Monday, October 12, 2015

The Sick Climate of Far Right Hate Today

The anti defamation league has criticized Dr Ben Carson’s assertion that if the Jews under Nazi Germany had had guns that the holocaust would not have happened.  I”ll defer to the ADL because they are in a better position to judge than I am.  To be frank I have wondered about that issue myself.  But in general it’s not realistic to suppose that if the American people were armed that they could stand off a whole Federal government with tanks and missiles and bombs.  I think we learned that from the Branch Davidians, who tried to do just that and found they were hopelessly out gunned and out numbered.  I find Ben Carson to be a completely insane person when he says “I’ve never seen gun injuries as bad as knowledge that the Obama Administration is coming to take our guns away if we don’t stand firm for our second amendment rights.  And I heard Carson speak saying to a CBS reporter “Well perhaps now these dark scenarios of mine have no immediate danger of happening, but the second amendment is designed to prevent scenarios from happening in the future”.   The whole climate on guns is so sick.  I can’t fathom that Obama would be booed as he visits Roseburg Oregon and there are protests out there telling him not to come and they don’t want him.  It’s so bad even the victim and father of one of the parties claims that Obama is politicizing this tragedy.  There are all of these myths about gun free zones.  That’s about as warped of thinking as a nudist saying “Well if there were more nude zones then there would be fewer rapes” to something.  Maybe that’s a bad analogy.  I listened to Stephanie Miller this morning.  I had her on a little after six (following - - ) and then it was the Rude Pundit and then Eric Bolder (or Bowler) on.  Stephanie is correct in her assertions about Hillary Clinton.  Now I learn on her program for the first time that one guy with a military background was kicked off the Bengazi hearings committee because he refused to go after Hillary hard enough.  This isn’t a game “changer” but a game ender.  Combined with the Mc Carthy remarks there can be no doubt the entire committee was and is entirely political and it’s credibility right now is “circling the drain” and needs to be flushed immediately.   Stephanie says that during his Sixty Minutes interview- - President Obama was grilled on Bengazi, and yet he wasn’t asked one question on gun violence.  The reporter pushed Obama hard on Syria and ending this training program we have for rebel fighting forces in Syria.  It might as well have been Sean Hannity asking the questions.  I think it’s true that “We learn stuff we didn’t know and we try things and they don’t work out, so we move on”.   Sean Hannity calls the cancelation of this program the “Backing down of President Obama before Putin’s advances”.  The President was put in the awkward position of saying that Putin’s advances in Syria were “an act of weakness”.   OK I have trouble following that logic myself and with the President had phrased that a little more tastefully and tactfully.   Stephanie also mentioned the Hillary coverage and how there is this never ending chorus (mostly on NBC) of how Hillary is not allowed to change her position on an issue when she gets more information.  It all goes back to this almost theistic philosophy of Republicans that “All knowledge that ever existed at all we are aware of right now and it’s blasphemy to think we would ever learn anything new”.   When Bernie Sanders was leading in Iowa it was front page news.  Now that Hillary is back on top in Iowa nobody covers it because it “doesn’t fit with the scenario” or story line they want advanced.  They want Joe Biden Running even though he doesn’t want to- - for the specific reason that it will cut into Hillary’s numbers badly, but even so- - - Hillary still wins easily in any head to head contest against either Biden or Sanders.  So tomorrow’s debate will be interesting.  It will be refreshing to just listen to a sane conversation on the issues and let the public know that there is another side- - a sane side- - to all the issues they’ve heard from the Republicans.  Bernie Sanders may be changing his positions on suing gun manufacturers for injuries incurred.  I agree with Sanders’ old position on suing manufacturers, when he was against suing them.  Unlike cars- - if you use a gun the way it was intended to do what it was designed to do, then you kill people.  That’s what guns do.  If the gun blows up in your hand or something- - then we have another issue- - just like you would with cars if you had an exploding gas tank or something.

I am still pondering with the fact that I might be clinically depressed, because “Things I once enjoyed and looked forward to doing, I don’t do any more”.  I have become lazy and lethargic and I can’t explain it except that my brain chemicals are on the fritz.  In terms of news on the cats- - they are all three still out there in the cages- - the mother cat and the two kittens and Joe says that he and Wally want to contact the Humane Society rather than the OC Pound, which is probably not open today because it’s Columbus Day.  On the other hand maybe they do extra business today BECAUSE it is a holiday and people have off.  We know the beaches will be packed when it’s like 92 degrees at certain beaches- - and the LA International Airport right by the ocean.  Beach temperatures have been strangely high.  But the mama cat has been in that cage since Thursday and that is just plain inhumane treatment, especially if they run out of water in this heat wave.  More often than not, you hear the most meowing at night.  I looked through the fence slats and the tone of the meowing god a little more hopeful for a moment.  

Turkey shot down a Russian bomber today.  This could trigger an international incident.  Washington’s blog continues in the vein of the US being hypocrites for saying they are against war crimes when they are one of the chief committers of it.   I take strong issue with Washington's blog when they attack Amnesty International however.  Washington's Blog is SO political that they will sacrifice humanity and ethics to advance their political position that Assad is a good guy and can't be touched.  Assad is a menace and we need to get him eventually.  I just think we need to concentrate on one issue at a time and I think ISIS has the higher priority.  I think we need negotiations with Vladimir Putin to prevent World War III.  I hope we can achieve that before something really bad happens.

Chris Matthews isn’t accepting the fact that Hillary has “flip flopped” on the trans Pacific deal.  Matthews is doing everything he can to trash Hillary’s motives and to remind her that Joe Biden is still all for the TPP deal.  She is “firming up her position for the debate” but Matthews claims “I highly doubt Hillary is against the agreement in principle”.   At least the Hillary news is forcing Matthews to even bring up the forbidden TPP issue on the PMSNBC network.  OK now Chris Matthews is admitting that Donald Trump is the “probable” winner of the Republican nomination.  Hillary of course had never had any problem in the polls at all.  All that has been well constructed myth making on the part of Sean Hannity and Dr Levy   “Meet the Press” is almost entirely political now with little talk on international or other national news, which used to dominate the thing.  It was another case of NBC trashing Hillary Clinton for her flip flop on the TPP.  Last night even the Mc Laughlin group was disparaging Hillary for her change in position.  I guess the complaint is that she was such a strident proponent of the trans Pacific Partnership for the administration on literally dozens of occasions.   

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