Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Is Monetary Endowedness Next to Godliness?
THE PRESIDENT has just issued a couple more executive orders today. This is a productive means of Presidential proactive leadership. Today the President decided contrary to the Patriot Act or whatever other Bush regulations, the not all terrorists would be taken out of the Criminal Court system, but now we would return to most people involved in domestic terrorist acts would be treated as common criminals, with the emphasis on "common", meaning that they will be treated just like any other citizen would be. Also today the President officially did away with the dreaded "Death Pannels" that so vexed the Republicans, or so they would have us believe. They were officially called I-PAD. This agency or agencies never did have the force of regulitory law but could only make recomendations, and this was just to coordenate the patient's best care coverage, should the worst happen and medicare funding get cut. But it was always congress and not this committee that had the final say so, and always did. This just takes another major charge out of the Republicans' hands, among so many things that have been taken out of their hands which they hoped would be a means to pilery the President during the fall campaign.
I think it's safe to say why Rick Santorum lost so big in Michigan and in Arizona. First of all Mitt Romney had his new found buddy John Mc Cain to campaign for him in Arizona as the sensible way to vote. Some said that Romney people took steps in Arizona to keep the whacko vote from showing up. But clearly in Michigan the people just rejected Rick Santorum for all of his "out there' political stances lately. Wisdom dictates that honesty is not necessarily the best policy in politics, as synical as that sounds. The Senator from Pennsylvania said "President Kennedy's words on separation of Church and State in 1960 made me want to throw up". You don't say words about a beloved ex President and get away with it. Of course now the word is that John Mc Cain is speaking out against the Citizens United Supreme Court decision and that the days of these giant donors may be drawing to an end. Others have postulated that when Mitt Romney gets elected President he will indeed to another flip flop reversion to a more progressive stance. They say that the New York water delivery system is over one hundred years old. The average aquaducts and water delivery systems and septic systems in the United States are over fifty years old. This would take a lot of employed people to replace. Unfortunately when Ronald Reagan became President the decision was made just to mortgage our future and ignore all this stuff in favor of tax cuts for big corporations and more maximization of their profits. If the economy picks up because of Mitt Romney public works measures next years he will take credit for it himself no doubt. But the trouble is that President Obama being a Democrat could not afford to go on any major government spending spree now, but a President Romney, under Republican Party Political Cover, would be free to do this.
So does having a lot of the green stuff in your pocket somehow confer to you a certain piety that the lesser classes lack. People will say that religious people have a higher living standard and more of them are married and live in better neighborhoods so there is less crime and all of that. People think of the poor as the morally compromised class. When I mentioned to Judy at Christmas that so many socio-economic factors played into minority problems such as poor health and crime she responded, "Not all poor people are immoral. It's values and not economics that's relivent". Of course the only "poor person" of any value to these people is someone like Abraham Lincoln who was honest and grew up in a log cabin. But other than that the lower rabel classes are pretty much seen by the Rush Limbaugh set as no good and good for nothing. But are these moral observations valid? No they are not. A survey was just completed that said that ten percent of the Sociopathic personalities are from the upper classes. In other words the rich have Sociopaths at ten times the rate of everyone else, where the figure is around one percent. Other surveys of months ago have concluded that the rich were truely the sociopathic among us. They ran some experiment involving economics and paying for something that wasn't delivered right away and somehow involved trust. It involved trusting your neighbor to come through for them and be true to his word. Virtually all of the people who "flunked" this test were either your rich banker - economic tycoons, and also a few people who were potential psychopathic murderers also flunked this test. Now they have done some new tests. They tested their honesty to see who would honestly state what number on the dice they rolled. They were told the highest roll would win a prize and they thought they were in a booth alone away from prying eyes, and the others would believe any number they told them. It was the honor system. There is no honor among the rich. Because there was a hidden camera in the room and the rich lied way more than any other class. There was another experiment involved stealing candy from a jar the person was told "These are for the children who will be here later". Well, guess what. The rich stole from the jar much more often than the other classes, and on average the Rich person took three times as much candy as others did. They ran a test with traffic laws and found that the rich were much more likely not to obey traffic lights and roll through right turns and such, and also that the rich were even a lot more likely to run over pedestrians legally crossing the street than the rest of us were. Of course in the military they said that Generals make fifteen much as much salary as a Private First Class. But in this country as opposed to Japan where this number is only around 30, in this country corporate executives earn about 350 times as much money as do the poorest workers. As such there is a lot of temptation for high ranking military officials to go Rogue and start working with private corporations. We know that an awfully large percentage of military "abuses" we've heard about were actually private contract companies. Of course the Salaries of the top C E O's and the rich has gone up 25% not counting inflation and taking after tax income. The ordenary age earner on the other hand has steadily lost earning power over the past thirty years. And this is deslite the fact that the average worker is significantly more productive today than he was thirty years ago. This all goes to Corporate Profits and not into the worker's pockets, as it should. I elaborated on this theme in that "Socialist Manifesto" thing I posted a month and a half or so in one blog. To to sumarize, "Yes, Virginia, The Rich Really Are Crooks". So when the right bemoans this Occupy Wall Street crowd as somehow the unwashed, greedy, moral values lacking masses, you people need to set them straight.
Now of course the Red States like to think of themselves as the financially well off sates and point to Welfare Magnets such as California and New York as the financial paracites. However - - once again the truth is a little different. The flow of government funds flows to the Red states with their agricultural subsedies and disaster relief and the like, getting paid for not growing surplus food to keep farmer's prices up or whatever. And now there are all the discredited ethanol subsedies. And of course FIMA knows that this area is a magnet for every form of natural disaster, and they always seem to need to be bailed out. I don't fault them for this. But some might say if they are so tight with the Almighty how come their prayers for protection aren't listened to? I know the expression "There but for the grace of God go I", and I'm not disputing it. I'm just saying that maybe just once these people ought to get off their high moral horse. Because earlier in this administration you had a hand full of Hartland senators representing perhaps ten percent of the US population being able to block a whole Avelanche of laws that were passed by the Pelosi congress, that would be the law of the land today were it not from the out-sized representation from rural states. They err historically because the old expression was "No taxation without representation". And these people are over represented by any accounts, and their propaganda message, for what it's worth is broadcast loud and clear in the Media.
