Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Economy Now Shows Unmistakable Improvement

The economy has showing amazing signs of a rebound in the past week or so. First of all Black Friday retail sales were up 16% and Cyber Monday on line sales are up twenty percent. Traffic at LA international airport is up 16% and home sales are up 1.5% in the last month. I would imagine we’ll see a significant drop in the unemployment rate nationwide in a few days. All that figure has to do is to drop .2% per month from now to the election and it will be at seven percent by election day. Of course a gloomy economy was the last hope of the Republican right. Just today they said that the consumer confidence index rose from 40 to 56 in one Month. This is an amazing achievement. This side shows campaign circus they’ve been conducting the past few months will be seen as laughable in a couple years. Of course the right is kind of out of lies. They can’t used all the dirty stuff they used four years ago. They can’t say that Bill Ayres is secretly running the administration or that the President is a Communist or even a Socialist. They can’t say he’s a Moslem or a Kenyan or that he can’t produce his birth certificate. They can’t use the threat oft repeated that soon we are going to have hyper inflation like the Wymar republic. They can’t even accuse the fed chairman is being hand picked by Obama since he is an appointee of President Bush. They can’t say that Obama has lost two & a half million jobs. In terms of Christian morality- - the President was the member of one church for twenty years and was married there and his children were baptized there. Only one US President has ever been divorced, let alone twice, and it was not a Democrat. About the best the tea party can hope to do is when they see this economy continuing to recover is to say that “well it’s only because the President began to adopt our ideas”. If you are looking to astrological indicators, the cycle of the planet Venus is very bullish. That alone would cause me to predict a Down Jones Industrials 500 points higher than today. The Dow Jones Industrials were up 291 points today. They say that Greece is getting over its debt crisis and Europe in general may well have rounded the corner. Clearly people are now spending, which in time will create the demand for taking on new employees. This whole “Republican fall” will then just be a bad dream.

Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced today to four years by a Judge who did not attempt to conceal his opinion on the matter of whether Murray committed medical mal practice. Four years was all the law would allow. You know if you are going to blame other people for your own guilt consciousness and start hurling accusations at others and lack not the vaguest hint of remourse, you better not do so before a person who has power over you, like a District Court Judge. But we all know people like that. They know they are guilty but will move heaven and earth to keep from admitting it. I wanted to comment on today’s Days of our Lives episode and the strange behavior of Samantha Brady. She claims she feels ashamed of the affair she just had with E J Di Mira. If she is so ashamed, why is she over at his mansion now, without letting her husband know she is there and why is she so loud and vocal about it and making all these statements “I can’t get the affair out of my mind” and it’s almost as though she wants his wife to walk in on them having this little conversation. She claims she loves her family but leaves them at the hour of maximum need. You know as Christians we should try to put ourselves in the shoes of people with whom we have issues. But there are just times when you can’t get the shoes to fit. Thom Hartman has stated that only two groups of the population test out to be “sociopaths”. These are you average mass rapists and murderers - - and also Investment Bankers. Maybe you should try to “relate to their circumstances” but it’s impossible to relate to their morally depraved minds. How do relate to a tea party Christian see nothing wrong in any of the lax commodities investment regulations we have now thanks to a “reform bill” Phil Graham got through a dozen years ago for instance? They will attack Michelle Obama for being “fat”, but see nothing wrong with Gingrich’s morality. These sociopathic people have gone so far as to say there is some “suspicious” that women haven’t come out of the woodwork to accuse President Obama of affairs the way that Atlanta business woman did today with Herman Cain. And now of course there is this issue of “robo signing” by the Banks. In order to evict home owners faster they will hire people to come in and actually break the law and forge signatures- - that lead to foreclosure. I guess this is all in accord with that “efficiency” thing we were discussing. We can’t “slow walk” the foreclosure process, as Romney might say. Of course sometimes people will admit there is some wrong, like Samantha did today. You hear the words coming out of her mouth. You see her lips flapping- - but you know her mind is a million miles away. Who but a sociopathic personality, as Hartman might say- - would say the Real Estate crisis was caused by “too MUCH regulation of the real estate industry”, and would lobby for the repeal of what weak regulatory laws we do have. But they wouldn’t say their morals were weak, they’d just say “Well you know it’s all a part of the common human sinful condition” and somehow bring Christ into it. I think if I were Jesus there are certain conversations I’d almost pay to keep my name Out of.

Scott Walker’s people are nervous about people merely standing on the sidewalk getting people to sign recall petitions. People were made afraid to sign them. Right now they are over half the way to the needed 550,000 (plus many to space) or whatever needed signatures to get the recall petition on the ballot. Governor Walker now has only 38% of the people, meaning that this recall election is practically a done deal. The way for the people is to express power through the voting booth. This whole idea of “there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors” needs to be revived. There seems to be a world wide “awakening” of the human spirit as far as people taking control over their own lives and destiny. Christians have taught that democracy is a concept of the Devil, notably the Antichrist. They also believe it’s their divine calling to hate “the world” and this may explain some of their anti environmentalist positions. Others of them are just generally afraid of forward progress in general. In Egypt they held the first free election in sixty years in that country. I don’t know the result. Judy a tea party Christian, of course has said “The mideast will never be ready for democracy because they are not Christian, but Islamic”. I suspect people like Pat Buchannon and Michelle Bachman echo similar sentiments, as far as trusting the vote of any non American. So they are being beaten up by the Army one day and presumably voting them out of power the next. I guess they are beginning to say that the only difference between a clash with the Police in this country as opposed to in Egypt, is that in that country the rioters throw rocks back.

In Syria pressure continues for the United States to weigh in in a significant way on the whole liberty issue. It is ironic that Iraq is one of the few dissenters from the Arab League vote that will not go along with the uprising in Syria. In Pakistan the situation is worsening apparently because we accidentally bombed the wrong people. It would seem to me the sooner we get out of Afghanistan- - the less of an immediate problem Pakistan will be. It seems to me we should just get away from that whole situation and come back to it later perhaps after we have lined up a few allies in the region. In India they are abandoning all the laws they have had for decades, since the very inception of India as a nation, to the extent that local businesses should be protected. As Thom Hartman says, we used to have mostly independent shops in malls in this country but now it’s all controlled by a few giant monopolies. The people of India may be rebelling against their own parliament, who wants to see these Neo Con “pro business” laws passed. As Hartman says “sometimes, inefficiency is a good thing”. Personally I think “inefficiency” in religion is a good thing. I liken it to getting drunk. You can drink red table wine or you can drink 110 proof vodka and achieve a state of drunkenness more efficiently. Life is not always about “being the most efficient”. Since so much of religion is corrupt- - distilling and concentrating that corruptness is no gain.

I guess the question is whether we are moving into an armed police state. This morning the US Senate was debating a bill which would enable any governmental authority to pick up any American citizen for any reason- - if they are suspected as an “enemy combatant”, which is a Newt Gingrich fictional term for some category that is not covered by either by the Constitution or the Geneva convention on treatment of prisoners of war. Under the Patriot Act theoretically an economic boycott can be viewed as an act of “terrorism”, for instance if you picket your Mac Donald’s for selling products that will clog arteries and give you a heart attack. This particular bill has already been passed by the House as of last May. The consensus is that the Senate will sign off on the bill today because key people like John Mc Cain and Karl Levin are for the bill. Under this bill the constitution as we know it will be done away with. You don’t have to be told what you are being charged with. Presumably your fifth amendment protections are gone so that you can be compelled by torture or other means to be a witness against yourself. You do not have the right to attorney or to make one phone call. There is no 48 hour charging limit. My guess if that if the American people knew that most all of the Republican candidates, or at least six of them, are all for such provision, it would impact on whether the American people vote for these candidates. Now of course the Police in this country want to militarize beyond all law enforcement needs. Now they want flash bombs and M 16’s and rocket powered grenades and military style helicopters, and heavy riot gear and night vision capability. Rather than target the occupy wall street movement perhaps they could target the shopping malls of America. The American people have become more agitated and anxious and certain undesirable traits in their personalities are no longer as easy to conceal as before. Now days women are pepper spraying other customers to get to an X Box. Since the police seem to have abandoned verbal skills is coping with a situation, the people themselves feel OK in reaching for force as a first resort. One grandfather was with his grandson and the grandson hid the merchandise under his shirt to keep other customers from getting it. So now the grandfather was beaten and bloodied by the cops and left on the floor in hand cuffs and bleeding and medical aid was not forthcoming. Another older man felt ill and then died of a heart attack, and the stampede of shoppers just ran over his dead body. It would seem that we are becoming altogether less civil as a people. Some on the left have said that President Obama has been working with the FBI who have worked with the cops nation-wide to quell all the occupy protests. Obama has been very hesitant to comment at all on violations of civil liberties in this country and I can’t feel comfortable where he stands on these vital, constitutional issues. Were the political situation not so dire in this coming year of 2012, I would strongly advocate that a third party candidate run on a civil liberties platform. This whole addition to war we have had since the days of President Bush is becoming pathological. We have been in this state of perpetual war to the extent that people are talking about electrified barbed wire fences at the border and declaring that the Iraq War was a failure- - as Mitt Romney did- - seemingly for the simple reason that it is now coming to an end, which always seems to be a bad thing to these people. Tea party Christians seem to have as a measuring rod- - that any candidate who advocates peace must be a forerunner to the Antichrist or something. These Republicans regard it as a disaster that defense sill be cut along with everything else, but not till the year 2013, when presumably both of our foreign wars will be winding down and we won’t need to spend as much. The expression “peace dividend” seems to have departed from our vocabulary. But right now what I find the most troubling of all is that this Senate bill does not even seem to be making the news. I checked C-Span I and C-Span II and neither was covering the Senate hearings, which presumably were going on right them. And this isn’t the first time I have suspected C-Span of being asleep on the job. There is some Udall amendment that would strip the offending language from this military appropriations bill, but what is most troubling of all (among so many troubling things these days) is that the President himself has not declared the offending language a “deal breaker”. Threatening to veto a bill is not the same as giving an ultimatum, which is what I would have done as President. Under no circumstances would I sign a bill with these provisions- - I wouldn’t care if it were a bill to give needed medical care to old people or whatever. Certain issues have preeminent priorities, like civil liberties. If we do not preserve our civil liberties, than America as we have known it is gone.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Whatever Happened to "The Whore of Babylon?"

