic mis-step”, if you know what I mean.  Why can’t John accept that certain offenses are so grevious that to compel forgiveness is to only imperil the relationship with said person, and if that happens to be your wife, that isn’t a good thing, particularly if Christine had her way you wouldn’t have your marriage, in fact you would not even be alive.  Raphael was told about Gabriel’s being pregnant and Samantha made a good job of selling her case.  I agree with everything Samantha said, but I could have not laid it out as well as she did.  They took out the green picnic bench down stairs and I’m wondering why.

Christians are forever touting some "True Blue Faith" or "Original Church" or "Original Gospell" that was never there to begin with.  Yet in Acts they throw a sop to this form is naustalgic idealism in saying that in olden times they held "Love Feasts" and "The believers held all property in common" and loved each other and met each other's need without reservation.  In the book of Revelation is even says that God would remove any church "whose love has gone cold".  That's indicative of the seriousness by which God takes this idea of "Love one another, as I have loved you".  (Selah)  But in contrast to this "True Faith" the heriticks are generally regarded as "Gnostic Sects".  Interestingly one of the earliest herecies is that "Christ never physically existed.  It was all just a projection or a revelation to the faithful" or something- - and since Christ has no substance he could not truely bear our pain or ever hope to truely become as we are.  (Selah)  When this writer refers to Gnosticism - - the reference is most always to Marcionism- - which is an offshoot of Pythagarean Gnosticism.  We have told you in dept what they believe - in the past and how the central focus of their faith is "The One".  (Selah)   But there is another form of Gnosticism that most readers think of when they see the word, and that is Valentinian Gnosticism.  This is very different.  It's kind of an elaborate Greek or at times almost Hindu sounding patheon of creation stories and images and personifications of emotions such as Sophia or wisdom, spoken of in the feminine gender.  There are four male creative forces and four female creative forces all done in this diagram.  Next is the worship of the number "Thirty" which is the sum of all numbers- - - up to eight- - but excluding six, the Satanic number because there "Is" no "sixth letter" in the Greek alphabet, or else one that they don't use.  As you know in our own Federation writings we refer to the Aries "Mu" s as the thirteenth brightest star in Aries, even though Mu is only the twelth Greek letter.  Capish?  Also Valentinus had a desciple named Marcus, who I don't take my blogger name after- - and he had his own group like unto Valentinius.  He brought in the idea of mystic power of letters, and even the letters used in the word NAMES for the letters- - as also giving their own attributes to the rout letter.  Also in Valentinism there is a three part baptism, which may have helped spawned the trinitarian formula used in all "orthodox' Christian baptisms.  The third branch of Gnosticism is the Knights Templer, but also inter-connects a lot of disperate elements.  For instance the worship of the skull of John the Baptist (Skull and Bones) and the Masons of Midevil Europe, and also an early Coptic myth about Christ, or Crestus, being alive and in Rome as late as fifty AD.  And perhaps the upside down "Satanic" cross symbolizes the "distress' symbol or a wrongful death by crucifiction.  This is because one of the varient Gospell of Judas, where Jesus "becomes" Judas, when he is scourged and crucified.  As you know there are three variant versions of how Crestus escaped Roman Justice.  One version says that though his troops lost the battle that Crestus escaped their hands and fled to Egypt.  In another version Crestus pleaded insanity before Pilate, and he let him go as "just a harmless mad man" and in the other version- - - somewhere between the taunting by the Roman troops, and the searious business of what they call the "Roman half-death" scourging- - Jesus became Judas, and it was Judas who died on the cross.  This is the version Stewart Sutcliffe alias "Bones" is an exponent of.  We now move on to number four in our Gnostic patheon, which is Sol Invictus and Mithraism.  This is the one that takes all of the ancient birth and resurrection myths as well as worship of Apollo as the "Unconquered Sun" with a "U" and Roman Legions were attracted to this particular faith and hence it was one form of Gnosticism that was legally sanctioned by the State as kosher for its citizens to practice.  The fifth in this panthion is Nazorean or Nazarite Christianity.  In its original form- - - there was a prohibition against inbibing alcohol and also of eating meat- - or of cutting your hair- - and a belief that "If a woman could become like a Man - - then she could be saved".  So the kicker here is maybe Jesus admired Mary Magdolane  because she "had the potential within her to become like a man",  which raises other questions like in 'Marryanne" by Alice Cooper.  And a prohibition of marriage or at least its discouragement- - - was a feature of this group.  Now Tatian was a desciple of Justin, the Martyr.  Tatian has his own "Gospell" which he called "Through four" or someone points out more accurately "Out of Four".  This would mean that Dianetics translates as "Out of the Mind' rather than "Through the Mind" as I had been told it did.  This Gospell contains some telling- - Omissions.  For instance the story of Jesus forgiving the Adulterous woman- - story is omitted.  One source argues that the line "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" is not in the most ancient texts of Luke.  I could not trace this one down myself because the text became garbled after chapter 29.  But more telling is the fact that there WAS no Roman Cencus by Agustus Ceaser which means Joseph and Mary were not "homeless" and were not turned away because there was no room in the Inn.  Neither were their Animals present at the birth of Jesus, and no less than the Pope agrees with this himself.  Interestingly this form of Christianity took rout in Syria, and Tatian is called "Tatian the Assyrian" rather than identifying him as a Roman.  Like Justin, whom he admired- - Tatian was impressed with their uplifting moral living, but also like Justin, saw himself in the tradition of the Greek Philosopher.  So here are the five branches of Gnosticism.  We at the Federation would call this Centaurian Christianity because the Branch abides in the tree- - and not cutting your hair symbolizes a connection of us - - to the Tree.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Road To Gaza Peace Complicated by Egypt and Turkey