Kate: "You wouldn't lie to me, would you, Sammy"
Samantha: "I swear on my sacred honor I wouldn't lie"
Kate: "The day you break that oath will be the last your eyes see"
If Randy Rhodes thinks the Monkees wrote their own songs, in the words of Anne Baxter, "You've been drinking too much honey wine". In terms of those Seven Mountains of society that I've heard about that the Dominionists believe in of Politics, Law, Entertainment, Religion, Education, and what have you - - -I haven't yet found specific reference to those seven - - yet. But now we are told that this Saturday Mick Huckibee is going to sponsor a "Forum" (not a debate) where Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum will be discussing dominionism. So it will be two "Christian Dominionists" debating one Mormon. Just to get our terms right, Mormon is a non-Protestent religion but not a "Non Christian" religion. Protestents are those that came out of the European reformation such as John Knox, John Calvin, Zwinglee (?), Luther and, yes, King Henry VIII. He was most certainly a religious reformer, and I'm not being cute here, either. Mormonism does not spring out of this protestent "tree" of Faiths. However they do believe and Teach the Bible, which is something you can't necessarily say for some of these other groups. And since they teach the Bible they know that the whole idea of "making the world righteous enough so Jesus can return" is pure horse pickey. No. The return of Jesus will be "as a thief in the night" and even casual fans of religion know this. Jesus (or rather John the Baptist) teaches that it will be as sudden as when the lightning flashes from east to west, and there will be absolutely no time to prepare and a whole lot of people will be caught unawares. So if Romney wants to do theological battle with the other two Dominionists, he should be saying "Well - - Bring it On!"
Davie Jones of the Monkees just died. They were just saying he was going to appear at some concert this weekend. Of course it was Micky Dolens who sang the plurality of the lead vocals, with Davie Jones and Peter Torque singing less often. Of course they had David Crosby on the other day. Of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Crosby is known of course as the most drug wasted and the most "symbolic" of this genus of music. Of course Grahm Nash is the only member of C S N & Y who is not an Andromodan. All four Mamas and Papas are Andromadan. I could just have as easily talked about Byrds albums in that recent posting. Of course we know the Mamas & Papas last major hit. I'll give you a hint right now. Some of you wanted to know who "Charlie" was, a name that popped up the other day. Well, this is a free country. You are free to guess. At any rate the answer as to which was the M & P's last major hit is as follows. You know what the DMS key on your Windows calculator does don't you. Well using calculation calibrations used with that key- - - take a quarter out of your pocket and think of it's most mathematically conceise value expressed in terms of a certain denomination. (as long as it's not Episcapalian) Now cut it in half and you've got the answer. This M & P single - both sides - I used to hear playing on a juke box all the time at this Pizza place where my church youth group stopped by after-wards to hang out eat pizza and smoke cigarettes at the corner of Euclid and Ball. By the way, as far as I can tell Mike Love was the early "main singer" of the Beach Boys you hear most, rather than Brian Wilson. I just thought you'd like to know.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Strangely Enough - Romney Wins Both States
Tonight Mitt Romney cemented his fortunes for becoming the first Mormon nominee ever to be picked by a major political party. A real first. Romney won Arizona and Romney has won Michigan. The vote tally was really slow in coming in and just now we are getting a glimmer of reality. Mitt Romney has about 44% of the vote to Ricky Santorum's 37% with Paul and Newt at around 11% each. This was completely unexpected. People were saying that even if Rick Santorum lost by a small margin he could still pick up a majority of conservative biased congressional districts, which is how they apportion deligates. But now that won't happen. Instead Romney proved the odds makers wrong and all of the Democratic robo calling did not work at all. It would seem there are more Union workers who don't care if their President would all like to fire them. This is really strange. It flies in the face of self interest. But now Santorum's month long February reign may come to an end with the calendar month.
Well we've been saying it for months if not over a year and that is that Statin drugs for anti cholesterol are in fact dangerous and produce brain damage. Now there is a bigger body of evidence and the Food and Drug Administration has taken notice and ordered that drug warns be put on. These Staten drugs will produce various troubling symptums such as memory loss, which isn't small potatoes. These drugs also cause mental confusion or just a state of Confusion in general. Also these drugs will raise your blood sugar, which is never a good idea if you're pre diabetic. Also various muscle problems have been noted with this drug. This is all to cure a problem which could be handled in a much more healthy and wholesome way by just controling your diet and eating proper foods. But people reach for a pill instead and pay top dollar to do it. Now they are saying that that ten year old girl who was found dead after a fight with an eleven year old classmate over a boy- - may have in fact died as a complication of that confrontation. They say that dizziness and spaciness are not the worst symptums you can have after a fight. Now they are saying if hours later you are just "tired - -and just want to lie down and go to sleep" this could be a deadly sign. This is because it means the brain stem has swollen and is now inflamed and is cutting off vital brain functions you need to live. Of course you know that one and four old people are taking Staten drugs now, which is troubling. This is a class of drugs which caught on with the medical profession amazingly quickly. Ten years ago I doubt anybody even heard of them. But now they are also saying that these stomach acid blockers aren't such a good thing because they create a furtile environment in your digestive tract for paracites, which can remain in your system for weeks and cause you all sorts of symptum problems that may not be traced back for weeks. I think that drugs which interfere with the body's own natural protective defenses are always dangerous and should be shunned.
Of course now three students have died in that Ohio school cafeteria shooting the other day. One ordenary guy who was the last guy anyone would suspect just went on a shooting rampage in a cafeteria one day. Now three students have died. One yesterday and two today, and others may follow. They said his father was arrested for attempted murder or something and came from a stormy family setting. Of course in the future they may have brain scans to screen for such personalities before they act. "How can they do that?" you ask. Remember I told you they now have demonstrated brain scans that can tell when the brain is sending out signals not of your "thoughts" per se, but of your Intent- - - Volitional Intent - - to execute a certain Act. This would be invaluable for Police to have and use on suspects for which they planned to make some sort of prosecution deal with. In the future who knows but every month the students will line up in the cafeteria and have their monthly brain scans, as routine as airport security groapings are now.
