Friday, January 31, 2014

"Our Records are NOT Sealed"

It's funny how there are certain "open secrets" nobody cares to investigate or make wide known.  For instaance it's no secret that little kids if given an opportunity, will play with Guns, even if they have been strongly admonished by grown ups not to.  Hidden cameras don't lie.  There was this one little kid who knew all of the new places mommy picked to hide her gun.  "Gee mommy is almost as bad at hide and seek is that owner of the dog with its toys".   Then we have Chris Christie.  Nobody doubted that Christie ordered those lane closures of the bridge in mid September of last year.  Christie's presidential numbers have dropped fifteen points and are now in the thirties.  Not auspicious.  This port guy Weinsteen or whatever his name is, the number one trigger man so to speak, has now overtly fingered Christie as "knowing about the lane closures".   Christie was and is a fool if he thought none of those subordenates would "turn" on him.  But you want to know another Open Secret that nobody is trying to hide and no one knows about?  The Shroud of Turin.  The Catholic Church has known since 1988 that the Shroud of Turin is a fake and I read it in a book back in the nineties.  Carbon 14 dating places the cloth as dating from the middle ages.  But the Catholics have just shut down all talk about the Shroud.  You will remember that Elvis was interested in the Shroud of Turin at the time of his death.  Wonderful bathroom reading!  Everybody was fascenated then.  But suddenly the topic became as taboo as Amos and Andy reruns on TV after the Civil Right's bill was passed.

 And now let's look at something Rush Limbaugh brought up.  Rush says that he doesn't have a prejudiced bone in his body.  He says he just talked to a lesbian caller (OK a woman gay caller) and had absolutely no problem with her sexual orientation.  That doesn't bother him.  Rush doesn't mind what race you are.  And he says that Conservative is "best for all Americans" be they rich or poor.  Rush says "I want everyone to succeed and thank God they are in a country where you can.  And I want all classes to improve their state in life.  Then Rush says "But liberals try and conthiscate money from the rich - - (We, the rich, who listen to this show) and you're supposed to feel sorry for these victimized rich people because the government is always taking their money.  But then Rush says "Even though the government takes our money the poor never seem to be any better off.  Or perhaps that's the whole point because if the poor Continue in poverty, that's just more Votes for the democrats next time around".  At any rate this is how Rush thinks.  It never dawned on him that President Obama is the answer to a Wall Street tycoon's prayer.  We live in a world of no political vengeance against former Republicans, and no Wall Street prosecutions, and fewer "executive orders" than the average President.  If President Obama has shown any track record of economic bias at all, it's been to the Rich.  But the big question is this.  WHAT - - "stealing from the rich".  The tax rates on the Rich are almost at their all time hystorical lows.  Rush talks about how "we shouldn't let inequity bother us".  Rush can sit there in his studio with a straight face and say it's fine for the top two percent to own as much as the bottom forty percent, or are the numbers more skewed than that?  Didn't they say the Forbes top four hundred owned between then- - Half the world's total wealth?  Why is Rush so discontent.  WHY does Rush feel "deprived".  What activity is he being "forced to give up or do without" because "The System" has taken his money and "given it to the poor" except of course, even Rush admits the poor don't Get It.

