Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Waiting for it to all Come Together

This is Wednesday March 7, 2018.  More so than usual we’ve been hearing in the left wing media that the month of March is going to be the major turning point in the Trump administration we’ve all been waiting for when massive indictments come down from Muller and everybody has to resign including President Trump himself.  The media has been saying that the Trump administration is in chaos ever since Trump increased the terrifs on aluminum and steel late last week.  Many think Trump is a flip-flopper because after meeting with the democrats in congress on gun legislation the next day he turns around and says he loves the NRA and how none of that legislation that was just talked about will get done.  Apparently Senator Mitch Mc Connell had stated that there will be no gun legislation but the next item on the agenda is the repeal of the Dodd-Frank law, which pertains to banking and consumer protections.  We’ve also heard that the interior department is reversing their position on Big Game trophies such as bring in a moose’s head or something.  The latest news is that Trump’s economic advisor Koehn or however you spell it- - has resigned over the terriffs issue.  Meanwhile President Trump says there is nothing wrong with his administration.  He as much says he thrives on the “disagreements” or what the rest of the media just calls general chaos. 

Here’s a blast from the past.  While Tom Hartman’s prediction of “The Stock Market Crash of 2016” is intriguing, it plays right into the hands of far right nuts like Judy and Glen Beck, who have maintained all along that the whole purpose of Obama’s economic policy is “to crash the economy big time, so that the American people rise up and demand a radical change in the way our government does business”.  While I think that wouldn’t be a bad idea myself- - - and at some point we are as a nation going to make radical (meaning “root”) economic changes - - - I guess this scenario is such a “pipe dream” in its own sense, it will never happen. “They” won’t allow it to happen.  (Now is this passage prophetic or not?  From November of 2013.

One thing about the Gospel stories in the Bible is that the final week of Jesus’ life is just chocked with irregularities.   First the Hosanah scene coming into Jerusalem.  The crowd had never been allowed to be so vocal before.  This was to fulfill scripture.  Then there is the cleansing of the Temple without Jesus having laid hands on him by the authorities.  This was to fulfill scripture.  Then there is the crowd turning against him on Good Friday and all of the disciples fleeing from him on Thursday night.  This was to fulfill scripture.  The question arises then if there were no disciples around to report it, how is it we get such detailed information about events, especially Jesus’ rather long dissertation with Pilate.   Jesus was betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver.  This was to fulfill scripture.  The money was cast to the “potter’s field” for the poor, to fulfill scripture.  Jesus suggested that two disciples take swords with them.  This was to fulfill scripture.  His garments were divided and cast lots for.  This was to fulfill scripture.  The question arises here is why in the world Roman soldiers would want a robe badly stained with the blood of a victim?  But the most amazing thing of all couldn’t be predicted.  This was Jesus himself deciding on “suicide by Roman soldier”.   He even made an institution of it before it happened with the bread and the wine at the Last Supper.   In fact the gospels contain predictions of Jesus that he’ll die just as it happened to the disciples, but they paid no attention to it.   You have a sentence carried out on the same day that the verdict was given out.  This is illegal under Jewish law, but it happened to fulfill scripture.  Another thing that is “unusual” is that Jesus would be considered an enemy of Rome at all.  He had bent over backwards to preach submission to the Roman Government.  But once again we have this line about how the Jews had no law to put a man to death anymore.  This isn’t even true because James was convicted by the Sanhedrin and sentenced to be stoned.  The adulterous woman was sentenced to be stoned.   All four gospels mention Barrabus, which is an odd thing.  Because supposedly Judas and the troops had to catch Jesus by surprise when he was alone, so that a riot wouldn’t break out.  But the people were willing to riot to save Barrabus.  For scripture says “When Pilate saw that a riot was about to break out, he let the crowd have its way”.   And we are expected to believe scripture when he says the crowd shouted “We have no king but Caesar” when they had just freed a revolutionary who killed a man in a riot.  Clearly when you read the gospels you have to make a lot of mental leaps in logic for the thing to make sense. 

After “Wheel” it was “Lucifer”.   Abel is just as guilty of murder according to this story as Cain because Cain and Abel got into a fight and Abel won.  Abel was thus the first person to descend into hell and he relives over and over again the nightmare of Cain killing him.  Cain was cursed with wandering the earth and immortality.  He can’t die.  But then by a medical procedure Abel occupied the body of a woman.  I went to bed a little after nine.  I slept well I guess.  The tooth pain went away.   I still haven’t received any phone calls from the dentist’s office.  

 I watched Days of our Lives and today Abigail was forgetting “missing pieces” of her life when she was someone else and she knows that something is wrong.  In that other area, Gabriel, Eli, Lani and J J should swap lovers because of that paternity thing with Lani and Eli.  Clearly Eli is still a liar and a coward for not telling Gabriel that he is the father of Lani’s baby.  Gabriel said if she caught Eli telling one more lie that would end their relationship.  Before this it was the Gary and Shannon show with stand-ins.  Nothing much happened. 

Clearly exhaustive phrase search in Blogger is defective.  I’m proven that with a repeatable experiment.  I was predicting as far back of November of 2013 that “The Crash of 2016” is a Thom Hartman pipe dream.  This turned out to be very correct.  There are still no solid signs that the economy is weakening.  Perhaps there will be a crash in 2019 but by then of course the republicans will have won yet another round of national and local elections.  Right now I have “The Sultans of Swing” in that new slot that opened up on our compilation update.  I guess the problem is that I can’t trust Blogger to give me proper feedback.  

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