The Israeli-Hamas conflict is putting the Obama administration at odds with two of its most important partners in the Middle East, threatening to undermine other U.S. objectives in the region at a time of political upheaval.   On Monday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, which has frequently served as a moderate voice in the region, described Israel as a “terrorist state” and condemned the airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, which is run by the Islamist group Hamas. Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has warned Israel against a ground invasion and thrown his support behind Hamas’s leadership, sending his prime minister to Gaza.  The growing outcry has exposed the United States to criticism that it has not done enough to press Israel to agree to a cease-fire. The conflict has also created a wedge in relations with officials in Egypt and Turkey and highlighted the limits of U.S. influence in the aftermath of the revolutions that swept the region last year.  Neither the new Islamist government in Egypt nor the established one in Turkey has succeeded in persuading Hamas to cease firing rockets from Gaza into Israel. Jordan — like Egypt, a traditional lever of U.S. influence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — has similarly been unable or unwilling to persuade Hamas militants to stand down.  An Egyptian official on Monday expressed frustration with the role played so far by the United States, which has made no attempt to publicly urge Israel to rein in its airstrikes.  The United States has the most sway with Israel of any “country on Earth,” said the official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing negotiations. “The Israelis would not listen easily to any other voice.”  The Obama administration has pleaded for all sides to “de-­escalate” but has criticized only Hamas. All high-level U.S. diplomacy has been conducted from afar, including phone calls Monday from Obama to Morsi and to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.   International diplomatic efforts for a cease-fire intensified in Cairo, but the United States did not expressly back any plan.  “We don’t practice diplomacy from the podium,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Monday. “We have been very clear that Israel has a right of self-defense. We’ve been very clear that rockets continue to be fired and land on Israel. We’ve been very clear that we are working to try to get this conflict de­-escalated. We have been very clear about our concern for the civilians and innocents on both sides who are getting caught in this.”  The administration, meanwhile, has tried to tread carefully with Egypt and Turkey. It is seeking to recalibrate relations with the former in the wake of the election of an Islamist leader, while relying on the latter as its main diplomatic bulwark against further deterioration of the situation in Syria.  U.S. officials have supported both countries as possible peacemakers in Gaza but abstained from criticism of their embrace of Hamas.

There are two food inspection stories floating about.  One involves sea food substitutions such as imitation crab for real brand- and a strange fish for tuna, which some people are allergic to, and they aren’t informed it isn’t tuna.  And it was crayfish instead of lobstar.  The other story involved Donald Trump’s restaurant.  It seems there were fifty one major health violations upon the most routine of inspections.  The Trumpster has not responded yet.   Stock prices were sharply up today as the D J I rose over two hundred points in a belief “that a fiscal cliff agreement will be reached”.   Christmas shopping business is generally up and small gift shops in Los Angeles are prospering as today’s customers seek those “out of the usual” gifts.  Of course in Pasadena, commerce would be much improved around town if the city council would approve a football team renting the stadium for “a period of up to five years”.  Pasadena had previously said they did not want a permanent team at the Rose Bowl.  But of course there are those little old ladies with hat pins showing up at the meeting saying that all of the new traffic noise would disturb their cats, or something.  But they would sure be helping Los Angeles out.

Just who plays in the Pac Ten NCAA championship game depends on how the Ducks and the Beavers do, and they were talking about this on KPOJ this morning.  In fact this conversation was more interesting than what Ed Schultz had on today.  But Stanford and UCLA and USC all have a role to play in this complicated outcome.  Meanwhile the exclusive domain of men has been conquered by a woman named “Christmas”.  She is a young attractive member of an auto racing pit crew.  The experts agree that she performs her duty within milliseconds of the best of the men.  Meanwhile young teenage boys are buffing out more ad some ninety percent say that they regularly work out now.  And sixteen percent have experimented with steroids.  We already told you about that new testosterone deodorant that you can buy over the counter now, apparently.  Meanwhile women are holding ‘shirt sniffing parties” because sniffing a man’s shirt is using what they believe is the truest way to find true love – using the sense of smell.