We need to talk a little more about Romulan cloaking technology.  You people have had a lot of questions, or you “should’ be having a lot of questions, because lets face it; I’m just not that articulate as an instructor.  Many wonder about objects half in and half out of cloaked space.  I’ll be happy to explain that because perhaps I left a misimpression.  Cloaked objects can’t be placed on non cloaked objects for support.  They as it were “float” in an under-water type analogy of bouincy.  There is this “consistency of gas” thing where gas cannot be cloaked, so that if you are a Romulan you don’t have to import all of your own oxygen to breathe, and yes, Romulans breathe oxygen.  As a cloaked person you can breathe uncloaked air.  However - - gas in a cloaked space can be heated and cooled - - because things eminating from cloaked space can't escape but outside gasses (if any) can enter.  I was told something that would make a good Saturday Night Live gag if nothing else.  If you aim a hose at the "threshhold" of encrypted space - - the water stream will disappear (visually) in uncloaked space, but the water will still get the person in uncloaked space wet.   Yeah- real water - out of nowhere.  But not so with solids.  As to sticking an uncloaked object into cloaked space “crossing the threshold” the object will NOT appear to people in cloaked space to “appear out of nothing”.  On this uncloaked side you will see the object disappear little by little as you wave it slowly accross the threshhold.  Where it goes – nobody knows.  But you can pull it back and the object will be perfectly intact.  The only objects or “missiles” technical term – that can enter cloaked space and suddenly “appear on the threshold” would be objects that have a residual cloaking of the same encryption code.  Like radioactivity- - the effect fades, but objects most usually “appear” solid and such all at once.  In terms of Rocket propultion- - here again you are dealing with a gas.  That is the thrust of the rocket will propel the ship.  Through uncloaked, and not cloaked space.  “But can’t others see the rocket flair”?  Yes they can, and that’s why you learn not to either accelerate or slow down while cloaked.  In terms of telepathy - - not to contradict anybody (even myself) but in fact there are few (if any) cases where people were made aware of Romulan presence - - their ships because they telepathically read the thoughts of people on the ship.  It would seem a contradiction (in a major way) of the “matching shape principle” necessary for telepathy or teleportation anyhow.  Federation would tell you that cloaking does not “interfere” with telepathy;  they would say that “it’s just not there to begin with”.   But just because you’re cloaked it doesn’t mean that alien beings can’t mess around with you in major ways.  For civilizations like the Ionians or the Pikes, with technology and “stuff” that are way beyond the abilities of the Federation- - you are vulnerable.  Look at it this way.  Can you copy an encrypted file to another disk?  Can you delete a file of an encrypted disk?  Vualah!  Bingo!  And keep in mind things like heat and cold are still very much in play.  No replays of a Forengi experimental ship sailing next to the Sun here!  There is no way for Romulan cloaking to guard against these, because as Rush says “You assume room temperature” when you are cloaked, so to speak.  I did want to bring up a Mia Copa.  I screwed up when I was talking about the cosmic make-up of the ‘49ers.  They are Del Phi, and that is Cygnus, the Swan - - and the other group, the Vegans, are a separate civilization, and frankly less threatening than the Del Phi are.  They are of course military allies and in some sort of proximity to one another in the summer skies.  In terms of the mechanics of “How they do it”, if I could explain the answer to that one I’d win the Nobel Prize in Science for 2014.  Remember when we told you that sometimes things could “seem” so certain like Randy Rhodes being fired, was the example we used, and suddenly “something’ intervenes and appears to “change’ the future.  I told you then that I could explain it, but I’d appear to be a candidate for an insane asylum.  As you know - - encrypted space does not occur in nature, any more than Genetically Modified Organisms come about naturally.  Just as it can be argued that GMO’s aren’t real food, it can be argued that Romulan encrypted space is not real space.  Unlike what the Federation does - - which involves “temporarily leaving the time-continuoum as we know it”  - - Romulans kind of use a weasly, sneaky approach - - just like I told you that some older AM radios you can “off tune” the station and actually get improved sound on the higher frequencies, than one would think were actually transmitted.  Since it’s not “real space” as nature defines, it can’t be called a “parallel universe”.  But it does incorporate technology - - stolen technology from ten centuries ago – from Alcyonne.  So the George Burnes “tiger’ principle applies here.  (This is one of those “stories” he told in the “Oh God” movie, and then forgot why he brought it up)  “Don’t try growling like a tiger to try and scare ME off - - I’m the guy who taught you that trick in the first place”.  (Selah)  Speaking of "Tricks", there is this hard rock version of 'Our Lips Are Sealed" that sounds an awful lot like Cheap Trick floating around for thirty years.  I asked about it and said "Some of these group clones are pretty good" and the other guy said, "Well actually THAT song could actually Be Cheap Trick, astral-projected into the studio.  Because they were among select groups to actually BE astral projected, you know.  The drum beat kind of has a "duh-dunna-lump - - dunna-lump" sort of galloping beat.  The vocal inflections - - if fake, sure have all the Cheap Trick vocal intonations and inflections.
I have discovered that in either Media Player or in Free Speech, when you “stop” it, it stays stopped.  The radio doesn’t keep playing, which explains why I have ran into strange delays in play-back.  But if you hit “skip forward” it will go live.   I discovered this little anomally when I was able to stop a commercial virtually right in mid sentence, and then pick up on the very next words.  A word to the wise is ‘don’t try to skip commercials in Stop mode”.  Then it was Ed Schultz, and it seems Ed is for that Canadian pipeline, and I’ll also bitch a lot more in blogger about this news.  Ed says “If it helps the economy, we should do it”, and he is from “middle America”.   Then I listened to the “Yardbirds” station for a while in “I Heart”.  I need to remember that “Tee” is that other Philapino, name, who serves a lot.

