Friday, October 09, 2015

Democrats Need to Listen to their Base

We hold it to be Self Evident that Ben Carson is an Idiot

Sometimes Norman ticks me off.  Norm says “It doesn’t matter how many debates there are because nobody in the democratic party cares about debates”.  He then launched into a lot of flowery language trying to put down people who believe discussion of the issues is important.  Norm also says “No amount of compromise is too much”.  Obama is the compromise king and nothing has gotten done since 2010.  And a lot less got done before January 2011 than would have gotten done if we’d had a president who was a fighter.  My philosophy is this.  If your number one goal is “getting elected” and consider your goal met if you ride around in Air Force one and have an enteroge of photographers and aids around you all the time and “don’t care” about the actual issues- - then you don’t deserve to be President.  Furthermore the tea party has been SUCCESSFUL in sticking to their hard line issues.  That’s how they’ve won their elections.  They know that if you don’t get out their base, your chances of winning are much reduced.  Democrats do NOT want a repeat of the previous six and a half years.  Do you get it, Norm?

 Hillary has repeated today that she is against the Trans Pacific Partnership.   I guess it’s OK to come out with the “right” positions on issue even if it takes you time to “evolve” and come to those correct decisions.  Of course Hillary also came out against the Trans-Canada pipeline.  She’s out flanked Bernie Sanders on firearms regulation, though Bernie’s voting isn’t that bad, and the NRA doesn’t trust Sanders at all.  There are questions about that Hospital that US forces bombed in Afghanistan.  There is a secret memo circulating that this particular bombing did not meet with normal criteria for bombing raids.

House Majority Leader Kevin Mc Carthy has dropped out of the race for Speaker of the House leaving a host of other potential candidates available.  As I suspected the right is rather happy about this change in fortunes because now they can get one of their really whacko candidates to be speaker.  The official vote wasn’t even scheduled to happen until October 29th.  Meanwhile through all this new chaos, John Boehner will not be stepping down till they have a sure replacement.  Boehner wanted Mc Carthy to succeed him.  Boehner makes a good case that at least he got some legislation accomplished over his tenure, whereas the next speaker of the house won’t get squat accomplished in the remaining fifteen months.

If you don’t need to be elected as a member of the House of Representatives to be Speaker of the house, then we could well have an unelected President should the unthinkable happen and both Biden and Obama were taken out, and I don’t mean – to dinner.  You need 218 votes to pass a bill in the House or to elect a speaker of the House.  It stands to reason that if this Freedom caucus only has forty or fifty members they don’t have a majority of even their own party so even following the Haster rule- - they couldn’t field a candidate who would win.  It would seem “through the math” that it would take 29 democratic victories for the Democrats to get a majority because now the democrats are 189 and the Republicans are 247.   You have this Jewish guy and “Daniel Webster” running for Speaker now- - but logically if it takes 218 votes of the full House to get elected Nancy Pelosi could get 189 votes right off the bat, and all you would need would be for 29 republicans to cross over and end the chaos. 

This is the sixth straight year the deficit declined as a percent of the gross domestic product.  The debt has still not yet doubled if you figure from fiscle 2010 on, the first full year Obama was in control of the budget.  People like to shift that final Bush year to Obama.  Needless to say the deficit has continuously dropped during the Obama administration.  Now Thom Hartman is talking about the methylation of DNA, which Judy was flooding me with information last year.  And then it’s that other word “epi-genetics”, which Hartman is trying to relate to either straight or gay.  I bet it turns out gayness is treatable.  Of course we know that GMO’s mess around with our gut bacteria, which Judy also talks about endlessly.
elected Nancy Pelosi could get 189 votes right off the bat, and all you would need would be for 29 republicans to cross over and end the chaos. 

This is Friday October 9, 2015 and John Lennon would be 75 today if he were still alive and I’m sure celebrations will be held somewhere.  Now for the news on Patches.  I was looking for the cat last evening and this morning and didn’t see her.  Marcia says Patches went inside the cage for food because she was hungry and got trapped.  Marcia also says someone else let her out of the cage last night, but later this was refuted and Patches is still in the cage, but the two kittens were out loose.  Last night I saw one and perhaps both kittens last night.  They were playing but not with each other.  One or both of them were inside Wally’s engine and I heard some thumping around.  Patches saw the cage the other day when Dr Levy was here and you’d think she’d know better than to enter the thing.  I guess she’s in a locked office somewhere.  Last night it was the usual ABC news and then Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which we are having more often now.  I went to Glen’s room for instant coffee and creamer for four cigarettes.  “Vampire Diaries” was on but somehow I dozed off and roused after nine and went to bed.   I managed to avoid buying cigarettes last night and borrowed one from Richard this morning and then I paid him back.  I shaved this morning while Stephanie was on.  I first sat in the front room a while and then went to the store.  Bill was getting large cups of coffee for himself and Glenda and then I got a dollar cup.  I took it to my room and drank it there listening to Stephanie.  We had Raison Bran for breakfast followed by French toast and I got s second strip of bacon from Fernando.

Here’s a capture update.  I just saw both kittens playing by that bush by the flowers tree and so as of now they are free.  A minute later Augustine comes out with another cage so he’ll be getting them too, so I guess they’ll all be taken to the pound at once.  The weather has gotten warmer today and they are renewing their predictions of triple digit temperatures today. 

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