I went down to the med line and Judy locked the room up just before she got to me because of some emergency down the hall.  She said she would only be three minutes, and for once she was right.  She came back just after three minutes had passed.  I got a tuna sandwich, which should keep me from starving.  Then I went out to the west bench and looked all around and Andy, who was lying on a bench - - offered me a cigarette and I accepted.  This whole ten percent of your brain myth has been exploded.  I’ve been hearing since the ‘sixties that you don’t use ninety percent of your brain, but scientists have shown that’s not true.  You use ALL of your brain.  In fact if there are brain cells you DON”T use, the die.  Just think- the saying “Use it or lose it’ is accurate.  Also the allusion to right wingers being “brain dead’ is also accurate.  Of course Rush Limbaugh had admitted going out the gate he only uses half of his brain, which means that the other fifty percent of his brain has long since died.  I think the reason why I still feel the same about my “interveners” during my alcoholism is that my brain cells did NOT die, and I still bear the bad memories of all those jerks around me who were doing more harm than good by their actions tword me.  Of course Thom Hartman had his “demylanizsation” theory, in which case a woman who has just given birth to a child- - “usually” forgets how awful it was once she sees the baby.  But if I were a woman, I’m probably remember it all, and just how awful it was to go through- and vow it was something I’d never go through again.

Now there is a group called YELP that is kind of a “watch dog” pardon the pun, of other computer outfits that for a fee will give a company a glowing business review.  Of course this shouldn’t bother people as ethically impared as Mitt Romney or anyone on Wall Street.  But now they say that criminal investigations may be in order, and the more riff-raff we can get out of commerce, the better, in my opinion.  The news featured their annual bit about “the total cost of a Thanksgiving dinner, with all the trimmings” at various food markets.  They say they are mistreating their “butter ball turkeys” because they shove and bash them around.  What would the turkeys prefer- - a butler in a tuxedo escorting them to their cages?  In Monte Carlo you need a foreign passport to gamble, because the native citizens aren’t allowed to gamble.  What kind of poetic justice is that???  Bay leaves used to be chewed in olden times.  I knew cumin was used in chili powder.  That’s what made mom’s chili better than so many others.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Behind That Locked Door

It is said many people are prisoners of our own minds.  There is that Peter and Gorden song "Please Lock me Away, and don't allow the Day inside, where I sit with my loneliness".    You know, I thought these tea party people would slink away like a whipped dog with their tails between their legs.  Instead they one and all are acting as though they had won the election on the sixth, rather than having lost.  And personally I am not one bit happy about the narrowness of our margins.  But you have people like Senator Lindsey Graham today of South Carolina coming on the Meet the Press show, and in just a few minutes - makes more fantastic statements than you can shake a stick at.  First of all the Senator stated that Susan Rice has to lie to the American people because to tell the truth she then knew would "Destroy the narritive that the Obama has been working on for months that Al Qaeda was destroyed by the death of Bin Laden and other events where we got ahead of the game- like nabbing the Christmas underwear bomber.  Lindsey says that Obama directly leaked all sorts of classified information to make his administration appear more macho and brag about how many of the enemy is destroyed.  Of course the President particularly wanted to keep "The Truth" under wraps before the election.  This raises the question of "If that is the case- - how come the Obama administration came forth in mid October and told us the actual truth"?  Lindsey raised this other point that people in Libya have been asking for increased security for months now and repeatedly denied it.  But those on liberal talk radio point out that the Republican congress themselves- - defunded a lot of security measures that the administration wanted.  And as to who Susan Rice would say what she did, there IS the matter of classified information.  Now in a bout of inconsistency,  Lindsey Graham WANTS this administration to divulge classified information, even, apparently if it hurts the efforts to find out which terrorist group really did it.  