In Egypt they knew about the Pythagerean Therum before the Greeks had officially "proved" it. The Egyptians studied astronomy and may have been the first to deduce the 26,000 grand cycle of the pole star around the heavens. The key thing here is that on the "other side" of this grand circle would be 11,000 BC and the Sun was just entering the Sign of Leo from Virgo, on the first day of spring. There was one more bad wave of the Ice Age to occur just after this that ended this civilization. After the nineteenth dynesty [Stop the presses. I meant the eighteenth dynesty obviously. You people should have been tossing pebbles at my window last night for this error. I had numeric dyslexia thinking the eighteenth followed the nineteenth] came to an end just past 1500 BC, foreigners named the Hipero are Hyxos or "Shepherd Kings" ruled the land. Some would infer that this is when Joseph of Bible fame ruled the land. However there is not one shred of proof that either Joseph or Moses ever lived or in any way made their presence known in Egypt. ]Though Historically there is no foundation, Jim Morrison tells me that he was Ramses the First, not the Second, but the first. And that I was his half brother with a Hyperu father, who was a descendant of Dedan by Ketura, and called a Midianite in the bible, closely related to the Arabec people more than the so called "Jews".] Most Bible races can be trace down to some historical root. But not the "Ismealites", who were said to have transported Joseph to Egypt in some slave purchase deal. After this anyhow, the Ishmaelites disappear completely from the Bible. The prophecy about them becomming a world wide empire with Twelve Kings, never came to pass. As to Blacks tracing their roots to Egypt, the Mormons would claim this because both "Egypt" (a literal "son") and "Mizream" were descendants of Ham and as such were cursed by God as the slave race as Isac prophisied against him after a drunken fit in a tent. We know of the Osirus connection and we people from the Federation link our name of Orion to this association with Osirus. It's the ancient history of the root Reigelian race. The mystery of Osirus is that death and life are partners and one is constantly transforming itself into the Other. (Selah)
All The Political Impostors
Late note: At first posting I didn't like this photo.
It was too dark so I had to lighten it up.
Well KTLK radio was buzzing with excited commentary this morning. Of course Stephanie Miller is off this week but the substitutes were ajudicating themselves very nicely. It seems a bunch of friends of Stephanie Miller are off in Arizona and they went to a nightclub to see "a bronzed God". Gee, and I didn't even know Nicholas was gona Be in Arizona. No doubt it's either to get in on the lucritive Ice Cream business or else to get one of Stephano Di Mira's customized tatoos. MITT ROMNEY CAN AND WILL LOSE THE MICHIGAN STATE PRIMARY TODAY despite the fact of Michigan being one of his several "Home States". Now the Democrats are being solicited for support and to have the democratic version of "Opporation Chaos" that Rush Limbaugh was talking about today, not entirely un-sympathetically. Yes, Rush was chiding his Mitt Romney listeners who are probably angry enough to spit nails because he isn't siding with them. But Rush Limbaugh points out that how can Mitt Romney believe he can defeat President Obama in November when he can't beat Rick Santorum today? Now the democrats are being appealed to because after all Romney took your jobs, and besides, Romney is really from Massachusetts. And the robo call goes on to admonish the listener "Not to waste your vote on Ron Paul". Yes there are so many that claim that Ron Paul has functioned as kind of a stealth "Wing man" for Mitt Romney, attacking anyone in the Debates that attacks Romney. I haven't picked up on this myself, but there are a lot of people who have noticed it, and now Rick Santorum himself is bringing it up. For those who are worried that Santorum might be some kind of phoenix rising from the political ash heap like Ronnie Boy, I might just say that Santorum lacks neither the looks nor charisma, nor the political Intelligence, for that matter, to go all the way. Of course Ronald Reagan did pull a few early boners like, "A tree is a tree- - how many do you have to look at?" Oddly he also said "Income Taxes should hurt" and was against withholding. A lot of people on the work payroll just might cotton to that idea. Nobody seems to be campaigning in Arizona. Apparently that's Romney country because a lot of Mormons live there so it's uncontested. Rush Limbaugh tried to make some point about how the Republican establishment now distrusts Romney for the odd reason of "- - - but you were supposed to be the Moderate candidate, but now because of everything you have said, you may have too conservative of a paper trail to win in November". Leave it to Rush to say things nobody else thought of. But if Newt wins next week- - then indeed three candidates will have substantial bodies of deligates. Some may be able to enter state races where the filing deadline hasn't arrived yet, but the math is such that alone wont secure them enough votes, but they could sure as hell muddy the waters for either Ricky or Mitt. I realize all this is going to sound silly and speculative for those reading this a few months from now because for you it isn't idle speculation- - but whatever actually happened is history and perhaps "Old News" by now. So - - my apologies in advance. Just humor us people who are stuck here in the past.
Of course at times some of you are stunned by a deafening 19,000 shrieking electronically generated tape bias noise. For you I suggest that you remove your cranial unit and adjust your time chronometer and play the transmission back at the proper speed. One of my favorite come-back zingers to the idea of "don't be bothered by what other people think" is the line about "Lesser people than you don't compare themselves to anybody:, (do you want to be like them?) You know who I'm talking about - - your latent Sociopathic personality that hasn't yet "joined the human race" so to speak. As the President said today in the World Community we truely "are our brother's keeper". And the idea of comparing God to a skin product alludes to the Dylan song "Long Time Gone" with the lyric of "You can have your beauty it's skin deep and it only lies. You can have your youth which will rot before your eyes". You know, if you think about it people use Religion the same way they use make-up. They apply it to themselves at certain times when they socialize among a certain class of people. They do it to "modify" who they appear to be, and also to protect them from the ravages of aging and - - - Death. If people weren't afraid of Death, religion would hold no power over them. Certain people without a conscience are able to controle other people by manipulating their deepest fears. And while I'm at it, I suggest everybody listen to "Last thoughts on Woody Guthrie". It's that long track at the end of Disk One of "The Bootleg Tapes" by Bob Dylan.
One thing we haven't been darkened by in a long time is political Assasenation, particularly during a Presidential Campaign. Al was one of the people who believed that one of the big motivations for the President's betrayal of the Left and his base is because people have told him if he wants to stay alive he had better do it the way a certain THEM wants it done- - or else suffer the consequences. There is still too high of a climate of hate in this country and the President has barely begun his Political Campaign. By all accounts he expects to make a major affair out of it. That's a lot of security planning. I would suggest that our Prayers be with the President but being the Determinist I am I realize that what is Destined has in a sense already Happened, so that wishing it away is as vain as wishing away History. So we just have to Hope. Yes, Hope is the "last refuge of the Chronologically ignorant". (Hey that's a good Line) Astrologically the economy won't always live a charmed life, so as the addage goes, "Make hay while the sun shines". (Selah)
Go Ahead - Escape It If You Can
Go placidly amid the darkness, noise and haste of the Material World, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive politicians, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, it is a sign that you are not insane; for always there will be lesser persons than yourself who compare themselves to no one. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. For everyone serves Idols but try and escape it if you can. You might sleep under burlap. You might sleep under silk, you might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milk, you may fight with pea shooters, you might fight with guns and tanks, you might live off the financial blood of corpses, you may even own banks. They may call you Oprah, they may call you slimy, your name might be Ron Paul, your name might be Zimmy but still you serve your Idols. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. And this above all, to thine own self be true, for it will follow as the night doth the day that thow canst not be false to any man, no matter how many of them you have in your life.