No we haven't jumped to the next blog yet, and there will be one more posting after this one right here. It dawned on me that the image of Babylon the Whore, described in detail in two long chapters in the book of Revelation, is an image the modern day tea party Christians seem to have lost all awareness of. A couple of days ago I was rattling off a lot of Newt Gingrich's inconsistencies and things that the tea party themselves should say disqualifies him to have their support. And Pete asks me "What is the worst thing that bothers you about Newt?" I mentioned how he continued to take 1.8 million dollars for lobbying for Freddy Mac despite the fact that he claimed not to agree with them. Pete's response was that "Whatever report Gingrich was asked to write he never wrote". I only have his word. He also said that President Obama was guilty of taking more money to lobby Freddy Mac than anybody. I said "If that were true Mc Cain would certainly have brought up that key issue in the 2008 campaign". Pete said "Well you know of course there is a general media conspiracy to keep the truth quiet". He also said "Besides taking 1.8 billion is just "how business is done" in Washington and it's wrong of me to be critical of it because "after all, as Christians we are all sinners". This whole idea of "everyone is doing it so get with the program" is echoed by Jesus of KFI when he says "So the church is filled with hypocrites- - - well- - everybody is". I guess I have trouble laying my finger on any passage in the Bible that says "It's wrong but everybody is doing it so that makes it OK". On the contrary I know scripture says "Do not join a multitude in doing wrong". This whole message of the tea party right, their take of the Gospel seems like "Gospel for hire". They say that the occupy Wall Street people are a bunch of bums who hate capitalism and want to bring it down and take rich people's property". Also I've heard the line "This idea of equality and everyone sharing wealth is a completely un Biblical one". And "You have to go with what the Bible teaches", which is of course if you covet the wealth of rich people you are guilty of theft. I just wonder if someone had said that to the real Jesus of Nazareth- - how he would respond, given his views on rich people. The book of Revelation talks about whorish business and whorish religion that bends to accomidate it. Are you going to tell me Congressmen are not whores is they cater to lobbyists dumping money in their laps to pass hand crafted legislation? These tea party people usually quote people from colonial days nobody heard of to justify their attitudes twords religion. I felt like saying, "You know Pete, if I were you I'd tone down all this economic crap when pitching your beliefs to Christians. To the extent they believe that the tea party and Christianity are interlinked, the more you will turn them off to Christianity". But the Book of Revelation uses much of the same phrasiology to describe King Solomon and his riches. And scripture expressly says "You shall not multiply wives or houses or horses- - - ". OK maybe four wives is permissable. Jacob, the patriarch, sired children by four different mothers. But you draw the line somewhere. There comes a point where making money for its own sake is a sin, particularly is you just use that money merely to get MORE legislation passed and oppress more people and bilk Them out of their money. This whole idea of portraying the idle rich as "victims" is a strange one indeed. These tea party people would liken them to an old lady who is mugged in the park and the purse snatcher is the occupy wall street movement. I continue to be amazed at how the government can be seen as evil for bailing out these big financial institutions, yet the institutions are faultless for Needing the money in the first place, or taking the money, and then complaining they don't have enough and can't lone any money out because they have "anxieties about the future". Well, take a prozac for it! They lie about taxes continually rising, when they have continually fallen, and as we have previously stated, President Obama is the best friend Wall Street ever had, particularly if you're a crook. You know I heard all this stuff about Babylon the Whore back in the early weeks of 1972 before the oil crisis ever hit. And the Russians would come down and invade the mideast and the Arabs (known as Dedan) would say to them, "Have you come here to take a spoil?" and he'd point out that "spoil' contains the word "oil". These people are wedded to big oil. When they were in power the US did absolutely nothing to establish energy independence by developing alternate energy sources. This seems to be the last thing the tea party wants. But the word now is that Newt Gingrich is the best choice for the tea party because he has the "best credentials in living his life by Christian principles". And once again should you find fault with Newt's character you are told "Well, you know, we're asll sinners". What I suggest is since the Mayans say the world will come to an end in December of 2012 is that we dedicate 2012 as a "year of reflection" about our own souls and the future of the United States as we have known it all our lives. It's funny how the word "America" or "best for the country" is a phrase that's being used less by the tea party. If they should accidently say anything that seems to be pro the American people, they are probably only throwing those lines in as hooks to make unsuspecting people think they are talking about something they aren't. I did not post on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, because like Mr. Ed I don't talk unless I have something to day, and on this day I do.

Sometimes you have a period of enforced idleness. Of course I had diaria and could not attend the gathering on Saturday with my family and found that very frustrating. They did send over to me what I most likely would have ordered at Mimi's of an avacado, bacon and turkey sandwich from Mimi's with lots of fries. I had been looking forward to taking pictures. Of course with the new math one plus zero equals five. Tuesday was Randy Rhodes' last day and when they ran a rerun on Friday they had to go back to at least Tuesday. Tuesday was the last day they had a normal episode on Days of our Lives. Wednesday's was going to be drivvle and I knew that and turned it off. Thom Hartman didn't play this Wednesday's episode, and I was not here for that morning- - but rather dip all the way back to the previous Wednesday to do that old Bernie Sanders interview with stuff about which we commented eons ago. Of course congress is off almost all the time. If you were making book on whether they'd be in session on any given day you'd come out a major winner over the long haul. So I guess we're all just going to continue with a five week "holiday season" where politics takes off, and rejoin the news in January of 2012 when the actual political Primaries start.

This period of late November is important for a lot of anniversaries in ten year intervals. They talked about it being the 40th anniversary of that hijacking by D B Cooper, and his first name was Dan. They explained exactly how the hijacking went and even showed some note. They then said he exited out the rear door and down to an escape hatch. They said the plane was going 200 mph and that the air temperature was seven below zero. He landed on the Oregon and Washington borders. I always thought Idaho was involved somehow. They found a lot of the money many years later. Of course Jim Cooper’s last name was taken from this Cooper, and the first name Jim, was in two Elvis songs where Elvis refers to himself as Jim. Ten years later it was the drowning of Natale Wood. I still think it was 1980 but if they say 1981, fine. In November of 1991 was the death of Gene Rodenberry the creator of Star Trek. Star Trek VI opened up in December and it was the end of the Star Trek era, and they had a Dr. Demento song about that movie. That brings up to November 29th of 2001 when George Harrison died of cancer. They had two song requests of Olivia Harrison and those were really good songs they never used to play before I moved here- - “Run of the Mill” and “Let It Down”. They played that Danny Harrison song that sounds like some musical borrowing from Fog Hat. They played that “Horse to Water” track that was the last thing George recorded. They also played “Mama, You’ve Been On My Mind” which features some of the best Harrison acoustic guitar playing I’ve ever heard where Harrison actually out-Dylans Dylan. They played another blues based song, and also “Let it Be Me”. Peter Asher of Peter and Gordon was there and they played “I don’t want to see you again”. They also mentioned Jerry Marston, of Jerry & the Pacemakers. Those are a couple of Romulans- - and I’ll have a little more to say about that- - right now. Most all of those "Merzy Beat" groups were Romulan, and the curious exception was the "Swinging Blue Jeans", which is an interesting - - conbination. This group is Sirius 0 bodies with "North Romulan" Karma, and to review - that's a mixture of Romulan and Portland Reigelian. This race of north Romulans is responsable to songs like "Rinky Dink" and "Let's Dance" by Chris Montez and the remake of "Warm California Sun" by the Rivieras, but not the original which is by the - race - - "Mezzser - - something " not Mezzerschmidt. Anyhow this group also did "Last Night" and a few other hits from 1961. Getting back to the north Romulans - - they drew me the analogy of the "Africanized bee", with Sirius 0 bodies and north Romulan karma. This group is not entirely trusted by the regular Sirius 0's. Three Beatlish personnel are from this group - - Brian Epstein, Tony Sheridan, and Pete Best, but interestingly not Stewart Sutcliffe, who is just a regular Sirius 0. So now you know that. Basically it was an all George Harrison three hours with all the usual Beatle songs. But oddly or not so oddly there were any number of solo albums they played absolutely nothing off of. As far as I know there was nothing from "Material World" "Dark Horse" "George Harrison" "Somewhere in England" or "Cloud Nine". Am I correct?

