Monday, March 07, 2016

Jim Webb Prefers The Donald to Hillary

By nominating Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party is handing over the presidency to Donald Trump.
This is a sentiment I’ve been repeating consistently over the past several weeks, and one that has yet to be truly appreciated by most people. There continues to be extreme denial amongst those who want “anyone but Trump” in recognizing that Trump is exactly what you’ll get by nominating a corrupt, Wall Street puppet under FBI investigation with more baggage than American Airlines. It’s obvious to those of us who have a sense of the national mood why this is the case, but remains beyond the grasp of those who are either a part of the status quo or depend on it for their financial survival.

Up to this point, I’ve been going on personal interactions with friends as well as interviews with voters to conclude that a significant number of Sanders supporters will simply not “fall in line” and vote for Hillary in November. While this is interesting in its own right, what has really surprised me is the number of people who have maintained they might vote for Trump if Sanders doesn’t get the nomination. Conventional wisdom would say this is impossible, but what many voters seem to want more than anything else in 2016 is to burn the status quo to the ground.
It’s one thing for voters to publicly express such sentiments, it’s a whole other ballgame when a former 2016 Democratic Party candidate does so. Yet that’s exactly what happened earlier today on the “Morning Joe show. It appears Jim Webb isn’t “Ready for Hillary.”
The Washington Post reports:  In an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Reagan administration veteran-turned-Democratic senator from Virginia turned short-term presidential candidate Jim Webb said twice that he could not support Hillary Clinton if she won the Democratic nomination for president.  “No, I would not vote for Hillary Clinton,” Webb said.
Pressed on whether he would vote for Donald Trump, Webb said he was “not sure” but had not ruled it out.
“It’s nothing personal about Hillary Clinton, but the reason Donald Trump is getting so much support right now is not because of the, you know, ‘racists,’ etc. and etc.,” Webb said. “It’s because a certain group of people are seeing him as the only one who has the courage to say, ‘We’ve got to clean out the stables of the American governmental system right now.’If you’re voting for Donald Trump, you might be getting something very good or very bad. If you’re voting for Hillary Clinton, you’re going to get the same thing. Do you want the same thing?”
That last part of his statement is downright shocking, yet speaks a lot of truth. Jim Webb’s logic is sound and reflects the type of questioning that will be endlessly percolating through the minds of tens of millions of voters come November.
There’s no question about the type of president Hillary Clinton will be. She will coddle Wall Street (and bail them out again if necessary), while pushing a neocon foreign policy abroad. It’s not an exaggeration to say that a vote for Hillary means a vote for oligarchy at home and murder abroad. This is merely an inconvenient truth the Democratic establishment wishes to pretend doesn’t exist. Jim Webb understands this, which is why he says he won’t vote Hillary.

Democrat Hillary Clinton loses by 7.4% to John Kasich, by 4.7% to Marco Rubio, and by 0.8% to Ted Cruz, and she wins by 2.8% over Donald Trump.   Democrat Bernie Sanders wins by 6.0% over Trump, by 4.7% over Cruz, by 0.5% over Kasich, and ties with Rubio.   Because of this latest number, the Democrats are now hoping and praying for a Cruz nomination at the Republican convention.  This will be much more likely if Trump loses Florida which he is increasingly likely to do.  A week ago Trump led by 18% over Rubio in Florida.  Right now Trump is in “single digits” and it takes little imagination, given the rate of fall in Trump’s popularity now, that Trump will lose Florida and will also lose Ohio.  This is because the anti Trump establishment is carpet bombing Ohio and Florida with anti Trump ads fueled to a virtually unlimited supply of money.  In my opinion, Ted Cruz is the weakest candidate the Republicans could put up.  These statistics show Sanders beating Cruz by 4.7%. 

The Jekyll and Hyde of Donald Trump.  Of course, some of the things he thinks will “make America great” like punitive libel laws, censoring the internet, agreeing that the government can force Apple to create a backdoor, and more brutal torture would undoubtably do exactly the opposite. On the other hand, his opposition to phony trade deals, donor money in politics and ending the overall way things work in Washington D.C. are undoubtably positives.  A “very good” Trump presidency would mean that some of his more authoritarian and barbaric positions will be pushed to the wayside, while his tremendous will and force of personality can crush the rule of oligarchs for oligarchs and restore an economic future for the decimated middle class.  At the end of the day, there’s absolutely no way to tell which Trump you’re gonna get. So the real question may very easily come down to, should we take a gamble on someone who could be an ever worse fascist disaster, or do we maintain the current corrupt and destructive status quo? If Hillary Clinton is presented as the only alternative, I think a large number of Americans will be willing to gamble on Trump, for better or worse.  (note: “Gambling” is something desperate people are known to do)

