Saturday, September 09, 2017

Irma, Jose, and Katya

Well Hurricane Irma has been on a rampage for days now streaking accross the Caribean islands.  But it hit the north side of the islands, which is the weaker, left hand side of the hurricane.  For a long time Hurricane Irma was 185 miles per hour with gusts of over two hundred mph.  It has now slowed to between 150 and 155 mph or on the upper end of Category four.  185 would be a category six, if they even went up that high, which they don't.  Hurricane Irma is scheduled to hit the Florida Keys tomorrow morning and then go up the west side of Florida, which would be the strong side of the hurricane.  So Tampa Bay would be hit.  Of course the roads are clogged and people are running out of gas in traffic jams, and the airports aren't doing flights in Miami.  Rush Limbaugh said the whole Hurricane Irma thing was a media hype to promote the notion of global warming.  So it's all a liberal conspiracy.  None the less Rush Limbaugh abandoned his radio studio in Palm Beach and allegedly didn't have a program on Friday.  They say that building codes in parts of Florida are really strict to withstand hurricane winds up to 130.  It wouldn't even do any good to fly to Atlanta or something because the hurricane is going there next.  Meanwhile Hurricane Jose is following right behind taking the same path as Irma.  Hurricane Katya they say is headed to Mexico City, which would be difficult because Mexico City has an elevation of eight thousand feet.

An 8.3 earthquake hit Mexico but I'm confused.  I thought the 1985 quake was 8.6 with an after-shock of 7.8, which would make it a lot stronger.  They are now saying that Mexico City, though hundreds of miles away felt the earthquake stronger than the 1985 one.  Their early warning system sounded the alarm before the shaking even started because of wave activity out in the Pacific.

On Wednesday President Trump made an alliance with congressional Democrats to pass a bill that raises the debt ceiling and gives funding for Hurricane Harvey.  This alliance seems strange to me and a lot of people are coming up with reasons for this sudden change in strategy.  But they say it's a done deal and I guess President Trump either has signed the bill or is about to sign it.  Somehow he got Paul Ryan and Mitch Mc Connell to go along with him.  Either leader has the power to stop this proposed bill dead in its tracks.

My health hasn't been that great this past week.  I've had diaria since Sunday.  But even before then I haven't been up to my usual since May, when my typing rates slowed down drastically.  There was that heatwave of last week that came to an abrupt end early Sunday evening when it began raining.  Many areas have gotten thunder and lightning and lots of rain.  Our room wasn't even getting air conditioning till Friday afternoon and it turns out we only needed it in a big way the rest of Friday, Saturday, and most of Sunday.

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