How we come to the Rush Limbaugh half of the equation. Rush is all upset this morning because Reinz Previs came on the Morning Joe show on MSNBC and advocated for the Immigration bill. Rush says this bill is an "Amnesty bill". What terrifies him the most, as he's admitted previously, is that all these new immigrants will be able to vote. Some Republicans, who also say they will now push the immigration bill, believe that these new Latino voters can be molded into a conservative voting block. Rush Limbaugh has read the poll numbers, however- - where any hope they will ever be anything but liberals - - is contra indicated. Rush Limbaugh says that if the immigration bill goes through, the democrats will take the House back, and it will be All Over for America, and "All of America will have turned into one bit California, which is now a liberal one party state because of all the immigrants now voting there". Such is Rush's faith in being able to impart his own philosophy to newcomers. It seems that the Republican Presidential Primary numbers are disconcerting to some. Mike Huckibee is now in top thanks to his anti women statement of the other day. Jeb Bush of Florida came in second. And Governor Christie came in third. None of these top three is particularly Glen Beck's cup of tea. It isn't till we get to number four and Rand Paul shows up, that these tea baggers can take heart just a little. Still they lament that "If we keep nominating left leaning republicans to the top spot on the ticket, we will continue to lose". Here again John Boehner even told the President the night of his address, that he as Speaker would bring up the Immigration bill.
There are even screwier issues. For instance - - neither Glen Beck nor Rush Limbaugh has ever spoken against the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement. Only people on our side such as Ed Schultz and Thom Hartman have done that. If ALEC - a fringe right wing group, is the only group supporting the Pacific Trade agreement, then clearly the liberals don't like it- - and once again the President fails to see which side his toast is buttered on. But they brought up a story about when the President intervened to save the domestic tire industry, according to some right wing source, the price of tires skyrocketed, and sales plumitted, and all sorts of people were thrown out of work because the President imposed a rubber terriff on China. Of course remember that it's a natural instinct of any nation to be Protectionist of their own industries. It's only the United States that has this "unnatural" inclination to sabotage itself. I could make an anti gay analogy here but I won't. Of course according to some new poll by - somebody - - Americans if given the the choice which theory to throw out Evolution or the Biblical story of Creation - - would vote to throw out Evolution because more people now believe in Creationism. Of course in schools in the South, they only teach History up to the civil war, so that anything or any lesson we could draw from the last hundred and fifty years of our nation -- is a complete blank to these people. Certainly nothing that has happened in the past century in this country is anything History books in the South want to touch with a ten foot pole. Now there is some complaint about Obama's half brother, who is still pretty much a stranger to the President since they never even knew each other growing up in different continents. It seems that one time when the President met him, his half brother was wearing a pro Islamic Tee Shirt that read "The temple mount is ours" and another part read "Ruling from the River to the sea". Strangely this could be almost a Bible quote. In the book of Isaiah it says something about God's Kingdom reigning from the River (taken to be the Euphrates) to the Sea (the Medeteranian) And since Jews and Moslems worship the same God, I don't see what there is to fight about on this particular issue. But supposedly it "proves" that President Obama is still a closet Moslem. It's just another of those "stealth" things about Obama he "keeps well hidden' or something.
I was thinking of this
idea of “reconciling with God” and other people may have this problem. What we need is a “God Sumit” where we can
“negotiate” with those in the know- - as to God’s nature and what he requires and
who is right and who is wrong. Scripture
says “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord” but I doubt religious
authorities actually take this scripture at face value. Eye Witness news is on now. It’s the year of the horse, and fortunately
they don’t serve what animal year it is, meat from that particular animal. It’s a “Yang” year, which is a year of
action. So is a “yin” year a year of
reflection and / or preparation or something?
I guess they trade off, odd and even. (added today) I guess that raises the question is like you have Lords and Ladies, and Dukes and Dutcheses, and even the Incubus and the Succubus, when it comes to demon posession - and what's good for the Geese and Ganders - bit, so you also have the hoo-hah and the male counter-part "Ying-yang". "His ying-yang got all bent out of shape on that one". Of course in Romulan loore the year of the Horse is not a good year but one characterized by strife and division (perhaps a bit of the Libra thing) and often economic stagnation. Expect to see sharp divisions and unresolved conflicts. Of course in Chinese they say the word for "fish" is the same word for "Abondance" and so that fish is a popular food item in Chinese New Year celebrations. There is a bit of a Jewish thing going on here too. Because you don't prepare the food the same day but in advance, so that you don't "cut into" your good luck. Also like Yom Kippur the feast begins on a New Moon or just after, and apparently lasts ten days.
