Many people speak of Death as "The Other Side". We have used that designation ourselves. Not to get complicated or anything but we have spoken in the past of three realms. There is the realm of Effects, which is natural life as we know it. Then there is the engram wall. And then there is the other side of the engram wall. We speak of life as we know it as having positive mass and positive Time. We speak of the engram wall as having both positive and negative Infinity at the same time. And we speak of "The Other Side" as having negative mass and negative Time. Picture the tangent equation in trig. You start on the left side of the graph and the line starts out at almost zero and just a tad negative. Then the line curves downward and reaches negative Infinity. Then there is a vertical line straight up to positive Infinity. Then the line curves back down in sort of a spike formation till there is very little mass at the far right. We have also spoken of this natural realm we live in is the "realm of effects" and the "other side" as the realm of Cause. People want to be in the realm of Cause, but it's only a pipe dream and I'll tell you why. Fred Price has spoken as being the leader and not the follower or "the head and not the tail" (as if he were an earthworm) But later on I got smart and figured it out. And I came up with the following scenario. "God" is the realm of pure Cause, and God is not "Affected" by anything, and I mean anything. This means you can forget about prayer. Then there is the real of pure Effect. This is the realm of inanimate objects. They have no Will of their own to be the "cause" of anything. Then there is the realm of the Living. Basically the Rich live in the realm of Cause because they have the power to do it. The rest of us peons seem to be much more in the realm of Effects because we are in a "reactive" world (hence the "reactive mind") We respond and react to everything and make adjustments trying to keep our head above water. The problem of course is that that which we regard as the Soul or Self- - may be just a gigantic perceptual illusion. You can't weigh the soul or track its progress after death. Some have said that the Soul has Negative Mass, meaning if you weigh a body after it dies, it actually gets heavier. This is a bit of intuitive logic theologians have been beguiled with by years. Many say that if you pick up a living person it's not the same as "dead weight", which is heavier. Some of you might ask me "Well then is there no realm where Cause follows Effect?" Actually there is and we've all seen it. It's running the movie film backwards. So you see people leap out of the swimming pool and back on to the high diving board. Or you see an expensive vase reassemble itself and leap back up on the table. In this case what's "causing" these strange events is that Cause is indeed Following the Affects. Things are being affected by a Cause which hasn't occurred yet. Think about it.
So it would seem that once you die- - that's it. There is no consciousness. This is hard to imagine for us since we have never "experianced" not being there, not being conscious of anything, not existing. Now Pastor Bob Howland came up with a theory. When "The Age to Come" arrives- - - millions if not billions of years from now when the Universe has wound down- - - that God "remembers" us. He remembers every milicule we were made of and he "re-creates" us. Hopefully with all of our biologically programmed memories intact (though the pastor was vague about this) Then since we have the same brain and DNA as we do now our consciousness will go on as before and we will pick up our lives right where we left off. But there are some pastors out there while they also agree that there is no life after death per se, will also say that Demons are Immortal. Of course you're back to the same problem. Where do Demons come from and what are they made of? Demons can even have reincarnation memories, so that if you have a reincarnation memory it's a Demonic memory. This brings us to the saga of Abigail on Days of our Lives. It always seems to be the Evil personality that is the dominent one. The demonic personality remembers and knows all about the host body, but the natural soul seems to be unaware of the Demon. Since the host body has all of the DNA and brain information, the demon is able to access all of your memories. But time for you will black out when the demon takes over. Anyhow this is a popular theory among movie producers. Of course others more enlightened would just say that your subconscious brain produces these "other personalities" and so it's really just something wrong with your brain. This theory makes the most sense.
Me and my Mom are different. It's not as if my Mom has "doubts" about the afterlife. She doesn't worry about it. It's not that she has doubts about Religion. She just doesn't think about it at all and couldn't understand it if she did. To her the whole subject is irrelivant. The funeral has been delayed and I'm waiting for the phone call as to when it will be. We know it will be in Riverside. The following took place Tuesday morning.
called Judy at a quarter to nine but she and Paul were talking to an insurance
agent. Nora came by but then left and I
called up Judy’s again and the phone kept ringing. I had told Judy for Paul to pick me up at any
time. I went and sat in the front room
for some time. At 9:25 I left and had a
smoke and the phone was ringing when I got back here. Nora had come and gone. She gave me another thick bedspread. Paul was out front. It was now past nine thirty. We got to Paul’s and Elizabeth was working in
the kitchen and Judy had speaker phone and was on the computer. Elizabeth greeted me. The house looked “lived in” as if nothing had
been straightened up in a long time. The
stuff with Mom’s books and photos really didn’t take that much space. But that is a humungus desk Paul has now that
takes up a lot of space. Mom didn’t have
many photos of us kids like in the ‘fifties or early ‘sixties I was
expecting. There were a lot of photos of
relatives I didn’t know. There was one
of the French family and one of Daisy and her second husband, Mr. Pennoch. There were photos of Paul’s graduation from Fuller
Bible School. There were some shots of
the fiftieth anniversary celebration.
There was a whole photo album of the four primary houses that Mom had
invested in. The pictures were badly
faded in their color and the contrast was way high. I knew we had to rush the morning if I was
going to make it back in time for lunch.
I looked over Mom’s books and took three of them. These are “Jesus – A Revolutionary Biography”
and “A Brief History of Time”
and I claimed back “The Internet for Dummies”.
I got back here in ample time for lunch.
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