We had tomato soup again- with green beans in it. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I had an extra half. Loretta had considerable trouble getting her plate, and I don’t know if she ever did. When you don’t put in these special orders you don’t run the risk of that sort of thing happening. We had bananas for desert. I had Leo Le Port on briefly before lunch. I had some vague stomach pains right after breakfast but my system soon settled down. I imagine I’ll go to the Mormon gathering tonight, and three consecutive weeks is rather unusual for me. Also Richard Powers should get due mention and honor in Dr. Levy’s class tomorrow. As you know I attended Bob Guyer’s funeral last March and I’ll attend Richard’s, if the Mormons are kind enough to hold it here again. At this late hour I still have no idea whether Dr. Levy finished the race last Sunday. There continues to be basically nothing in the news. Mayor Antonio Viragosa wants the protestors to break camp tomorrow by 12:01 AM but that’s not a hard line. As reasonable as Los Angeles has been, even we lose our patience with these people. They just need to fumigate the place and clean it up and again make it for human habitation. It has been a continuing eyesore.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Living is Easy with Minds Closed

As you know the Bhudist says the most important attribute you can have as that you be "Awake". Mal Evans teaches the same thing. Too many Americans still sleep-walk through their day, and I don't entirely blame them. Most people live pretty boring, hum drum lives, and this is the classic way humans have dealt with the "human condition". But when you are drowsy your mind is suggestable and you are more given to misperceiving things, and I site the example of "highway hypnosis". So they join the Tea party. Of course TEA stands for total economic amnesia. Many cultists rely on this "amnesia" of the human perception. You in time forget that you actually had a life, and a relatively happy one, before you joined the cult. Of course the President has many times painted the example of the drunk who almost drives the car off the cliff, and once the Democrats have it almost out of danger, the drunk wants the keys back. Of course you know what the E I B in EIB broadcasters stands for, don't you - Ever Increasing Bullshit. People who find fault with President Obama are like a captain that rams the ship into an ice berg and then gets mad because the rescue dingies are cold and wet. He's like the drunk, like Ray Maland in "Lost Weekend" when Nat the bartender offers him some of his eggs he gets this look of disgust on his face and waves him away. Then you have people like Bob Dylan. Many have wondered whether I'm a guy who wants you to adopt my belief system, as though I'm peddeling it. Actually I advise anybody out there if you are a member of a Faith or have charished religious beliefs - - NOT to abandon them willy nilly. In so many cases what you adopt in its place may be more destructive than what you gave up. Reverand Westfall tried in 1979 to connect Bob Dylans's abandonment of Judaism with the divorce of Sarah his wife. As you know the Federation elevates both Sarah and Patty Boyd Harrison- - as the "true mate" of their respective husbands. Olivia doesn't get squat. And Dylan took up with this backing singer whom he eventually married, but he took his time about it. And if I were a betting man I'd guess he wasn't chaste untill his wedding day. People like Newt can embrace Christianity with one hand and self indulgent sex with the other. (not that there is anything with self indulgence per se) And so we sleepwalk through our holidays. But if you listen to Thom Hartman you know Columbus Day is Genocide day number one and Thanksgiving is Genocide day number two. If there is nothing uglier than ingratitude, how about displacing the real deserving object of said gratitude and giving it instead to a god you made up, and this same god would later be the impulse in the words of people like Governor Bradford, to wipe out the native peoples in His name. All these banks are like this thirteen year old spoiled nerdy kid who makes all these "demands" on just what his parents "owe him" and often bot bellicose in nature. And Dr. Phil is looking at him going on and on and thinking "Is this kid some kind of a major Fool?" Of course in one of our very earliest postings in the spring of 2006 I said that a cult was like the head of the Cult was the Queen bee and those "priveleged" to "serve in his royal court" were the male drones around the Queen, and then there is the rest of the worker bees who are sexless, which may be alligorical of something. In the tea party case there are the founders like Grover Norquist and the Koch Brothers. Those who serve in their court are the congressmen like Newt and Michelle Bachman- - and the worker bees are the Americans who voted in the Tea Party congress in 2010. Someone on the radio was saying if you actually think about it the "Us" who the tea party and the republican right profess to speak for- - are startelingly few in number. You have at best the one third or less of the one percent who actually AGREES with the tea party. 68% or the rich actually agree they Should pay more taxes. They say a third or something of the entire GNP is owned by six big wall street banks. You have the congressmen and the lobbyests. Rather than being "job creators" they are money shufflers and thieves. The lobbyists "pay to play" and feed the money machine and out the return drawer pops the hand made legislation they ordered. Congressmen are like order clerks. You have a few corporate heads. And you have all their international connections. These people don't care about American freedom or sovreignty or the economy or industry or the people. They only care about themselves. Their only motive in wanting to get more money is they will then have More power to oppress More of the poor people and the general population and have More money to bribe More congressmen to enact More of the legislation they want. These people haven't had an original idea in their heads for so long about improving the lives of America with a new product or service, they wouldn't know an original idea is it bit them in the ass. (Selah)

Let's review the Eleven dimensions one more time. I think going over previously trodden ground can have its benefits, From a pragmatic standpoint it flattens out the bumps.

FIRST DIMENSION: MATERIALITY We know what this is. It is the real world. It is the only thing we can see, hear, touch, taste, and feel, be it energy or matter. It is the foundation of all science and without it science as we know it would be unknown. Hence it is essential.

SECOND DIMENSION: FUNCTION We have called this de facto karma. It could be called involentary karma or non volitional karma. It is so because it applies to material objects, too.

THIRD DIMENSION: FORM Perhaps these two are reversed. For is a blue print or a vehical or instructions for bringing about the thing you wish to bring about. It is like a Computer Program.

FOURTH DIMENSION: SHARED PERCEPTION OR ESSENCE Essence is not a scientific term but like many terms we know what it means none the less. It is essentially what an object IS or if you will it is the Essential nature of a being or object that makes them what they are.

2nd. Row - Spacial. These are the three Spacial, geometric dimensions as we know them.

3rd. Row - Time: Time going out radially in all directions enables a whole host of discrete Universes. In Stewart's model however "God" is the Creator or them all and all of the natural laws thereof. Hence there is a similarity about them- - despite all the possible variations of evolution over the Milenia. TWO DIMENSIONS

Top pin: This one is also divided into six sub sets. AWARENESS This top pin is the exclusive domain of the living, and hence is uniquely important to us humans. It is the font of all will and volition that we at least in illusion have seemingly complete control over

Three bottom sub rows in top Pin: This is first, second and third dimensional psychic awareness. The first level is the realm of words or brief messages or emotions or hunches. The second dimension governs vision and spacial observation and movement and character action. The third dimension is Being There - virtually or otherwise. You are now a PART of what you observe and most likely can interract with it and change it and most likely also, you can be observed by others in this realm. This need not be any material dimension but hyperspace, or it could be astral projection into another body or "avatar". What you do in this realm is Real provided you do it in a common fourth dimension. By the way - - intra dimensional Time travel is impossible for the same reason you cannot rearrange the square colored blocks that form a straight row without going outside the line. (Selah) If you wern't already there you cant be.

Middle Two Rows: Karma- - - gravity is the downward dimension and "options" or "psychic space" is the other one. Since these two appear to relate to each other they might be likened to the Strong and Weak forces of Atomic Structure. But like those, These are separate forces.