Take not kindly to the counsel of the years, and do not gracefully surrender the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. For the Youth has the strength to bounce back. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Many more are from the negative thoughts of people who fancy themselves as Pious.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, but don’t try to peddle God like a new brand of skin cream, for you do him and yourself a disservice, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
I can't get no - - Contraception
I can't get no - - Contraception
but I try, and I try and I try just can't buy
Contraception - - oh no, no ,No!
That's what I Say - -
Well I went right out and made some girl
But I forgot to read the diary of Earl
And she slipped me a Mickey
And we went and got married
Now it's all just a dizzy wherl -
I can't get no - - hey, hey, hey!
That's what I say
Well she used to be a bunny rabbit
But now she's just popped out number eight
Now I get so frustrated I just have to grab it
All that's left is to masturbate
I can't get no - - hey - - hey - hey -
That's what I say
I can't Get no - - Contraception
I just can't make, that Dr. Connection
But I try, and I try and I try and I try
I can't get no - - I can't get no - -
When a man comes on the TV
Telling me how White my Spirit should be
But he can't be a man 'cause he's never been broke
And he's never had a hashish toke
I can't get No - - I can't get no
Now I've got five kids in day care school
But they're not being taught the golden rule
Cause they just sit around and look dumb and drewel
But it's me whose really being played for a fool
I can't get no - -
I can't get no - -
When the punsters come on and tell me
That I've got to be bound to be Free
With all this right wing information
Which defies all logical investigation
Glen Beck was once a sensation
At a Mormon convocation
And he's not conservative enough for Fox TV
So he hands in his resignation
I can't get no - - hey, hey, hey
That's what I say
I can't get no-
I can't get no-
I can't get no-
No contraception
No contraception
There one was a man who was a Mormon
He was turned out of a Hotel by a man named Norman
And he just lost all his money cause protestors were stormin'
And they took over congress and they killed the doorman
What if Mitt was one of us
Just a slog like one of us
And he didn't have no money
Cause his fate wasn't sunny
And he just had to hop the bus
- - and get out of town
If Willard had a contience would he die of shock
And his death was announced
by the crowing of the cock
And he said he'd do it all
But he went and dropped the ball
And when push came to shove
He just couldn't walk the walk
What if Mitt was one of us- - -
If Willard had sense
Would he still be on the fence
What if his life were myrthless
And he discovered he was worthless
Without his family and his money
In the state where bees make honey
And all the jokesters getting punny
But he doesn't find it funny
What if Mitt was one of us
Just a slog like one of us
And his fortune wasn't sunny
Cause he just lost all his money
And he just had to hop the bus
And get out of town?
I can't get no - - Contraception
I can't get no - - Contraception
but I try, and I try and I try just can't buy
Contraception - - oh no, no ,No!
That's what I Say - -
Well I went right out and made some girl
But I forgot to read the diary of Earl
And she slipped me a Mickey
And we went and got married
Now it's all just a dizzy wherl -
I can't get no - - hey, hey, hey!
That's what I say
Well she used to be a bunny rabbit
But now she's just popped out number eight
Now I get so frustrated I just have to grab it
All that's left is to masturbate
I can't get no - - hey - - hey - hey -
That's what I say
I can't Get no - - Contraception
I just can't make, that Dr. Connection
But I try, and I try and I try and I try
I can't get no - - I can't get no - -
When a man comes on the TV
Telling me how White my Spirit should be
But he can't be a man 'cause he's never been broke
And he's never had a hashish toke
I can't get No - - I can't get no
Now I've got five kids in day care school
But they're not being taught the golden rule
Cause they just sit around and look dumb and drewel
But it's me whose really being played for a fool
I can't get no - -
I can't get no - -
When the punsters come on and tell me
That I've got to be bound to be Free
With all this right wing information
Which defies all logical investigation
Glen Beck was once a sensation
At a Mormon convocation
And he's not conservative enough for Fox TV
So he hands in his resignation
I can't get no - - hey, hey, hey
That's what I say
I can't get no-
I can't get no-
I can't get no-
No contraception
No contraception
There one was a man who was a Mormon
He was turned out of a Hotel by a man named Norman
And he just lost all his money cause protestors were stormin'
And they took over congress and they killed the doorman
What if Mitt was one of us
Just a slog like one of us
And he didn't have no money
Cause his fate wasn't sunny
And he just had to hop the bus
- - and get out of town
If Willard had a contience would he die of shock
And his death was announced
by the crowing of the cock
And he said he'd do it all
But he went and dropped the ball
And when push came to shove
He just couldn't walk the walk
What if Mitt was one of us- - -
If Willard had sense
Would he still be on the fence
What if his life were myrthless
And he discovered he was worthless
Without his family and his money
In the state where bees make honey
And all the jokesters getting punny
But he doesn't find it funny
What if Mitt was one of us
Just a slog like one of us
And his fortune wasn't sunny
Cause he just lost all his money
And he just had to hop the bus
And get out of town?
Monday, February 27, 2012
Buenos Nuevos Para Los Paranoias
If you're me it's major good news from Dr. Levy today. He offered to store my entire LP record collection so that I am no longer under the gun. I also raided his coin collection in his car to get money for one pack of cigarettes and badly needed coffee creamer, and I made myself a fresh batch of coffee on this rainy day. This rain came from out of nowhere. Before class not a drop and ten minutes later it's pouring down. They cancled the Daytona 500 race for the second day. We have a computer test for you later and the answers all expressly listed for the first time. My track record is such that it's better to err on the side of repetetion because odds are it's either new to people or others can finally take the opportunity to "get it". Why is Randy Rhodes talking about trans vaginal ultra sounds. So is that the punch like to the joke of "how do anaerobic bacteria communicate with each other long distance? Sometimes when I talk or write I have this nasty habbit of leaving out key sentences and people can't follow my train of thought. Marcia "got it" when I said that "Some people achieve Self Awareness when they are Young, but others don't achieve it till they are much older." Some people seem almost "born - with it All Together" if you catch my drift. And if you "get it" the first time, then it's old news if you hear it from others years or decades later. For others the grade of the academic learning curve bores the hell out of them. It's like Albert Einstein flunking out of second grade because the teacher kept nabbing him for daydreaming about plane geometry proofs. (Either that or passing notes in class to Tony Sherdon) Anyhow the red Teacher Book answers are now listed.
