Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The "China Lobby" and History Written In Advance

"So I guess the question is - - should we pay homage to a hundred year old map of the Mideast- - or allow current conditions to be taken into consideration in re-drawing national boundaries in the Mideast?

Could it be that we already know the “causes that led up to World War III - BEFORE it has even occurred?  Wanna bet?  You’ve heard of the Israel lobby but pre WW II there was a “China lobby”.   And it’s easy to get a sense of Déjà vu if you know the facts.  Our Presidents worked actively to “cultivate” an atmosphere for World War II a full decade before we entered the war.  We supported China and were openly bulligerant to Japan.  This was the era of the Christian missionary.  And people entertained thoughts of a Christianized China, as the right now may still hope for a Christianized Israel.  (Or am I kidding myself on that one?)   Roosevelt actively supported pro war efforts against Germany and wanted to declare war on Germany after Pearl Harbor, but thought that wouldn’t fly right off.  Thanksgiving weekend there was a newspaper in Honolulu of “Japanese slated to strike US at any time” and there were frequent references to “a triggering event in Pearl Harbor” years before the Japanese struck.  Of course as far as the whole oil embargo thing- - I don’t see why we were letting the Japanese have ANY oil AT ALL, knowing their intentions.   But you will remember that Israel tried to start WW III in June of 1967 by attacking one of our ships and making like the Egyptians or someone did it- - hoping the US would declare War on all of Israel’s enemies.  Roosevelt should have been as “honest” as Golda Meir.  She didn’t wait for an incident to get into a war.  She just struck.  But there is a Star Trek adage if you’re paying someone a back-handed complement you’d say to them “You have successfully manipulated that situation with the skill of a Romulan”.   FDR supported this Chang Chi Check myth that he was the true leader of China and Mao was “The JV team” or something, who had no future- - because as I say- - we wanted to cultivate this myth of “A China gradually becoming Christianized”.  When you read the blog it’s like History being written in advance.  Because the whole situation back then is playing out right now only with Israel and Iran, hoping for WW III to break out.   There are certain “sudden” and “shocking” events that we have been given ample warning of in advance, but choose to ignore it.

Texas is being inundated with lots of continued flooding and heavy rain.  Their Governor, that Abbott fellow, has declared 37 counties to be a disaster area.  But did you know that Abbott also got a law passed which puts a state wide ban on - - wait for it - - fracking.  Denton, Texas did a vote of the people and banned fracking in their city and Abbot disallowed that.  Can you believe that?   I’ve also heard of the governor of Michigan taking similar measures against cities.  It would be neat to put all these Republican governors on some kind of mass impeachment trial. But you know, the state legislatures could pass a law saying the sort of gene splicing done by Monsanto and Du Pont is now illegal and the assets of these countries would have to be “forfeited” just like if narcotics are found in your car, even if you borrowed it from a friend, who didn’t know the sort of druggies you hang out with.  Just call it a “state forfeiture” and the right wingers should be “down!” with that, you know!   It seems unlikely that any corporation with its hands on the balls of world food production is ever going to loosen their grip on the vitals of the food supply no matter HOW much money you offer them to “get out of the business”.

So how do you get gizzed all over by Al Gizera?  (sp)   One of the writers on Washington’s blog got screwed over by Al Gezera - - in an interview that was never aired, and told the guy, “Oh, that was just a trial run” and them refused to reimburse him for his expenses.  Who ever suspect Al Gezera was such a weaselly organization?  But suppose we get to the Judgement Seat of Christ and we're told that our whole life was just a "trial run" and really "didn't count".  You know all the Rich people out there would have a cow over that.  If they knew the wealth they acquired counter for nothing and all those accolades for supposed "good deeds" counted for nothing?  In like manner a poor person who accomplished little in the physical world and his spiritual life was almost as impoverished- - he now learns he's getting a fresh deal of the deck, and is naturally delighted.   So Neil Savedra's remark of "There are no do-overs" will be proved once and for all to be a Lie.  What if all of Neil's "smart ass remarks" over the radio- - - were judged as "less than nothing" in God's sight?  I'm just saying we have absolutely no idea what awaits us in the After Life, and this scenario is only one of Endless Possabilities.  (Selah)

