Sunday, May 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton Has Got to Go

Let’s look at this whole ISIS thing again.  According to recent blogging activity, there was a deliberate shift in military troop power from Bengazi to Syria to fight in the ISIS campaign.  John Mc Cain wanted to fund “moderate rebels” but all the while we knew there were “regular rebels” who weren’t moderate, who became ISIS.  These were ignored by the administration.  There are documents involving Hillary Clinton where she knew that the Bengazi attack was a planned affair weeks in advance.  But still those who have the say in these matters put Susan Rice out there to the media to lie.  This could perhaps have been a protection device for Hillary in the event she ran for President in 2016.  As you know the Obama line in late summer of 2012 was that Al Qaeda was on the run and we were winning the victory.  We heard the same sort of talk from this administration just a few weeks ago about ISIS.  I mentioned that guy this morning in the Bush administration who wanted a “moderate Sunni government” ruling where ISIS is now ruling- - rather than either Iran or Syria.   By way of comparison we brought down Saddam Hussein’s government in three short weeks.  Yet we can’t defeat ISIS, which seemingly came out of nowhere.  As one reporter put it today “If we have to ask whether we’re winning the war or not- - we already know the answer”.  We are not winning against ISIS, and now they’ve gained control of another historic city - - in Syria - - and we know ISIS has set it as their mission to destroy all historic artifacts not Islamic.  Certain ruins have been there for thousands of years- and ISIS is going to destroy them.  I also watched a video I’d seen most of starting around three thirty.  There is a banner headline saying the economic crash is coming in 87 days.  That would be about Bill Clinton’s birthday in August, if that means anything.  They said Russia and China were accumulating gold and dumping dollars and also divesting themselves of US debt.  But now a mysterious buyer in Belgin of all places- - is buying up this debt.  I am right now predicting a shocking sharp dip in the stock markets in June.   This crash will cause a major panic but I don’t believe it will signal “the end”.   This is based somewhat on astrological considerations.   I am also predicting there will be a major bottom in the stock market in mid October of 2016 just three weeks before the election.  And my gut feeling at this minute is that a Republican will win the Presidential election, I hate to say it.  It’s a highly unusual thing for the Democratic party to hold the office of President for twelve years in a row.  The last time that happened was under FDR.   Various sources I’ve encountered seem to have hard information that President Obama is “throwing the game” when it comes to defeating ISIS.  And if I suspect it’s true- - you know the Republican candidate will hit this point heard and try to make the American people believe it - - even in the absence of any hard proof.  Just think about it.  I think we need to contain ISIS because it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to wipe it out at this point. 

Hillary Clinton cannot therefore be our democratic standard bearer next year, because she will lose.  She has told too many lies and shoved too much under the rug.  The only chance the democrats have of winning is to divorce themselves as far as possible from her record.   So the truth is that Romney was right in his allegations about Bengazi - - and Hillary Clinton got someone else to do her lying for her.   In fact the decision to take down Qadafi was itself a “highly flawed one” at best (and one the Orion Federation was against).   Absent this decision, Bengazi would not even have happened.  But contrary to the Democratic and Republican Party’s campaign to deceive the American people into believing that we’re at war against extremism in the Muslim world, our government is, in fact, united in both Parties to support the Saudi princes who virtually own Islamic extremism.  If this is an American government that supports the American people, then it does so by lying to them, and by working on the side of the enemies not only of the American people but of the publics throughout the world. Why would that be? What’s indisputable is that it is.  This is, indeed, the case. Are America’s ‘news’ media reporting this important news story? Or are they instead reporting the criticisms by the chiefs of both political parties against each others’ party? If it’s stenographic ‘news’ reporting, then it’s unchanged since 2002 and 2003, when U.S. ‘news’ media stenographically reported the Administration’s statements about “Saddam’s WMD,” etc., and most Democrats joined with virtually all Republicans in supporting a criminal invasion of Iraq.  The big news story in the United States is the utter corruption of its ‘free press.’ That’s what we’re seeing, yet again, with regard to the Republican-Democratic policy of warring against Russia, China, Syria, and Iran; and for Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bharain, and the other oil sheikhdoms. Anyone who quotes the lying rhetoric of the U.S. Government in order to deny that this is true should consult the links that have been provided here, before affirming those lies by Republicans and Democrats.  The United States is Government of the people, by and for the aristocracy. Everything (and especially Obama’s ‘trade’ deals) can be truthfully understood only on that basic understanding, in which America’s two political parties have become, since at least 1980, just two contending  branches of the aristocracy party, in this country that was founded on ending the aristocracy.    

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