Top sub pin of top pin: Volition or karma. Karma could be called your assets balance or "Capital" for you George Bush fans. Volition might be likened to this year's income. What you do right NOW is said to be the all pervasive key to everything to many thinkers, who indeed say that "Now is all you have". It may not be all you have but it's all you have NOW. (Selah)


Some of you may be wondering "What the hell were you talking about in that long paragraph in the last posting? In a nut shell I'll tell you. I saw a "cunundrum" in nature with respect to the speed of light where NO explanation seemed to make any rational sense. But at this time I would like to back off a bit of that "Subjectivist" mentality. Even when I have a gun to my head I'm the sort of guy who wants to "think it over", like Jack Benny, when it comes to changing a scientific oppinion. Let me offer now one example that hadn't quite risen to the level of mental consciousness when I wrote that piece. I'd like to invoke the example of lightning. A "fire" does not "know" which wood is dry and which is wet and thus "decides" to go to the dry wood. This happens as a natural physical consequence. As Dr. Beverly Crusher said certain things such as fire, and crystal growth- - show evidence of some aspects of life. Fire after all has the capability of feeding and respiration, just like we do, and it grows, and even reproduces after a sort. But it is not alive. Let's take the image of lightning. We know you should not be around metal spikes or near an isolated big tree or near the water. We know if you are in a group caught in a thunder storm you should scatter, and stay away from isolated trees. We know lightning is not "attracted" to just anything. Lightning will go a farther distance to strike something it is really attracted to, just like someone in love will push aside all the dogs in pursuit of his true love object. This idea of lightning "reaching" for something that is not the closest thing- - is a bit what light may do when strangely, again like some people in Love, they will pursue a person fleeing from them playing "hard to get" and may be much less inclined to act if the pursuit is taken up instead by the female. I don't want to be sexist. I'm sure women do the same thing. In other words ether is not like a concrete highway that you drive your car on entirely indifferent of wht drives on it. But rather it's like a pnumatic tube like the Jetsons or something. Electricity will go to where it is attracted to. Someone once said "electricity cannot get into you unless it can get out of you". I've never had the nerve to put that one to the test. But the point I was trying to make before was - - light seems to "care" about both ends of the link. Some may say to me, "You mean that light from the sun doesn't radiate out in a pure circle?" Others may say to me that "matter doesn't change size per se but it's the space that changes its properties". This may very well be. But the problem if you try and "put everything together" even a bright third grader would admit that "the pieces just don't fit". Einstein with his "big space" and "little space" may solve one problem but he creates a bigger one, or perhaps several big ones. As to the whole "light radiating out in darkness" problem, I can't really answer that one. I'll say this. Receding objects "behave as though they had BIG space" or big space ether. Approaching objects behave as though they had "small space ether". But Einstein will let you down if you say "Well- - the Big-EST space will be from the ONE "stationary" object in the Universe. And smaller space comes as objects Deviate from this ONE "Stationery" point. The trouble is Einstein says himself that there IS no "Stationary point". Hence there can be no Big-EST space light. Also all of the vectors would radiate from one absolute point and be Constant and not Variable and they certainly would not Simotaniously Two Things at the Same Time. Capish?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

You Better Keep Your Head- - - Or Else!!!

I think I’ve seen enough of those Republican jokers. Santaurum has the most dangerous quote of the night. He said “we are not primarily at war with terrorism, we are at war with Islam. And these people will wait us out in their desire [to conquer the world] and Obama is playing a dangerous game if we leave Afghanistan. Huntsman and Paul want us to scale back or leave Afghanistan altogether. But Santaurum is unique among the candidates into wanting to make this all about some Christian crusade. Others like Gingrich talk about somebody with a nuclear bomb that he intends t detonate in downtown Los Angeles in fifteen minutes and should he be read his meranda rights? Well the police have what are called “exigent circumstances” where rights are suspended in times of immediate crisis. But you know darn well the Average American arrested and questioned under the Patriot act is not building a nuclear bomb. Newt has been watching too many “24” episode where Jack Bower is trying to beat the needed answer out of a suspect. In terms of Santaurum, I believe, he said that raising taxes is bad because it kills the source of income to the nation off and will raise the deficit. Just for a reality check here. Did Reagan tax cuts raise or lower the deficit? Did the Bush tax cuts raise or lower the deficit? Did the Clinton tax HIKE raise or lower the deficit? Santaurum knows better than to engage in this line of crap he’s trying to pawn off on the American public. I’m not even going to watch the rest of the debate. It’s too silly. I will say that I agree with Bachman and Perry on the subject of Pakistan- - and more with Perry than with Bachman. Even Gingrich is not exactly wrong in his suggestion that we envoke the doctrine of hot pursuit to clean out sanctuaries in Pakistan. But I’m thinking this is kind of a “back door” approach that would be better effected by just cutting aid to them.

Here are some facts a lot of people are ignorant of. This first "argument" helps Republicans. People are basically ignorant about the classic supply and demand curve. Most people think when the price drops the supply goes up and visa versa. That's false in the classic model. The obvious examples are trying to get oil when the supply is short. If you show you are willing to pay more "something" will turn up someplace. Rent control also illustrates this principle with apartments suddenly becoming scarce.

I have accused God of having an "inelastic supply curve". The term "elastic" refers to fluctuations in price as apposed to ammount of either supply or demand. Usually people speak of an inelastic demand curve, which applies to things like spices or salt, that people really will pay anything for.

If the value of the US currency drops 20% will this help or hurt our international trade balance? The answer is that it will help because in the classic Adam Smith model it will balance things out.

Assuming both Ronald Reagan and President Obama raise the national debt equally at a figure of two and a half times, which President will have done the most damage to this economy. There is no time factor in this question. It's immiterial whether Obama serves one or two terms. The answer is that Ronald Reagan's spending will have damaged the economy more because interest rates were twelve percent or something and now they are like one percent. Republicans never mention this.

If a country pegs gold and silver at set ammounts and mints both coins for circulation, the question is if the price of silver goes from ten to twenty per ounce and Gold rises from 200 to 300 per ounce, at the end of the period which coinage will be the more in circulation? The answer is that Gold will be because the gold is not relatively cheaper than the silver, when measured in dollar ammounts of circulation.

I have a Marcus Arelius "square building blocks" model of store pricing verses profit margins but the same principle can be used from taxes. This theory states that a constant perimiter represents your monetery options and the squareness enclosed within it represent relative prive and sales figures. Thus you have your answer. What general geometric model is invoked here? Also what can you deduce about the ideal price for a star to charge to maximize their profits revenue?

If Romney guys ten shares of Tea Party stock at a dollar per share and Obama buys Mainstream Liberal Media stock - - ten shares of it, and the tea party stock goes from one dollar to ten and the media stock goes from 100 to 110, who will have made the most money? Time interval is not a factor as long as it is equal. The answer is Romney will have made ninety dollars, but Obama will have made one hundred dollars.

If you "short against the box" to avoid capital gains tax and market risk, will you realize your goal of having avoided this dreaded tax and will you suffer? The answer is you will have avoided the tax and otherwise your monitary position will be identical.

Which person will do better. Someone who over a given period gets seven percent on their money at 4.9% inflation or someone who gets 2.5% on their money at .5% inflation rate. The answer is the second guy will fare much better because "inflation is a tax". This is what people like Rick Perry forget when they say the Fed should "jack up interest rates to stabelize the economy". Inflation is a tax and anyone who lived through the recession of 1982 would well know this.

Are the Republicans right? Will slashing or eliminating the capital gains tax increase "business investment"? The answer is emphatically NO. This cut would be a dis-investment incentive, in other words to pull their money out of business here and stash it in some foreign account. Also such a drop in capital gains would cause the stock market to crash.

Is Social Security a major contributer to the national deficet? Has all the money been used up as republicans proclaim? The answer is NO to both. The money is still all there. The fund would be balanced with just a minor adjustment in withholding rates. Social Security is NOT a major contributer to the national deficet.

How long have US Corporations had the status as "persons"? The answer is since a court ruling in 1886 during what we call the "guilded age". Corporations were creatures of government "permission to exist" before this and could be dissolved for a whole host of reasons.

Would a tax hike in bank savings taxes be bad for American business? The answer is no. According to Hartman it would actually be good. Because if savings rates were jacked up to 35% people would pull their money out of savings and invest it in the business- - and probably be able to use a lot of business loopholes to subsequently pay a much lower tax in subsequent accounting years.