Donald Trump’s son was just on the Shawn Hannity show and he was a spirited, fast talker who seemed to have all the answers.  Then at the end Hannity said the Democratic debate was pathetic because “They want to halt all energy production in this country and make us hostage to Saudi oil”.   Then he said “They want to eliminate all fracking in America”.  Then there was the line of “They want to give us all free stuff”.   Externalizing the costs of oil drilling and fracking is “free stuff” from the government.  It’s part of the cost of producing energy but the oil companies don’t have to pay for it.  Furthermore only Bernie said he would end all fracking.  Hillary seemed flexible.  But you also must consider that any anti fracking legislation will take time and while the fracking is still going on more energy is being produced.  Keep in mind that Saudi Arabia can pull the plug on our whole domestic production of energy program any time they want because they can produce oil for twelve or fifteen dollars a barrel if they want to, and can undercut our price any time it suits their fancy.  The only way we can beat them is to switch to a less polluting fuel such as wind or solar or geothermal.  People like Judy and Shawn have no conception of the notion that energy is not a fixed comidity.  If so we could say that the whale blubber business is in serious trouble today because until the 1850’s when you talked about “oil production” you meant whaling.  Shawn bends and twists people’s words and bends and twists logic in his own mind to arrive at his pre-determined outcome.  No candidate for President is going to go against Governor Snyder for instance because they are all so much in agreement with his policies.  Republicans believe that the dollar and profits are the supreme morality.  No matter how much corporate greed is out there or off shoring of production people like him and Judy are going to justify it every time.  When it comes to trashing labor unions or gutting the life of the inner city- - of course these people are going to do it.  The very idea of “a community of people” who have to get along is alien to these people.  Democrats on the other hand hold to John Lennon’s slogan of “Power to the people” but to people like Trump and the other Republicans “Power to the people” might as well be a Bolshivic communist slogan.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Staying Out Of Foreign Entanglements

Both President George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower were military men.  Both were elected by a landslide of popular acclaim.  In his final weeks, President Eisenhower warned us against the rise of the military industrial complex.  George Washington advised us to stay out of foreign entanglements.  For over a century the United States was known as a nation that stood for Peace and staying out of foreign wars, which were raging almost constantly in Europe.  How strange if citizens of the United States who lived in 1816 could see us now.  We have been in a virtual state of continuous war for the past fifteen years.  We are still, fighting in Afghanistan.  President Obama's instinct has been to resist withdrawals of troops anywhere.  Now we hear Mitt Romney lodge the accusation that Trump wants to use ISIS to get rid of President Assad of Syria before we get rid of ISIS.  Washington's blog charges something entirely different.  They say that Turkey is secretly supplying armlements to ISIS and the United States is secretly going along with that because the United States secretly desires the implementation of Solifist Islam everywhere in the Mideast because it's authoritarian and despots are easier to deal with than leaders of democracies.  I don't know what to think at this point.  It used to be that Hillary Clinton would say "I'm not running for a third term of Obama's administration but the first year of my own administration".  She's not saying that anymore.  Instead she is dropping President Obama's name as if it were seeds used in spring planting.  Some say that powerful military men really run the country and that when a new President such as Clinton or Obama gets elected, this military junta in this country sits them down and tells the new President how things will be.  I am more in sympathy with this point of view than over twenty years ago when Michael Benner first suggested it.  We know that the Obama administration tried desperately to maintain neutrality on the XL Canadian pipeline.  Obama could have taken a stand in the 2012 election but didn't. President Obama could have taken a stand against firearm polifferation in that same election of 2012 but he didn't.  President Obama could have done a lot of things but he didn't.  President Obama could not get reelected today.  Everyone agrees about that no matter what their political perswasion.  Perhaps Donald Trump is a wild card.  Maybe he really is mentally unstable.  But whether you are to the left or two the right, you agree that we need major change in the way Washington is run.  Bernie Sanders won two states on Saturday.  He's still in the running.  If you disqualify all of the Republican candidates as "just not Presidential" you're basically left with Bernie Sanders as the last man standing.