Of course I haven't mentioned Jimmy Mc Culloch so far today, one of my "friends from the other side". People out there are wondering "Oh, he's the guy who "plays' the chain saw in that old Rush Limbaugh timber update thing twenty years ago". Cute. Coffee was just called. I have to hurry. Well of course as you know Romulans are "stealth" because of "Warped space". It's funny how Star Trek manages to slip that word "warp factor" in there. Of course it isn't a war Factor, but a specific incryption code for warping space in a particular way, hopefully so that it's contiguously compatable with other similarly warped or incrypted space. The thing is - - normal input from regular space can get IN, but it can't get OUT. So maybe these people with a particularly political WARP about them, are not ilinformed. They know better. They are just hell bent on YOUR ever learning the real Truth- - about Them or a lot of things. By the way we have a little Jim Cooper news. Apparently Johnny Cash was misinformed. Jim Cooper is not now "into guns" but when he astral-projected some time ago to the "other side" he did make a statement supporting Ted Nugent's right to keep and bear arms. He also said of Oswald and Kennedy, 'That S.O.B. wouldn't have been so brave looking out that school depository window, if he knew that people around the car would be firing back". However Jim also said that "As a Christian I have made a decision not to own a gun". He also echoed a statement I may have made that the people on Bela Tagis B known as "fivers" were a "Motley Crew" and said 'I like that term for us!" Jimmy Mc Culloch also said he was there personally when someone played "One More Try" off the "Out of Our Heads" album by the Rolling Stones. He says "I really like that song!" This is a song that was a favorite of Roger Shepherd.
Let's talk about Baryons as defined by the Romulans. Basically they seem to be referring to newtrons here and these can permiate "encrypted space". Not only that but like activated charcoal with poisons in the body, they "absorb" the encryped matter and "hence" the space. (Note: This is the word used here, and it seems to imply "therefore" space) The only thing that can really defeat Romulan cloaking is high radioactivity, and that's no state secret. Everybody knows it, but who wants to pilot a radioactive ship? The word "Barry" in Reigelian means "dense" or "dull" and also "retarded" as in mentally, and the word carried over into the Romulans, spelling against type. Typically they would spell it "Berryons" but they don't because it's a Reigelian word. The reason why stuff gets in and doesn't get out - - is necessarily kept a secret. It has Nothing to do with either Einstein or Black holes. And it doesn't seem to be like C02 such as causes global warming where polarized heat (infrared) waves get trapped. A possible analogy is how a powerful radio station gets picked up "off frequency" and drowns out a weaker nearby station. But don't hold me to that analogy too tightly. Nuclear reactors are poison to cloaking. This is because newtrons are baryons and alpha particles are what you'd call "Baryons on steroids" and defeat Romulan cloaking. In terms of water interfering with psychic or telepathic communacation - - Fed representtives say that "No situation in this material universe, or hypothetical situation - - can interfer with telepathy". You heard it here first. Tomorrow People are not working off of our script.
Let's talk about Baryons as defined by the Romulans. Basically they seem to be referring to newtrons here and these can permiate "encrypted space". Not only that but like activated charcoal with poisons in the body, they "absorb" the encryped matter and "hence" the space. (Note: This is the word used here, and it seems to imply "therefore" space) The only thing that can really defeat Romulan cloaking is high radioactivity, and that's no state secret. Everybody knows it, but who wants to pilot a radioactive ship? The word "Barry" in Reigelian means "dense" or "dull" and also "retarded" as in mentally, and the word carried over into the Romulans, spelling against type. Typically they would spell it "Berryons" but they don't because it's a Reigelian word. The reason why stuff gets in and doesn't get out - - is necessarily kept a secret. It has Nothing to do with either Einstein or Black holes. And it doesn't seem to be like C02 such as causes global warming where polarized heat (infrared) waves get trapped. A possible analogy is how a powerful radio station gets picked up "off frequency" and drowns out a weaker nearby station. But don't hold me to that analogy too tightly. Nuclear reactors are poison to cloaking. This is because newtrons are baryons and alpha particles are what you'd call "Baryons on steroids" and defeat Romulan cloaking. In terms of water interfering with psychic or telepathic communacation - - Fed representtives say that "No situation in this material universe, or hypothetical situation - - can interfer with telepathy". You heard it here first. Tomorrow People are not working off of our script.
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