Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blagoiavitch Verdict Nearly a Complete Dud

The jury in the Blagoiavitch case, close to being hung on about all charges, finally issued a verdict of conviction on one charge and that was making false statements to the government. He says “I talk too much”. It was on the fourteenth day of jury deliberation. He now faces a prison sentence of five years. Blagoiavitch is one figure I considered excessively vilified. In his famous speech in January he said that the matter could have been resolved much sooner if he were allowed to call quite a number of witnesses in his own behalf. The Republicans are desperate to find fault with any democrat. My guess is - - that there won’t be a retrial on the other charges since this trial took so painfully long. Basically, considering the original number - - twenty-four – that’s a lot- - of charges, the “case” could be deemed a failure. We know that as far as people in the Bush administration, the term “term deflation” is apt. Just to refresh your memory, Bill Clinton was accused of lying in a grand jury deposition. The American people decided that he should not suffer so much as a repermand from congress. In fact it could be argued that Clinton’s most productive years with that Republican congress were in those final two years. People such as Gene Scott and Dennis Prager believe that Clinton ought to receive a medal for his sexual exploits. As to the idea of selling an office, we know that “horse trading” goes on all the time in congress and nobody says a thing about it. It’s only in these flook cases that it even comes to one’s attention.

The big news of the day is that a three judge panel put an end to gay marriages once and for all. The long arm of Divine Sovereignty came down and whacked these gay protagonists. Now they will have to wait months if not years. People are disappointed and were all geared up for Wednesday. It was an unanticipated move on my part. It would seem as if the Circuit Court isn’t the pushover many all thought it was. There is obviously the human factor of disappointment. One can hardly expect the sexual inclionations of these people to turn around on a dime. But it does prove the addage, "Just because you spend time thinking about something doesn't mean you get it", no matter what Wayne Dyer says. Perhaps this ruling can serve as a cold shower to wake these people up so that they realize what they are doing. By this one ruling it may well foreshadow how the higher courts will rule when they hand down their final decision on this case.

The Republicans really do want to sabotage this economy so that it's good and screwed by the 2012 election. The things they advocate like "belt tightening" will utterly insure that. They keep saying that we will use inflation to cure our debt problem. False. They say that the national debt will double in the next five years and tripple in the next ten years. They say that the Obama Health Care plan "takes over one sixth of the US economy. This is very false. One should not expect their talking points to diverge much in the upcoming two years since these lies ans "thought viruses" have worked so well for them already. The best thing we democrats can hope for is some new event to come up out of the blue that the Republicans are utterly unprepared for.

Suicide, as heinous a sin as it is, is not one of the Seven Deadly Sins that Catholics are admonished to keep away from. But Dante agrees that suicides occupy one of the hottest circles of hell. I think one can safely say that the hottest places in Hell ought to be reserved for those who commit one or multiple murders and then comit suicide before they can be brought to justice. Indeed we know right off that cowardess ought to be added to the list of charges. If there is such a crime as “evasion” this, too, would be tacked on. Is there ever a case where suicide is a justifiable act? My philosophy as you know is that we can’t judge others until we have walked a mile in their shoes. It just might be that people who “feel” forsaken and unloved actually ARE these things but only THEY have the cajones to actually admit this dark truth. A phrase was used today on the soap opera. There is a conversation ongoing and one person says “Why do I suddenly feel that a curtain was just closed?” People DO these things in conversations and will go to any extreme to lie about what they just did. One thing suicide would achieve is to “lift that curtain”. It’s like taking sand out of the umpire’s eyes so he again is able to call balls and strikes for what they are. As such one is a position to expedite the disclosure of evil so that war might be successfully waged against it.

I'm sure there are a lot of bright scientists out there who have their own views of "dimensionality" and what form "alternate spacial forms" would take. It's certainly a topic on which I am open to new information. It was decades ago that I pondered the idea that in a hyper light frame of reference- -both sides of the Void view light as traveling at the same speed, which is of course 186,000 miles per second. Only with hyper light speeds there is a logarithmic or some other basis, perhaps hyperbolic tangents- - where infinitely fast is seen is stationary (stasis) and the further you veer from this infinite speed, the more you perceive that speed even exists. We could employ the hyperbolic tangent thusly. If the speed of light is reconed at log zero, we take the result and divide it into the speed of light. We can do this with (1) plus the speed of light or a 100% factor increase and we come up with .76 for our log figure and we use this figure to derive 186,000 ^ .76 at (1) the same way and this obviously renders a lower figure whenwe run it through our formula. As we keep doing this with three, four and five, using the hyperbolic tangent idea, eventually we come close to a log of one, and thus we'll be subtracting186,000 from 186,000 and getting zero or stationary. We can deduce a few elemental things about exceeding light speed by less than a factor of two. (at two you would theoretically have perfect scale mirror reversal) In case of approach we would view the BACK sides of objects in this Universe and as we sped up we could view as it were a sphere, which we were close to one edge of - but for optical reasons this edge would be to our rear. The image here seen would be telephoto or telescopic in attributes. As we broke light barrier we would appear to go through this edge. The view would be both horizontally reversed and TIME reversed. You would travel faster than light so light would be unable to keep up with you so you would be viewing light transmissions in reverse. Light would have a (negative) deficit speed much as a kid throwing a soft ball out of the rear window of a car traveling sixty miles an hour traveling through a vacuum and he throws the ball only forty mph so that the ball is actually traveling twenty mph forward.. Of course Special Relativity uses the "add hyperbolic tangents" formula but I wouldn't put to much in that fact. I have run the numbers with the original formula and you get some strange, if intriguing results. The figure for my purposes just seems "convienient". If you are worried about Einstein, the light speed would still be a constant - you would not only see the reverse side, but you could see action occuring backwards with inferential reversed mass. (I don't need to explain the mass deduction theorem do I?) It wouldn't be real but that's what a "technician" would infer. Capish? In this hypothetical world of mine there would be space- - but it would be in some kind of ultra-speed time frame where to be “normal” you had to travel at infinite speeds. But I was never able to quantify these theory into any mathematical formula.

On the soap opera a few days ago Victor said to Maggie Horton, “You know in Greece they say that to refuse a gift of the gods is the height of arrogant pride”. I find this interesting. Because as you know if you believe all the rap on Jesus Christ, he spent all of his time that we know about- - Giving. It was either material in terms of food, or else it was some sort of healing or deliverance from some demonic oppression. One wonders what happened to all of these people. There is virtually zero in the book of Acts talking or giving testimony to the miracles of Jesus. In fact the author of the book would seem never to have known of them. It is said that small kids are born with vivid imaginations but, like rising yeast dough, we beat and pound it out of them, till they are just like us. As you know I get particularly ticked off at people like Neil Savedra who teach that it’s a good thing to shun the gifts of the Holy Spirit, because in doing so you prove you are somehow better than those people are because you don’t “need” the gifts they have to be a good Christian. As to Thomas Jefferson’s excising of all the miraculous passages in the Gospels, I regard this as kind of the height of arrogance that “just because it hasn’t happened to you, you want to make everybody else just as limited as you are”. Clearly this philosophy has infected the church and caused a gradual but steady devolution of the “Spirituality” of the Church. Victor regarded this saying as justification for he, a married man, to have close relations with a recently widowed woman. This is something Neil Savedra would frown on. He believes that when you lose a love you ought to go through some period of mourning or “suffering” for an unspecified, but lengthly period of time.

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