Tonight we had fish, so I guess that puts us in good standing for this Chinese new year as far as “abundance” is concerned.  I have an “unsolved mystery” to report.  Nora came in to dust and polish.  She was dusting off the remote controls and hands me the big RCA remote, one of those compatable with the VCR and the battery thing was off and missing and one battery was missing.  I naturally assumed the thing was behind the bookcase but I pulled it out and it was nowhere to be seen.  The only explanation that makes any sense is Nora just pocketed the cover and a battery, which makes absolutely no sense at all.  I confirmed the VHS VCR still works in playback.  I thought maybe in time the tape drive froze or something - - like happened to the audio drive, but fortunately it still works, though I haven’t tested it in months.  Anyhow besides fish of unbreaded type, we also had potatoes au gratin, and squash, with yellow Jell-O for desert and Owen also gave me his portion.  Joe Drisco was talking about “Rapsedy  Black” that radio show on Friday nights on KPFK.   I knew there was a show like that on one station from last summer, but I never followed up.  Perhaps I can listen on-line on headphones.  This is later and I did just that.  Perhaps the "strangest" song was one so far ahead of it's time, not January 1957, this one sounds like January of 1963 or maybe January 1964.  Actually the first I heard of our "guess the song song" was in the Peaches and Herb re-make of October of 1967, and we won't even talk about Mc Cartney's attempt at a remake of this song.

Wearing Out the "N" key on the Keyboard

Well now the right wing is all in a kurfuffle (one of those Rush Limbaugh words) over a Cheerios commercial.  I couldn't believe it.  Apparently there was this "contraversial" bi-racial commercial we all saw last year which I gave another thought.  I remember several years ago when Loretta was telling me that a lot of Mormons were giving Marcia a hard times and had trouble accepting her, and puzzled I asked "Why", and Loretta said, Well, because she's Black".   Of course Marcia went on to have her official White Robe temple ceremony and baptized and all of that.  Meanwhile Loretta has distanced herself from the Mormon church.  It's one of those things where you have to go "Oh yea, I forgot about that".  Apparently there was such an uproar over this Cheerios add because they had to disable the comments section because the tweets were so hot and heavy with the N word.  So now someone from MSNBC does an innocent "tweet" about how "Even if conservatives will hate this add, the rest of us will think of it as a warm and fuzzy family moment" and all.  But now Reinz Previs is DEMANDING that MSNBC give him a personal apology.  Well, MSNBC gave Previs his apology and also fired the guy who did the Tweet.  I'll tell you right now if I were that unlucky guy I'd be filing with the EEOC for wrongful termination.  And now old Reiny says "Well, that's a good first step.  I guess MSMBC is kind of on - - Probation now".   This Previs fellow is so out to lunch he thinks he's the FCC or something.  By the way I'm informed that General Mills is a Romulan company - - - just like three M is a Romulan company.   Meanwhile Martin Bashier still doesn't have his job back with MSNBC.  If you're a Reigelian you like that name "Bashier".

Well what I want to know if when are the Democrats going to stop coming and begging - - Hat in Hand, for acceptance by the Republicans.  They go "Please, allow us to pass the farm bill.  Please because we'll agree to cut the Food Stamp allowance, and if it isn't enough to suit you, maybe we could cut a little more".  If I were President Obama I'd say "Screw the farm bill.  You'd be doing me a favor if you DON"T pass it".  It seems that now this compulsion of "going along to get along" has reached Ed Schultz.  Because this morning on his radio show, Ed Schultz came out in favor of the Canadian oil pipeline.  I wish to God the President had come out in 2012 and condemned the pipeline and said he'd work to make sure it was not approved.  But since the President wouldn't do that- - not only does he lose the trust from people on our side- - but leaves himself open to Tea Party charges that secretly President Obama intends to kill the pipeline as soon as he's reelected.  These are the same people who say "President Obama is coming after your guns the minute he gets reelected".  This President is like the guy who borrows a gun from someone and fiddles with it in a crowd of people and never intends to use it- - but someone in the crowd yells "Gun!- - " and the next thing you know President Obama is dead from a half a dozen gun shots.  This Canadian pipeline is a disaster for one and all, and it won't bring the United States any cheaper oil.  It will just make China richer and aid and abet the ravaging of the land of Alberta.   Randy Rhodes just said that President Obama will be appearing on the Bill O Riley show on Superbowl sunday.  As Pete Seeger said long ago "When will they ever learn - - when will they ever - - Learn".