Pat Buchannon called college a “racket” because it’s fat cat tentured professors who keep their lectures in short supply and get aids to do their hard work, and sit around writing their books and journals. So it kind of sounds like Pat Buchannon is sympathizing with the student applicants. But really most people would see today's students as just idlers. They are the same ones who say, for instance, that the cure for the chronic unemployment problem isn't training and opportunities, but eliminating unemployment payments, as though if you pretend the problem doesn't exist it will go away. Probably a lot of people were taught if only by inference when they were young to ignore the poor and needy as "not part of our lives" and they will go away. Other people would sound almost rational on the subject if we didn't know how they really felt. Santorum says “A lot of people don’t need college to get the kind of training they’ll need for a job”. But he's already on record as despizing higher education as "anti God", even though he himself has benefited from a College education. While I don’t buy Pat’s speech in total, I can’t help but think maybe some colleges are “rackets” in that all their money goes to Alumni organizations and their football teams, and that indeed students do take a lot of Junk Cources. Students two years in aren’t any smarter on intelligence tests, and people take courses now that used to be required for graduation from High School. Yesterday a High School diploma really meant something. And this only points up the fact that tea party people's intellectual acuity falls far below even this.
You know - don't say you Wish for something; you just might get it. A lot of people "Know not for what they wish" because they've never exactly experianced what they say they want and if they heard the testamonies of those who Had, they most likely would wonder why they bothered asking. Many people Imagine some Rygone era about an American Christian Paradise that Never Was. They idealize some image a Pastor had them Congure up in their Minds I just wanted to do by warning a mention of Puritons and how they came to even Be in this country. It seems they were actually kicked OUT of England by the good people of that country, who thought they were going nuts and they wanted the regular Royalty back because King Henry VIII was a step up in civil rights. I think this was in the 1964's when there was a lot of tumalt and soon after this the people secured to themselves a lot of the English Common Law Rights, that we incorporate as our standard "Rights" today. But then they came here. Of course each community "Town Square" had implements of correction there such as a whipping post, a ducking stool and stocks. And they even had penalties for kissing your wife in public and even skipping church on Sundays. And they would do things like brand both cheeks with an R for Rogue (Sarah Palin wouls love that) or else nail your ear to a board, or slit your nostrels, Jack Nichelson style, or bore your tongue through with a hot poker. Of course S O P for witch trials in those days was the ducking stool where if the woman managed to survive under water she was taken out and hanged as a witch. And if she drowned- - - she was Innocent! And they had drawing and quartering where you're on the ground beaten up or something and you're tied to four fast horses that each take off in different directions. If you go into a Restaurant and learn that "hot stake" has been commuted to "cold chop". But in those days when they spoke of a death sentense being "Commuted" this is just what they meant. So when people hear Santorum talking about "The Town Square where people exercised their Faith" it means different things to different people. Remember, George Washington refused to even say whether he was a Christian. It's been said that a gay Communist has a better chance of being elected President today than a person who claims that they are e "Non Believer". Think about that. But if the Truth be Known, I suspect people are judged for their Actions based on whatever belief system they have, rather than the Beliefs themselves.
You know that our compilation "Termites on Patrol", kicks off with a certain Smitherines song they almost never play on the radio. It's got the same drum beat as a certain John Lennon song with floating logs and a buzz saw in mind. The comonality of "That which may never Be". I think this whole song is more as a sarcastic "send up" rather than it is a serious philosophical disertation. The moral of the song seems to be that it's "Ignorant" and "Hateful" to lament and be afraid of what you don't know. And that somehow Life as we know it (as Spock would say) was not actually Real but some kind of game carried on by others in a Higher Dimension, at least as I can figure it and that Existance Itself coming to an end is really no big thing. But who takes the trouble to actually "Parse" Beatle lyrics into what they actually Mean when you break then down gramatically? Few do. And I think the lyrics to "The Inner Light" are from the Tao Te Ching, after all. Someone summed up the whole of Taoism as "Let It Happen". It wasn't the Bhagdavad-gita because I've read that recently. It's something common. And of course another Beatle song opens form lines from "The Prophet" but everybody knows that one.
Before computers had “Opperating systems” back in the mid 16=960’s how did people run computers? Because the human Opperator did the things himself such as search for files on the tape drive or start the printer, or keypunch cards or sort cards, ect.
Disk drives on mainfraims used to be designated by an additional word- - What? They used to be called Disk Drum Drives.
Why is character ASCII 26 known as the Garfield character in my reckoning? Control-Z
What key word in BASIC represents this character? END
How did Marcus use this key word in a rather “stealth” manner in his early days of GWBASIC programming when he was back at ROP? To "stack" BASIC file programs on top of each other but most suspected there was only one program when there were several.
What Bolian operator character is nicknamed by Charlie as the “Selective NOT" binary character? Gosh - this thing is longer than I thought. I was on a roll. It's XOR
In precedence of AND s and OR s, which theory us used to establish precedence? The road map analogy or the Chinese Menu analogy? (a repeat question) The Road Map model.
In higher Math, Real numbers are known as which? Analog or Digital (repear question) They are known as Analog Numbers
What percent of computer chips today operate using linear logic? (a ball park figure) Until very recently, very few computers sold to the public used logic like this.
What is the hardest language to learn of the Imperitive Algerithmic languages? COBOL
What Greek word used in logic is often used in place of the word Algorithm? It's Sylligisum
Most computer languages differenciate between Declaritive equation statements and contingency equation statements. What symbols are used from each in the two languages of C and the DOS BAT programming language? For declaritive it is = and for contingency it's ==
If a 1990 hard drive can hold ten million sixteen bit characters, how many 8 bit characters can the same hard drive hold? Twenty million eight bit characters.
What is the ASCII code number for the letter A? 65 (Manfred's age in 2002 at G H)
What is the ASCII code number for carriage or line return? Thirteen as in 13
BEEP in BASIC is what DOS Control Character (as in letter of alphabet?) Control-G
PROLOG is what as known as what type of programming language? (Fans of Lenord Lemoy of Star Trek fame have a leg up here) LOGIC
Define the terms SET and CLEARED SET is a binary 1 and CLEARED is a binary 0
What or who is the ADA computer language named for? Charles Babbage's "Consort"
In ADA the PUSH and POP commands refer to what, a LIFO buffer or a FIFO buffer? LIFO
Define the words OPEN and CLOSED, and which binary character is produced by which? OPEN means an OPEN or imcomplete circuit, CLOSED is a completed circuit. Or zero and one for values, respectively.
A known amount of an unknown quantity plus another known amount of the same unknown will locigally produce what as an answer A known amount of an Unknown quantity
The variable LOONEY to the 2nd times LOONEY to the third will have as its answer, what? LOONEY to the fifth power.
In QBASIC – if THINGS = 45 and THINGS is multiplied by THING and THING is the default variable for QBASIC, what will be the answer? Zero, as in goose egg.
