Thursday, October 06, 2016

Harris More Articulate than Loretta Sanchez

Tim Cain interrupted Mike Pence constantly last night and I felt like telling him to shut up and wait his turn.  Cain has one of those twerpy voices that grates on you after a while.  Mike Pence was more personable talking about his family, faith, and Indiana roots.  Both candidates were asked whether their Christian faith impacts their decisions.  I would have said mine didn’t because it’s my belief that my morals are dictated by my own conscience and not some like some pastor tells me from the pulpit- - and for the most part quoting the Bible is risky.  Sometimes it’s good but a lot of the time you can quote the Bible to prove anything you want.  I agree with Mike Pence on the abortion and gay marriage issues.  Pence was correct to bring up partial birth abortions, which the Democratic Party as an institution is all for.  In general though Tim Cain was the more substantive of the two candidates and mentally sharper.  Mike Pence was a little fuzzy in how he dealt with Donald Trump’s many faults.  He said that Trump was “smart” not to pay any taxes for eighteen years.  Will that argument fly?  These “smart” tax laws I guess were written expressly for Donald Trump by “smart” rich people.  I question the whole thing like how could ANYBODY lose a billion dollars and still live the life of a rich person?  The very rich live in a wholly different world from the rest of us.  Both candidates talked right over the moderator who would try in vain to move it on to another topic.  I think Mike Pence’s record as Indiana governor could have been delved into more deeply.  With the gay lobby as strong as it is the topic could have been milked a little more.  The word is that Trump picked him “bailing him out” from the likelihood he would not be re-elected as Governor.  I wasn’t happy at all with either candidate’s discussion of the economy or trade.  Moth candidates had vague outlines.  To me knowing the economy well and being able to explain it is a valuable selling point. 

I had Stephanie Miller on this morning and a lot of little new icons appeared on my task bar.  This morning I changed the wallpaper from “Watering Hole” to “Autumn”, the one with all the leaves.  Bill kept asking me how his hair looked and I was distracted with things like the “language bar” popping up.  I went to the store just after seven and the coffee had just started brewing.  It starts off pouring coffee in quickly then continually slows down.  I got my coffee and paid two dollars and got three quarters in change for a large coffee.  I took it into the dining room and drank it there.  We had sugar frosted flakes and later on we got a fried egg and a waffle.  Judy complained about the slowness of service but actually it was faster than usual.  

I got coffee from Glen in his room.  It was Taster’s Choice and a smaller amount than last time but I didn’t complain.  I was sleepy last night and didn’t type then.  It was ABC news and then I smoked a cigarette and then got in the medication line because it appeared to be fast moving with Tom.  He started early and I was done at five after seven.  I went to the store for cigarettes when it was almost completely dark.  Then I watched the US Senate debate between Camille Harris and Loretta Sanchez.  Harris won the debate because I agreed with her on more issues and she above all was much more articulate than Sanchez.  Sanchez reminded me a little of Kathryn Koolman like she was trying to cast a spell over the listeners.  Harris has a rather stiff presentation but I liked what she said.  The debate lasted an hour.  Then I watched Blind Spot.  Then it was Law and Order SVU at nine about being accused of rape because you lied to get sex.  I’ve been having a lot of dreams lately and I’ve been coughing at night and otherwise sleeping poorly.  The covers come off my bed.  I’m not making it well enough.

I woke early and restless this morning.  Bill has been bleeding a lot lately and one of his towels was covered in blood.  I got medication with April.  I had cough medicine because I’ve been coughing at night.  I went and got a dollar fifty cup of coffee at the bakery.  I need to shave.  The computer is working good.  I take that back.  Now the internet has conked out again. 

I’ve got the internet coming in now on this modem for the first time since just before seven o clock.  Maybe I better go on and do a posting before the thing changes its mind.  Twice I unplugged the main outlet of the surge protector and the second time worked.  Olivia was over today and seemed to be getting interested in the soap opera I was watching.  She gave me the majority of a bottle of brisk lemon iced tea that was good for two average sized glasses.  But she didn’t stay long.  We had that horrible unsweetened spice (?) cake for snacks along with two cups of lemonade.  This morning I had two cups of lemonade.  I had Gary and Shannon on over the noon hour.  Clyde was ruminating about how his father abused him as a kid and did Ben harbor the same thoughts about him as he harbored about his father.  Theo is packing a gun now because the Salem PD as usual aren’t getting the job done.  This should be interesting.

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