Apparently this Sochie Olympics thing is a major fraud all around on the world.  It isn't the Swiss or the Tyrolian Alps, which would be more logical choices for the Winter Olympics.  It's kind of the Russian Mafia that got the deal done.  Vladimir Putin just wanted the Olympics in Sochie because it's his favorite "summer resort" town because it's one of the warmest places in the Soviet Union, and yes, I'm calling it that.  Sochie didn't get famous for their snow.  It's another replay of Vancouver- - which isn't known for its snow, either, particularly in that warm year they had it there.  They say "We have uncovered no actual evidence that any money actually changed hands".  I guess it's just a case of "Making them an offer they can't refuse" and if they don't want to wake up with a bleeding, dead horse's head next to them, they better play ball.

Let's review the minimum wage situation once more.  The wage now is $7.50 in states in the nation that haven't raised it on their own.  So basically the argument goes that at least a forty percent increase is necessary to get even a glimmer of economic fairness.  But Obama only wants it raised to $10.10 when the inflation adjusted rate would be at $10.40 - - an easy figure to remember.  But as has been pointed out, if you factor in how much harder each employee is worked now and how productive each employee is forced to be- - the figure should be more like fifteen dollars an your, or approximately double what it is now.  Of course Rush Limbaugh claims "You're making victims out of all those people.  You're playing the victim card".  If you don't like "victim" how does "disadvantaged" strike you, Rush.  That is- - you show up in cletes and shoulder pads and a helmet- - and play tackle football with a guy in street clothes and tennis clothes and no helmet.  Rush says "You are blaming rich people who had absolutely to do with it".  Well, I'm not suggesting blaming Rich people who "had nothing to do with it" I suggest blaming those Rich people who ARE the ones- - such as the Koch brothers, and Grover Norquist and even Rush himself.  It's kind of funny that Rush Limbaugh believes he's speaking exclusively to the rich and priveleged- - and can't conceive of the idea of any other kind of American even mattering, or meriting of his or her input into the system.   But there was this pizza guy who claims 'I pay my employees an average of nine dollars an hour and if the new minimum wage hike goes through I'll lose $250.00 per day eating into my profits".    I was thinking of someone who sold maybe two hundred and fifty pizzas per night- - - he would lose ten percent of his gross.  But let's do a few caviats.  First of all knock 35% of that figure off because of tax payroll expense deductions he can now take.  This figure assumes a pizza place owner who had ten employees working the same shift at once- - and every shift is a 25 hour per day shift.  There aren't 25 hours in a day, of course.  This also would suggest that ALL TEN employees are now being paid BELOW the minimum wage figure, which even the Pizza owner himself might agree isn't true.  Maybe if more people had more money he would sell more pizzas so now he was able to sell four hundred pizzas per night instead of 250, and this would assume that each pizza sells for an average price of ten dollars a pizza.  So basically - - this guy is alleging that the profit on 25 pizzas per night will be lost to him because of the minimum wage hike.

And now more of this origens of rock groups bullshit we do now and then.  It seems there was a major rivalry in the early sixties between the Bajorans and the Belmonts.  The Bajorans were more of a west coast influence and the Belmonts on the east coast.  The Bajorans were more of the protagonists.  The Bajorans hate the song 'Those Oldies but Goodies" because it rips off a couple of their biggest hits.  We have learned of three more Neir Reigelian groups.  The Janettes with "Sally Go Round The Roses", the Dixie Cups, who had three or four hits, depending on how you count - - and also the Shangra-las.  The Romulans don't like any Neir Reigelian group.  This could be another Rivelry thing because the Four Seasons were riding the crest of popularity in 1964 and were it not for all the Four Seasons hits on the charts, the Beatles would have had even more hits in the top five.  Many Romulans viewed the Four Seasons as cheap rip-off artists.  We now come to the make up of the Dallas Romulans.   Well they have a lot of Romulan in them but a polyglot of other groups such as the Delanians, and the Renuah - - and perhaps a little Crestorian.   There is a group that hangs around Atlanta called the "Feeorians"  or is it "Fiorians" - - and Dwane Almon is said to be part Fiorian.  Possibly - - some Delanian and Fiorian mix was involved here.  But unlike most time with this genetic stuff, I was given no proper fraction exact numbers.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Eric Holder Seeks Death Penalty for Surviving Zarniaf Brother

