Friday, December 28, 2007

Is Osama Bin Laden Dead?

Thursday morning it was announced that former prime minister of Pakistan, Benizir Bhutto was dead, that she had been shot and the neck and died after doctors worked on her a half hour. Then the Al Qaida terrorists or whoever they are set off a truck bomb that killed the perpitrater and twenty other people. Now the people are rioting because they think the Musharif government was behind the killing. Bhutto popped her head out of a car roof to wave good-bye to her fans and they say that the government had blocked off all the exits except one and this is suspicious. Thom Hartman says that Musharif should delay the elections next month after people fought so hard to get them, just so that Bhutto's party could mount an opposition campaign. If Musharif even so much as "allowed" the killing to take place he was being foolish because this might be the critical mass "event" to set off some sort of nuclear chain reaction to set off World War III kind of like the shooting of Arch Duke Ferdemand in 1914 set off World War I. We know that in 1914 people chose up sides and Alliance mutually backed each other. We know that with 20 / 20 hindsight this might not have happened but at the time you can be engulfed in events swerling around like water around you. We need to thank God we have not had another World War in my lifetime. But there is that last brief case yet to be opened - and for some reason that always seems to be the one with the million dollars in it- - and you realize too late that you pressed your luck one round too long. (Selah) But now the news is that there is a detaled account of Bin Laden's funeral held in December 2001 in Tora Bora and everyone who was in attendance, and how he was burried in an unmarked grave according to the wanabe (?) tradition in Islam. Furthermore Bhutto on one of her speeches in October made reference to the killing of Bin Laden and the guy who did it, but the remarked escaped the notice of one and all reporters. This is a little hard to believe, but if it's true that Bin Laden is really dead it will further reduce President Bush's cradibility.

One wonders about other people who may or may not be dead. Billy Gram's death will most certainly set off a hysterical comvultion throughout the born again community. Many people will lament it as the death of Christianity itself. One wonders about Chuck Smith, pastor of "Big Calvary" in Costa Mesa. He is known for predicting all these eronious dates for the end of the world, almost as if he wanted it. He has spoken of wondering what kind of world his little grand daughter would inheret- - - and this is 25 years ago. I haven't heard much from Chuck recently but he for the longest time spoke of looking forward to death and "leaving this tent, which is his body". If you're a Christian leader you can do no wrong. If you're someone like me you can do no right. Even if my prediction of the death of Christianity within thirty years proves completely true, nobody is going to celebrate my accurecy, any more than they have celebrated any of the other things I have correctly predicted over the years, and a few of these, such as the rise of Democracy in Latin America, are even in my book. I have spoken of the year 2010 is a "year to watch". Obviously there is the novel and movie "2010" with the tag line, "Europa is mine", which the Federation goes along with. If anybody disappears at midnight of the ninth of October 2010 I don't know whether it will be connected with my predictions. Chuck for the longest time predicted the Soviet Union would get nuked in World War III and utterly destroyed. Then when the Berlin wall fell in 1989 Chuck turned his attention to the countries along Russia's southern border like Georgia, Kasicstan, and Uzbeckistan, which Chuck said would now form a dangerous Moslem confederation that would invade Isrial. But that didn't happen either. My sources tell me that the backers of Calvary style Christianity (that is the Centaurians) have now "lost interest" in their protegy, Chuck, and so that this brand of Christianity is destined to wither on the vine. How interesting it is that Mit Romney is preferred by some of these people for President- - as opposed to an actual ex Born Again preacher.

People get their history screwed up. Karl Rove has stated that Bush was against Congress voting to give President Bush war powers against Iraq before the 2002 election "before the coalition had been gathered". Statements from Bush to congress easily bely this assirtion in that the President pressured congress no end to hurry up and pass the resolution without further debate. Why do certain people resort to "revisionism". I guess one person said that History is the future which hasn't happened yet. Some people like to shape the future.

The Beatles are guilty of this in their description of the song "Revolution". For years I've been hearing they had this slow version worked out but at the last minute the other three Beatles besides author John wanted to put out a faster version. However there exists a recording- - of the song revolution being played fast- - and the lyrics have not been worked out- - and the song is in a very raw phase. - - Of course on the album Imagine there is something with the date of October 1971 on the liner notes. However I have a clear memory of the album being out in late August of 1971. But not only this I have a tape of the songs being recorded at that date, which is around August 25th. of 1971. This is an unexplainable descrepency.

Also a few years back someone spread the story that Santa Clause's red suit first "appeared" in the 1920's when Coca Cola launched a campaign to go with their red bottles. However recently there was a batch of mail from 1912 that was discovered- - and yes, there was a Christmas card in that delivery, and it plainly featured Santa Clause wearing a red suit.

One thing it doesn't take a psychic to predict is people coming back from the dead on soap operas. At the time of John Black's death I remarked that this death was as phoney as a three dollar bill. I'm being proven right. Of course sometimes myth cannot even hide the truth about things. Christianity would have you believe everybody mourned the death Jesus, but that for some strange reason they all had this obsession for hanging around his tomb, as if they expected something to happen. Interestingly Isiah 53, which we have quoted before not only doesn't include anything about crusifiction, but also says that Jesus was presumed "dead" to "his generation". For those of you in Rio Linda, that means that everybody in Jesus life back then assumed that he had died- - somehow, because he "was on the dark side of the road" to quote Dylan. I know a pastor who publicly told this story about when he was fired from his job and how he "figured he'd just have to get a job as box boy at Alpha Beta or something". And yet I was at the meeting where the whole "Church coup" was planned. And I also heard his prayers where he ranted in General Patton fashion about "How could God deny him his moment of glory after bringing him this far"- - that kind of thing. Facts can be tricky things.

In terms of the previous blog just let me restate certain facts. People become "Born Again" Christians because of some lucky flook event in their life that turns their life around for the better and they make a religion out of that event. As for me I've had a lot of "experiances" with Christians but very little "experiance" with God. I'm like the guy on the cliff looking at the saves on the beach, and I keep track of their shapes and how they interract and which direction they are going. Surfers come to me for advice. Yet metaphorically I've never been down to the water and never felt its wetness or saltiness, or examined the marine life in it. Most Christians practice an type of auto-stimulation. They say that joining government gives you a power high that they can't get enough of and it makes a Junkey out of you. Pastors get high on their own words. But these people haven't met God, they have merely auto stimulated themselves from flook events in their own life. Answer me this: There are two teenage boys. One masturbates ten times in a week, and the other masturbates three. Has the one who masturbates ten times a week had three times as much experiance with the opposite sex? Probably not. My response to Chuck Smith who says "experiance isn't important" is that these people SHOULD have a little experiance with God- - because it would get the attention off themselves, much like our masturbating friends. Masturbation is distasteful enough when done in private, but doing it in public simply is not allowed by society. Let me give you one more example. Suppose you're on some geology safari looking at rocks, and Otto from the Simpson's comes along and says "Hey, that's narley man". What if Otto's next statement to the group was "You all speak of experiance with rocks- - but hey, I'm above that sort of thing, man!" They would think he was a jack-ass and why was he here? And yet if a Christian says "I don't need an experiance with God, I've matured beyond all that" we applaud him. I suppose inexperiance gets almost as many applause from a congratation as humility does. We know what a crowd pleaser that is. As I've been saying- - I don't know how the next War is going to happen or just what the next five years holds. Christians have boxed themselves in as Bush Kool-Aid drinkers. My prayer is that our next President won't be a Bush Kool-Aid drinker when he tackles terrorist threats.

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