President Obama feels he has to make his "Mission Accomplished" speech tonight although we know he's not going to use those two particular words due to an excess of Bushophobia. We know 50,000 troops will be left behind just like Eisenhaur decided to leave about that many permanently in Korea after the war. But the idea of it being one of the few speeches from the Oval Office and only lasting fifteen minutes seems strange. You'd think he'd have more to say. Randy Rhodes suggests that the President do REAL "fireside chats" over the radio or TV and not just the five minute blurbs on Saturday morning and nobody remembers to tune into KNX radio at 7:05 or whenever they are on. Roosevelt used his fireside chats over the radio to turn things around in this country and get the American People on his side. Back then certain people were trying to wish the whole New Deal away. But as a consequence of the democrats gaining significantly in both the House and the Senate in 1934 paved the way for the W P A or work progress administration projects that put millions of Americans to work. Roosevelt faced then the same arguments of "devoting national resources" and all of that. But Roosevelt answered them saying that such large unemployment was the biggest waste of a human resource of all, and that if things were really going to change, more drastic action needed to be undertaken. It was in 1935 that a lot of the Wall Street regulations were brought forth. A month or so ago we passed the 75th anniversary of the passage of Social Security payments, and OASDI. Old Age and Survivors Disability Insurance. But I don't know if Obama has what it takes. The other day, yesterday in fact, I went to someone to borrow just two dollars and he turned me down. He says "we all have problems to overcome" and he's right, of course. But won't republicans say that this President "has been to the cupboard too many times - and now the cupboard is bare". Congress isn't biting. The arguments aren't working. People are saying "We have gone all this time without these requested measures being passed so what's so different about now?"" People today opperate from the "meme" that government is out of control. They view the next congress fondly as one who will set about to repeal everything that was passed in the congress just passed. And unfortunately these Black organizations don't look too good by saying that "Glen beck wants to take back America but we ourselves come to government with palms open for yet more government hand-outs". Some people take this to be pure sloth in need of a severe "attitude adjustment". If the Democrats have a prayer (apt word) of winning in November they will have to come up with an approach the republicans haven't already inoculated us against.
There is a persistent roomer that Joe Byden and Hillary Clinton will be swapping positions in government. They say Byden has always wanted to be Secretary of State and that Hillary needs a stepping stone for a new run for the Presidency in 2016. At that rate she would be in office till 2024 and by then she would be a little long in the tooth. She'd be about as old as Reagan was. They say that Byden has been doing more "negotiating" than Hillary has. Apparently there is a crisis in the Mideast that Byden and not Hillary has been on top of. This while "settlements" issue will be coming up again on September 26th when some moritorium on building expires and as such the heat will be on. I have been predicting that "something witchy" will happen on September 25th of this year as a sign of upcoming events. The whole issue with Iran has never been resolved and Israel at any time could decide that Iran needs to be preemptively bombed. If we know anything about Israel is that they are pro-active rather than re-active. They don't wait for events to surprise them- - they take action ahead of time to insure the outcome they want.
Today is Tuesday August 31, 2010 and I had some Stephanie Miller on before breakfast and some TV. We had oatmeal for breakfast. That old guy at our table has been messing around with peoples’ table ware before we get there. I got my medication with Oscar before breakfast. We had pancakes for breakfast and sausage. I got more coffee from the back counter. Joe lent me a third cigarette before breakfast. Paul gave me three cigarettes at 8:20 or so when I was out there. I was amazed at his sudden generosity. Now I've paid Paul back three, and Frances back four, and Joe put me on notice for three cigarettes. It's a cardinal rule that people are willing to lend with the expectation of being paid back. The same holds true for nations buying our bonds, such as China. Some people lay away for the future. Others borrow From it. If you are of the latter you should be aware that's what you are doing. People "borrow" things like "Faith" and "Credibility", too. Sometimes the bill comes due unexpectedly. In the next paragraph I talk about how Christianity has a long standing "bill" due to - - the whole Universe. The Church has used every trick in the book to fenegle a place in the hearts of mankind. But I suspect from the hostile reaction to Glen Beck (even here by a fellow Mormon) that such religious "professions" will become increasingly manifest and difficult to ignore.