At ten after six I tuned in 640 KFI and the Democratic debate was on.  Apparently KFI is making a habit of carrying these debates.  It was a spirited debate but they stayed on respectable topics.   One can only contrast the difference in topics.  It's a case of "never the twane shall meet" because you'd think it was a different country with the issues the Republicans bring up, if they even ARE real issues.  Someone today said the Republican debate was more like an episode of planet of the apes.  At least the democrats argued on substance and "How BEST to solve the problems that face Americans".  There was no praising of Governor Snyder the way Marco Rubio did at his last debate.  There is absolutely nothing praiseworthy about ANYTHING Michigan Governor Snyder does.  I think Bernie Sanders' remarks were more "engaging" than Hillary's and seemed more likely to be the sort of remarks Black ghetto people could identify with.  It seemed to me that Bernie Sanders won that debate and he gave a better closing speech.  Others said that Sanders was kind of over-bearing in this debate.  I wouldn’t say that.  But the debate wrapped up just after seven with closing statements.  Then I watched “Once upon a Time” till a quarter to nine.  It was a special two hour segment of the problem, with all their usual stories.  

There were four contested states among the Republicans on Saturday.  Trump appears to have won in Kentucky and Louisiana was apparently a draw where they split the delegates down the middle.  Ted Cruz won outright in Kansas and Maine so basically it was kind of a Ted Cruz day since he won outright in two states and split another.  Bernie Sanders won in Kansas and in Nebraska.  But Hillary won in Louisiana and got more delegates than Sanders.  I don’t know how powerful Judy’s prayers are but maybe Cruz can pull it off if Trump loses on the Ides of March in Ohio and Florida.  March 15th is the first “winner take all” Tuesday so that’s why this day is so important.  Washington’s blog stated that after the fifteenth Sanders will find it a whole lot easier to win states and his delegate count will draw even with Hillary eventually, if he’s lucky.  At any rate Sanders had pledged to stay in the race till June or convention time.  I just feel the progressive cause could be better served by having a candidate without skeletons in his or her closet the way Hillary does.  This whole Honduras coup thing is just one more strike against Hillary.  They had Lindsey Graham on “Meet the Press”.  Graham has gotten over his disgust for Ted Cruz long enough to endorse him for President, though he’d prefer either Kasech or Rubio if he had the choice.  They also had Mittens on.  Romney has come out of the obscurity of post candidacy and roared into the spotlight again and the voters are listening to his words. 

Nancy Reagan died today.  Don’t ask me to say anything nice about her because my heart’s just not in it.  The best thing I can say is they were truly in love and remained so for the rest of their lives.  I think Nancy led Ronnie around by the snout in the early days and also when he was President.  I’ve read Kitty Kelly’s book and I know about all of the skeletons and sketchy areas in Nancy’s closet.  I didn’t like her “taking over” and firing Don Reagan as Chief of Staff.  I thought the astrology stuff was questionable.  If she is destined to be with Ronald in the afterlife she’s had about a 25 year wait since Ronald was last lucid.  It was about the time of Iran Contra that Ronald Reagan first began having his memory lapses.

(Saturday) Rhapsody in Black was back today and they had a good crop of songs ranging from late spring to early fall of 1963.  There was an obscure Mary Wells song I thought was called “Nevermore”.   They played “El Watuci” by Ray Baretto, “If You Want to be Happy” by Jimmy Soul and “Walking the Dog” by Rufis Thomas.   I remember the Olympics song they played.  They played the original versions of “The Bird is the Word” and “Land of a Thousand Dances”.  They played “Fingertips” and a rather Carebean version of “Que Sarah Sarah”.   There was “Pride and Joy” and “Monkey Time” and “Just One Look” by Doris Troy.  There was a song I thought was called “Lonely Surfer”.  They played “I’m Busted” by Ray Charles and “Sally Go Round the Roses” and “Shake Your Tail Feathers” (Not sure I remember that)  I remember the tag line from “Ruby Baby” (not to be confused with Ruby Ruby)  The final track I had it on for was another Mary Wells song.  Then I went out to buy John Blacks at the liquor store.

