Monday, February 27, 2012

Buenos Nuevos Para Los Paranoias

If you're me it's major good news from Dr. Levy today.  He offered to store my entire LP record collection so that I am no longer under the gun.  I also raided his coin collection in his car to get money for one pack of cigarettes and badly needed coffee creamer, and I made myself a fresh batch of coffee on this rainy day.  This rain came from out of nowhere.  Before class not a drop and ten minutes later it's pouring down.  They cancled the Daytona 500 race for the second day.  We have a computer test for you later and the answers all expressly listed for the first time.  My track record is such that it's better to err on the side of repetetion because odds are it's either new to people or others can finally take the opportunity to "get it".  Why is Randy Rhodes talking about trans vaginal ultra sounds.  So is that the punch like to the joke of "how do anaerobic bacteria communicate with each other long distance?  Sometimes when I talk or write I have this nasty habbit of leaving out key sentences and people can't follow my train of thought.  Marcia "got it" when I said that "Some people achieve Self Awareness when they are Young, but others don't achieve it till they are much older."  Some people seem almost "born - with it All Together" if you catch my drift.  And if you "get it" the first time, then it's old news if you hear it from others years or decades later.  For others the grade of the academic learning curve bores the hell out of them.  It's like Albert Einstein flunking out of second grade because the teacher kept nabbing him for daydreaming about plane geometry proofs.  (Either that or passing notes in class to Tony Sherdon)  Anyhow the red Teacher Book answers are now listed.

Pat Buchannon called college a “racket” because it’s fat cat tentured professors who keep their lectures in short supply and get aids to do their hard work, and sit around writing their books and journals.  So it kind of sounds like Pat Buchannon is sympathizing with the student applicants.  But really most people would see today's students as just idlers.  They are the same ones who say, for instance, that the cure for the chronic unemployment problem isn't training and opportunities, but eliminating unemployment payments, as though if you pretend the problem doesn't exist it will go away.  Probably a lot of people were taught if only by inference when they were young to ignore the poor and needy as "not part of our lives" and they will go away.  Other people would sound almost rational on the subject if we didn't know how they really felt. Santorum says “A lot of people don’t need college to get the kind of training they’ll need for a job”.  But he's already on record as despizing higher education as "anti God", even though he himself has benefited from a College education.  While I don’t buy Pat’s speech in total, I can’t help but think maybe some colleges are “rackets” in that all their money goes to Alumni organizations and their football teams, and that indeed students do take a lot of Junk Cources.  Students two years in aren’t any smarter on intelligence tests, and people take courses now that used to be required for graduation from High School.  Yesterday a High School diploma really meant something.  And this only points up the fact that tea party people's intellectual acuity falls far below even this.

You know - don't say you Wish for something; you just might get it.  A lot of people "Know not for what they wish" because they've never exactly experianced what they say they want and if they heard the testamonies of those who Had, they most likely would wonder why they bothered asking.  Many people Imagine some Rygone era about an American Christian Paradise that Never Was.  They idealize some image a Pastor had them Congure up in their Minds  I just wanted to do by warning a mention of Puritons and how they came to even Be in this country.  It seems they were actually kicked OUT of England by the good people of that country, who thought they were going nuts and they wanted the regular Royalty back because King Henry VIII was a step up in civil rights.  I think this was in the 1964's when there was a lot of tumalt and soon after this the people secured to themselves a lot of the English Common Law Rights, that we incorporate as our standard "Rights" today.  But then they came here.  Of course each community "Town Square" had implements of correction there such as a whipping post, a ducking stool and stocks.  And they even had penalties for kissing your wife in public and even skipping church on Sundays.  And they would do things like brand both cheeks with an R for Rogue (Sarah Palin wouls love that) or else nail your ear to a board, or slit your nostrels, Jack Nichelson style, or bore your tongue through with a hot poker.  Of course S O P for witch trials in those days was the ducking stool where if the woman managed to survive under water she was taken out and hanged as a witch.  And if she drowned- - - she was Innocent!  And they had drawing and quartering where you're on the ground beaten up or something and you're tied to four fast horses that each take off in different directions.  If you go into a Restaurant and learn that "hot stake" has been commuted to "cold chop".  But in those days when they spoke of a death sentense being "Commuted" this is just what they meant.  So when people hear Santorum talking about "The Town Square where people exercised their Faith" it means different things to different people.  Remember, George Washington refused to even say whether he was a Christian.  It's been said that a gay Communist has a better chance of being elected President today than a person who claims that they are e "Non Believer".  Think about that.  But if the Truth be Known, I suspect people are judged for their Actions based on whatever belief system they have, rather than the Beliefs themselves.

