First of all this Monday noon hour, one phrase that’s gone viral lately is the saying “Newt Gingrich is a stupid person’s impression of what a smart person should sound like”. Today Newt was saying that instead of having union janitors in the schools that kids themselves should clean the toilets and stuff after school and earn a little pocket change. Newt says that child labor laws cause poverty because if you forbid a kid from working under age fourteen then that is just one less sourse of income for a poor family. One more Newt factoid I’d like to state again is that Newt said thatg Barnie Frank and all those democrats oughta be in jail for supporting Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. Well Newt took money - $1.8 million from Freddy Mac over a protracted period of time to “sell Freddy Mac” to the right wing republicans to make the Bush administration look better. Bush may owe his election in 2004 not only to the rigged voter booths in
Lets get to this Larry Elder and Chris Matthews thing. This has to be one of the most abusive of any “Interviews” any host has ever conducted. Normally when a book author is interviewed you want to know his motive and such for writing the book and the important points he wanted the reader to carry away from having read his book. But right off you kind of got the notion that Matthews was somehow being put on trial. Clearly Larry Elder was angry from the git go with a big chip on his shoulder about something. He appears to be vitrolically angry at the fact that John Kennedy is considered a good American President. Elder was particularly interested in rewriting the history of the PT 109 incident and also of the Cuban missile crisis. Elder then goes on to say that the most important event in the Kennedy administration Chris Matthews in his book spends only a half page on. In other words Matthews isn’t saying JFK didn’t advocate for lower taxes but it’s worth a half a page. Most people when they think of the many accomplishments of the Kennedy administration would think about the enoguration of the Space program and Kennedy’s goal to land on the moon before the decade was out. Others would say the Soviet test ban treaty of 1963 was the most important thing. Others would point to Robert and Jack Kennedy’s tireless work to get a comprehensive Civil Rights bill passed. Apparently Larry Elder, as a Black man doesn’t value this bill. Others might point to the Peace Corps or Kennedy’s “I am a Berliner” speech, or perhaps the prevention of the steel companies from raising prices on steel 25%. But few people would mention a tax cut that didn’t even get voted on till 1964. As such it is problematical whether it had the desired ends as soon the economy over-heated and we ran up deficit spending and inflation got going. Charles called Larry Elder’s show this morning. Charles is a black man, apparently, who is a liberal who has called talk shows around town for decades. He pointed out that taxes can be too low as well as too high using the example of weight. If you weigh 185 and should weigh 165, then weighing only 135 would be too low. Larry responded “Why did Kennedy use the same arguments to cut taxes as Reagan and Bush used?” So Charles goes back and explains that Reagan cut then to 28% but that was too low and then he had to raise them, but when he did that he chose to raise them on the poor, whereas he had cut them for the rich”. I’m not sure what Larry did at this point. Some people wanted Larry to read O Riley’s book on
Well the Committee of Twelve’s job has run its course and they were unable to cut any deal. But the President agreed that if the committee did nothing than an across the board cut of 1.8 trillion would take place where all categoeies of government were cut equally. This to me is only fair. So basically I see no winners or losers in this case because the budget is being cut, which is what everybody says they wanted. But the tea party has been whining and whining saying how this committee was going to sabotage our tax code and what criminals they were - - yadda- - yadda - - yadda. If you didn’t see the John Kerry interview on Meet the Press I strongly urge you to watch it on NBC’s web site today. Kerry comes off as an on fire prosecuting attorney with all the facts and figures, as well as clarifying all of the issues. Our side was willing to cut a four billion dollar deal making severe cuts in cherished programs. But these Republicans would rather complain than compromise. Grover Norquist was the de facto 13th member of the committee.
There is such extreme moral corruption of the right wing it boggles the mind. You know those shots they show of hearts and livers either pickeled by cerrosis or else buried in layers of fat and cholesterol- - - and you could picture the souls of the right looking every bit this ugly, if you could see them. It pains me for these people to invoke God and Jesus in all they do as if somehow this will redeem them. Indeed they do a profound dis-service to Christianity and drive many people away from it that otherwise might embrace it but reason “If this is what Christians are like, I want no part of them”. Forty years ago these Christians started off as the Love apostles. They claimed that's what set them apart from ordinary "denominational" Christians. But since them they have been on a pretty downward track of increasing legalism and rigidity of mind and emotion. Again the right wing has descended into almost pure hatred. Rush Limbaugh is playing the gay card in this whole Penn State thing despite the fact that Sandusky was clearly a married heterosexual. Nobody is going to look at them as either a political body or a church body and say "You know - those people have personality traits I'd like to have." They hate this Black president more than they love America or what this country is really all about. Now this hatred has slopped over into Auto Racing where the first lady was booed as she tried to officiate the race. Obviously these ugly sentaments have crept into television football. Can anyone else think of a time when the Office of President was held up to less respect? Of course the President wasn’t even lowed to speak before congress on the day he wanted. I guess I don’t blame the President too much for his cowardess in not addressing how he feels on the Occupy Wall Street movement or demonstrators getting their skulls bashed in or pepper sprayed. Larry Elder weighed in on the pepper spraying at U C Davis. If nothing else listening to Larry Elder this morning it drives the nail in the coffin of those who say that this is some kind of “historic non violent movement”. You know it was General Patton who said, “Hell, I don’t want these good men to die for their country. Their job is to make the other son of a bitch die for His”. As I have said these people on the right have no continence to be stirred. They watch the violence for the blood sport. It is they who keep mentioning “What do you think will happen is someone gets killed?” Obviously that would be horrible. It’s utterly sick and depraved to say that people on our side WANT somebody to die. The worst thing about all of these protestors is that people think the whole movement is about a bunch of dirty homeless people with no jobs trying to sponge off the government while they “spout their anti capitalist rhetoric”. Clearly the “message” from our side has gone so awry that these protests should stop immediately and our side should regroup.
They are making good progress in the move to recall Scott Walker in
This seventeen year old juvenile got kind of a bum rap. He got a hung jury on his trial as an adult for shooting a fellow gay fourteen year old student. So as part of the deal he gets no credit for time served but has a defacto 25 year sentence without possibility of parole. I don’t think most adults get that- - the ones who WERE found guilty by a jury. When you think Dr. Murray will draw under four years it makes you think. What's particularly "queer" about this deal is that rival black and Chicano gangs kill each other all the time and none of them get this kind of a sentense. I'm just wondering whether "hate crime" is applicable for a kid still in high school. For a tea party member maybe, but not a juvenile still in high school. Why should he get a worse more prohibitive sentence than any member of the Manson Family got for the Tate murders?
I wanted to say a word about the whole speed of light thing. From what the scientists say my theory won’t work because of the lack of ether wind problem. But Einstein’s theory won’t work because it means the same object has to get simotaniously bigger and smaller at the same time. But Einstein’s theory deals with the lack of an ether wind beautifully, where mind falls down. Einstein’s basic math theory seems strange from a purely logical stand-point- - the “tomorrow never comes” formula. Whatever hyperspace is- - it will seemingly remain as a pipe dream for a whole lot longer.
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