In FORTRAN, if row six of the IBM card is either blank or there is a plus sign there, what does this mean? It means that the line is being used for official usable computer program code
In GWBASIC what does it mean if you use a number over again with nothing following? It cancles the previous implementation of the other line in the program.
In many people’s counting, if the fourth generation computer was heralded by the computer chip, the third generation was heralded by what? (kind of easy, actually)
In computer jacks - - getting staticky and weak signals is denoting which, a digital signal problem or an analog signal problem? Analog problem
Which is larger, the modern “picture” character pixel, or the default number in QBASIC. A QBASIC default variable is 33.3333 - - % bigger, like a bargain candy bar- 24 vs 32
If you take the age of a ten year old boy in QBASIC and multiply it by 35%, what will be the answer? 350 years old.
How many single floats are there in a double float in the C Language? Two
The figure 25.25 in a QBASIC “double” variable contains how many C “short” variables if assigned equal space on the drive? FOUR "short" variables in a double float.
If a given space on a hard drive can hold 400 modern “picture” variables, how many default QBASIC variables can be contained within an equal space? 300 of those
How many different eight bit ASCII or other eight bit characters is it possible to have? 256 or two to the eighth.
What letter is produced by the ASCII 65 character. Be specific. It's A, as in a grad Lisa Simpson would be insulted by
When Steve Young told me he thought RPG or report program generator language was a BLACK language, I felt better about being completely baffled. What is the BLANK word? Machine - language
FOX PRO and D BASE IV use a common queery language? True or False? That's True
“They are what I call them” is an example of WHAT with computer languages. You find this function probably overused beyond utility value in PASCAL The word is variable TYPING
An Array variable might be also be termed a BLAND ed variable. (past participle) SEQUENCED
SQL is a major example of what kind of computer language? QUEERY
APL is a language that tends to specialize in WHAT? Mathematics (number Matrixes)
Which requires more memory space on the drive PL-1 or GWBASIC? - - That would be PL-1
In what way is the pattern of IBM card punch coding similar to signs used in the semaphore flag waving letters? It goes through letters in sequence in diminishing series of progressive letters
In both buffers and accounting inventory, which makes more logical sense to me, the LIFO method or the FIFO method? In my oppinion FIFO
A LIFO buffer in computer lingo is known as a WHAT? STACK
A key factor in an iteration loop is a- - - dependant variable or an independent variable? Independant Variable
PRINT USING in QBASIC cam pretty much be called what category of command? FORMAT COMMAND
LOAD today is a GABASIC term, but today virtually all users is WHAT common term when they think of this activity. OPEN (file)
The STOP command will do this voluntarily without an error message in QBASIC It will STOP the program.
ON is a QBASIC term used in what they call real time “event capturing “ True or False? TRUE
RUN tends to operate on programs with what letter extension? .EXE
Define the term of “over-writing a variable”. What does this mean? Accidently reassigning the value of a Variable already of important use as it is in the program.
Is there danger of over-writing variables in an “out of bounds” Array in C? YES Sirritos!
If A is not B and B is not C, does it logically follow that C is not A? NO, not one bit.
If the contrapositive of a syllogism is true- - then the inverse is the same as the WHAT? CONVERSE
Of inverse functions, arc functions, and hyperbolic functions, which are the easiest top calculate? INVERSE functions
When it comes to light and Charlie “optics” it is possible to travel how fast in relation to a light source and still see some representation of it. That 11 year old with Aspurgers came up with the figure of 1. 9 times light speed. In my opinion he was almost correct. (MY figure?)
No me tomes el pelo. No lo voy a hacer ahora.
Three dimensional computer chips have the advantage of what branch of math properties in order to achieve greater speed without over-heating? Geometry. Multiple layers of depth means less travel distance for the electrons.
Computers operate more efficiently in cold weather because the moliciles – WHAT? - - in other words cold things conduct electricity more efficiently because of what physical property? Molicules at low temperatures jump around less making them easier for electrons to traverse.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The Thin Line Between Civilization and Chaos
It's kind of a fact of life that intelligence is a more precious comodity than chaos. That's because there is so little of it. Think about how few people have ruled the world and made major decisions of civilization and invented things and pholosophies that govern millions. Think about how Airport Traffic Controlers hold the destinies of thousands of people in their hands. Think of all the potential and actual things stupid things people do that smart people have to anticipate and guard against. Think of how an adverse situation of awsome perportions can "turn" for better or worse depending on the key intelligent decisions people make. Some people think intelligence is cheap and that credible leadership doesn't have to be earned. Many want credible authority but don't have the "stuff it takes" to actually earn it. Just think about it. And for most of our history it's the Smart people that also used to have the Power. But the scarey fact is that this seems to be changing. Suddenly what people Value is coming to have no relation at all to what is virtuous or something that represents true achievement. And they kid themselves that "God" or whoever is out there doesn't notice. "History" notices them, and in our reference "History" is kind of a short hand for God, or visa versa. People on the radio wonder why I "hold their message of Eternal Salvation so cheaply". That's because there is anything but a short supply of that. In fact there is a glut. Nobody wants it so suddenly the bidding price drops to nothing. In fact they'll almost pay you to take it off their hands. John Lennon talked about "Learning to tell the trees from wood". One of the first things you should learn in this life is the difference between life and death. At what point does a baby come to the alarming discovery that pink stuffed animals don't really talk? We know that a tree is mostly dead wood. But it's the thin veneer of life that keeps it alive. We know that the human brain and body chemistry is a very delicate system and the slightest changes in blood PH, for example, can have disasterous results. How can a little blue pill cause a person to go mad? It doesn't make sense. You are so much bigger and stronger than that little pill. So you think. Many people live one payroll check away from financial wash-out, and sadly, I am among them. (If you read my posting yesterday you will know this was not so in 1995) It could well be true that civilization is one Nuclear attack away from returning to the Stone Age? Could you survive with none of the modern signs of what we call Civilization? I sure couldn't. Davie Crocket or Daniel Boone or Kit Carson could. But I'm not them. I don't know how to track animal trails for a hunt. I don't know which kind of berries are poisonous and which are good to eat. You say you have no tools? You can't even use tools to make tools. I am a little bothered on this idea that computerize technology will do our thinking for us. Up till now they haven'd had computers that actually "made decisions" but now that is changing. In that sense going back about fifty years when we were just a Little more in touch with "the natural world" would not be at all a bad thing. But there is another reality that faces us all and that is we will all eventually end up Dead. Remember - - Life is not eternal; the only thing that is Eternal is Death. In this sense Religious people have it ass backwards. This guy on KFI was talking about how the idea of either a Last Judgement or a Rapture or snatching away of the "Faithful" (to what?} is a concept that appeals to the Ego. It's like Ayan Rand saying "When I did the world will go away". It's the idea that a dispondent lover has of comitting suicide and saying "If I can't have her nobody else is going to have her". Nobody ever asks him "How is your being dead going to keep her from finding happiness with somebody else?" They can't bear the idea of Life going on without them and they aren't there. Some worry about whether people might gossip about you after you're dead. To quote Dylan's words, "It doesn't matter inside the Gates of Eden". This idea of some sort of bifercation of a Last Judgement if there is one is the same mentality of someone applying for a College and taking an ACT test and asking not 'How hard is the test" but "What is the standard procedure for cheating on this test". Or as Gene Scott puts it, "I never gamble, except on a sure thing". Of course they don't call that gambling; they call that theft. Just like what Mitt Romney did was theft. And so as this KFI guy talked about they congure the notion of some "astral body" that transcends death, and ad-mix with this the notion that this here life somehow is not as REAL as that imaginary one on the Other Side. I have the feeling that like other societies we will outgrow this sort of Religion. People falsely claim that God damned the nation of Israel in 70 AD because they "Would not believe" when their Messiah came. But as the Author of the Passover Plot points out (and it is perhaps the BEST POINT in the whole book) the Jewish people believed in the return of a Messiah almost to the point of being psychotic. It was the Romans (who were later the Church) who had gotten jaded and had "progress beyond the need to believe in our Ancient Gods". They were the hard headed realists, much as the Church Fathers were mainly hard headed realists who realized that if they ever were to succeed, all that stuff Jesus talked about about some kingdom of wealth "somewhere else" had to go, and that they had to accumulate their Wealth and Power right here on Terra Firma.