In terms of this whole fiscal cliff thing let me make what my position as President of the United States perfectly clear on the matter.  I would be perfectly happy is NOTHING were done, and the provisions agreed on in a Bi-Partisan agreement (that word they love to use) a year ago August- - if all those fall-back provisions go into effect that will be fine with me.  But since I am the President I'll be a nice guy.  I would tell the Republicans that almost ANY position is negotiable except for ONE.  And the key provision hell would freeze over before I'd ever bend on- - is letting the Bush tax cuts expire for those earning over $250.000 or that rarified top five percent of the income earners.  I'd never give on this issue.  After all as President I campaigned Twice on this issue making it a key point in my campaign speeches.  The American people have spoken and I have a mandate on this issue.  Besides in polls in excess of sixty percent of the American people agree with me on this issue.  The rich have to do their part to help America in this time of need.  As to the idea of increasing the Defense budget as the Republicans want to do - - I would argue that the military themseleves do not want these hikes- - and it's all to make a few fat cat military contractors rich.  We don't need that.  I would remind the people that Harry Truman was appointed to a special comittee during world war II dedicated to the proposition that "Nobody shall profit from this present distress we are in".  Other people have pointed out that Republican did not always mean big business.  Because big business LIKES big government because of all the goodies THEY get from government.  This is why I made that little joke about Mitt Romney musing "Zero percent tax rate.  I don't know.  That seems a little high".  Big business is used to better.  Many Republicans have come out and condemned Romney's remarks both before and after the election as far as the government's relation to the "under-side of society" so to speak.   If Karl Rove and Sheldon Addelson continue to press this issue- - they will render the Republicans on the losing end of a lot of subsequent elections.  (Selah)  And now here are a bunch of other remarks made Saturday.
Most of the material in this paragraph is about politics.  Right now it’s the University of Oregon verses Stanford are playing in Eugene, under sporadic rainy skies.  It became clear I would go nuts looking for a cigarette and so decided to “end the drought” by taking my last two silver dollars and spending them on a pack of cigarettes.  If saving that money was for a “rainy day” today it is.  I went to the liquor store and bought a pack of John Black grape.  Then I watched the entire Friday show of Chris Matthews and then straddling after dinner was Willy Brown and that lady talking about the real reasons why Romney lost.  There are three different explanations.  Either the votes were stolen being voter fraud like Judy says.  Romney says the votes were bought.  Paul Ryan says we just didn’t try enough in the Urban areas that turned out heavily.  Governor Christy and also Haley Barber of Mississippi and Bobby Gendle, and Marco Rubio have all come out against Governor Romney.  But there is one transcendant sobering fact and that is that Romney got too damn close to winning the popular vote on a national basis, for any liberal to feel comfortable.  Matthews had one guest that stated that the average working class stiff is being systematically looted by corporations.  Because there was that memo of Supreme Court Justice Louis Powell, that said business was getting screwed in the ‘seventies by the Unionists, the women, and the racial minorities.  So they even the playing field beginning in the latter part of the Carter Administration.  They put their people into 401 K’s rather than have a regular pension system because it saved corporations enormous amounts of money.  If George Bush had gotten his way with privatizing social security a lot of older people would be in the poor house now.

Mike Deletore says he pan handled in front of the Bakery and got money for a cup of coffee and cigarettes, and offered me one, thinking I was still desperate.  Mike in Dr. Levy’s class had stated that today was his last day here and he was leaving for good in a few hours with friends.  We had that tomato based beef and pasta casserole, with carrots and a green salad.  We had tapioca pudding for desert and Laura made it around the room with seconds on the casserole that I was sure glad to see.  It meant I wouldn’t starve tonight.  However if Paul and Judy had picked tonight to invite me to dinner at their house I would have accepted in a heart beat.  Eye Witness News gets just that brief interlude before five.  I haven’t decided whether I’ll post tonight but as of now I’m leaning in favor of not doing it.  Perswading the masses out there depends on more influential people besides me, such as Chris Matthews, and that guest, who wrote that book he had on.  This is later and now we’ve got duck weather here, too, because it has begun sprinkling.  Donnie had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for us and I got mine down the hall.  KNBC would rather have “Extra” than NBC Nightly News, apparently.

The President spoke at 7:06 but the Republicans at 8:06 did not seem entirely adverse to a compromise.  However I wish both sides wouldn’t use the term “fiscal cliff”.  It’s inaccurate. Dr. Levy convened the class at ten after eight.  He did not have coffee for me as he had implied, and he left his wallet at home.  Neither did he have any breakfast bars.  He had promised both.  Neither did he have any sort of lesson plan.  We talked about the Gaza and Israel situation and that issue is clarified for me a little.  I never knew that the port of Heifa was to the north.  In my mind I mixed it up with Joppa in the Bible.  This class session was a bigger bunch of nothing than usual.  He joked about people having multiple Jewish birthdays and multiple Chinese birthdays.  He confirmed that when you’re born in China you’re already considered one year old.  This should give them a disadvantage in the Olympics or more specifically, age related athletic competition.  We found out that the Vince guy and Joe Drisco and Dr. Levy all lived in Chicago.  He asked about other teachers here “hired by the college district”.  Dr. Levy did not even have any change in his car, he says.  And he spent what he had on a cup of coffee.  It was the CO Q 10 and resveritrol thing on KTLK, trotted around the block once more.  I was looking forward to Melinda Lee and the Thanksgiving segment, but I fell asleep and missed most of it.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Are Israel and the PLO Headed for War?

We know that Hammas and the PLO have been firing rockets into Israel in places like Tel Aviv sixty miles away for months, but that a huge number of the incidents have occurred within the past few days, and ABC news made it sound like we were headed for war any day now.  There are complaints about firing in civilians from both sides and thirty Palistinians in Gaza have been killed in the last two days.  People like Judy think it's all a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.  Actually the people in Gaza in particular and the West Bank in general have been slighted and given inferior status in kind of a foreigner Aparteit.  The Obama Administration appears to have taken little interest in the war but if we believe people on the Right, they want to intervene on behalf of the PLO to keep Israel from wiping them out.  Meanwhile Netenyahoo states that Israel's response has been "restrained" and directed only at "targets".  We'll all just have to stay tuned.  Mal and Stu say that astrological indicators are more sympathetic to the PLO than one might think just by looking at the evidence.