The murder in Honduras on March 3rd of the global prize-winning environmental activist Berta Cáceres is one of the current achievements (though indirect) of Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s decision in 2009 to allow the newly-installed coup-regime in that country to solidify and remain in power.  As the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton resisted and ultimately overcame the virtually unanimous efforts of other Western Hemispheric and European leaders to oust the coup-regime. She was backed-up in this retrograde decision by U.S. President Barack Obama. Without her efforts, and President Obama’s passive acceptance of her decision, the coup-installed regime wouldn’t have remained in power, and the freely elected President would have been restored to power to complete his term.  The results of this for both the U.S. and Honduras have been disastrous: the world’s highest murder-rate, soaring drug-trafficking, and the exodus of hundreds of thousands of Honduran children who don’t want to spend their lives drug-trafficking, and who have left Honduras because the gangs kill children who refuse. Then, U.S. Republicans, whose representatives in Congress were passionate supporters of the coup-installed regime, complain about the influx of those children into the U.S. and demand they be sent back to die there.  The democratically elected progressive President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, was overthrown by Honduras’s aristocracy, in a coup on 28 June 2009, organized by that country’s nearly dozen aristocratic families, whose suffocating control over Honduras was being threatened by the entirely lawful and progressive democratic policies and actions by Zelayas’s government, including land-reform and workers’ rights — two things that aristocracies everywhere oppose. 

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Just A Few Random Thoughts

It occurs to me that some words can be taken out of context.  I stated that the Federal Reserve needs to "establish more honest interest rates" from the rediculously low ones we have now.  I hope no one thought I was advocating for lower rates, because T bills are only a half a percent now.  Mom is making all sorts of money right now even with the half percent rates.  But what if T Bills paid four or five percent?  Sure Mom would be paying a lot more taxes but she's also be making boucoups bucks.  Yes this would increase interest on our national debt, but only NEW debt as of post March 2016.  All the OLD debt rates would remain intact.  I am not as concerned as Judy is about being in debt or beholden to China.  If China were going to pull the plug on our loans they would have done it by now.  Judy was silent when I raised this point to here on the phone. One area that might be to your liking, Judy, is that if I were President I would push to abolish this "quarterly estamated income" tax payment you have to send in every three months.  This is a lot of money and a lot of unnecessary paperwork.  It's giving the government free use of your money for from three to nine months.  If you end up owing the government or are deliquent in payments, you pay a tax penalty.  But if the government owes YOU money, you don't get squat in terms of interest rates.  I don't agree with the idea that there should be Zero tax on stock dividends.  This is a Larry Elder pipe dream.  I agree with Thom Hartman's statement that "Those who do back breaking work for a living such as in construction or industrial production- - shouldn't pay a HIGHER tax rate than those rich people who sit around in their mansions by the swimming pool waiting for the dividend checks to arrive.  It it were me I'd also allow tax deductions on credit cards for the average American.  Judy would no doubt tell me "Well if these people didn't go into debt they wouldn't have to pay the interest".  But I believe in an economy that is Demand deficient- - anything we can do to spur demand is a good thing.  

 I watched Mitt Romney’s speech and it’s better and more substantive and balanced than I would have supposed.  The same can’t be said for Dennis Prager’s CPAC speech however.  He said “The American Revolution is in danger of being undone?”  Does he mean the India Tea company is going to be reinstated and we will once again become British subjects?   He spoke of Christianity being a trinity even though he claims to be a Jew.  As you know in the past Dennis has had questionable views on abortion, prostitution and is just wrong as to Church teaching on the policy of Forgiveness.  Anyhow he says we as Americans list under a Trinity of ideas.  One of them is a belief in God.  In God we trust.  He also talks about how you can’t have both Liberty and Equality.  One of them has got to go, and Prager seems to side with the Southern plantation owners here.  Finally there is the notion of E Plurabus Unim.  The problem here is it’s the Republicans who repeatedly mention all these minorities they want isolated from the American main stream of opportunity such as women, gays, Blacks, Moslems, and other minorities.  He managed to pack an awful lot into a five minute speech.  Then I watched the John Kasech speech on C-Span.  He is known as “The Story Teller”.  He won against sitting democrats in the Reagan recession of 1982 and all that.  He talked about budget battles with his colligues in congress.  He then repeated this oft spoken mantra by Newt Gingrich and other republicans that “We cut the capital gains tax rate and this is responsible for the booming economy from late 1994 to late 2000 in the Clinton era.  It’s the “Newt Gingrich affect” where just the mere news the Republicans had been elected caused the stock market to take off and the economy to explode.  The cut of the capital gains tax (I looked it up) took place in 1997 nearly three years into this economic boom.  And it was cut from 28% to twenty percent.  So if you want to “repeat that tax adjustment” then I presume you now want to raise the tax rate back up to twenty percent.  Keep in mind that the income tax rates on a whole host of fronts were RAISED just before this economic boom began.  Finally I played this tape of a guy with a guitar talking about how Jesus was born of a Virgin and heralded by angels and died on a cross for our sins.   Then there was the latter we could call “The little girl and the homeless guy outside the supermarket”.   Nobody disputes that we need to bring the jobs to where the people are who need jobs.