I just got off the phone with someone. All I did was express concern about the economy a couple years out in 2014 or maybe even sooner. I am aware of two ever present Realities working together against each other. First there is the one about the negativity spiral crashing the economy in a deflationary chain reaction. The other reality is that when the National Debt hits a certain critical ammount, the economy has gone beyond the threshhold and we are doomed regardless of what we do, and I told her I feared we might already have reached that point. But according to her if we get a Bible thumping Christian in office, God will look down. And got will say "Hi, Newt" and Newt will say "I God; it's me now as President so I want you to lay all those blessings on us you talked about in Deuteronomy". People literally believe that the facts don't matter but if you believe hard enough some cosmic hand is going to come down and Save you. The reality is that scientists have never found the "astral body" no matter how hard they searched for it, nor any other signs that these Believers posess something that can be Proven here in how in the material world with both of us alive. As you get older the saying is Money becomes of less value and Time becomes of more value. But to me both Time and Money are of increased value because neither has the unending potential I once believed it to have.
Some writers and composers fear they will some day run out of songs and rhymes. Many people get on a roll and are are very productive with their creative output. Bruce Springsteen had an amazing backlog of songs to work from for his 1980 album, "The River". Bob Dylan as you know was very prolific from 1962 through 1966. Rush, the rock group, had four albums out in a space of two years in the mid seventies, with a Live album months later. Credence Clearwater Revival had three record albums out in the year 1969. I think the Jefferson Airplane had three albums out in just under one year like ten months. The Doors had three albums out within about a fifteen month period. Look at the Iron Butterfly. How many albums did the Mamas and Papas have in their just over two years together? Jimi Hendrix put out three albums in less than eighteen months and one of them was a double LP and he had songs left over. John Lennon was on a roll in late 1963 and 1964 for the albums With the Beatles, A Hard Day's Night, and Beatles for Sale. I guess the question is what happens to creative people? They say from 1975 through 1980 John Lennon was "enjoying his private life" and therefore didn't write. I thought authors got inspiration from "Life". Let's take the last seven years of John Lennon's life from about Dec First 1973 through Dec First 1980. How many albums did he put out? Well, there was "Walls and Bridges" and then there was -- er - - uh - - oh year "Double Fantasy, there's an album". Correction, there is HALF an album. Yoco Onon wrote the other half, just as she did with Milk and Honey in 1984. And lets take a look at some of the Lennon songs on Milk and Honey. You have "I'm Stepping Out" and "I Don't Want to Face It" and "Living on Borrowed Time". Even someone studying the guitar for only a few weeks would get bored with those real fast. John in 1980 was not the creative dynamo he was in 1965 for example. Now of course it's SOP to go three years in between albums. So How the Hell did the Monkees put out Five new Albums in a space of fifteen months. Yeah, that's only how long their carrier lasted, basically. From about October of 1966 to the beginning of 1968. OK the didn't write their own songs but at least they had the initiative to pay all of the people who actually played the instruments.
Beatle songs I particularly identify with are as follows. This material is not new. You've seen it through and through. You've seen - - "Oh, copyright infringement again?" Oh I'm sorry his name wasn't on the list. "When I get home" is something a lot of us an identify with. "She's a Woman" and "I feel Fine" were just that. They were "feel good" songs. "There's a Place" I have this odd memory association with the Church mariners western barbecue of May of 1964. "Baby's In Black" is one of those songs that matches my philosophy of life". Musically it reflects the sort of song the Rolling Stones were writing during the period, putting Rock into a somewhat more heavy league. "The Word" always reminded me of the first chapter of the Chapter of John in the Bible where it talks about the word becomming flesh. "She Said" kind of reflects a rather adverse conversation I had with a High School counselor at the end of the 1966 year. "Strawberry Fields" reminds me of the Strawberry fields I walked past every day going to Brookhurst Jr. High. When this song first came out I had a strange Deja Vu flashback of something like this song had been out months earlier. "A Day in the Life" reminds me of course of the deaths of John Sneed and Ron Diggins on Sunday March 5th 1967. The intro to "I'm The Walrus" reminds me of the egg sorting machine at my grandfather's ranch. "The Inner Light" was of course taken from a Hindu writing. "Revolution" was a song I always felt was addressed to me, personally. The trilogy of songs at the end of side one of the White Album are stunning in their propheticness about one particular person. "Yer Blues" is just your standard blues work-out, inspired by "Heartbreak Hotel". I guess I like "Teddy Boy" because I guess I was never close to either parent when I was young. "The Ballad of John and Yoco" is similar to my own piano composition of September 1961. "Come Together" is a take off on some sign Nixon said he liked during the 1968 campaign that said "Bring Us Together". I have recently whether some of the inspiration for the end of "She's So Heavy" might have been Spanish Caravan by the Doors. Like "How can we take that same feeling and draw it out?" "Sun King" was supposedly inspired by a Fleetwood Mac song. I take it to be sort of some fantasy movie scene of some pleasent place you wish existed. "Cold Turkey" like I say, at least in its early form, was somewhat kited from an Eric Burden song. It's got the same riff but "sees the dark side" rather than the light side of things.