John Mc Cain and Linesey graham today advocated for a special select Senate comittee to investigate why the Obama administration "lied" about the four deaths in Bengazi two months ago.  If they want to organize such a committee naturally I'd be curious to watch.  It seems General Petrayas testified behind closed doors today and so the hearing was not carried on C-Span but only the interviews done on it afterwards.  Some are saying that Petrayas was "set up" and it's a plot by the Republicans to "make the military look bad" in case the US is needed in another war.  Personally I think the whole scandal will blow over- eventually.  I used Lindsey Graham's photo rather than the one of Mc Cain taken the same time, because that image looks a little sharper to me.

British Petroleum was fined a lot of money by the federal government in what ammounts to a slap on the wrist because whatever they are fined is pocket change to them since they are so rich.  Eleven workers were killed and that makes it at least second degree murder right there in my oppinion because these men had a virtual death sentense imposed on them from the glairing, known unsafe working conditions.  They should at least be barred from drilling for a year and be barred from any new federal government leases.  Some have suggested the "corporate death plenalty".  Of course Corporations have become more blatent in their contempt for their workers.  Papa John's pizza wants to fire a lot of workers and cut hours and salaries in some sort of misplaced protest against the Affordable Care act.  And now Denny's is getting into the act with cut backs in hours and salaries of their workers. The thing is - corporations are far from languishing considering that common stock prices have doubled since Obama took office.  But you don't hear the tea party talking about that. Meanwhile Hostess is going out of business, and I suppose many health freaks would call it good riddance to bad rubbish.  Personally I'll miss their fruit pies, and some times i even buy their chocolate cream filled cup cakes.  Of course Wonderbread has always been a nutritional disaster.  Who would have guess what a trend Chick Filet started last summer with their politicization of commerce?

I'll be routing for USC in tomorrow's crosstown rivelry against UCLA, played at the Rose Bowl.  If USC wins they say they go to the Pac Twelve Championship game, which makes little sense to me.  So all USC has to do is win a game they've won five times in a row already to get lucky and get to go.  Of course the usual Federation friends of mine are routing for USC.  Today I thought would be a lucky day for me, Friday November 16th because that item I thought was stolen was returned this afternoon, and even before that happened, a certain ammount of fence mending was going on.  I'm glad I don't have to even think about moving now because I would have to give up most of the friends here I've accrewed the past ten or more years.  And I've still got my vinyl record collection over at Dr. Levy's house.  On this date November 16th of 1973 I bought a certain album- - and you regular readers of mine know which one that is.

We are surprised by the adverse metamorphisus that occurs in real life people like John Mc Cain, so that now they bear little resenblance to the person they once were.  But also in soap land they can get even major predictable characters such as John Black.  He's willing to let a highly manipulative and dangerous women he was once in love with undermine his marriage, and trusts her words and her judgements over and above those of his own wife, who any other time he would trust inplicitly.  We know that the tea party wants you NOT to trust the traditional things, uplifting things, perhaps things you learned in school or from your main stream Protestent church of old, that you have trusted in - - - but now you have developed a sudden amnesia of "who you are" as if your entire higher reasoning centers had been made inopperative - - - to make your mind an "empty vessel" to be filled up with whatever propaganda they choose to fill it with.  To use computer lingo, it's as though your very Mind had been "hacked" by some virus writer - - - which many say enters through some "moment of unconcious trauma" through some personal "mental black hole" that you are not even consciously aware of. And you know that a lot of this is dog whistle and subcontious- - and subliminal reinforcements of prejudices you thought were long and burried but now have been fanned anew into a raging inferno.  The tea party can't tempt me in this way- - but it seems there are an awful lot of closet biggots out there.  I was disconcerted to find out that even though women at large are for Obama that married women 53% or just over half of them, voted for Romney.  So somehow they fill the stereotype of the mindless 'stepford wife" that believes whatever her husband TELLS her is true.  She is in Pastor Mark's termanology "her covering" that envelops and protects her from the Reality of the World that she might somehow find "upsetting".  Kind of like Charles Boyer did to Ingred Bergman in "Gaslight" in a more beneign form.  Many married women view themselves as either nor worth or able to think for themselves, and so like a trained parrot- - they repeat every sick prejudice and ignorant belief of their overseer husbands.  (Selah)