In terms of this drive to say ‘Anybody but Trump” Donald Trump has kind of out maneuvered them in a power play.  He got all three of his rivals to endorse him should he win.  This makes all three of them look stupid.  But it wards of something worse such as an all out Republican civil war where everybody loses.  They can’t stand Donald Trump.  I honestly believe that now, and Romney’s speech is ripe with examples.  But as much as they detest him now they’ll need Trump’s constituency (voters) for their own ranks if they’re going to win in the fall, so not even Cruz the purest and fight the Trump tide.  It should be noted that with open primaries so the rage now, that droves of democrats have abandoned their own party to vote for Trump.  This explains why for every five people voting democratic now, there are eight people voting Republican.  Some of these newfound democratic voters may genuinely LIKE Trump’s policies.  He promises a lot for everybody.  But there are those who just see it as an opportunity to torpedo the Republican Party system- - - and undermine the political process and gumming up the works.  Having said that they may (strangely) be doing the Party a favor because it will prevent a brokered convention.  If any of the other three candidates remaining have any prayer of getting their party’s nomination, it will be through making a deal in formerly smoke filled back rooms.  It’s hard for me to envision any scenario where a brokered Republican Party convention could be a good thing for any political party in this modern day and age.  

Let's talk about Event Horizons.  This isn't a neon sign advertising a rock concert that can be seen from way down the freeway.  Event Horizons are "Your universe" and these overlap like the Ven diagrams Lisa Simpson is so fond of.  They are like Free Calling Zones.  Yours may encompass more area to the southwest than mine does.  A third Area Code may overlap partially with yours and mine but may encompass areas where yours or mine doesn't go.  Each of us has a slightly different Universe.  By "us" I mean a group of us who live on different stars but keep in touch.  Capish?  This "Free Calling Zone" view of viewing Universes or Event Horizons may seem strange.  Because no one locality can be said to be either truely IN or OUT of this Universe.  There is no great sign that states "You are now leaving the Universe" any more than there is when you are leaving a certain Toll Free Zone.  It took me a long time to get over this 'Absolute speed limit" thing of Einstein.  First of all if we went with the physics of Isaac Newton- one might almost suppose that light travel is instantanious, meaning - - there is NO difference between the speed of light and that of gravity.  This is the "What you see is what you get" principle.  That is if you see a distant planet around another star- - the LIGHT and the GRAVITY from that planet- - are coming from the identical place.  There is no need to recalculate, which makes things a whole lot easier for Astronomers.  Since there is no "absolutely stationary place" in the Universe (it's all relative) than no such speed limit for inter-planetary travel can be established.  Some may question whether "Event Horizon" differs from "The Universe as we know it".   Technically the question is there IS no difference here because "The Universe as we know it" is contingent on what we can measure with our instruments, and THAT is contingent on the speed of light or time for those images to get to us.  So it can be argued that - - - MOST of the universe as it NOW EXISTS is something we are ignorant of because we have no way of "getting to it".  Therefore any travel- - - of something approaching "instantanous" would necessarly denote "leaving the Universe as we know it" at least temporarily.  Better people than me have said "psychic travel is instantanious".  But suppose you don't settle for "psychic" travel but you want to get there both Body and Soul.  Well - - - Supposedly this guy who talks about magnetic pulses caused by "Cryogenic supercondivity and super magnets" can speed travel.  I can't help thinking of that Cartoon that had super magnets where it was cranked up and fire hydrants, lamp posts, and then things like cars and suspension bridges and Naval Vessles and eventually the Eifel Tower got sucked into this magnet and final UFO crafts.  This only goes to illustrate the absurdity of power by "super magnets".  We are told there are only four FORCES in the universe.  There is gravity, electro-magnetism, the Strong Force, and the Weak Force.  Strangely the Atomic Bomb is a manifestation of the Weak Force.  Those who subscribe to this theory ignore a lot of energy sources- - such as the gasoline in their cars.  If if you take that car and crash it into a brick wall- - that Impact Force is yet another form of Energy!  I think it is unwise to use words like CAN"T and IMPOSSIBLE to limit what energy sources we may develop in the future.    

