Well now the right wing is all in a kurfuffle (one of those Rush Limbaugh words) over a Cheerios commercial. I couldn't believe it. Apparently there was this "contraversial" bi-racial commercial we all saw last year which I gave another thought. I remember several years ago when Loretta was telling me that a lot of Mormons were giving Marcia a hard times and had trouble accepting her, and puzzled I asked "Why", and Loretta said, Well, because she's Black". Of course Marcia went on to have her official White Robe temple ceremony and baptized and all of that. Meanwhile Loretta has distanced herself from the Mormon church. It's one of those things where you have to go "Oh yea, I forgot about that". Apparently there was such an uproar over this Cheerios add because they had to disable the comments section because the tweets were so hot and heavy with the N word. So now someone from MSNBC does an innocent "tweet" about how "Even if conservatives will hate this add, the rest of us will think of it as a warm and fuzzy family moment" and all. But now Reinz Previs is DEMANDING that MSNBC give him a personal apology. Well, MSNBC gave Previs his apology and also fired the guy who did the Tweet. I'll tell you right now if I were that unlucky guy I'd be filing with the EEOC for wrongful termination. And now old Reiny says "Well, that's a good first step. I guess MSMBC is kind of on - - Probation now". This Previs fellow is so out to lunch he thinks he's the FCC or something. By the way I'm informed that General Mills is a Romulan company - - - just like three M is a Romulan company. Meanwhile Martin Bashier still doesn't have his job back with MSNBC. If you're a Reigelian you like that name "Bashier".
Well what I want to know if when are the Democrats going to stop coming and begging - - Hat in Hand, for acceptance by the Republicans. They go "Please, allow us to pass the farm bill. Please because we'll agree to cut the Food Stamp allowance, and if it isn't enough to suit you, maybe we could cut a little more". If I were President Obama I'd say "Screw the farm bill. You'd be doing me a favor if you DON"T pass it". It seems that now this compulsion of "going along to get along" has reached Ed Schultz. Because this morning on his radio show, Ed Schultz came out in favor of the Canadian oil pipeline. I wish to God the President had come out in 2012 and condemned the pipeline and said he'd work to make sure it was not approved. But since the President wouldn't do that- - not only does he lose the trust from people on our side- - but leaves himself open to Tea Party charges that secretly President Obama intends to kill the pipeline as soon as he's reelected. These are the same people who say "President Obama is coming after your guns the minute he gets reelected". This President is like the guy who borrows a gun from someone and fiddles with it in a crowd of people and never intends to use it- - but someone in the crowd yells "Gun!- - " and the next thing you know President Obama is dead from a half a dozen gun shots. This Canadian pipeline is a disaster for one and all, and it won't bring the United States any cheaper oil. It will just make China richer and aid and abet the ravaging of the land of Alberta. Randy Rhodes just said that President Obama will be appearing on the Bill O Riley show on Superbowl sunday. As Pete Seeger said long ago "When will they ever learn - - when will they ever - - Learn".
Apparently this Sochie Olympics thing is a major fraud all around on the world. It isn't the Swiss or the Tyrolian Alps, which would be more logical choices for the Winter Olympics. It's kind of the Russian Mafia that got the deal done. Vladimir Putin just wanted the Olympics in Sochie because it's his favorite "summer resort" town because it's one of the warmest places in the Soviet Union, and yes, I'm calling it that. Sochie didn't get famous for their snow. It's another replay of Vancouver- - which isn't known for its snow, either, particularly in that warm year they had it there. They say "We have uncovered no actual evidence that any money actually changed hands". I guess it's just a case of "Making them an offer they can't refuse" and if they don't want to wake up with a bleeding, dead horse's head next to them, they better play ball.
Let's review the minimum wage situation once more. The wage now is $7.50 in states in the nation that haven't raised it on their own. So basically the argument goes that at least a forty percent increase is necessary to get even a glimmer of economic fairness. But Obama only wants it raised to $10.10 when the inflation adjusted rate would be at $10.40 - - an easy figure to remember. But as has been pointed out, if you factor in how much harder each employee is worked now and how productive each employee is forced to be- - the figure should be more like fifteen dollars an your, or approximately double what it is now. Of course Rush Limbaugh claims "You're making victims out of all those people. You're playing the victim card". If you don't like "victim" how does "disadvantaged" strike you, Rush. That is- - you show up in cletes and shoulder pads and a helmet- - and play tackle football with a guy in street clothes and tennis clothes and no helmet. Rush says "You are blaming rich people who had absolutely to do with it". Well, I'm not suggesting blaming Rich people who "had nothing to do with it" I suggest blaming those Rich people who ARE the ones- - such as the Koch brothers, and Grover Norquist and even Rush himself. It's kind of funny that Rush Limbaugh believes he's speaking exclusively to the rich and priveleged- - and can't conceive of the idea of any other kind of American even mattering, or meriting of his or her input into the system. But there was this pizza guy who claims 'I pay my employees an average of nine dollars an hour and if the new minimum wage hike goes through I'll lose $250.00 per day eating into my profits". I was thinking of someone who sold maybe two hundred and fifty pizzas per night- - - he would lose ten percent of his gross. But let's do a few caviats. First of all knock 35% of that figure off because of tax payroll expense deductions he can now take. This figure assumes a pizza place owner who had ten employees working the same shift at once- - and every shift is a 25 hour per day shift. There aren't 25 hours in a day, of course. This also would suggest that ALL TEN employees are now being paid BELOW the minimum wage figure, which even the Pizza owner himself might agree isn't true. Maybe if more people had more money he would sell more pizzas so now he was able to sell four hundred pizzas per night instead of 250, and this would assume that each pizza sells for an average price of ten dollars a pizza. So basically - - this guy is alleging that the profit on 25 pizzas per night will be lost to him because of the minimum wage hike.
And now more of this origens of rock groups bullshit we do now and then. It seems there was a major rivalry in the early sixties between the Bajorans and the Belmonts. The Bajorans were more of a west coast influence and the Belmonts on the east coast. The Bajorans were more of the protagonists. The Bajorans hate the song 'Those Oldies but Goodies" because it rips off a couple of their biggest hits. We have learned of three more Neir Reigelian groups. The Janettes with "Sally Go Round The Roses", the Dixie Cups, who had three or four hits, depending on how you count - - and also the Shangra-las. The Romulans don't like any Neir Reigelian group. This could be another Rivelry thing because the Four Seasons were riding the crest of popularity in 1964 and were it not for all the Four Seasons hits on the charts, the Beatles would have had even more hits in the top five. Many Romulans viewed the Four Seasons as cheap rip-off artists. We now come to the make up of the Dallas Romulans. Well they have a lot of Romulan in them but a polyglot of other groups such as the Delanians, and the Renuah - - and perhaps a little Crestorian. There is a group that hangs around Atlanta called the "Feeorians" or is it "Fiorians" - - and Dwane Almon is said to be part Fiorian. Possibly - - some Delanian and Fiorian mix was involved here. But unlike most time with this genetic stuff, I was given no proper fraction exact numbers.
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