Submitted For Your Scruteny

  • The Obama campaign accepted at least some foreign campaign cash – willingly and knowingly. The campaign website could have prohibited it. It did not. In other words, it deliberately left open the door for illegal foreign contributions in its “by any means necessary” quest for re-election. WND has proven that by actually contributing under the name Osama bin Laden from a Pakistani IP address, with a phony physical address and other neon-lit red flags in hopes of catching attention. Obama accepted illegal foreign contributions in 2008 without penalty, so why would anyone expect him not to repeat his crime in 2012? No one can know the extent of the fraud, because Obama has refused to release the identity of donors of $200 or less – yet he boasts that most of the money he collected was in small amounts.
  • James O’Keefe and Project Veritas spent months heroically proving the absolute willingness and eagerness of Democratic operatives to commit voter fraud – especially by having people cast multiple votes.
  • Military ballots were systematically denied active-duty servicemen and women around the world. This would be a scandal if it happened once. But it has become the norm when Democrats are in charge of the Defense Department. It would be a scandal if it were due to incompetence. But it appears to be a deliberate effort to suppress the military vote. It would be a scandal if it were not a close election. But it was.
  • Prior to the election, Democrats fought for open voting requiring no identification – particularly photo ID. Coincidentally, Obama won every state that didn’t fully require photo ID to vote. Democrats contended that voter ID laws suppress the vote. But they do not. They only suppress the illegal vote.
  • Across Philadelphia, GOP poll inspectors were forcibly (and illegally) removed from polling locations. Coincidentally (or not), Obama received “astronomical” numbers in those very same regions, including locations where he received “over 99 percent” of the vote. Ward 4, which also had a poll watcher dressed in Obama attire, went massively for Obama. Obama received 99.5 percent of the vote, defeating Romney 9,955 to 55.
  • Obama also won 99.8 percent of the vote in 44 Cleveland districts. In another Ohio county, Obama won with 108 percent of the voters registered.
  • Obama received 10 million fewer votes than he did in 2008. Romney received 3 million fewer votes than McCain. Obama won in the four critical swing states by a grand total of 500,000 votes.
  • Some 5 million independents changed their votes from Obama to Romney in 2012. So Romney started the day 2.5 million votes ahead of where McCain was in 2008, as Jack Wheeler points out. This means that 5.5 million Republican voters are not accounted for. Either they didn’t show up at the polls or their votes were not counted. Does anyone believe there was less enthusiasm by Republicans about this election than for the one in 2008?
I could go on and on, but you get the point. In such a close election, these anomalies are unacceptable. In an election in which all the voter fraud appears to be perpetrated by one side, it could more than make the difference in the race. Worse yet, will an unscrupulous party that would resort to such crimes to win ever permit another free and fair election in the future – especially if the crimes are not exposed and punished severely?  I believe going into the election that at least 5 percent of the Democratic vote would be fraudulent. That would mean Republicans would have to out-perform Democrats by 6 percent to win. I suspect now I was too conservative in my projections of about the expected level of criminality perpetrated by Obama’s Democrats.  Remember from where Obama arose. He was a community organizer and attorney for ACORN, which is nothing but an organized crime front with a focus on throwing elections.
Do I think Obama won fair and square? No. I think he won only because of systematic fraud, corruption and abuse in the 2012 election.  Very likely, it would not have even been a close election had Obama not made cheating – in every conceivable way – the central component of his campaign effort.
Is there anything we can do about it now?  Not likely.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Our Rice is Better than Your Rice

Sometimes these Tea Party people can be shameless in their hypocracy.  Mitt Romney would have us all feel sorry for him because he's apparently "too poor to be generous" like his competetors.  And he regards people who pay into their own pension funds and health care by way of payroll deductions as "Freeloaders".  Judy reittered her odious remark to me that "I've never met a really rich person who didn't work hard.  The idea that they don't is just an ugly roomer spread by the socialist left".  And she again repeated that "since the rich are the Job Creaters, if they are taxed until they are poor they will lose all incentive to be productive".  I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard it. As you know Hillary Clinton will be leaving her post at secretary of state, which will necessitate the filling of the vacancy.  Therefore the current UN Secretary Rice, as in the case of that other Rice, is up before congress being grilled by the likes of John Mc Cain.  Randy Rhodes points out that Mc Cain was not entire adverse to torture because he supported that General Mc Crystal guy who engeneered the Pat Tillman fraud on the military and the public, to the heartbreak of the berieved family members.  And John Mc Cain turned his back on the Tillman family after Tillman died, because the whole topic was too political and Mc Cain had a run for the presidency to worry about.  Of course many such as this writer believe John Mc Cain lost all credibility with us when he picked Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate.  But Randi was playing clips of Condeliza Rice at a hearing about 9 - 11.  She was really arrogant and cocky as a witness.  She would not answer a question directly and took offence when it was demanded that she do so.  She admitted that she had three months of memos and warnings that Al Qaeda was in the United States and planning an attack soon.  She then lied and denied she just said this.  Contrast this "three months" cover up with the supposed two weeks "cover up" that President Obama is supposedly guilty of with the Bengazi killings.  Secretary Rice went on and on about alluminum tubing which "could only be used to make nuclear bombs".  Someone said that this aluminum "tubing" was to be used as lawn furniture.  Yeah, that sounds like a really dangerous weapon to me!  And Rice went on to say that "we know Saddam Husseins plans to build a Bomb are far along, and we were pretty sure he'd nave an opperating nuclear device inside of six months.  That's been a really long six months.  Then she made her classic remark of, "We didn't want the smoking gun to turn out to be a nuclear mushroom cloud".  Of course now people like Judy are claiming that we are going to get into an all out war with Israel and the PLO "very soon" and "the media is not reporting the story".  It was news to me.  The election has not stopped Judy from saying strange things.  Now she is claiming voter fraud and that many people in the ghetto voted twice.  She then related this story about going into a "bad part of New Orleans they warned not to go" and having to be escorted out by a grinning Black cop.  The funny thing is I heard the identical story from Dr. Levy.  It seems this day they were holding an election and people were blatent about voting twice.  Judy said "The were letting people vote this time who aren't even registered".  And then we have Glen Beck's flights of fantasy about how this whole David Petrayas thing is "a set up" of course engineered by the Democrats "to make the military look bad" so in that way "If we do have to get into a war the American people will have been made so suspicious they won't trust the military".  Randy Rhodes went on to defend people far from home having sexual affairs because "In a war time situation - - you just aren't the same person you would otherwise be".  I suppose that's how General Eisenhower explained it.

