Tuesday, August 15, 2017

President Trump Reveals His True Colors

This whole bit with the rioting by Neo Nazis and White supremicists isn’t going away this Tuesday August 15, 2017.  President Trump finally had that long awaited news conference and he claims that “violent anti fascists” were attacking the peaceful racists and KKK members who were demonstrating with signs and stuff and the anti fascists beat them violently.  Because of this President Trump has attacked them as the violent “Alt-left”.    Shawn Hannity was the first person I’ve heard making reference to the “alt left”.   I would like to think that the press and the major networks have been objective in describing this days long conflict.  If they haven’t been objective it’s going to cause our side to lose credibility.  Yesterday at gunpoint the President finally attacked these protesting racists in Charolettsville as “Nazis, KKK, and other white supremicists of which there is no excuse for in this country.  The mayor of Charoletteville wants all these white supremicists to just “go home” and they aren’t wanted in this town and to go back where they came from.  (some dark hole in the ground)   Personally I don’t have a problem with the South having statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson or other Confederate War Heroes.  They were patriots for what they believed was right.  In general they were moral Christian men who had formerly considered themselves Americans.  As such I was offended when Thom Hartman said they were no better than the Nazis of Germany.  Nazism was a death cult and renounced all pretence of godliness or civility.  The founding fathers such as Washington and Jefferson owned slaves.  But Jefferson could still write about “All men being created equal in the eyes or their creator”.   We kind of have to “put ourselves in their shoes” as a famous man has recently said.  Having given a tip of the hat to the right, let me make clear that President Trump is responsible for fomenting a climate of racial hatred and bigotry in this country and if David Duke can call the President his friend, then in the words of the Bible “Bad company corrupts good morals”.  I think the Apostle Paul said that.  The question is where does the President get his moral support and encouragement.  Where is the president’s base?  These KKK and other white supremicists organizations came out and supported the President last year in the Presidential campaign.  Hence a vote for Trump is like a vote for Wallace in 1968.  Even Republicans such as Marco Rubio and Oren Hatch have come out against Trump’s basic attitude on this whole rioting.  It’s not a case of “Both sides are equally guilty” because they aren’t.

Robert E. Lee, before the outbreak of the war, was overwhelmingly regarded as the finest military mind in the U.S. army. Winfield Scott offered him command of all Union forces at the outbreak of hostilities. But he chose allegiance to his state of Virginia, rather than the Federal government. He didn’t fight for slavery. He freed his slaves. He was fighting for states’ rights. He was an honorable God fearing noble man. Stonewall Jackson was an extremely religious man who waged war with a passion, but also taught Sunday School to slaves. Lee and Jackson must be viewed in the context of the 19th century rather than being judged by the standards of the 21st century.  The vast majority of Confederate soldiers who did the fighting and dying during that war didn’t own slaves. They weren’t fighting to maintain slavery. They were fighting because a foreign army had invaded their land. In 1860 this nation was more an amalgamation of states than a centralized government. States still had a tremendous amount of power and leeway to run their states the way they chose. The ever increasing power of a central authority occurred during and after the Civil War. The South were not the bad guys. Their leaders, generals and soldiers were not evil. They were Americans.

For lunch we had pasta mixed with beef and tomato.  There was nothing wrong with it but I just wasn’t in the mood for it.  I wish I’d changed my menu.  There was also soggy broccoli I didn’t touch.  We had fruit cocktail or something.  I had the Gary and Shannon show on.  Nora was here.  On Days of our Lives- - Abe’s daughter has severed relations with that FBI agent named Elijah because there is an inherent conflict with the Salem PD.  She threatened to get her father to fire Police Chief Rains, which to me is a good idea because nobody likes him anyhow.,  Kayla has told Trip that she isn’t going to the police about Trip’s sabotaging of her medical carrier.  I’d have gone to the police and told Trip that if he wants absolution for his sin, that’s what Priests are for. But I’m not going to grant the forgiveness you’re looking for. 

I went out for snacks in the morning and in the afternoon.  I had iced tea in the afternoon and grape juice in the morning and both times I had graham crackers.  The line to see Jennifer for Money Draw wasn’t moving and the reason why is because she just announced that Money Draw was officially beginning at 2:25.  Before this I went to see Dr Saran and only Kathy was ahead of me.  I complained of being tired.  That’s my “medical issue”.  Dr Saran said it was either my psych meds or more likely it’s because I’m a smoker and not getting enough oxygen to the blood.  Dr Saran repeated that all my blood tests are normal.  I should have mentioned the possibility of Epstein Barr virus and see how that struck him.  My blood pressure was 114 over 64, which is a little low.  I spent a lot of time just sitting around in the courtyard but finally got in line when it was short enough.  I was behind that Linda that nobody likes.  I got in there and asked how much money I had in my account and she said “fourteen”.  “Then I’ll take fourteen” and she counted it out.  Gabby was lying down in the office and not roaming around outside the way she usually is.  I grabbed two mini Milky Ways and left.  I bought a pack of Clippers.  Bill had some program on KCOP.  Eye Witness News was on at three.  Barbra finally got paid at least some of the five or six weeks of back payments that she was owed.

We're hearing more and more about the possability of some kind of life on other planets or sattelites of planets.  One of the latest theories is that Titan, the biggest moon in the solar system that orbits Saturn, may have life because it has seas of liquid methane that life might possibly live in because of the possability of the way carbon compounds forms.  In terms of the upcoming total eclipse, we in California have seen better eclipses.  The eclipse of May of 2012 obscured a lot more of the sun, which took place in the evening and totality was around Fresno and Carson City.  But the media is saying this is the biggest eclipse since February of 1979.  I remember that one.  It was cloudy that morning.  In terms of the eclipse of May of 1994, which went accross the country, I think that one is disqualified because it was an anular (ring of fire) eclipse and hence wasn't total anywhere.  New York has a pretty good shot at that one.  

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