You know that our compilation "Termites on Patrol", kicks off with a certain Smitherines song they almost never play on the radio.  It's got the same drum beat as a certain John Lennon song with floating logs and a buzz saw in mind.  The comonality of "That which may never Be".  I think this whole song is more as a sarcastic "send up" rather than it is a serious philosophical disertation.  The moral of the song seems to be that it's "Ignorant" and "Hateful" to lament and be afraid of what you don't know.  And that somehow Life as we know it (as Spock would say) was not actually Real but some kind of game carried on by others in a Higher Dimension, at least as I can figure it and that Existance Itself coming to an end is really no big thing.   But who takes the trouble to actually "Parse" Beatle lyrics into what they actually Mean when you break then down gramatically?  Few do.  And I think the lyrics to "The Inner Light" are from the Tao Te Ching, after all.  Someone summed up the whole of Taoism as "Let It Happen".  It wasn't the Bhagdavad-gita because I've read that recently.  It's something common.  And of course another Beatle song opens form lines from "The Prophet" but everybody knows that one.

Before computers had “Opperating systems” back in the mid 16=960’s how did people run computers?   Because the human Opperator did the things himself such as search for files on the tape drive or start the printer, or keypunch cards or sort cards, ect.
Disk drives on mainfraims used to be designated by an additional word- - What?  They used to be called Disk Drum Drives.
Why is character ASCII 26 known as the Garfield character in my reckoning?  Control-Z
What key word in BASIC represents this character? END
How did Marcus use this key word in a rather “stealth” manner in his early days of GWBASIC programming when he was back at ROP?  To "stack" BASIC file programs on top of each other but most suspected there was only one program when there were several.
What Bolian operator character is nicknamed by Charlie as the “Selective NOT" binary character?  Gosh - this thing is longer than I thought.  I was on a roll.  It's XOR
In precedence of AND s and OR s, which theory us used to establish precedence?  The road map analogy or the Chinese Menu analogy?   (a repeat question)  The Road Map model.
In higher Math, Real numbers are known as which?  Analog or Digital  (repear question) They are known as Analog Numbers
What percent of computer chips today operate using linear logic?  (a ball park figure)  Until very recently, very few computers sold to the public used logic like this.
What is the hardest language to learn of the Imperitive Algerithmic languages?  COBOL
What Greek word used in logic is often used in place of the word Algorithm?  It's Sylligisum
Most computer languages differenciate between Declaritive equation statements and contingency equation statements.  What symbols are used from each in the two languages of C and the DOS BAT programming language?  For declaritive it is =  and for contingency it's ==
If a 1990 hard drive can hold ten million sixteen bit characters, how many 8 bit characters  can the same hard drive hold?  Twenty million eight bit characters.
What is the ASCII code number for the letter A?  65 (Manfred's age in 2002 at G H)
What is the ASCII code number for carriage or line return?  Thirteen as in 13
BEEP in BASIC is what DOS Control Character (as in letter of alphabet?)  Control-G
PROLOG is what as known as what type of programming language?  (Fans of Lenord Lemoy of Star Trek fame have a leg up here)   LOGIC
Define the terms SET and CLEARED  SET is a binary 1 and CLEARED is a binary 0
What or who is the ADA computer language named for?  Charles Babbage's "Consort"
In ADA the PUSH and POP commands refer to what, a LIFO buffer or a FIFO buffer?  LIFO
Define the words OPEN and CLOSED, and which binary character is produced by which?  OPEN means an OPEN or imcomplete circuit, CLOSED is a completed circuit.  Or zero and one for values, respectively.
A known amount of an unknown quantity plus another known amount of the same unknown will locigally produce what as an answer    A known amount of an Unknown quantity
The variable LOONEY to the 2nd times LOONEY to the third will have as its answer, what?  LOONEY to the fifth power.
In QBASIC – if THINGS = 45 and THINGS is multiplied by THING and THING is the default variable for QBASIC, what will be the answer?  Zero, as in goose egg.
In FORTRAN, if row six of the IBM card is either blank or there is a plus sign there, what does this mean?  It means that the line is being used for official usable computer program code