"Fellow recruits.  How come the Army football team doesn't have ice for the players on the sidelines?  Answer:  Because the player who had the recipee graduated"

A little boy was by the curb playing with a pile of shit with his bare hands.  A woman saw him and asked the little boy "What are you doing?"  The boy answered, "I'm building an N C O".  The woman went away distressed and found a police officer, and the officer came up and approached the young tot.  He asked the little boy "What are you doing".  The little boy answered him, "I'm building an N C O".  The officer asked him, "But why are you doing that?"  The little boy answered "Sir!  Because I don't have enough CRAP bu build a comissioned officer"

A Sunday school teacher taught her class, "Nobody knows God's name".  One little boy said, "Oh I know His name.  Don't you know?  It's Andy".  "Andy???"  "That's right.  Because it says in the church hymn, "I come to the garden alone, Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me, Andy tells me I'm his Own"..

Someone asked "What do you think of J W's.  Do you think you can trust them?  The other person said, "Generally you can.  Just don't wave an American Flag in front of them.  It freaks them out for some reason".

One tea party member said after the major loss to President Obama the day after election.  "You know I really can't stand being polled.  I never did".  The other guy said, "Well you can't blame the other side.  You tea party people are such big assholes no wonder they feel tempted to ram a pole up that gaping oriface"

As you may or not know there was anther major theft of my property by the proprietors of this establishment, which is the second time in the past six weeks or so.  One just has to wonder now when the third attack will be.  It's a good thing I haven't had more complaints over the years because their apathy when you actually do encounter a problem is astounding, and everybody else is used to it.  I always try and tell new people when they arrive "Don't nag the staff.  That doesn't work around here' and long time residents know it.  You know some say "It's only property" but in reality it's the relationship of trust between about three people that is now broken down.  One of them did the act, and two others I believe were involved in an elaborate scheme of lying and misleading.  Once theft by staff is considered standard opperating procedure- - there really is little remedy but to move, and moving is such a big hassle and I'd rather not do it, if there is any way to rationalize NOT doing it.  Of course other things bug me like even when the heater is working OK, they just turn it off and let it get cold in here.  Or at meals being the last table served is a real bummer.  And what is most destressing is when there is a long lag just before they get to the last tables, and then they announce that they've run out of coffee or something.

This paragraph is a fresh geography lesson in the Cosmos.  I was informed today that there are a bunch of groups popular in the mid 'seventies, that are all associated with the same planet.  These are Foghat,  Thin Lizzy, ZZ Top,  Golden Earing, and the Doobie Brothers.  It seems their home star is in the constelation of Gemini.  But they call themselves Centaurians- - - the "true centaurians" even they are no where near beta Centaurius.  Mal Evans pointed out to me a number of bold face lies representatives of this group have told me not only in the past 24 hours, but also over the past year.  The analogy is one, as they see it as "The Reorganized Mormon Church" located in Missouri or something.  They claim that the Centaurians' involvement with the Edomites is a phenominon extending only back to the fall of 1965 but Mal Evans says the association has been around for close to two thousand years.  (Just a minor descrepency)  But this particular group is also fifty percent Andromeda E.  This group doesn't have that many name representatives in the Rock world, George Thorogood is perhaps the best example, and Country Joe and the Fish, and Canned Heat are others.  In terms of other races the Andromeda E's are progenators of these include type one and type two of the White Andromedans - - one is Crestorian and the other is Crestorian and Romulan also. Also of the "Del Rio" group, which in term is a progenator of the Lucacites.  Apparently they have the nickname of "the doobies" in the Federation tongue.  Mal Evans doesn't like them and we tend to avoid them in our rock compilations, but they are the staple music of stations such as KLOS.  By the way three "Beatlejuice B" groups J C was NOT into are Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, and Steely Dan.  Now today's "dumb question".  Remember that skit about "Who's on First" and "Guess Who is on second".  Now, does anybody out there want to tell me a group J C was into that was Not a "B"?

