Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trump's Select "Voter Fraud" Comission

President Trump has put together a special commission on election fraud.  But they aren’t striving for fair elections.  By their own admission their one goal is to prove that between three and five million minorities illegally voted last year.  It’s a hand-picked commission of the most loyal right wing partisans and specifically excluded are democrats and “academics”.   You know that they threw a lot of people off the voter rolls because they had the same first and last name, or they assumed that if you were accidently registered in two states then you must be guilty of voter fraud.  The other way they exclude voters is the photo ID card that costs a lot of money in many states, which discriminates against minorities.  I think what they want to make sure of is that the democrats won’t take Congress next year by further stacking the voter odds.  Clearly these ultra rich elite like the Koch Brothers don’t value an open democracy. 

Yesterday there was a commission that announced that wages for the average household is now up to $59,000 – which is strange because people like it’s supposed to be over a hundred thousand or something.  People like Paul consider people in the lower tax brackets that don’t pay income tax as shiftless and lazy or something.  But in addition to the rosy unemployment numbers there are also rosy health insurance coverage numbers.  The percentage of covered people in the US has never been higher and I’m thinking President Trump is going to try and take credit for this.  Incomes have been headed up the last two years.  This is a left over residu from the Obama administration.  If Trump’s draconian tax policies are put into effect, the ranks of the poor will swell again with slashed government programs.  They will have to be cut when taxes for the rich are cut.  The estate tax is less than one percent of the entire population but the ultra-right wants to completely eliminate the estate tax and take every other precaution that the rich don’t contribute substantively to the revenue of the government.  As of now I would imagine that the deficit is at record lows because unlike all of the projections, the economy has continued to grow and stock market prices have boosted family incomes.  But if Trump gets his way all this will come to an end.  If a crash comes before 2018 Trump will be in big trouble.

The Olympic committee met officially today and made the long awaited announcement that Paris would get the 2024 Olympics and that Los Angeles would get the 2028 Olympics.  The trouble is that's eleven years in a future.  By then I'll be in my late seventies.  Any remaining relatives will be dead.  My roommate (if I'm still living here) will be dead.  Eleven years is such a long anticipation time most of the elected officials including the mayor of LA will be different.  We could be two Presidents into the future by then.  All of the athletes planning for it will be considerably older than they are now. 

Today on Days of our Lives, Marlena and John were rescued from the padded cell at Bayview just before they were to receive electro-shock treatements.  But they didn’t rescue Andre at the same time but he’s languishing there now.  The staff reerred to it as “a little excitement with a couple of the patients”.  They weren’t patients but prisoners and so many charges will be filed against Bayview as an institution they’ll have to close the place down.  Hope got Hatti to confess where John and Marlena were being held.  Meanwhile Adrian was acting strangely and has been clashing with Maggie and now she’s even getting on Victor’s nerves.  That jail bird lady is thinking of being bribed to double-cross the real Adrian.

The I Phone 8 came out today.  It has a clearer screen and face recognition and good security and also a better camera.  The more expensive of the two models cost a thousand dollars and the other one costs six hundred.  I don't see who affords these things.  Either they are marketing to an elite few or else we aren't being correct information about that the median household income is.

Hillary Clinton came out with her long awaited book today called “What Happened?”  It’s about the past election and of course she understandably tosses a lot of blame in all directions.  But what choice does she have because there is a whole lot of blame to go around, including herself.  I think I’d like to read it if not buy it.   We live in such a polarized society today that those on the political right will assume Hillary is lying about everything.  But we on the left already believe the things she says and for this reason may have no need to even read this book.  

Senator Bernie Sanders tomorrow will introduce a “Medicare for everybody” bill that has only gotten a hand full of endorsements including Senator Elizabeth Warren.  A lot of other health care bills are out there, too.  My saying is “The more the merrier” because one of the bills might catch on.   It's a good thing there are so many bills being introduced.  They should all be carefully scrutinized and then we'll have a good oppertunity to select the best one.  

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