 Attorney General Eric Holder is asking for the death penalty in the Boston Marathon case for the surviving Zarniaf brother.  It’s what he wants, of course, but I guess, with all respect to the Rolling Stones “Sometimes, you DO get what you want”.   Still this request puts the lie to the notion that President Obama is somehow a closet Moslem sympathizer.  Again just today on that new 1150 station here in LA, KEIB, they stated that because the President’s half brother chose to wear a particular shirt when the president visited Kenya many years ago. Then this proved that the President also “wants to drive Israel into the sea”.  I have heard it repeated countless times, over and over that “Obama is the most hostile President of the United States that Israel has ever faced.  I hardly think a one of these tea baggers would be happy living in Israel though.  They’d find their government nightmarishly liberal.  Besides, every citizen has compulsory military service there.  There was this Jerk-off on one of these TV drama shows- - I guess it was “Burn Notice” where the father kind of kidnapped his sun into this military outpost, set up along the lines of the “Apocralipse Now” movie.  The trouble is of course is that he was referring to the Star of the show as “not patriotic” when the Star of the show was in the military, but this joker who ran this military compound with all his guns and fences and listening equipment, hadn’t spent a day in the military.  Hypocracy is always hot and heavy on the right.  But the funny thing is this little diatribe was only launched into by – Glen Beck - - because of something in Rand Paul’s father’s background that could prove politically embarrassing - - and so Glen Beck fell back on that time tested adage of “The best defense is a good offense”.

I knew the Queen was many things but I never thought she was cheap, but apparently she is.  Buckingham Palace is running out of money and the government is telling them they have to cut expenses.  They plan to offer more tours of Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle or whatever to raise needed funds.  But there was a job for the Queen’s personal buttler, or whatever the female term counterpart of a Buttler is.  This personal aid is in charge of guarding and organizing the royal jewelry, and drawing the Queen’s bath, and even assist her in dressing and grooming.  It sounds like a highly elite position, but at $25,000 per year in the monetary equivalent- - this Buttler or Aid won’t be earning that much more per year than some teenage burger flipper here in California once the rates go up, earning a little pocket money.

This medical story is totally bogus.  It seems that some HDL or high density lipid can “go Rogue” just like Sarah Palin.  There is this old man they say has “severe artery blockage” but one thing is for sure.  It wasn’t caused by his diet.  His LDL cholesterol is under a hundred and his HDL is a mere 57 or something.  The total figure is well under two hundred - - and in the old days this man would have been considered the picture of health.  But not to worry, now they have an expensive new blood test you can take to see if YOU are one of those in danger of harboring one of these Rogue HDL Cholesterol attacks.

People probably think our California snow readings in the Sierra are bogus.  It seems they got their first major snows up there in a long time.  From what I’ve heard, we’ve had more skiing here in southern California then they have had.  School kids got a snow day - - probably more because they figure “You better go now; it’ll be gone by the weekend”.  What they really need is another good two or three feet more.  Then they can half way relax.  They say that the Sierra snow pack is only ten percent of normal.  The last big crisis they had like this was the winter of 1977 and at that time none other than Jerry Brown was also governor then.

Amanda Knox was found guilty of murder back in Italy.  Fortunately Amanda got out of the country.  She was tried and acquitted for this murder once, because the evidence just wasn’t there.  But then - - unlike in this country where “no fact found by a jury may be questioned” in that country you can appeal acquittals.  The appellate courts found some glitch in the case and so tried her again, and you kind of new that they weren’t going to waste another whole expensive trial unless they made damn sure she got convicted this time.  And she was.

We had beef Stroganoff for dinner tonight and it was pretty good.  We had corn with it.  We had tapioca pudding for desert.  Dora trekked a highly erratic pattern around the room and she got to our table last but there was still plenty of food in the tray, and I had pretty decent seconds.  Then I smoked my last cigarette.  Right now I have enough change in my pocket to buy one cigarette.  Tomorrow I get paid and all my money problems will be over- for a while.  This idea of reorganizing Queen albums hit me at the dinner table, and I know how I’m going to do it.  It’s basically a way of just getting rid of some of the chaff and giving you a better album.  Unlike the bit with Who albums a couple months ago- - this is a vinyl oriented reorganization.  I’m not the least worried about the stock market collapsing, regardless of what either Glen Beck or Thom Hartman says.  The bad weather most certainly will drag this quarter’s economic numbers down.

My super-bowl prediction still votes the Hannity ticket.  I'm sticking with Denver and Payton Manning.  The temperature should actually warm to forty degrees.


Tie Your Mother Down
Take My Breath Away
Sheer Heart Attack
Charge of the Light Bragade
Walking In the Moonlight
side 2
Somebody To Love
White Man
Dead On Time
Let Me Entertain You


We Will Rock You
We Are the Champions
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
All Dead, All Dead
Spread Your Wings
Fight from the Inside
side 2
Get Down - Make Love
I Sure Don't Want To Go Home
Who Needs You?
It's Late (I think)
Melencholy Blues
Save Me


Fat Bottom Girls
If You Can't Beat 'em Join Them
Coming Soon
side 2
Play The Game
Seven Day Romance
The Dreamer's Ball
Dragon Attack
Another One Bites the Dust
All of that Jazz