The economy has showing amazing signs of a rebound in the past week or so. First of all Black Friday retail sales were up 16% and Cyber Monday on line sales are up twenty percent. Traffic at LA international airport is up 16% and home sales are up 1.5% in the last month. I would imagine we’ll see a significant drop in the unemployment rate nationwide in a few days. All that figure has to do is to drop .2% per month from now to the election and it will be at seven percent by election day. Of course a gloomy economy was the last hope of the Republican right. Just today they said that the consumer confidence index rose from 40 to 56 in one Month. This is an amazing achievement. This side shows campaign circus they’ve been conducting the past few months will be seen as laughable in a couple years. Of course the right is kind of out of lies. They can’t used all the dirty stuff they used four years ago. They can’t say that Bill Ayres is secretly running the administration or that the President is a Communist or even a Socialist. They can’t say he’s a Moslem or a Kenyan or that he can’t produce his birth certificate. They can’t use the threat oft repeated that soon we are going to have hyper inflation like the Wymar republic. They can’t even accuse the fed chairman is being hand picked by Obama since he is an appointee of President Bush. They can’t say that Obama has lost two & a half million jobs. In terms of Christian morality- - the President was the member of one church for twenty years and was married there and his children were baptized there. Only one
Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced today to four years by a Judge who did not attempt to conceal his opinion on the matter of whether
Scott Walker’s people are nervous about people merely standing on the sidewalk getting people to sign recall petitions. People were made afraid to sign them. Right now they are over half the way to the needed 550,000 (plus many to space) or whatever needed signatures to get the recall petition on the ballot. Governor Walker now has only 38% of the people, meaning that this recall election is practically a done deal. The way for the people is to express power through the voting booth. This whole idea of “there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors” needs to be revived. There seems to be a world wide “awakening” of the human spirit as far as people taking control over their own lives and destiny. Christians have taught that democracy is a concept of the Devil, notably the Antichrist. They also believe it’s their divine calling to hate “the world” and this may explain some of their anti environmentalist positions. Others of them are just generally afraid of forward progress in general. In
I guess the question is whether we are moving into an armed police state. This morning the US Senate was debating a bill which would enable any governmental authority to pick up any American citizen for any reason- - if they are suspected as an “enemy combatant”, which is a Newt Gingrich fictional term for some category that is not covered by either by the Constitution or the Geneva convention on treatment of prisoners of war. Under the Patriot Act theoretically an economic boycott can be viewed as an act of “terrorism”, for instance if you picket your Mac Donald’s for selling products that will clog arteries and give you a heart attack. This particular bill has already been passed by the House as of last May. The consensus is that the Senate will sign off on the bill today because key people like John Mc Cain and Karl Levin are for the bill. Under this bill the constitution as we know it will be done away with. You don’t have to be told what you are being charged with. Presumably your fifth amendment protections are gone so that you can be compelled by torture or other means to be a witness against yourself. You do not have the right to attorney or to make one phone call. There is no 48 hour charging limit. My guess if that if the American people knew that most all of the Republican candidates, or at least six of them, are all for such provision, it would impact on whether the American people vote for these candidates. Now of course the Police in this country want to militarize beyond all law enforcement needs. Now they want flash bombs and M 16’s and rocket powered grenades and military style helicopters, and heavy riot gear and night vision capability. Rather than target the occupy wall street movement perhaps they could target the shopping malls of