Friday, March 04, 2016

Knife Found At OJ Simpson Mansion

Either Hillary or Trump has the potential of being a very good president, or a very bad president.  There's really no way to tell".    -Jim Webb

In another twist in the long-running O.J. Simpson saga, Los Angeles police are investigating and testing a knife that was reportedly recovered on property once owned by the former football star. The elite Robbery-Homicide Division is investigating a buck knife now in the possession of the Los Angeles Police Department. The knife was apparently turned over to a police officer a number of years ago by a person doing construction work at the property, a law enforcement source said. At a press conference at LAPD headquarters Friday morning, Capt. Andrew Neiman said the officer was a traffic cop and was working on a movie set when he was given the knife. Detectives learned of the knife's existence more recently, and are now investigating where it came from, according to police, who cautioned that the investigation is still in its early stages.  My theory now is that OJ's son actually was the one who got into the knife fight with Ron Goldman and Nicole, but OJ intervened and tried to stop if, and got blood all over him. 

A Thom Hartman caller says there is some new "superconductor' type rocket that will enable inter-planetary travelers to go at extrordenary speeds.  It has something to do with super-magnetic pulses.  On the other hand maybe the guy has been watching too many Star Trek shows.  Thom Hartman speculated that perhaps the guy ought to be working for NASA if he's as smart as he claims to be.  My theory of course- - as far as I've been able to glean by my conversations with "dead people" is that fifth dimensional transfer of "energy" can be effected by "fungable quarks" that leave holes in an energy field that can easily be filled in with other identical appearing quarks, or perhaps hadrons.  Like a children's puzzle there is "Only one way you can get the hadrons to fit.  The energy is transferred over a "standing energy wave through the ether, so there is no actual traveling involved.  The transfer is instantanious.
Last night I got a phone call during the ABC network news that the Republican debate was being carried on KFI.  Bill wasn’t happy about that because he’s heard enough of Trump.  The debate ran from twenty to seven to just a little after eight.  The thing was laden with commercials.  So in all it was less than two hours counting commercials.  If I learned nothing else it’s that none of those four men up there are qualified to be President.  They were ordered by the FOX staff to drink the poison and pledge their undying loyalty to Donald Trump and all three obeyed like lemmings.  And they made Trump pledge too not to jump the party.  One disturbing thins was when Donald Trump responded to someone’s statement that “The military officers will refuse to obey an order to waterboard someone because they’d had it drummed into them that waterboarding is wrong” and Trump said “When I am President these officers will obey me.  And I’ll give these subjects even worse torture”.   Trump had the tendency to be very flip and call someone a liar just for the hell of it, or it excites this out of control crowd or something. Occasional Kasech would say something that sounded “compassionate”.  I was eager to get out of there and joined Bill outside and I happened to think of Ted Cruz’ closing statement.  He said that he “had the back of police officers and those in the military.  He promised to change the “rules of engagement” and make it easier to fire on the enemy.  In my frame of mind I took it to mean that he would “change the rules of engagement” for White officers firing on Black suspects.  And if anything bad happened that the officer would personally “have the President to back him up”.  An inner voice spoke to me (it was Bones) and said “Well, if ever there was a reason not to vote for Ted Cruse right here you have it”.  I was just burnt out on the whole thing and disgusted with all four of the candidates, Trump, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasech.  Judy and Paul called just after I began watching a science fiction thing on channel five.  I was looking to lose myself in some fictional plot and forget about the past hour and a half.  Paul asked me what I thought of the debate and I really didn’t feel like discussing it, or maybe it was the bedtime medication kicking in.  I told him I thought the tone of the entire thing was far too crude and combative.  On the Stephanie Miller show it was rumored that they even got into an argument over penis sizes.  None of the candidates was “Presidential”.  Marco Rubio had a quick wit and attacked Donald Trump on “Trump College” because students thought they learned nothing and wanted their money back but instead they were told “If you want the real “inner” secrets to success you’ll have to pay us more money and get the advanced course”.   Trump is refusing to settle but is dragging the case out five years.  I watched KTLA till nine and then went to bed.  
I like that song “Who is a democratic socialist?” “Just look in the mirror”.  “Your grand dad was a democratic socialist”.  “And you don’t have to wear those black Viet Cong pajamas or clinch your fist- - though you might look tough if you did”.  There’s the WPA and Social Security and Medicare and the good cop on the beet.   “Can I get an Amen?”  It seems that “Party Chairman” Debby Wasserman Schultz is trying to eliminate legislation that cracks down on these “Pay Day” loans that run something in excess of 25% compounded monthly.  We’re getting into Mafia territory.  Is Hillary Connected?  Of course there is this John Dean type subordinate working for Hillary who has turned “state’s evidence” and gotten immunity for himself.  I don’t want to be in the position of supporting a candidate for President charged with a felony.   I watched a seventeen minute Video from Democracy Now called “Hillary’s risky Libya adventure”.   It’s something every Democrat should watch because Hillary tipped the scales in Obama’s mind “51% to 49%” to invade Libya.  Hillary to this day won’t acknowledge it’s a mistake.  Hillary seems impervious to criticism on the subject of Libya and Bengazi.  After Qadafi was killed a few days after he was deposed, Hillary off camera quipped "I came, I conquered- - Qadafi died".  Qadafi was given an "early exit" oppertunity but those negotiations broke down.  The Orion Federation was a fan of Qadafi staying in power. I went to the store at seven and now the sun is up pretty high at that hour.  I spent $3.25 on cigarettes and a large coffee with Ben.  I drank the coffee in my room.  We had sugar frosted Cheerios for breakfast followed by scrambled eggs, toast, butter and jelly.  Robert Gates and Joe Biden advised Obama not to invade Libya.   Police don’t use batons much anymore but use tasers instead.  I didn’t know that.  They’ve gone high tech. 