If you don't ask questions, you'll never find out. -Marcus Arelius


- A Natural Science Journey Outside the Box

So am I inventing a whole new kind of physics? I’m calling it “Subjectivist Physics”. First let’s define this word to demonstrate how “outside the box” this kind of thinking is. People like Wayne Dyer and Michael Benner have long postulated that any quality in another person or thing is dependant in whole or in part to the state of the observer. And of the observer is in the wrong state or the right state- - the thing observed not only SEEMS to change, but Actually changes. (Selah) I have long resisted this idea with every fiber of my being. Not only to I say that reality lies in the Object being observed, but that ALL reality lies in the object, and that the state or even alive or deadness or the observer is Completely Immaterial. (Selah) For instance I have often said what Christians deny and that is that God is a thing or specimen that can be observed under laboratory conditions and if he is who he is- - then he will be that way no matter of the presence or absence of observers watching Him be how he is. (Selah) So what has changed my long held view? Albert Einstein’s theory, of course. Let’s go back to the classic Motorboat example where I explain the whole reason why we observe light at a constant speed regardless of the movement of observed objects. This theory works beautifully if you’re an observer on the shore of the lake watching the boat. Unfortunately for the people in the boat the theory falls apart completely. This besetting reality has always bothered me about my theory. It’s called the “No Ether Wind” problem. You see it, don’t you? For the people in the boat there is most definitely a current or “wind” of water all flowing in one direction and it affects the speed of anything propagated or projected from said boat. Things hurled up wind will travel more slowly than things hurled down wind. There are ways I’ve tried to rationalize around this. For instance I have argued for the “Strangled by the Infinity” definition. If infinity is in fact just another number (as I have proposed) then it can be easily reached and surpassed. A clear demonstration to try and make Einstein look stupid can be found in trigonometry. For instance it could just as validly be argued that it’s physically impossible for a tangent angle coordinate to be greater than- - well, infinity. Since there is no number greater than infinity no tangent coordinate can exist greater than infinity. Therefore using Einstinian logic we have proved that no arc-tangent can possibly exist greater than ninety degrees. Ain’t that nice. But we know that taint so. In like manner we could argue that seeing some object infinity away indeed means infinitely away. And when distances become infinetessable on the other end we can reason likewise that they can only get so small. And we can infer from Einstinian reasoning that- - since Infinity is “The End” then no “distance” can be greater than It is. However I refute this whole line of logic by saying that indeed trigonometric degrees do indeed go around in an entire circle and there is virtually no limit to the number of degrees you can have, and indeed rely on this principle for my BASIC programs of rotating objects. However we are still left with a basic problem. Einstein “solves” the whole varying speed of light propagation thing by saying that things stretch and shrink (sometimes simultaneously) at will and seemingly in violation of all other laws of energy and molecular physics. This idea to me has never made sense. My problem with Wayne Dyre and the whole “Look into yourself and find that spark of Divinity within you” thesis is that it violates my basic Theology, which I discussed in a recent posting and to save time I won’t repeat it here. I believe it’s easier to extract water from a rock than to find “God” in some object in this material universe. If you believe differently, this is a free country. Nevertheless we have a whole - - apparently tried and proved “reality” in physics which needs SOMETHING NEW to explain it that scientists have not come up with yet. Allow this fool to step up to the plate and take a swing at it. It all comes down to Einstein’s pesky little “addition of velocities” formula that I was trying so hard to deny in all my writings two years ago about this time of year. It’s one little “detail” with a major Devil behind it that needs dealing with and Will not be Ignored. So the question is- - coming back full circle now- - - what if the Receiver has ONE reality and the Sender has ANOTHER, much as Wayne Dyre would suggest? Is there room in physics for multiple realities? People like John Lennon apparently have no problem with it. He says all you have to do to dispose of Heaven and Hell is to pretend that neither exists, so therefore they won’t. But you don’t have to “Imagine” there is no ether wind, as my theory suggests there must be for almost everything and every locality in the universe. But in this case he who “Imagines there is no Ether Wind” has won out over me with a clear and present reality that no scientist has dared even question for nearly a hundred years. So how can it be? Well, we all know that various things have different physical structures. When scientists happen upon something they’ve never encountered before they all gather around to explore this new thing.; (Selah) Suppose our physical being generates our own Ether field and each of us exists in his own Ether field. If the Sender of a light beam had one Ether field and the receiver had Another- - then light could objectively (for those who still cling to that word) we could objectively “observe” that light either sped up or slowed down relative to the senders and receiver’s ether field. It would not be necessary for either Sender or Receiver to stretch or shrink in size and all that other stuff. For a practical example of that we know that a driver hears his own race car engine at a constant speed- - as you know from all those car cams they broadcast from. Some things are realities that people don’t think about. For instance if you are approaching a star and another is receding from a star both perceive the light differently. Yet the light waves propagated from the star are absolutely identical to both. It’s only because movement generates size and time distortion that differences lie and this is all in perfect accord with ordinary Newtonian laws. Hence These differences conform to objectivism. However what I propose does not. For instance- - we know if there were a speed boat racing ahead of the first one in question, each would hear the other’s engine at normal un-shifted frequencies. Herein lies a hint. The problem occurs when we measure the speed of the sound waves reaching each hearer and we fast observe that the sound from the lead boat arrives much sooner to the other captain’s ears, as opposed to visa versa. But with light and ether- - since there is No Wind- because each person or enttie’s Ether is sovereign- - therefore there would exist no “lag problem” for the boat traveling in front hearing from the other one. HE has no wind. The other has no wind. There is no Doppler effect. So as Einstein has often said, it’s as though both boats were stationary sitting in placid waters. So in essence what I am saying that if light is reaching your eyes too slowly, it’s because you aren’t moving in the same vector and speed as the sender because if you were you would view everything as he views it. So how does the light “Know” the state of the receiver? Well- - how does God “Know” us? How do certain people seem to be charmed and others jinxed, and often opinions of them are made before they even open their mouth? Either you can believe in some fortune teller’s spell or incantation- - or you can believe as Michael Benner and Wayne Dyre that there exists a certain “reality” of one receiver that differs from another and that very Reality alters the nature of the Sender’s reaction and interaction. As such the transmission of light and some say thoughts- - is not sending alone, as an Objectivist would presume, but it’s more of a thing like magnetism or something, where there is a relationship between the sender and the receiver. (Selah) As such Einstein's "moving starting point" is preserved. If you dare to throw out the addition of volocities formula- - - it should only be done on personally observing that the formula is false. This can, should be, and probably has been scientifically tested. If I am right- - - objects are capable of vanishing from "OUR" space and other objects will gradually become visible in OUR space. But it will still be space but space with a reference point that could exceed what we used to think was the speed of light. But since those objects have now vanished from our present world, the light from them is also not relivent. Hence - - - If I am right in this one area- - infinity can be crossed optically - - and faster than light speeds will become a reality. But we will still be in material space. What will never be a reality is hyper space. You won't be able to call it that because it isn't "beyond" anything under Einstein's "moving zero" axiom. (Selah) The goal of reaching that by any material means appears impossible. Only by the assuming of some Deity or entity capable of creating some "Soul" or essence that transcends (and bridges) the two worlds of hyper space and sub hyper space, can one ever hope to experiance this- but it won't be in any material form as we know it. (Selah)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chris Matthews's Bad Encounter with Larry Elder

First of all this Monday noon hour, one phrase that’s gone viral lately is the saying “Newt Gingrich is a stupid person’s impression of what a smart person should sound like”. Today Newt was saying that instead of having union janitors in the schools that kids themselves should clean the toilets and stuff after school and earn a little pocket change. Newt says that child labor laws cause poverty because if you forbid a kid from working under age fourteen then that is just one less sourse of income for a poor family. One more Newt factoid I’d like to state again is that Newt said thatg Barnie Frank and all those democrats oughta be in jail for supporting Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. Well Newt took money - $1.8 million from Freddy Mac over a protracted period of time to “sell Freddy Mac” to the right wing republicans to make the Bush administration look better. Bush may owe his election in 2004 not only to the rigged voter booths in Ohio but also to the fact that primarily Latino voters were fured to vote for Bush in sort of a Real Estate bribe. Of course Newt continued to receive that money from Frddy Mac right up until September of 2008. Clearly the idea that Newt quit in 2002 because thwy “wouldn’t take his advice” is just another of the many lies Newt has told.