(Not that I've counted the Days I lived here or Anything)
This is Sunday February 26, 2012 after lunch and the Beatle songs KLOS has played today haven’t been very good. It’s Movie songs, and the rest is some Live Harrison stuff that isn’t that anointed. Today as I looked forward on the day I invisioned KOS Beatles and then the Daytona 500 and the Accadamy Awards tonight. So far it’s two down and bust. Actually they hadn’t even started the Daytona 500 yet on FOX. They said it was rain delay but I darkly suspect “rain” is spelled T A P E as in delay. And then at two PM then announced the race was canceled for today. So I switched to Joel Olsteen, who was actually more interesting. And that sermon was a rerun. I grew drowsy just before lunch. We had cabbage soup and at least lemonade for me was on the table today. This bit about penalizing late comers gets old. We had a different pasta spaghetti that was pretty good, and a salad with unusually good dressing, like it was custom made or something, and garlic bread. I had seconds on everything from Laura. We had honeydew melon for desert, as usual not quite ripe. I just smoked my last cigarette. Leo Le Port shows have been of waning interest for me lately. I'm more of a "doer" at this point. Nora was by briefly to empty the trash.
I slept pretty well last night and woke at 4:40 and lay in bed a while longer getting up after five and tuning in that KFI who combines left wing politics with metaphysics. Of course you know I wrap myself in spirituality like conservatives do the flag, and talk about it and think about it and some say obsess about it. But the analogy of the homophobe fits here. Just as a person who really fears he might be gay himself will do everything he can to kid himself he isn’t so the deep dark secret with me is that I secretly fear “In places people don’t talk about” that absolutely None of it is true, and the whole idea of proposing what happens to you with you die is absurd and irrational. I made coffee. I couldn’t get the timing right with either Larry or Richard as far as coffee is concerned. I had KNBC on before breakfast. We had oatmeal and then scrambled eggs and sausage. Joe says he is the one responsible for starting the pancakes roomer. Then it was Meet the Press and I had it on that show the entire hour to the final sign off. Rick Santorum was put under scrutiny- - and I feel he handled himself well. I think I understand him a little better now, though may not agree. I think it’s a strength that he doesn’t give the usual one liner cliché responses to questions asked, but likes to go into a little depth. Then Jerry Brown was on. I think Santorum is going to sweep both Arizona and Michigan by wide margins myself. Romney has major problems with the left, middle, and political right.
Friday night it was the usual ABC network news and Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. I was having an argument with myself about “Whether I have another posting in me tonight” or not. I used that Maze thing from Sketch and the gold in the final file picture is in fact richer than the preliminary one used in the Blog photo. I enriched the gold by various means in the final file photo. I felt like quotes from that anti Christian site deserved a more specific airing. The other sentaments just flowed naturally. It was Nikita and then Supernatural again. (?) Taking vitamin C’s regularly is better because it builds up the body. In the morning I made coffee and had KNX 1070 radio on and President Obama gave a good weekly address. I just hope it registers with a lot of people. High prices are nothing more or less than a chance for Republicans to punch their political victory ticket in November. I think we had Rice Krispies again. I think we had scrambled eggs, but what with? If I’m ever too detailed just rattle my cage.
I did a couple of preemptive phone calls on the matter of the records. I made one call to [Bill Gunderson] and the other to [Pete Richards'] number, who weren’t at home. I just gave a rather nervous and rambling ID as to why I had called and nobody has called back. I stressed to [B G] that things in this area were shaping up and Al had the equipment even if it used a plastic record needle, which puzzles me. I also sent Al the “final answers” to that energy quiz Friday night not noticing that a guy at work had answered the questions already, and not entirely accurately in my opinion. Some Republican lady gave a response at 8:05. After this I did want I wanted to do last Saturday and play the Dylan album starting with track 23 of CD 1 or “Masters of War” and work my way to “Only a Hobo” and stopped. In the morning I also played a number of Quicken tutorial videos, and some of them involved Excel, too.
Yesterday at lunch I missed both soup and fruit but ate the cold cut sandwich and whatever. I was eager to get back to the computer and complete the new mid day blog I was doing. As you know in my “Chronology” from the apartment - - in segments posted on line, I left off in the fall of 1994 so just picked up the year 1995 as a conceise unit. The whole bit about the interview names- - well I have “vetted” a pretty substantial percentage of those people. I had trouble with the green ground cover which didn’t seem to have a “texture” but all the same you couldn’t “paint’ on it or make it transparent. So I had to change the color before I could use the Sketch model, but then not save it so it reverted. I had Leo Le Port on a little- - - a fair amount, till two o clock now that I remember. I went out for afternoon coffee but somehow missed it. The three white birds were in the cage and one of the gray ones. One of the white birds was making an odd tapping sound on the ground. (?) But there were numerous typos in the posting I had to correct, and also took the opportunity to add in more zinger lines. I picked up tracks 16 and 17 from Dylan CD 2. And I had that Dollar Tree web site thing up Glen wanted again and actually found a bottle of Vitamin B 12 pills I’d like to order. B 12 is universally praised as a wonder potion that increases mental clarity and youth and vitality. Then I had Chris Matthews on in basically two rather long and meaty segments. I had the college hoops game on CBS and I guess Kansas finally prevailed over Missouri in overtime, not that I followed close.
We had fish for dinner with rice and carrots. These menus practically write themselves. We had some kind of pudding. Chris Matthews’ TV show wasn’t on. It was ABC network news and later on the Mc Laughlin group. Now it seems the Talliban killed two high ranking US Military officials in cold blood using a well executed plan using security number pads. I imagine nothing will come of this. I don’t know why they bulldozed the whole Bin Laden compound. It would be a nice tourist site for propaganda for our side – that’s for sure. I made coffee but had no takers. Cops was on at eight. I did a bit of dial twirling briefly but came back and at nine was something or another till 9:30. It dawns on me that the US economy is probably toast next year, perhaps starting with a few weeks after the election. This bull market still has a lot of juice in it, but it isn’t going to go on forever. The day before election day might be a good day to sell everything you own. Of course then the administration can announce whatever bad news they have and whatever cutbacks and austere measures they have been holding off on, till after the election. Pray it isn’t Mitt Romney elected or the whole country will be places on the auction block. The debate audience was actually COACHED to cheer at the word bankruptsy. I have never seen a political candidate with such naked hostility to either American industry or the American worker. Perhaps this Tuesday the light will dawn on Mitt Romney at last just how completely he’s out of touch with the feelings of average Americans in his speeches.
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