Be sure and get the latest album from pop star Lennard Johns, and his brand new release "Worm Holes and Roid Rage" featuring the hit single dedicated to congress - "Whatever gets you off the Pot".
Hugo Chavez is dead at
age 58 who was the sometimes heroic Communist slash Socialist six times elected
leader of Venesuela. He saw himself as “a
revolutionary and savior of the poor” and many of the citizens of Venesuela
even today regard him as a charismatic hero.
He actually got into power being duly elected and not through any act of
revolution. He said that it “smelled of
sulphur” after President Bush spoke at the United Nations. Chavez praised President Obama and wished him
a long life. So naturally the tea party
right regards him as a communist stooge because no normal person, apparently,
would say this of their own accord.
James Dobson at one point proposed that our government order a hit squad
on Chavez and “take him out”.
The big news of
yesterday was this story about an “Independent living” center for old people
where this lady who claimed to be a nurse- - refused to perform CPR on an 87
year old woman who was having trouble breathing or something. The 911 dispatcher was on the ball and saw
the danger and that this woman might not well survive the wait for an ambulance
to arrive, and the fact is that she did not survive. This senior center was in Bakersfield. You have to hear the phone call and listen to
the hard and steely voice of the nurse- - set like a rock either against
performing CPR on the woman herself, or even allowing anyone else to do
it. Good Samaritan laws are such in
California that a person is often required to render assistance if he’s
qualified, and also that said individual is shield from any law suits should
things not go successfully.
The stock markets in
general set new all time highs today since the Dow Jones Industrials hit around
14,200 or something topping the old record set in the blush of Bush confidence
in October of 2007. As you know even
months before that peak, I had been predicting the market and the economy was
headed for future problems. But just to
keep in mind- - nobody can ever claim again that “the private sector’ has not
recovered from the five year recession.
Profits are up and investors are happy.
Real Estate prices are up thirteen percent- and it’s very quickly becoming
a seller’s market for the first time in six years here in California. Manufacturing on a whole host of fronts is
up. But apparently so is our trade deficit
with China. Not good.
Bill Cosby was born in
Philadelphia in July of 1937. This makes
him four years older than rocker Ricky Nelson, for instance, or Bob Bylan born
the same year, and five years older than Paul Mc Cartney. It was born in that very comfortable nitch
area where he’s too old for the Viet Nam War, but was too young for the Korean
War. It’s kind of that same James
Dobson, Fred Price, Chuck Swendoll nitch or those just older than what we call
the first Rocker generation. He would
have already been 47 when his sitcom first came on the air in 1984. Of course on that show he had both a married
daughter in colleges, and also a four year old.
Well it seems as if all
that basketball diplomacy between Dennis Rodman and Kim Jan Oon or whoever –
availed this country nothing in terms of international stability. In retaliation for North Korea’s testing of
nuclear bombs- - our country has slapped on sanctions and other penalties and
in response to this Kim Jan Oon has said he wants to void the 1953 “Cease Fire”
between North and South Korea.
Technically these two countries are still at war, because an “official
peace treaty” has never been signed. It
seems that Red China has now come over to viewing the situation our way and
they are willing for the first time to cooperate with the United States on
together taking steps against North Korea.
Personally, I’m not a bit worried about nuclear war breaking out. They said that Dennis Rodman has probably
gotten to see more of Kin Jan Oom than any American.
Isn't it funny how before Deep Throat's identity was revealed by Bob Woodword, a lot of people thought he was just a made up entity to sell books. But once he was shown to be Real, the right changed their tune fast and said "Well the man is obviously a traitor". It's kind of funny - - that despite this - - - many Christians will say that psychic phenomina are real - - but that it must be coming from the Devil. This side Dennis Rodman - - the Devil is one of the most honored entities in all of Christianity, because he is one of the few people I know of to actually gain an audience with God, something the rest of us would mortgate our souls to get- - pardon the expression. Turning now to another of those famous dead
guitar players- - - people have told me from the Federation that this guy has
been so secretive since he died- - that what he told me and Burt just after he
died- - was as much or more than anybody else knows. Yeah, it’s guessing game time. This is a guitar player who lives on the M 51
planet - - but also in a band that Mal Evans has never particularly cared for,
and are arguably under-represented on any of our rock compilations. The consensus is pretty much that this band
member was “on his way out’ anyhow- - but you won’t find anyone in the media
here admitting that.
The soap opera was depressing because in “soap
time” which runs ten times normal- - the relation between Nick Fallon and
Gabriel has just about run its course.
She is now expressing herself in terms of “Well I guess we should get
married because maybe Nick would be less anxious”. Suddenly everyone is observing Nick being “secretive”
about his prison experiences. This is
what I call of “making up an issue out of thin air”. No matter how long Nick agrees to put off the
marriage- even with a far along pregnant fiancée- - no other family member it
would seem is inclined to want to see them married at all- - and Raphael when
the topic of Gabriel’s baby came up said “Well, Will Horton is a good kid and-
- he’ll interact well with his daughter”.
Raphael is apparently living in some past where he and Will and the kids
and Samantha all lived together. But
other than Nick himself I have yet to hear anyone express a joy or wishes for
happiness and success of the new couple.
Family members view Nick Fallon as more of an “inconvienience’ than a
bread winner and husband. I know from
personal experience that no matter how “proactive” you yourself are, some ventures
are doomed to failure if drowned in a sea of apathy, if not outright resistance
from friends and family- - and if not today, just give it time. (Selah) Now they are giving free cell phone service to
the poor. My phone bill is going up
$3.50 whereas other poor are receiving free cell phones minus the high installation
fees I paid out of my own money.
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