Lets get to this Larry Elder and Chris Matthews thing. This has to be one of the most abusive of any “Interviews” any host has ever conducted. Normally when a book author is interviewed you want to know his motive and such for writing the book and the important points he wanted the reader to carry away from having read his book. But right off you kind of got the notion that Matthews was somehow being put on trial. Clearly Larry Elder was angry from the git go with a big chip on his shoulder about something. He appears to be vitrolically angry at the fact that John Kennedy is considered a good American President. Elder was particularly interested in rewriting the history of the PT 109 incident and also of the Cuban missile crisis. Elder then goes on to say that the most important event in the Kennedy administration Chris Matthews in his book spends only a half page on. In other words Matthews isn’t saying JFK didn’t advocate for lower taxes but it’s worth a half a page. Most people when they think of the many accomplishments of the Kennedy administration would think about the enoguration of the Space program and Kennedy’s goal to land on the moon before the decade was out. Others would say the Soviet test ban treaty of 1963 was the most important thing. Others would point to Robert and Jack Kennedy’s tireless work to get a comprehensive Civil Rights bill passed. Apparently Larry Elder, as a Black man doesn’t value this bill. Others might point to the Peace Corps or Kennedy’s “I am a Berliner” speech, or perhaps the prevention of the steel companies from raising prices on steel 25%. But few people would mention a tax cut that didn’t even get voted on till 1964. As such it is problematical whether it had the desired ends as soon the economy over-heated and we ran up deficit spending and inflation got going. Charles called Larry Elder’s show this morning. Charles is a black man, apparently, who is a liberal who has called talk shows around town for decades. He pointed out that taxes can be too low as well as too high using the example of weight. If you weigh 185 and should weigh 165, then weighing only 135 would be too low. Larry responded “Why did Kennedy use the same arguments to cut taxes as Reagan and Bush used?” So Charles goes back and explains that Reagan cut then to 28% but that was too low and then he had to raise them, but when he did that he chose to raise them on the poor, whereas he had cut them for the rich”. I’m not sure what Larry did at this point. Some people wanted Larry to read O Riley’s book on Lincoln to see all of the mistakes in it. Larry’s response was “I’m too busy to do that and besides why should I arm all you people on the left with new evidence?” O Riley didn’t know that Lincoln was killed at Ford’s theater, for instance. But again what struck me is Larry’s Elder’s almost vitriolically defending O Riley against all detracters, when he admits he has no intension of even reading a book. Of course Herman Cain made the statement last week “When I’m president I will be elected to lead and not to read”. This line of course was taken right from A Simpson’s episode where a President Swartzenegger says “I’m a leader and not a reader”. You know- I didn’t know what I’d find when I tuned in KABC radio this morning. I didn’t even know Larry was on the air then.

Well the Committee of Twelve’s job has run its course and they were unable to cut any deal. But the President agreed that if the committee did nothing than an across the board cut of 1.8 trillion would take place where all categoeies of government were cut equally. This to me is only fair. So basically I see no winners or losers in this case because the budget is being cut, which is what everybody says they wanted. But the tea party has been whining and whining saying how this committee was going to sabotage our tax code and what criminals they were - - yadda- - yadda - - yadda. If you didn’t see the John Kerry interview on Meet the Press I strongly urge you to watch it on NBC’s web site today. Kerry comes off as an on fire prosecuting attorney with all the facts and figures, as well as clarifying all of the issues. Our side was willing to cut a four billion dollar deal making severe cuts in cherished programs. But these Republicans would rather complain than compromise. Grover Norquist was the de facto 13th member of the committee.

There is such extreme moral corruption of the right wing it boggles the mind. You know those shots they show of hearts and livers either pickeled by cerrosis or else buried in layers of fat and cholesterol- - - and you could picture the souls of the right looking every bit this ugly, if you could see them. It pains me for these people to invoke God and Jesus in all they do as if somehow this will redeem them. Indeed they do a profound dis-service to Christianity and drive many people away from it that otherwise might embrace it but reason “If this is what Christians are like, I want no part of them”. Forty years ago these Christians started off as the Love apostles. They claimed that's what set them apart from ordinary "denominational" Christians. But since them they have been on a pretty downward track of increasing legalism and rigidity of mind and emotion. Again the right wing has descended into almost pure hatred. Rush Limbaugh is playing the gay card in this whole Penn State thing despite the fact that Sandusky was clearly a married heterosexual. Nobody is going to look at them as either a political body or a church body and say "You know - those people have personality traits I'd like to have." They hate this Black president more than they love America or what this country is really all about. Now this hatred has slopped over into Auto Racing where the first lady was booed as she tried to officiate the race. Obviously these ugly sentaments have crept into television football. Can anyone else think of a time when the Office of President was held up to less respect? Of course the President wasn’t even lowed to speak before congress on the day he wanted. I guess I don’t blame the President too much for his cowardess in not addressing how he feels on the Occupy Wall Street movement or demonstrators getting their skulls bashed in or pepper sprayed. Larry Elder weighed in on the pepper spraying at U C Davis. If nothing else listening to Larry Elder this morning it drives the nail in the coffin of those who say that this is some kind of “historic non violent movement”. You know it was General Patton who said, “Hell, I don’t want these good men to die for their country. Their job is to make the other son of a bitch die for His”. As I have said these people on the right have no continence to be stirred. They watch the violence for the blood sport. It is they who keep mentioning “What do you think will happen is someone gets killed?” Obviously that would be horrible. It’s utterly sick and depraved to say that people on our side WANT somebody to die. The worst thing about all of these protestors is that people think the whole movement is about a bunch of dirty homeless people with no jobs trying to sponge off the government while they “spout their anti capitalist rhetoric”. Clearly the “message” from our side has gone so awry that these protests should stop immediately and our side should regroup.

They are making good progress in the move to recall Scott Walker in Wisconsin. However some petition submitters have faced death threats. And now Scott Walker’s office is saying that this is a bad move because they will have to spend seven million dollars on having the election. And if they weren’t doing this the government could be more generous and restore services and even provide health care. (!) Un-believable. Of course the Governor’s office will be spending millions of dollars on their own appealing any petitions that are signed. Again, the President is such a whoos that he won’t lend a hand to any of these many issues that Americans are grappling with now. . Now the President is warning them NOT to try and circumvent automatic service cuts. This is an odd turn of affairs considering how this theoretically is what the tea party has wanted. They really are the party of "No". They don't want tax hikes. They don't that the four trillion dollar "grand deal". They don't want the problem to be put off. But now that this deal has happened they don't want that either. Hypothetically what WOULD please them. Anything besides Obama's head on a platter?

This seventeen year old juvenile got kind of a bum rap. He got a hung jury on his trial as an adult for shooting a fellow gay fourteen year old student. So as part of the deal he gets no credit for time served but has a defacto 25 year sentence without possibility of parole. I don’t think most adults get that- - the ones who WERE found guilty by a jury. When you think Dr. Murray will draw under four years it makes you think. What's particularly "queer" about this deal is that rival black and Chicano gangs kill each other all the time and none of them get this kind of a sentense. I'm just wondering whether "hate crime" is applicable for a kid still in high school. For a tea party member maybe, but not a juvenile still in high school. Why should he get a worse more prohibitive sentence than any member of the Manson Family got for the Tate murders?

I wanted to say a word about the whole speed of light thing. From what the scientists say my theory won’t work because of the lack of ether wind problem. But Einstein’s theory won’t work because it means the same object has to get simotaniously bigger and smaller at the same time. But Einstein’s theory deals with the lack of an ether wind beautifully, where mind falls down. Einstein’s basic math theory seems strange from a purely logical stand-point- - the “tomorrow never comes” formula. Whatever hyperspace is- - it will seemingly remain as a pipe dream for a whole lot longer.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Three Major Moral Failings of the Christian Right