After breakfast I watched the first three-fourths of “Days of our Lives”, the portion I didn’t see yesterday. Stephanie Miller had been talking about religion, and had a reverend on discussing it. But my famous refrain is “You can’t put lipstick on a pig”. I don’t even want to venture into other people’s faith. I only know from my own experience and I’m not in the business of cramming my experiences down other people’s throats. What they think of Christian credibility is their own affair. However I will say that it’s a fact that “big movements often devour their own parents”. They say that Thomas Paine fell on hard times and a loss of credibility after 1776. We know that the Mormon Church today is not the “Reorganized Church of Later Day Saints” because a court ruled against Young’s Utah church in favor of the one in Missouri. Joseph Smith never preached polygamy, despite Young’s testimony that Smith personally imparted the doctrine of polygamy to him. We know that the dreaded Brown Shirts or original “Storm Troopers” of the Nazis fell victim to “the night of the long knives’ in that they were done away with by Hitler himself because they no longer suited his purposes. In like matter the core of the Christian cannon originated with Marcion. He was the personage who imparted the fundamental doctrine of anti Semitism to the Church, and every utterance that proceeds from the mouth of the Church alias the Papacy, is predicated on the original “meme” of anti-Semitism. Marcion was born in AD 110 on the south shore of the Black Sea and he comes from a family of ship builders and we were told it was a relative wealthy family. The year 144 AD comes up in two different veins. One source says that this was the year Marcion was ex- communicated by the Church. The other source says this is the year, in the autumn of 144 that Marcion finalized his doctrines. We have one source saying “Marcion’s beliefs spread throughout the whole world” and goes on ti name all the countries. To me this seems a bit strange in that after his death- - and more like decades after his death, his name was summarily blackened, and I don’t mean in a racial way. Iremeus did a biography on Marcion but a later guy that Hippo- - - something guy added in that Marcion “seduced a virgin and was disowned by his father for the deed because his father was a Catholic priest”. Many people mistrust this “virgin” story saying that the earliest summaries of Marcion’s life don’t have this story. As you know in that story I did a month or so ago describing the whole Universe as one big “holideck” of the Enterprize, where I say that Marcion feared that he was damned to Hell in the afterlife. Marcion has similarity to Gnostics. The difference is that Marcion was bi-polar with a singular Jewish devil-god who gave the law. In “Paul’s” early writings Paul speaks of Christ “putting the law to death”. The idea of using any part of “the law” as justification for your personal actions- - was considered a heretical act by Paul. Gene Scott as you know has stated “I believe the epistles of Paul take precedence over the Gospels of Christ.” This was in response to some old lady who wrote him that said “I read the Gospels on my knees- - but I take the letters of Paul with a grain or two of salt”. Gene Scott responds “Peter is responsible for the gospels and we know that Paul condemned Peter to his face, so therefore I believe Paul has more reliable NT doctrine than do the Gospels”. In saying this Gene was practically saying that apart from the written gospel text there is no independent proof of Christ’s existence, and that there is no essential “Christ message” that takes precedence. Stephanie Miller and Thom Hartman appeal to what they see as the liberating “liberation theology” Jesus they see in the gospel pages and make that message their life credo. But as I have often said, you really can’t rest that easily in Jesus’ words. (I did one posting on the topic “Jesus was not a liberal”. People have said “You can’t trust Glen Beck because he’s a Mormon.” One person yesterday went so far as to say “It could be that Glen Beck is the Antichrist that Hal Lindsey wrote about”. To this I would say that Hal Lindsey is a far more likely antichrist candidate then Glen Beck. And left wing radio has been suckered into appealing to the writings of Christians who themselves are abberated and deluded.
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