Tuesday, August 31, 2010
President Obama Wraps Up Iraq War
Lipstick On A Pig
Today is Tuesday August 31, 2010 and I had some Stephanie Miller on before breakfast and some TV. We had oatmeal for breakfast. That old guy at our table has been messing around with peoples’ table ware before we get there. I got my medication with Oscar before breakfast. We had pancakes for breakfast and sausage. I got more coffee from the back counter. Joe lent me a third cigarette before breakfast. Paul gave me three cigarettes at 8:20 or so when I was out there. I was amazed at his sudden generosity. Now I've paid Paul back three, and Frances back four, and Joe put me on notice for three cigarettes. It's a cardinal rule that people are willing to lend with the expectation of being paid back. The same holds true for nations buying our bonds, such as China. Some people lay away for the future. Others borrow From it. If you are of the latter you should be aware that's what you are doing. People "borrow" things like "Faith" and "Credibility", too. Sometimes the bill comes due unexpectedly. In the next paragraph I talk about how Christianity has a long standing "bill" due to - - the whole Universe. The Church has used every trick in the book to fenegle a place in the hearts of mankind. But I suspect from the hostile reaction to Glen Beck (even here by a fellow Mormon) that such religious "professions" will become increasingly manifest and difficult to ignore.
After breakfast I watched the first three-fourths of “Days of our Lives”, the portion I didn’t see yesterday. Stephanie Miller had been talking about religion, and had a reverend on discussing it. But my famous refrain is “You can’t put lipstick on a pig”. I don’t even want to venture into other people’s faith. I only know from my own experience and I’m not in the business of cramming my experiences down other people’s throats. What they think of Christian credibility is their own affair. However I will say that it’s a fact that “big movements often devour their own parents”. They say that Thomas Paine fell on hard times and a loss of credibility after 1776. We know that the Mormon Church today is not the “Reorganized Church of Later Day Saints” because a court ruled against Young’s
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Forty Days and the Judgement of America
Glen Beck gave his “Inaugural speech” in the
But they are having “dueling rallies” in
.At no time during Glen Beck’s speech did he bring it back to current affairs or bash the poor or minorities or gays, or the President. This must have taken an amazing amount of restraint from him. People were told expressly not to carry their usual signs. And this would have ruined it for those proverbial people in Motel rooms with a hangover looking for something to salve their troubled spirits on a Sunday Morning. I guess it was Glen Beck’s own idea to do it that way - - with none of the usual political posturing. I never heard Sarah Palin’s speech at the rally. I don’t know. I hope her screechy voice didn’t ruin the mood. I really don’t know what to make of the Rally. I guess everybody was given something to reflect on, and hopefully be a better person.
Mal Evans contacted me this morning to announce the “42 Days
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Palin Backed Tea Party Candidate Wins in Alaska
Everybody wanted to know on Tuesday whether Sarah Palin was still good at backing the right horses, of has she begun picking losers lately? Well it looks like in the US Senate race in
Our whole electoral system in this country has evolved into a pathological state. You have candidates like this candidate for governor in
If you’re Nicole Walker right now your last bastion of hope just got torpedoed, much against your choice. If anything happened to me I’d want my next of kin to sue Raphael Hernandez, and especially Victor Kiriacus, who as it were, placed the knife in his hand that eventually cut my throat. If I were Nicole I’d be taking another look at those cyanide capsules in my purse because now might be an excellent time to use them. There is something about dying on your own terms that’s appealing if you’re in her shoes because you deny all your enemies the pleasure of salivating over your destruction.
Well you’ve been hearing it for seemingly months on the Mc Laughlin round table. The Real Estate market is falling apart. Home sales of pre existing homes are down 25% and sales of new homes are down 15%. They say the level of economic activity in general is the lowest that it’s been since last November. The stock markets have been trending down for the past couple of weeks. I don’t know but I imagine the value of my Mom’s property that she will pass on as an inheritance one day, is markedly diminished because she has a lot of Chevron stock, and IRA’s and other instruments like CD’s that are flat in value. Of course in my Mom’s case- - her expenses are up this past year. As of now she can well afford it. Of course my two brothers stand to inherit a lot more than I will because of my screwy situation with Social Security. People will start to believe this economy has really turned when the state governor, preferably Jerry Brown says to us next January, “Guess what. We have an unexpected influx of tax revenues and now I’m asking for your help as to how to spend it”. We can hope. It looks from here as though the probability of a double dip recession is approaching certainty. That means that Team Obama is pretty much all washed up as far as the November elections are concerned, and there is going to be a political blood bath come election day. And it means there will be Hell to pay because if you think the economy is bad now, just waituntil the Republican’s are in charge and you’ll see what economic hell is really like
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Mc Cain In Electoral Shoot-out Today in Arizona
Today they are having primary elections in five states. In
Chief Judge Royce Lambert of the federal DC District Court ruled yesterday that the Obama administration has to end all their embryonic stem cell testing and confine their research to adult stem cells. (all the adult stem cells hang out in bars and adult book stores) It is said that corporate pressure was brought to bear on the Court in rendering their decision. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Judge Lambert said he was “returning the situation to the status quo”. That’s hardly the case. This is just another area where we thought when President Obama came to power you’d see some real changes.
Randy Rhodes says they are heavily proselytizing Christianity in the military and she says it’s inappropriate. She says some people are given a choice of attending a Jesus rock band or cleaning out the barics. She talked about a “Team Jesus” group that was active and pushing in the military. She says it used to be that a Chaplin was there just for prayer and comfort but that isn’t the case any more. If you’re Jewish or Moslem you really feel out of place today. Hence the military has become sort of a Christian club.