The tea party is supported by the Christian right, and people like Newt Gingrich are hailed as the sort of Christians we want in high office. The first moral test Christians fail is the "what if everybody did that?" test. Right now one in every two marriages ends in divorce. If everyone were like Newt the figure would be one hundred percent. Pastor Mark has come out and stated that he thanks God everybody isn't like him. People like me know exactly what he is referring to. We hear about debt and households and budget balancing. How many wives do you know if their husband were fired from his job and just sat on his ass and didn't try to raise revenue wouldn't be getting pretty pissed at him? If everyone were as selfish and self obsessed and rationalizing of their own great wealth where would we be? What if all of us polluted equally as much as British Petrolium? These ultra rich commit the error of Nabel in the Bible who regarded himself as a "self made man", till God had different ideas. Christians will give Wall Street a moral pass, and yet Judy loves to scrutenize even minor flaws in my finances. Christians to say "well, we are all sinners". This thinking plays into Thom Hartman's example of how the far right views human beings as immoral and corporations as neutral, and therefore the moral superiors of the common man. Common sense tells us that if we all get greedy and afraid and constrict our wallets, that it will start an economic chain reaction. Another moral failing of the right is empathy, or putting your person in the other person's shoes for a while. It's a concept that's not even referenced in the Bible. Roosevelt said that he would allow no War profiteers and newly made millions because of the "current conflict that besets our nation". A tea party person would say "Well- - - if people get rich off the War it's only the American system, which the Old Testament endourses". That's what they'll say because Judy has said it. The third violation is the addage in the military of "Never leave a fallen comrad behind". How did Jesus do this? Did Jesus Christ ever spring anyone from prison? Isaiah 61 prophesyed he'd do it but did he? Did Jesus ever rescue anyone in danger? Did Jesus ever intervene to prevent or protest abuses in the Roman justice system? But more importantly the biggest slap of all to martyrs for causes everywhere is that Jesus's followers painted Jesus' sufferings on the cross as unique to human history, as if every day there weren't people languishing in dark dungons and prison camps, and being tortured, or being tried and put to death unjustly. I see not word one in any of Jesus' teaching about reforming any Justice system. People like Neil Savedra and Bill Halliday not only say Jesus' disadvantages in life were no worse than yours or mine, but give the clear impression that Jesus grew up in a privileged, anticeptic" "fifties TV family" type setting where nothing bad ever really happens. And there is also the notion spawned by both that "even if people's sins are forgiven- - you still have to face the life long consequences of them" with the clear implication akin to Hinduism that somehow your poverty or disability or disadvantage was the result of "somebody's" sin, perhaps Adam's and therefore it's up to you to atone and suffer the consequences of whatever sin that was, and as such are not entitled to any particular consideration or sympathy from God. Hence you have the "the poor are worthless" doctrine, which Rush Limbaugh is so found of. And if you don't think Born Again Christians listen to Rush' program, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you. Barry Goldwater quoted Nixon somewhat disparagingly as saying "I'm a conservative with a heart". Certainly these days "the era of compassionate conservative is over". In this modern time the "truely needy" are defined out of existance. I'd like to see all these "non existant" people show up at the polls next November.

Spargo eggs is some factory farm egg company in Iowa that has been accused of mistreating and over-crowing their chickens in cages, as well as various sanitary violations. But apparently nobody has complained about any tainted eggs coming out of Spargo. Of course grandpa packed in his chickens pretty tightly in cages fifty years ago on his ranch. So I’m not sure there is a problem. But yesterday Mac Donalds announced they would no longer be doing business with the company to purchast their breakfast eggs. Also Wall Mart has announced that they won’t be selling Spargo eggs any more in their supermarket section.

LA may become the winter haven for all the Occupy protestors throughout the nations as other cities kick out the squatters on city lands. So far Viragosa and the local council has said they don’t have a problem with the protestors yet. So as the weather gets colder throughout the rest of the country, we will have to see what happens. It wouldn’t bad is the whole thing were just “called off” for now.

Natale Wood’s death off a boat in Catalina has been reopened by authorities. I remember it as being late November of 1980 but they are saying that Natale died in 1981 at age 43 or something. She drowned off a boat occupied by four people and the next morning her bruised and banged up body was discovered floating. But Robert Wagner, her husband, in his book states that Natale just “went missing” and now desperate he was to find her and could do anything to bring her back. The captain of the boat has now changed his story saying he either lied or omitted relivent information in not relating a bad argument that Wagner had with Wood and then the next thing Natale was in the water, which she was deathly afraid of, and the Captain wanted to turn on the flood lights to find her and Wagner refused to let that happen. The other guy on board overheard Wagner saying that “He needed to teach her a lesson”. Now they are saying they aren’t at this time suspecting Wagner for the crime, but perhaps this just is a ruse to get him to the station & arrest him.

Of course Syria is in the throws of a Civil War and all the hopes we had for Assad’s son are long out the window. He was western educated and the US had hopes he would lead Syria twords democracy. Instead the protests have gotten so wide spread it has escalated to an all out civil war with many army troops defecting and joing the side of the rebels. Secretary of State Hillary has been talking about this but I’m not entirely sure what if any plan she has up her sleeve to deal with it. So would adding Assad's skull to the collection already in the royal hut be enough to win over the republicans? Yesterday the defeat of the balanced budget amendment was a major victory for the Obama administration. Could this mean that many Republicans are now changing their minds and looking on the economy more realistically?

The National debt has now topped fifteen trillion dollars. This means now that forty percent of the entire national debt has been rung up since July first of 2009 when Obama’s first budget that he had control over went into effect. It should be easy enough to test these numbers. This means that the national debt has risen over sixty percent in just under 29 months. If this truly is the case we do have a problem. According to Bachman, some six percent of the debt consists of interest payments. Six percent seems way higher than I would have guessed given recent interest rates. But this would mean that this year and every year interest on the national debt is at 900 billion dollars. Michelle says we could have paid this in monthly instalments starting last August without raising the debt ceiling. But I will say this- despite this statement and her views on Libya, Michelle Bachman is a more palitable candidate than Gingrich, Romney, Cain, or Perry. Of course with Newt - one Christian value he might take up is not lying in virtually every sentence. And who can get past Romney's flip flopping? We ran a flip flopper during a previous incumbent election and that didn't work out so well. Bachman has demonstrated a great deal of forthrightness and knowledge in a lot of areas, so in my oppinion, she shines above most other Republican asperents.

Newt Gingrich "looks" the most Presidential of any of the candidates, if you're dialing up central casting. Chris Matthews mentioned that Newt Gingrich was kicked out of the chairmanship by his own party in 1998. How does that give him credibility? Not only this but Gingrich along with the Heritage Foundation ensorsed not only mandentory medical insurance purchasses, but also "death panels", which appeared not to bother Newt at all years ago. Of course giving Newt's propensity to lie about everything, it took him time to own up to this. They say that Newt will especially have trouble with married evangelical women ages forty to sixty. This is too valuable a group just to kiss off. The whole bit about "I cheated because I loved my country with too much passion" explanation better retired in the general campaign. Newt along with Thomas O Neil is of course the archetect of the massive Reagan deficets that he ran up over eight years. I always thought the tea party stood for at least- - - something. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they stand for nothing (and will fall for anything).

Johnny Di Mira is alive, and was hiding under the counter at the Brady pub. Raphael on impulse had the idea of looking for him there after talking to Alley and came up with his “doubling back” theory. Samantha and E J believe Johnny is dead because of a report on the television station that they need to sue about for the emotional distress it’s caused so many. John Black got a lady judge up in the middle of the night to hold a hearing because it’s that important that John Black not spend another day in freedom. John was prophetic in saying that when he pled guilty than Johnny would be found safe. The very idea of holding a major trial like this just five or six weeks after an initial arrest is silly. It would never happen. First of all there has been no reference to even empaneling a jury. But this after all is fiction. So of course John Black's entire staff of attorneys deserts him with no explanation and his entire defense is left to one long young woman. It could be argued he's not even competent to stand trial having undergone much hospitalization and physical as well as brain and mental trauma. Given the certainty of a “hanging jury” being empanneled, John’s plead just short-cuts the inevitable so let’s save the tax payers some money.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Badly in Need of a Strategy

Randy Rhodes was pointing out that what this whole Occupy movement is sorely lacking is any sort of strategy. It’s silly to have demonstrators have their heads beaten in by cops only to gain the right to camp out that night in the park. That’s pointless. It’s just as much a waste of human resources as the idea of starting a war in Iraq solely because we were told that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. Rosa Parks didn’t one day just decide not to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery in 1955. She had been carefully coached by the NAACP. There is a line – I don’t know if it’s in “Sunset Blvd” or “All About Eve” that goes “People think the actors make up their lines in a movie as they go along. They never stop to think that someone actually sits down and writes screenplays”. People who play chess know they need a strategy. Yet there is this delusional belief shared by such far flung people as Chuck Smith and Thom Hartman that believes that major movements just spontaneously “develop”, like flies on moldy bread. People believe we don’t need leaders because there is this “developing wave” out there and somehow after the wave really gets going then we can worry about leaders. The tea party didn’t get going without careful planning. Herman Cain, as dumb as he sounds sometimes, didn’t just fall off the turn-up truck yesterday. First of all the movement needs a reason to exist. We have that. And then we need a goal. We pretty much know what that is. Randy Rhodes suggested that a two line amendment to the US Constitution would do that. One line would be about corporations not having the rights of “persons” and the other would have to do with the public financing of campaigns. Even Christians will attribute a great amount of economic genious to the antichrist. Some have suggested that if we have leaders at all they need not be national but local. The thing is the problem is national. We have nation wide supreme court decisions that need overturning. Most of the problems – many manufactured by the tea party- - experienced by local governments- - have as their underlying cause a national malaise. Clearly our economic system is not “working”. You could liken it to as simple an example of a husband and wife in bed with an electric blanket on but somehow the controls got crossed and she had his control and he has hers, so that the higher one turns up the temperature because they feel cold, the hotter the other one feels and keeps turning the temperature down. Somehow the tea party expects the poor and unemployed to buy into arguments meant to serve multi-millionaires. One key strategy is to define the terms of debate. Sol Allinsky would tell you this. You define the enemy before he can define you. Then you present demands which are well within the ability of the other person to grant. And where the strategy part comes in is that you go outside the “comfort zone” of your opponent, but at the same time try to prevent your own people working outside their zone of comfort or unfermilarity. There is a Dylan song line that goes “and I know my song well before I start singing”. First you need a reason, and then a goal, and then strategy, and last on the list is specific tacticts. Sometimes you have to think ahead to hypothetical, not yet realized realities. It’s silly to play a chess game and to see a way you could lose, but gamble that somehow your opponent will not notice it. And of course sometimes life is a crap shoot. But even here you get the mathematical odds to work in your favor. So you need someone who preferably is not living in a half way house, and who is financially solvent, who is a good speech maker and with proven ability to persuade people. Obviously contacts in government are a major asset. You also need someone who is not a Prima Donna and is able to keep the functioning of the team as a unit in mind, and also one who does not lose sight of the goal. We don’t have any leaders like that today, and so the field is wide open. The first person who meets these qualifications and steps forward will find popularity beyond his imagination.

