Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Strangely Enough - Romney Wins Both States

Tonight Mitt Romney cemented his fortunes for becoming the first Mormon nominee ever to be picked by a major political party.  A real first.  Romney won Arizona and Romney has won Michigan.  The vote tally was really slow in coming in and just now we are getting a glimmer of reality.  Mitt Romney has about 44% of the vote to Ricky Santorum's 37% with Paul and Newt at around 11% each.  This was completely unexpected.  People were saying that even if Rick Santorum lost by a small margin he could still pick up a majority of conservative biased congressional districts, which is how they apportion deligates.  But now that won't happen.  Instead Romney proved the odds makers wrong and all of the Democratic robo calling did not work at all.  It would seem there are more Union workers who don't care if their President would all like to fire them.  This is really strange.  It flies in the face of self interest.  But now Santorum's month long February reign may come to an end with the calendar month.

Well we've been saying it for months if not over a year and that is that Statin drugs for anti cholesterol are in fact dangerous and produce brain damage.  Now there is a bigger body of evidence and the Food and Drug Administration has taken notice and ordered that drug warns be put on.  These Staten drugs will produce various troubling symptums such as memory loss, which isn't small potatoes.  These drugs also cause mental confusion or just a state of Confusion in general.  Also these drugs will raise your blood sugar, which is never a good idea if you're pre diabetic.  Also various muscle problems have been noted with this drug.  This is all to cure a problem which could be handled in a much more healthy and wholesome way by just controling your diet and eating proper foods.  But people reach for a pill instead and pay top dollar to do it.  Now they are saying that that ten year old girl who was found dead after a fight with an eleven year old classmate over a boy- - may have in fact died as a complication of that confrontation.  They say that dizziness and spaciness are not the worst symptums you can have after a fight.  Now they are saying if hours later you are just "tired - -and just want to lie down and go to sleep" this could be a deadly sign.  This is because it means the brain stem has swollen and is now inflamed and is cutting off vital brain functions you need to live.  Of course you know that one and four old people are taking Staten drugs now, which is troubling.  This is a class of drugs which caught on with the medical profession amazingly quickly.  Ten years ago I doubt anybody even heard of them.  But now they are also saying that these stomach acid blockers aren't such a good thing because they create a furtile environment in your digestive tract for paracites, which can remain in your system for weeks and cause you all sorts of symptum problems that may not be traced back for weeks.  I think that drugs which interfere with the body's own natural protective defenses are always dangerous and should be shunned.

Of course now three students have died in that Ohio school cafeteria shooting the other day.  One ordenary guy who was the last guy anyone would suspect just went on a shooting rampage in a cafeteria one day.  Now three students have died.  One yesterday and two today, and others may follow.  They said his father was arrested for attempted murder or something and came from a stormy family setting.  Of course in the future they may have brain scans to screen for such personalities before they act.  "How can they do that?" you ask.  Remember I told you they now have demonstrated brain scans that can tell when the brain is sending out signals not of your "thoughts" per se, but of your Intent- - - Volitional Intent - - to execute a certain Act.  This would be invaluable for Police to have and use on suspects for which they planned to make some sort of prosecution deal with.  In the future who knows but every month the students will line up in the cafeteria and have their monthly brain scans, as routine as airport security groapings are now.

In Egypt they knew about the Pythagerean Therum before the Greeks had officially "proved" it.  The Egyptians studied astronomy and may have been the first to deduce the 26,000 grand cycle of the pole star around the heavens.  The key thing here is that on the "other side" of this grand circle would be 11,000 BC and the Sun was just entering the Sign of Leo from Virgo, on the first day of spring.  There was one more bad wave of the Ice Age to occur just after this that ended this civilization. After the nineteenth dynesty [Stop the presses.  I meant the eighteenth dynesty obviously.  You people should have been tossing pebbles at my window last night for this error.  I had numeric dyslexia thinking the eighteenth followed the nineteenth] came to an end just past 1500 BC, foreigners named the Hipero are Hyxos or "Shepherd Kings" ruled the land.  Some would infer that this is when Joseph of Bible fame ruled the land.  However there is not one shred of proof that either Joseph or Moses ever lived or in any way made their presence known in Egypt. ]Though Historically there is no foundation, Jim Morrison tells me that he was Ramses the First, not the Second, but the first.  And that I was his half brother with a Hyperu father, who was a descendant of Dedan by Ketura, and called a Midianite in the bible, closely related to the Arabec people more than the so called "Jews".]  Most Bible races can be trace down to some historical root.  But not the "Ismealites", who were said to have transported Joseph to Egypt in some slave purchase deal.  After this anyhow, the Ishmaelites disappear completely from the Bible.  The prophecy about them becomming a world wide empire with Twelve Kings, never came to pass.  As to Blacks tracing their roots to Egypt, the Mormons would claim this because both "Egypt" (a literal "son") and "Mizream" were descendants of Ham and as such were cursed by God as the slave race as Isac prophisied against him after a drunken fit in a tent.  We know of the Osirus connection and we people from the Federation link our name of Orion to this association with Osirus.  It's the ancient history of the root Reigelian race.  The mystery of Osirus is that death and life are partners and one is constantly transforming itself into the Other.  (Selah)

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