Saturday, August 19, 2017

Steve Bannon is Someone else to Jump Ship.

I haven't kept up with blog posts lately.  Steve Bannon resigned on Friday.  This was all over the news and I'm sure the media has beaten the topic to death.  But we might as well trot this dead horse around the block one more time.  Bannon was the head of "Britebart" or however you spell it.  He rejoined Britebart the minute he left the administration.  He is a "tea party" Republican, which means certain things.  He's a racist for one and feeds the racism of the Trump administration.  He's also an "anti-globalist", which in this case is a good thing.  He distrusts internationalist banker money and finance.  And he's also against these deals with China, Asia and Latin America.  He's anti NAFTA.  And there is one more thing.  He's an "America First" person, which means he's against United States involvement in foreign wars, and let's face it, just about all of our wars are foreign wars we have no business being involved in.  The media was saying that Bannon will now begin attacking the Trump administration.  Bannon was even quoted as saying "The era of the Trump administration of the past seven months- - is over".   Others have quoted Bannon as saying that he's going to do articles which support the Trump administration.  We'll see.

The other big news event of the week was Thursday, the day of the Barcelona masacre of this guy with a van doing a zig-zag pattern through the packed mall, mowing down as many people as he could.  He killed thirteen or fourteen people and over a hundred were injured.  Trump will say THAT is terrorism but he won't say the incident in Charoletteville was terrorism.  ISIS has taken credit for it.   ISIS is that beast that won't die no matter how military victories are obtained on the battlefield.

I noticed three significant E mails from Paul.  One was that list of 32 things you didn’t know and may not even be true such as a scorpion will go nuts if you put a drop of liquor on it, or a feret in heat will die if it doesn’t find a mate.  Then there was the list of heteronyms.  These are words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently and have different meanings.  One I didn’t see was separate and separate.  Then there was the one on the eclipse that is a five and some odd seconds video.  It’s the John 10:10 project.  I still don’t know the verse.  Paul called while I had the E mail up and he asked if the cookies are gone and they are, as of a few hours earlier.  He invited me and any friends I want to take along to the Harvest Crusade, but I said I don’t think I could round up a party that soon and asked if it was on TV.  Then I got coffee from John Kip’s room.

(Friday)  In the news Steve Bannon was forced to resign as White House chief strategist.  It’s a job that probably won’t be replaced.  Bannon is too much a “tea party” person who is an anti globalist and anti Wall Street banker like a traditional tea party person.  He’s also less inclined to jump into a war.  In general I guess President Trump’s advice will be more one-sided now. 

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