In GWBASIC what does it mean if you use a number over again with nothing following?  It cancles the previous implementation of the other line in the program.
In many people’s counting, if the fourth generation computer was heralded by the computer chip, the third generation was heralded by what?   (kind of easy, actually)
In computer jacks - - getting staticky and weak signals is denoting which, a digital signal problem or an analog signal problem?  Analog problem
Which is larger, the modern “picture” character pixel, or the default number in QBASIC.  A QBASIC default variable is 33.3333 - - % bigger, like a bargain candy bar- 24 vs 32
If you take the age of a ten year old boy in QBASIC and multiply it by 35%, what will be the answer?  350 years old.
How many single floats are there in a double float in the C Language?  Two
The figure 25.25 in a QBASIC “double” variable contains how many C “short” variables if assigned equal space on the drive?  FOUR "short" variables in a double float.
If a given space on a hard drive can hold 400 modern “picture” variables, how many default QBASIC variables can be contained within an equal space?  300 of those
How many different eight bit ASCII or other eight bit characters is it possible to have?  256 or two to the eighth.
What letter is produced by the ASCII 65 character.  Be specific.  It's A, as in a grad Lisa Simpson would be insulted by
When Steve Young told me he thought RPG or report program generator language was a BLACK language, I felt better about being completely baffled.  What is the BLANK word?  Machine - language
FOX PRO and D BASE IV use a common queery language?  True or False?  That's True
“They are what I call them” is an example of WHAT with computer languages.  You find this function probably overused beyond utility value in PASCAL  The word is variable TYPING
An Array variable might be also be termed a BLAND ed variable.  (past participle)  SEQUENCED
SQL is a major example of what kind of computer language?  QUEERY
APL is a language that tends to specialize in WHAT?  Mathematics  (number Matrixes)
Which requires more memory space on the drive PL-1 or GWBASIC? - -  That would be PL-1
In what way is the pattern of IBM card punch coding similar to signs used in the semaphore flag waving letters?  It goes through letters in sequence in diminishing series of progressive letters
In both buffers and accounting inventory, which makes more logical sense to me, the LIFO method or the FIFO method?  In my oppinion FIFO
A LIFO buffer in computer lingo is known as a WHAT?  STACK
A key factor in an iteration loop is a- - - dependant variable or an independent variable?  Independant Variable
PRINT USING in QBASIC cam pretty much be called what category of command?  FORMAT COMMAND
LOAD today is a GABASIC term, but today virtually all users is WHAT common term when they think of this activity.  OPEN (file)
The STOP command will do this voluntarily without an error message in QBASIC  It will STOP the program.
ON is a QBASIC term used in what they call real time “event capturing “  True or False?  TRUE
RUN tends to operate on programs with what letter extension?  .EXE
Define the term of “over-writing a variable”.  What does this mean?  Accidently reassigning the value of a Variable already of important use as it is in the program.
Is there danger of over-writing variables in an “out of bounds” Array in C?  YES Sirritos!
If A is not B and B is not C, does it logically follow that C is not A?  NO, not one bit.
If the contrapositive of a syllogism is true- - then the inverse is the same as the WHAT?  CONVERSE
Of inverse functions, arc functions, and hyperbolic functions, which are the easiest top calculate?  INVERSE functions
When it comes to light and Charlie “optics”  it is possible to travel how fast in relation to a light source and still see some representation of it.  That 11 year old with Aspurgers came up with the figure of 1. 9 times light speed.  In my opinion he was almost correct.  (MY figure?)
No me tomes el pelo.  No lo voy a hacer ahora.
Three dimensional computer chips have the advantage of what branch of math properties in order to achieve greater speed without over-heating?  Geometry.  Multiple layers of depth means less travel distance for the electrons.
Computers operate more efficiently in cold weather because the moliciles – WHAT? - - in other words cold things conduct electricity more efficiently because of what physical property?  Molicules at low temperatures jump around less making them easier for electrons to traverse.

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