Stu-baby reminds us that today is the one year anniversary of the take-over of the propaganda apperatus of the Orion Federation by the Taccomans.  Last night right after the debate when I was out on the benches in the dark (the lights weren't working) Mal Evans and Stewart Sutcliffe joined me to inform me that due to Mal Evans' acquiring of political power to to "proper manuvering the chess pieces" that he is now in a power position enough to exercise leverage to help Stu-baby out and get him back some of his former power on Sirius A.  Stewart has been muzzled and hasn't been able to express any pro Ukranian sentaments, because he lived a past life as a Ukranian in the Nazi party.  Now the next question is whether I can free myself sufficiently of Paul and Judy enough to feel free to express my own pro Bernie Sanders sentaments.  

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Super Tuesday Results Leave Murky Picture

Well the buzz is now that you can’t trust Donald Trump because he has small hands.  For obvious reasons I don’t put much stock in the theory about “men with small hands” myself.  It seems that Donald did not do as well as he was perhaps expecting.  Judy’s prayers were answered because when you look at the total delegates, Ted Cruz has about two thirds of Trump’s delegates so he must have gotten them from somewhere  It was Trump at 291 or something and Ted Cruz at 180 something.  Texas was a big delegate prize and Cruz won that.  Cruz also won in Oklahoma and in Alaska of all places.  That’s kind of a burn on Trump considering Sarah Palin’s endorsement.  Marco Rubio has a few delegates because Rubio did well in Virginia even though Trump “won” Virginia.  Trump won the other Southern states as expected.  Actually Stephanie said that Marco took Minnisota, which is surprising.  But trying to get any of these results over Google news is impossible because they don’t have them.  On the democratic side, Bernie Sanders won in Vermont and in Oklahoma of all places.  Kasech was competitive in Vermont.  All the Blacks continued to vote for Hillary in droves.  Not to be racist or anything but what the hell is wrong with Black people voting almost robotically for Hillary.  It seems no matter how many people show up at Bernie’s rallies nothing shows up for it in hard votes.  But Black people must be brainwashed dupes or something thinking Hillary will solve all their problems.  There are five major states voting on the Ides of March.  These are Ohio and Florida but also Missouri, Illinois, and North Carolina.  But an argument can be made that if you want to stop Trump all the other candidates except Ted Cruz should withdraw and rally behind Ted Cruz because Cruz had perhaps 65% of the delegates Trump has.  He’s competitive and if he continues at this pace, he could well bring about a brokered Republican Convention.   Of course Hillary even when she’s in a good mood sounds kind of angry and whiney or something.

