The Twelve Pains of Christmas
Singing Christmas Carols
Stale TV dinner Special
Wrapping Christmas Presents
Finding a Parking Place
The Whiney Kid
Facing My In-Laws
Five Months of Bills
Sending Christmas Cards
Stringing Up the Lights- - - and
Finding a Christmas Tree
Stale TV dinner Special
Wrapping Christmas Presents
Finding a Parking Place
The Whiney Kid
Facing My In-Laws
Five Months of Bills
Sending Christmas Cards
Stringing Up the Lights- - - and
Finding a Christmas Tree
They featured this song on Christmas comedy in Yahoo Music. Actually six of these don't even belong on this listing. Personally I regard facing my in-laws a blessing rather than a curse at this point, and many other items on this list I'd call the blessings of Christmas. The reason why I'm even talking about Christmas is that time for me had kind of stopped. I was scheduled to go with the family on December 29th. but the day before came down with a bad flu virus and notibly a cough that "Keeps on hanging on" to paraphraise the Vanilla Fudge. Of course the reason why I'm sick is because I was stressed out to begin with and my system is just "run-down". If you're Stevie Wonder or the people in Grinchville I guess you don't care whether you have "Christmas" or not but for the rest of us it can be downright stressful. My brother was going to come over with my gifts. I have a gift probably worth twenty dollars and perhaps more- - to give to him. But I know there are a lot of machinations at work with our family. Of course time has also stopped when it comes to things like getting the bathroom sink worked on. The faucet leaks- - badly, and getting worse- - and the area under the sink is ruined due to leakage, and the toilet also needs a simple part replacement. The other night I had a coughing fit that was so bad I didn't think it would ever stop. I felt like I was being water-borded. I wasn't ready to die just yet. Other people around here have died, and nobody asked their permission to take their lives. For breakfast this morning we had the thinnest cream of wheat this side of a Dickens classic. We had one bagel, one sausage, a small OJ and one not entirely full cup of coffee. And that's the way life is around here. The place sounds like a T B ward with people hacking their brains out spreading germs and not being given needed cough medicine. This week my doctor is on vacation sipping Mai Tais on the beach in Hawaii.
My message to God at this point is, "You shall receive no sign from me except the sign of the Cherokee Nation". Because the Cherokee's were one tribe who wanted to learn White ways and assimilate white culture. Their young were taught English and their people became literate and even dressed like Whites. They even owned Negro slaves like White people. But then came along that traitor Andrew Jackson. The Cherokee people had fought bravely with him in battle in the past against the Creek Indians. But to repay them in 1928 he ran on a platform of exiling the Cherokee people from their land and in 1838 there was the "trail of tears" as the Cherokee people were relocated to Oklahoma during one of the coldest winters they've ever had. I think the message to God is clear. When you're a Christian you lose your identity to the person who "peddled" the faith to you in a pyramid ponsie scheme. It doesn't matter how many times you've confessed Jesus because once you're cut off from your Source, there is no way you can contact God because THEY control you're contact with God because it's THEIR God and not yours to begin with. Jesus once told the Jews, "You shall receive no sign but the sign of Jonah". I would guess that Jesus wasn't doing miracles this day. But I happened to think that there are few people Jesus resembles less than Jonah. How about "Why couldn't Jesus have been more like Jonah", as an explosive sermon title? Jonah was a rebel who was "corrected" by God. God made it clear to Jonah just who was God and the proper relation of humility between them. When did Jesus do this? When Jonah preached to a people he personally despized, the Assyrians, they repented. God told Jonah "Get over it". When Jesus preached to the Jews, a people and culture he personally despized- - it was merely a prelude to their inilation forty years later. Jesus on KFI said "Being humble means being put to shame" or something like that. But I say unto you that being humble is realizing you simply are not in control of the events in your own life. When did this ever apply to Jesus of Nazareth? (Selah)
Moving on to a happier topic the Iowa caucuses were held last night and Obama won. A Black came in first place with 38% or something with Edwards at 30% and Hillary in at 29%. They say an alltogether younger crowd came to the Iowa caucuses. In the Republicans is it was an up or down winner take all vote. With the democrats if your selection did not get fifteen percent of the vote, you had to have a "second choice". And Kasinitch and others may have made "deals" with Obama to make Obama their 2nd. choice. Obama would be the Jack Kennedy of this generation if he's able to rise to the occasion. A broad horizon has been placed before him, and now the question is whether he is able to rise to the challenge. Hubkibee won among the Republicans with Romney in at second and Thompson at third. Romney spent all that time and money in Iowa with nothing to show for it. Huckibee symbolizes change among the Republicans. Some are now saying that Michael Bloomberg will be announcing for President any day now and that he still plans to place Chuck Hagel as his vice president. I won't say for the other democratic candidates like Joe Byden or Chris Dodd to drop out right now. They still have something to say, and they should stay in the race merely to keep the other candidates sharp.