David Sheroda (?) was in for Hartman this morning. Chelsea Clinton has apparently been hired on by NBC as a senior reporter. To me this is a good thing because she is well liked and the closest thing we have to Kate Middleton in this country. She will lend people of the liberal perswasion a status they haven’t had up until now. People around here are confident she will do well in the post at NBC because of all the education she has had. Nonetheless there is another side to this issue, as pointed out to me this morning by three ex Beatles, Mal Evans, Stu Sutcliffe, and John Lennon. Some say that Chelsea doesn’t have a shred of background in journalism - - and how all these years she’s been such a delicate flower in need of “protection” from the press. It’s pointed out that journalism students may be tens of thousands of dollars in debts with student loans, working their buns off- - all to be preempted by someone who just waltzes in the front door of the head office and lands the most plumb job of all. I guess I take exception to Rush Limbaugh even broaching this subject because when he appears to be even a little sympathetic to the left and against nepotism and moneyed influence- - you suspect that he has a dagger in the other hand. If Rush Limbaugh were to announce that the sun rises in the east, the next morning I’d be looking to the west at dawn to see the sunrise. Of course TV news sucks royally. It’s not as if any TV station never hired a pretty bimbo (not that Chelsea is that) because of her looks. We all know it was President Clinton who abolished the fairness doctrine once and for all and all the TV stations but news as part of their “Entertainment” division. “Network” foresaw this eventuality way, way before it happened. That movie is prophetic on so many levels. This indeed should be a significant plank in the platform of the left of “changes that need to be made”.

Personally I would like to get the whole Federal Government out of the food business. So we really need a school lunch program run out of Washington? Who cares whether some beaurocrat considers Pizza as a vegetable? Frankly it’s not worth expending the time it takes to argue about it. As far as I’m concerned Mc Donald’s can put anything they want in their Happy meals- - barring of course things like alcohol. I am tired of the Federal government trying to micro-manage how corporations choose to run and market their business. OK if you’ve got a dirty sign right next to a school or something where kids pass by every day- - that’s community standards. You can regulate that. But I think Romney and some of these other republicans have a major point in discussing the mountains of federal regulations on each and every aspect of how a business is run.

I would like to discuss a few loosely flung items in this final paragraph. I believe one should choose his words carefully both in written and in oral discourse. For instance nothing is more frustrating than asking where a certain business is and you’re told ‘Oh, it’s not far from here. It’s at Ball and Katella”. The only problem is that Ball and Katella are parrellel streets. Cops use this discernment when “vetting” a story a witness might tell to the cops about what he knows about the crime. You’re looking for the nonsensical red flags. People misuse words. For instance there is intimate, meaning close to another, and apparently the same spelling of intimate meaning to allude or hint at verbally, and then there is imminent, meaning- - - here and now, immediate, and not being able to escape it. In my theology God is imminent, but he is not intimate. People ask where human rights come from. My view is by way of analogy- - just as a scientists looks at Life on earth and cares less where it came from but that it Exists- - so we don’t really know where human rights come FROM. They are a part of karmic law. They are things that are deduced to exist. They are Self Evident in the same way a scientists sees life on earth as Self Evident. As such it may be investigated and learned from and even reverenced - - and in the case of Life one is by inference reverencing God, from whom it came. As such there is a deducable stewardship man has over the Planet that is referenced in the 2nd chapter of Genisis, which is to “tend and to keep it”. But to me there is no inherent link between Nature and Karma. The problem is that I would argue that “Morality is made for Man and not man made for morality”. A Christian would argue the opposite and therein lies the problem. He seems to think that man himself is not the best arbiter of his own morality, but Jefferson says that this truth is Self Evident. Some people like myself wonder whether two different souls can occupy the same body at different times. At times I have wondered when told of these “radical transformations” of a person- - whether it might be so. In psychology they have a thing called disassociation, where a person doesn’t want to face certain aspects of his nature, so he describes these now distasteful acts as acts done by Another. Upon psychological probing, I suspect, one could detect an underlying thread or “purpose” in these seeming shifts of personality masks. But in the case of John Lennon it’s interesting why he would choose to write a lot of songs from the point of view of an emotionally immature teenage boy, who is insecure and possessive and all of that, when he himself was in his twenties and married with a son. So I guess you have to go around looking for some thirteen year old spirit that might have possessed Lennon’s both to write and sing these songs. Sometimes tracing down musical style or “geshtaldt” isn’t the most key thing since the ‘sixties were such a time of rapidly evolving musical trends. I guess I wonder whether the real John Lennon would write a song about an affair he’d had or another song about how he used to beat his wife. Many would say the Real John Lennon doesn’t like to discuss his real feelings but hide them in multi layered metaphor. Of course there is a word for people who let their “feelings” dictate excuses as to why they act irresponsibly both on the job and with their friends and associates. It’s called being a Flake. You observe this a lot with Christians.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

21st Century Universal Bill of Rights

History is only valuable to the extent that it reflects Reality

Science is the study of our place in the Cosmos. Religion is a fanciful diversion of the human and basically only good for recreational purposes

One should remember to cherish people and Use things, rather than the other way around.

If moralization feeds your own ego more than it ends up helping the other person, then truely it is vanity.

It is more blessed to be a Benefactor rather than a Petitioner

Christian theology should be a lot more “expendable” than the People whom it claims to Serve.

To protect and serve is better than to salute and swagger.

True Forgiveness is not granted at the point of a gun

Love is an emotion and not some duty that can be extracted under compulsion. Certain things by their very nature become inherently Tainted if not freely rendered

For man forgiveness is a sacrifice. For God what we refer to as forgiveness is but a "blood for indulgence" business transaction

Success in Football is determined by getting to the goal before you in the alloted time, and not by how many people you put in the hospital en rout

Fruitfullness depends on the karma of the deed done rather than the rationalization employed by the person doing the deed.

A favorable environment increases responsability on the person there in, and it raises the karmic bar that much higher.

Fear is like a fire alarm. It has it’s proper function, but if it goes off all the time it is more of a hinderance than any real help.

People who have nothing but Fear to offer other people - - have nothing to offer.

Manipulation of the lives of others causes many of the sins they may have committed to accrew to your own account.

Love is only a virtue if directed at the right things

Anger is only a vice if directed at the wrong things

People who earn their living by the sweat of their brow should not be compelled to pay a higher tax rate than those idle people who sit around the swimming pool waiting for the dividend check to arrive

If marriages were meant to last eternally, then heaven would be filled with married people.

Inailable Human Rights are not negotiable nor are they subject to the machinations of either a government beaurocrat, or a theological conclave.

People are worth more than money, and lives more than Profits

He who has profit from anything receives God's blessings on loan. And if they refuse to "pay it forward" they put a monkey wrench in God's good work.

People should fight the hardest to defend the things that are truely of the greatest Value.

People are better judges of other people than "artificial persons" even if that person turns out to be God Himself.

True repentence is a change of fundamental goals in life, not an alternate, more devious means of achieving your original goals.

Good deeds will atone for a less than pure heart. But bad deeds cannot be rationalized by saying "I had a good motive".

Life is in the doing. Trust movement.

Human beings are citizens of Planet Earth, but we would be regarded as aliens in Heaven.

If man is made in the image of God. But if God becomes corrupted with a program virus then God needs to find an uncorrupted program disk he got from the manufacturer, and if he can’t find one, take it up with them, and not with us.