Monday, October 03, 2016

Still Looking for that "Smoking Gun" in Trump Campaign

Hillary needs to talk about "the issues" more such as global warming and fair trade and auditing the federal reserve.  I think "Black Lives Matter" is a winning issue and perhaps why so many Black people voted for her.  Stop all this National Enquirer stuff about personal attacks on Trump.  People need to look upward and outward a little more, to how the next President will actually govern.  And most of all people need to be reminded to vote for their Democratic Senator and House member.  Without this- government will be just more of the same.  Hillary needs to talk about a "Do nothing Congress" the way Harry Truman talked about it in the 1948 campaign, which was so successful.  Ronald Reagan ought to know.  He did commercials for the Democrats in 1948.  Why can't today's public be reminded that if anyone is at fault for the seemingly weak economy, it's Republican policies over the past six years.  But today's American voting public seems to have their head up their asses on the actual issues.  People are looking for the "smoking gun" that's going to do Donald Trump in.  Nothing that has occurred so far as done the trick.  No matter what outragious stunt Trump pulls people's ability to be shocked into action- - has never been reached.  It goes to show the morally depraved quality of the electorate now.  I had Gary and Shannon on.  They are a little bit dense when it comes to Donald Trump and his taxes.  Who can run up over 900 million dollars in losses- - on a casino no less- during 1995, one of the biggest boom years of all time?  How do you stretch those economic losses over the next eighteen years so that Trump paid no taxes over that period?  Gary and Shannon see nothing strange about that.  If you get wiped out with a flood or a hurricane you can’t deduct those losses.  Most people can’t do what Trump did even with business losses.  This looks to be the number one issue on the next debate which is October 9th or John Lennon’s birthday.  Tomorrow, October 4th is the Vice Presidential debate.  More and more I hear that Trump will not govern the way he campaigned and got votes and won in the spring.  That was by promising them he couldn’t be bought by Wall Street money and that he would fight all of these international trade agreements.  The concencus is that he won’t keep his word, any more than Obama kept his word on a lot of things he campaigned on in 2008.

On Days of our Lives we don’t know who the father of Clowie’s baby is but Clowie is either being mighty protective of him or mighty afraid of him or both.  She’d terminating her contractual obligation to record for Philip’s record company after extensive recording sessions and him getting her some good material to record.  She won’t say who the father is, only that we know she had sex with him within a few days of having sex with Demas.  She’s going to New York to live with her parents and be with Parker.  She told Nicole that they would keep in touch but if you believe that I have a bridge in New Jersey I want to sell you.  In terms of Aden, he came out and told Hope he’s got the goods on her and knows she’s the one who murdered Stephano in cold blood.  He expects her to just fall into his arms at this blackmailing of her.  Of course if she comes clean the Truth will not set her free but will send her, along with Roman Brady and Raphael Hernandez up the river for a long time for cover-up and conspiracy.

Donald Trump may finally have to answer some questions about his foundation’s activities.  New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced Monday that his office had sent a cease and desist letter to the Trump Foundation for operating without proper certification. The charity will no longer be allowed to raise money until it properly registers no later than October 15, the attorney general’s office told The Daily Beast.  New York law dictates that any charity that solicits more than $25,000 a year needs to have a special registration prior to doing so. The attorney general’s office also said that the Trump Foundation did not provide annual financial reports or audited financial statements.  Trump campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks said the investigation by Schneiderman, a Democrat, has "political motives," but that Trump would cooperate.  That means Trump, under penalty of perjury, will have to disclose more information about his charitable organization than he ever has before. 

In the news recently they ran a thing on how today’s teenagers don’t smoke, and they wouldn’t date a girl who smokes and none of their friends smoke.  This is so different from fifty years ago when cigarette commercials ran free reign on television.  But today we have all these new drugs as though we're all supposed to be doctors listening to all the lurid side effects of these new drugs.  Back in the old days people trusted and respected their doctors and you had role models like Ben Casey, who seemed to have all the answers.  You didn't have these feminine hygene products back then or advertizing prophilactic devices (Rubbers) or all this incontenance stuff- - and even things like toilet paper advertizing is getting strange.  Both Northern and Charmin have ads so off the wall they never would have been approved fifty years ago.  In the old days if you “couldn’t get it up” you kept it to yourself, besides your doctor would tell you that it was all psychological anyhow.  Views on war are very different today.  Nearly fifty years ago Martin Luther King gave a forty minute sermon coming out against the War in Viet Nam.  One of the strongest arguments he used was “People come to me and say if you are going to be non violent as far as getting Civil Rights is concerned, how can any of us condone the rampant violence of the Viet Nam war burning women and children’s villages and all?  Today we choose not to think about that stuff.  Back then computers were great big things that took up a whole big room in a company basement or whatever and only the trained elite knew how to program them.  Back then we appreciated the computational properties of a computer and we “respected” smart machines and smart people.  Today we don’t.  We used to believe technology would save us and that the problem is what to do with all our leisure time.  We screen out applicants for being a police officer if they have an IQ of over 120.  We don’t want people “over qualified” for the job, a term I doubt was in existence fifty years ago.  Back then everything was seen in terms of psychology.  All of these terms for mental illness were “in” and we saw psycho-analysis as the cure to a whole host of problems.  Today we just say to take a pill for it.  As little as a generation ago we saw all of those Wrigley chewing gum commercials.  That’s how people used to work out their problems back then.  Today they go on mass killing sprees.  In those days we measures musical evolution in terms of months.  If you were six months behind the time in your musical tastes, people knew about it.  Things were evolving that quickly.  Back then evolution was a good word.  Today it’s considered taboo to even talk about evolution and the view “people never change” has gotten more popular.  Our political discourse is a lot sicker today.  As little as ten years ago the very idea of a Republican running for President the way Trump is doing now would have been considered beyond the pale.  Thirty years ago talk radio was the restricted to little old ladies talking about last night’s three point zero earthquake.  Today everybody “tweets” and we don’t keep anything to ourselves but broadcast it to the world- - even if it’s completely mindless.  The idea of actually reading a book today seems strange because nobody does it.  

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