In terms of Auld Lang Sine, the words "Lang" and "Zein" are actual words on the old Sirius A Federation. "Lang" means "Old" but not the kind of obsolete "old" as in "Old Sirius - - " but rather an "old" meaning been around a long time. "Zein" means "desire" among the Sirius A people and the Sirius A Romulins. But the Romulins on Regelus V or Denelus II and IV don't like that word one bit because they say it refers to the blueness of the "Druanian" gene (that we've talked about before) Among Romulans they don't ask you "Are you Jewish?" but rather, "Are you bluish?" Indeed the first year of the ZAC it was called the Zionisum Analisis Committee" due to this Romulan influence. The Sirius people say that the word "Zein" is kind of like "Dezign" in English and demotes imagination, and there is nothing at all racial about the word. - - - They've sent stuff in the E mail that says the Antarians have the biggest star of all. This may be why the Federation was afraid of them four thousand years ago. Contrary to that mailing- - Reigel is seen as outshining "Betelguese". I may have more another time.
My message to God at this point is, "You shall receive no sign from me except the sign of the Cherokee Nation". Because the Cherokee's were one tribe who wanted to learn White ways and assimilate white culture. Their young were taught English and their people became literate and even dressed like Whites. They even owned Negro slaves like White people. But then came along that traitor Andrew Jackson. The Cherokee people had fought bravely with him in battle in the past against the Creek Indians. But to repay them in 1928 he ran on a platform of exiling the Cherokee people from their land and in 1838 there was the "trail of tears" as the Cherokee people were relocated to Oklahoma during one of the coldest winters they've ever had. I think the message to God is clear. When you're a Christian you lose your identity to the person who "peddled" the faith to you in a pyramid ponsie scheme. It doesn't matter how many times you've confessed Jesus because once you're cut off from your Source, there is no way you can contact God because THEY control you're contact with God because it's THEIR God and not yours to begin with. Jesus once told the Jews, "You shall receive no sign but the sign of Jonah". I would guess that Jesus wasn't doing miracles this day. But I happened to think that there are few people Jesus resembles less than Jonah. How about "Why couldn't Jesus have been more like Jonah", as an explosive sermon title? Jonah was a rebel who was "corrected" by God. God made it clear to Jonah just who was God and the proper relation of humility between them. When did Jesus do this? When Jonah preached to a people he personally despized, the Assyrians, they repented. God told Jonah "Get over it". When Jesus preached to the Jews, a people and culture he personally despized- - it was merely a prelude to their inilation forty years later. Jesus on KFI said "Being humble means being put to shame" or something like that. But I say unto you that being humble is realizing you simply are not in control of the events in your own life. When did this ever apply to Jesus of Nazareth? (Selah)
Moving on to a happier topic the Iowa caucuses were held last night and Obama won. A Black came in first place with 38% or something with Edwards at 30% and Hillary in at 29%. They say an alltogether younger crowd came to the Iowa caucuses. In the Republicans is it was an up or down winner take all vote. With the democrats if your selection did not get fifteen percent of the vote, you had to have a "second choice". And Kasinitch and others may have made "deals" with Obama to make Obama their 2nd. choice. Obama would be the Jack Kennedy of this generation if he's able to rise to the occasion. A broad horizon has been placed before him, and now the question is whether he is able to rise to the challenge. Hubkibee won among the Republicans with Romney in at second and Thompson at third. Romney spent all that time and money in Iowa with nothing to show for it. Huckibee symbolizes change among the Republicans. Some are now saying that Michael Bloomberg will be announcing for President any day now and that he still plans to place Chuck Hagel as his vice president. I won't say for the other democratic candidates like Joe Byden or Chris Dodd to drop out right now. They still have something to say, and they should stay in the race merely to keep the other candidates sharp.
In terms of Auld Lang Sine, the words "Lang" and "Zein" are actual words on the old Sirius A Federation. "Lang" means "Old" but not the kind of obsolete "old" as in "Old Sirius - - " but rather an "old" meaning been around a long time. "Zein" means "desire" among the Sirius A people and the Sirius A Romulins. But the Romulins on Regelus V or Denelus II and IV don't like that word one bit because they say it refers to the blueness of the "Druanian" gene (that we've talked about before) Among Romulans they don't ask you "Are you Jewish?" but rather, "Are you bluish?" Indeed the first year of the ZAC it was called the Zionisum Analisis Committee" due to this Romulan influence. The Sirius people say that the word "Zein" is kind of like "Dezign" in English and demotes imagination, and there is nothing at all racial about the word. - - - They've sent stuff in the E mail that says the Antarians have the biggest star of all. This may be why the Federation was afraid of them four thousand years ago. Contrary to that mailing- - Reigel is seen as outshining "Betelguese". I may have more another time.
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