Robert Reich, former labor secretary of the Clinton administration, is one of the liberal good guys.  He has endorsed Bernie Sanders for President against his own boss's wife.  He reminds us that whether it's women getting the vote or ending the Viet Nam war- - it was outside protest pressure that did it.  This is just the kind of outside pressure Thom Hartman has been talking about since the Bush Administration.  The trouble is that for all of the enthusiasm in the Sanders campaign rallies- - not that much is showing up in terms of hard votes.  People need to go beyond just "making noise". Sanders does have the media's attention now and this should be a good thing.  Saul Allinsky was good at grab em by the balls protests where you put pressure on people where it hurts to effect change.  Part of the problem is that "incremental change" won't work any more.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich agrees with this saying that Hillary is imprisoned by the Small.  She resists radical forward progress or even progressive asperations such as single payer merical care, which the rest of the world has. This "resistance" can be even seen in liberal talk shows that are 95% pro Bernie Sanders for President in terms of people who watch the show, yet the hosts of these shows feel compelled to somehow "rein these supporters in" in terms of their enthusiasm for progressive causes.  But Jesus felt compelled to rein in the enthusiasm of his disciples who wanted to make him King or some sort of "deliverer of Israel".   Hillary, like Jesus doesn't so much want to "deliver" us but rather oversee or "superintend" the destruction of the American system and our courts and the constitution in the guise of the Trans Pacific Partnership.  I see myself at cross purposes with Hillary.  It used to be that if you demanded only a little you were more likely to get it.  This is what Saul Allinszky taught.  Hillary seems to have acquired the habit of using "Can't" a lot in her responses now.  But in reality today I'm more inclined to believe Sean Hannities analysis about "Having a nine point nine earthquake on the Washington bureaucratic establishment.  Yeah!

Last night the ABC network news was all about the primary races for the first fifteen minutes.  Then I went to Glen’s room and knocked on the door.  But then I went down for medication and the line was almost out the front door.  It’s probably the longest line I’ve chosen to remain in.  Mickey cut in front of me.  Fortunately the line moved fast.  I got my medication from Christian.  Then I knocked on Glen’s door again and Ron said he was at the back table and I went first to the east end then to the west end.  I lit up another cigarette and Glen was in a talkative mood.  I had my coffee cup with me and when I was done we went to Glen’s room and I got instant coffee for four cigarettes.  Then I returned to the room at 7:22 or so.  It turns out that political special show at seven lasted an hour.  I drank my coffee in leisure.  At eight I took inventory of the laundry and made out a list on a fresh piece of paper.  In terms of NCIS I disagree with their verdict.  They seemed content to push all the nasty stuff under the rug and give the officer a pass and say the girl did it in self defense.  If it were me I’d be filing all these charges for lying and cover up and things, and try to negotiate it down in front of a judge.

This is after dinner.  I had pains in my chest just before dinner.  We had barbecued meat balls and rice and lots of sauce.  We had corn with that.  There were no seconds.  We had orange sherbet for dessert.  I went to the liquor store and bought a pack of John Blacks and then talked to Glen on the back benches.  Andrew was still out there.  Sometimes you wonder if there is a plan, a rhyme and reason for God planning the day and moment of your death.  It's all part of that grand "soap opera story" where characters get shuffled around and some are ushered off the stage of Life.  Abigail on Days of our Lives used to have regular conversations with her deceast father for the first year or so after he died.  Therefore she didn’t think it strange that Stephano put in an appearance to Chad after death.  It was pretty realistic.  That Bob Theme fellow on those tapes of Bill T used to talk about “dying grace”.  For instance before you die- - you seem to have a sense of clarity and calm or something like Martin Luther King when he realized (?) that “We as a people will get to the promised land”.   Well, it’s a good thought to hold on to. 

Washington’s blog is having a lapse of objectivity.  They said that Hillary’s war against Syria is the thing responsible for the refugee problem in Europe.  That’s crazy.  These people are largely fleeing Assad and his barrel bombs.  They also say that Serbia wasn’t practicing genocide in the mid nineties when the Clinton administration waged war in Bosnia.  This white washing of Russian misdeeds gets a little much.  I question their judgement about Ukraine, too.   If Washington’s blog is going to turn against Bernie Sanders because he doesn’t toe the line of Moscow foreign policy, then Washington’s blog is useless as a campaign tool.   Clearly Bernie said that a good military mind knows how to use sound judgement and pick your battles.  But no way is Bernie Sanders going to function as an ongoing apologist for Vladimir Putin!

 Eye Witness news is on now and the polls in many states close in a matter of minutes.  OK it’s just after five and they have already declared a number of southern states for Trump and Clinton.  As Hannity predicted- - Marco Rubio is making a good showing in Virginia.  Bernie won Vermont with ninety percent of the vote.  Bernie Sanders won with close to a hundred percent sweep of the votes in Thom Hartman’s telephone poll today just after nine.  Actually in thie survey Trump got more votes than Clinton did.  Kasech is at least putting up decent numbers in Vermont. .