I would like to modify Thom Hartman's view on Calvinism just a little.  There is a line in Julius Ceasar not to trust Cassius "because he has a lean and hungry look" and then says "Give me people around me who are Fat".   My belief has always had this lurking in the back of my mind.  Certainly Pastor Mark has a phobia of outsiders.  But there is generally a phobia of those "Who don't see themselves as rich and blessed".  Anobody who is truely (as opposed to falsely) looking go God for "something' in their lives - - is someone under Bovine theology whom you can't trust.  The best way you "know you can trust someone" is whether you see yourself as "blessed" and also (of course) whether others agree that you are "blessed".  Their favorite line of Jesus is 'To him who has - - more will be given, and to him who has not- - even that which he has will be taken from him".   Now what they do in France when supermarkets throw out food is that they pour bleach all over the excess food- - to insure that the poor won't be rummaging through your stuff".   Of course the Thomas doctrine, also known as the Abott doctrine (of Texas) is in play too.  Your goal is to be the LAST person whom God EVER has grace on.  After YOU get "saved" well, that's IT.  Roll up the rope ladder and leave no more rungs for the poor people to come up after you.   But Thom's point is well taken that Jeb Bush's favorite author is one who is anti-democracy.  As I have said "The conservatives just LOVE big government- - especially when they strip voters of popular sovereignty (see above) It's democracy that these people have a basic problem with.  They will do everything in their power to suppress that.

Stephanie Miller had new lyrics to that old song “Life is a rock”, which has at the end of the line “At the end of my rainbow is a golden oldie” updated to “ - - - is a nineties Oldie”.  The truth is that Bart Simpson got too old to play on the Simpson’s and for the later stuff after 2000 he got his son to play the part.  A golden rule in call in shows is never to say “As I was telling your screener”.  Radio talk show hosts hate intrusions of Reality” and now we know the real reason why they took out the sky ride in Disneyland.  It’s because it gave certain nosey people a chance to scope out the land and see things they weren’t supposed to see.   One time in a parrellel universe there were Blacks running the voter registration place and were giving whites who came by a literacy test to see if they were intelligent enough to vote.  So the whites were instructed in “Next line, please” in the song “Jimmy crack corn”.   The first part of the verse goes “When I was young I used to wait on Master and give him his plate” and the whites were unable to come up with the next line” and the Black registrar would say “Well you know in all them there Institutions for the Mentally Retarded all the residents know those lyrics and you’re telling me you don’t?”  And a notation was made of the white guy’s IQ put down as “59”.   Just for the record the remaining lyrics are “ - - and pass the bottle when he got dry - - and brush away the blue tail fly”.   In Ireland they are known for their gay life style for a different reason now.  It seems that pro gay voting is more prevalent the higher percentage of Catholics voting”.  That kid with the toy guy who got killed now has had three years knocked off his age.  They now have him noted as a nine year old child rather than twelve.  That one makes sense.

In the morning I got up.  Oh that reminds me.  Here is a riddle.  Tell me what I’m referring to.  When you first get one it’s rock hard, but if too much time passes before you get to use it- - then it gets soft.   If you live around here you know what I’m referring to.  Anyhow the whole towel situation is solved and I now have a big, fluffy towel to dry off with.  I can’t remember smoking a single cigarette before breakfast.  “No, but Monica Luinsky handed you a whole pack and you smoked every one of them before breakfast”.   “I never had a cigarette, no not one time”.  (Not one time)  Today was the day to use my debit card.  First I got my medication from Tom.  The store wasn’t open yet so I dashed out to the back and looked for a cigarette and didn’t find one.  Now the store was opened.  Janet asked me if I were planning on buying a roll.  I told her “no”.  Actually I wouldn’t mind having a roll- - of tens.  I looked at the Spanish CD’s waiting for her to finish up at the coffee machine.  But the machine declined my debit card account.  This is what as known as Divine Grace in denying you what you ask for.  Now I owed that guy’s wife a dollar for the coffee.  But I would rather owe the store a dollar than be in hock thirty-five dollars to the bank.  I took the coffee with me into breakfast.  We had oatmeal followed in due course by scrambled eggs, toast and butter and jelly, and hashed browns.  Then I got a cigarette from Lishia to smoke.   And now for the biggest news of the day.  Rush Limbaugh supposedly has come out against the Trans Pacific Trade agreement.

I had a dream about various things last night.  I dreamed that the Bosc house was on a southeast corner - - and there was all this woodsy area to the southeast- - - kind of like Grandma and Grandpa’s old house where Paul used to hunt for lizards.  But now I was walking into that same tract- - and I was following that blondish John guy to a house and I was about to go in and it dawned on me “Oh, this is your house, not mine”.  So I went down a half a block and there was the Bosc house- - but the whole area had been remodeled.  There was a red roof and the whole roof line had been altered.  And they had removed all the trees and now there was this steep hill grassy area under a leveled out yard.  And there was a fence with barking dogs on this property.  The guy came out to say “Hello” with a couple of his dogs with him.   In another part of this dream- - I was on some college campus in some magazine reading room where there was a Christian radio playing and they were talking about how Islamic people who had invaded this country were now torturing Christians right here.  But the imigry was so graphic- - even if it had been television - - they couldn’t show it because it was so completely gory.   I remember it was the first day of school or something and I was petitioning classes and counting my money.  And ran into Augustine and some of the hired help- - and for a while we were having a conversation about Christianity- - but then I had to excuse myself because I had to be somewhere else.

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