Now we are into the math segment.  I'm not sure how long this paragraph will be.  Basically I just want to impart "a few simple concepts".  First of all - - I'm not some math genious trying to freak anybody else out with what the don't know.  I'm just one bone head talking with other bone heads attempting to impart a little information they may find helpful.  I know what a bear these math articles are to study.  And you might want to check back tomorrow to see if I've tweaked anything I might not have stated right this time around.  As you know there are four "moments" of statistics.  This means with these four things you can know anything there is to know.  The first "moment" is the median.  Some would say it should be the Node or peak but I'll tell you why.  With a small sample there may be a statistical glitch as to where the most frequent occurance is, but in a large sample, logic as well as experiance teaches that the "peak" of the curve is very close to or not exactly the same as the Median.  The Median is a vertical media line  in an area or "center of gravity" between the two halves.  Remember in statistics, picture the space below the data line as a bunch of human faces looking back as you.  The median has just as many faces on one side as on the other.  Now the Mean is another kind of average but this may be Skewed.  Skewing is the second "moment" we want to talk about.  It usually is a positive skew with the stretching out on the right side of the Median.  Most likely a skewed graph has if you will an "uneven kurtosis".  this is another "moment".  That is- - in a positively skewed graph- - the right side will have a higher kurtosis than the left.  Picture random data as pouring sand and you don't know where it's going but you never move the spout.  It will form a cone. Now picture a bunch of ants in the sand having what to them is some powerful leaf blower.  They blow the sand to the right thus extending the point of the right side of the cone.  But the secret is- - they only have the sand on the Right side of the median line to play with, and not the left.  Capish?  I believe an argument can be made that random number data is like pouring some sand on a surface and having it naturally spread out to form a perfect cone?  What say you?  In my data model BASIC program on random IQ score distribution, I have one that forms a concave cone or chocolate candy kiss shape.  Capish?  We're going to revisit this form a bit later.  The other "moment" we'll just say is "standard deviation" and we aren't talking about that one.  This is the "latitude" or sideways spread of the overall data.  Some would say that amplitude should be a measurement.  Amplitude can be adjusted to anything that's necessary like turning up the volume of a weak radio station.  I'd like to talk about projections just a bit.  Images can be identical except for Projection.  You may have pure size increase or decrease- - - or you may stretch it in one direction as in vertical amplitude.  You can also distort (modify) an image by using either a geometric or logarithmic model.  Many say that geometric increase and logarithmic increase is identical.  They aren't.  Logarithmic is more radical than gemometric, and if you're an electrical engineer you better darn well know that.  By the way FM stations have amplitude.  So does digital.  Because without amplitude you couldn't receive the station, and the more amplitude or decible gain - - the better.  Capish?  Now I'd like to talk about how projections can "adjust reality to something more pleasing".  For instance you can change that Hershey's candy kiss back into a pure cone of fallen sand by jerry rigging the latitudinal projections to make the geographic laditudinal space perportional to the incidents of data.  Or stated conversely - - the number has marks would increase inversely perportional to the incidence of the data.  So that this would take the "points' off of the triangle.  That's the practical effect.  On my IQ test thing I have a maximum score possible of 138.  At least I'm honest enough to say that the test won't measure higher than that so presumably 138 is a perfect paper.  So there is nothing above 138 so why bother to show it?  But the numbers in the center would be a lot further apart.  Now picture another "scaling" example.  Take the root formulas for both natural and hyperbolic trig.  There is nothing "mythical" about a positive four in ordenary trig.  It's just an arbitrary formula number to make a point.  And most likely I have placed too much stake in "The number one" in hyperbolic trig.  As it were mystical or something like in Gnosticism or Borg theology.  Because when you plot those two symmetrical hyperbolic curves of the hyperbolic formula- - the size of that curve - - - is wholly contingent of the arbitrary number at the end of the formula.  If you take out the ONE and make it a TEN, then Ten will suddenly become that "mystical" number.  Capish?  So the curve of the hyperbolas are ones of scaling.  Getting back to the candy kisses one- - some would say "Wouldn't people get suspicious seeing the lines farther apart at the center than the edges?  Well, what about your standard map of the world where the opposite occurs.  Why does Greenland look so darned big and yet retain the same basic shape that is posesses on a Globe?  That's one of those mysteries of life.  It all comes back to that thing about "making reality more esthetically pleasing to look at".  The thing is with the hyperbolic curve- - you only get that perfect ninety degree arc- - - by logarithmically incrementing the numbers.  This is the last question I'm going to answer.  "Does it Matter what the Base of the Log is.  Does it have to be Base E?"  Not for the line hashing.  The thing is with logarithmic graph projections, the base "can be anything you want".  Indeed the reason why a slide rule even Works is because "the log base can be anything you want".  Perhaps you should medicate on this truth right now.  I'm done.  And I don't think I screwed up.