People like Ted Olsen and Ron Paul deserve some sort of awards for standing up and being counted. Ted Olsen was an attorney in the Bush verses Gore case, but was “consistent enough” to be a “constitutional” conservative and that means to grant people certain inailable rights, like getting married to whom they choose. I may get ill but I’ll have to second the notion that this guy is a hero. It’s said that the real test of a constitutional right is to grant that right “even when it’s hard for you to do that”. Ron Paul had the personal courage to stand up and be counted on this Mosque issue, to say that he favors the Islamic community building the center and sees it as property rights, and then went on to attack the motives of the other Republicans. I wish we had more conservatives like him. The dinner bell just rang. I feel like a cigarette. Last Friday ABC saluted one of these guys who defuse bombs in
In personal news I got Dr. Levy to reprint my "Seventeen Injunctions of Life" which I did for you blog readers a month ago. Metaphorically I got the head of the record company to like my sound, but convincing the record buying public is another thing. I may have hit the ball out of the park, but the crowd was so medicated on qualudes or Prozac or something they scarcely paid it notice. I'd like to know who is out there- -if anybody- - who is a regular reader. I know I need to do more to get my blogs listed on Google searches. It happens occasionally but usually I fail to use those valuable key words in the title heading, which Google counts as so important.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Karzai - Thumbs Up On Women's Rights
Hammid Karzai said today that this roomer that has been going around about a deal between the Obama administration and the Talliban to make peace at the price of denying women their hard earned rights- - is nonsense. Karzai says he was shocked at the recent stonings of women, and I believe him. Karzai appears to want to Westernize his country in a more progressive direction. He does however want these private “security contractors” out of his country by the end of the year. Apparently this “phase out” will actually be taking place. He says that these outfits in the name of some vigilante pursuit of justice and “routing out corruption” in his government has arrested people in the dead of night and sought to ship them off somewhere like
The credit card provisions of last years bill went into effect today bringing welcome changes for customers. If they raise your rates they have to give you notice, and they have to reconsider the move if it’s seen as no longer necessary after six months. Your penalty cannot exceed the infraction. So if your infraction is two dollars they can’t charge you $35.00 but a maximum of two dollars. Apparently certain penalties are limited to $35.00. They can’t charge you multiple penalties for the same infraction any more. Of course many synics out there out there will note that there is nothing in this legislation which prevents credit card companies from conjuring altogether new charges to lay on you. Some libertarians might say that it’s a communist conspiracy to even step in and regulate credit card companies at all. They would say “If you don’t like the service of one bank, then go to another”. Actually it is hard to argue with this logic. Loose credit is what caused all our economic problems to begin with and a “slap down” by the bank may cramp your style, but may in the end force you to be more careful.
Last night I reread those two articles in Astronomy Café. One was on those fourteen Grim Facts about the Universe. First and foremost, even empty space is not empty. Other statements are made such as the brain controls the “energy environment” of matter. They say three percent of your body is made up of quarks, which is a lot more than I figured. The rest of it is pure energy. So let me get this straight - - 97% of the weight of your body is comprised by energy. They said if you had enough brain power you would meld yourself into a wall because “there is no scientific reason why that should not be possible. Perhaps you can lead me to Wayne Dyer’s padded cell. But also the statement amazed me that “If there were no gravitational fields, there would be no time”. Obviously people in weightless environments don’t suspend people in time so I’m puzzled. Another thing was suggestive of something I had already put in a blog. They said that gravitational fields can ONLY be properly described in four dimensions and not three. As you know I introduced the concept of “deep time” and “shallow time”. We also seem to have the possibility based on that Excel formula that these newtron star gravity wells can emcompass time going back hundreds of billions of years. You may say to me, “but the Universe is not that old”. Thus we have the concept originally aired by Gene Scott that “the past” is something that can be “created” after the fact.
Time Magazine has that stars and stripes in the shape of an Islamic crescent, and the heading was Islama-phobia. But we have worse than a phobia, what we have in this country is outright bigotry and hatred, of a type that would not be acceptable against any other group, not Latinos, not Blacks and not even gays. This whole thing with the community center is such a petty complaint to provide a rationalization for this hatred of an entire religion with 1.3 Billion followers world wide. George Bush himself espressly said we were not at war with the Islamic community. But today's Republican main stream is way to the right of George Bush. I had ABC’s “This Week” on and it consisted of two lengthly segments. One was a Jewish woman as one guest, and also the wife of that Sufi Islamic leader who wants to build the community center. This center will have things ranging from classes to swimming lessons to bereavement meetings. Actually it's kind of an Islamic version of the Y M C A. I went to Y M C A camp as a kid and I was never indoctrinated. There was some American history about the British banning Synagogue construction here. As to the remark about the
Here is something to think about. They say in the Psalms that “If I make my bed in the grave- - Thou art there”. If so it means that the vision of Hell as “total separation from God” can’t be true. But some would say “We know God is everywhere but what you lose forever is your awareness of God’s presence”. OK right there I have you because I have wearied myself looking for some clear “evidence” of God’s actions in my life and haven’t come up with anything. And ponder this- - people might point to something like my living here and being on welfare as “God’s provisions”. I have just one thing in response to say to that. Any positive act of God has brought to pass has to pass the “is it something I could brag about to other Christians” test. Capish?
Of course we still have the same stories ad nausium in the news. It’s been all bad eggs and bed bugs- - and now they aren’t limited to a few states, they’ve gone international. They replayed the same article from NBC Nightly news the next morning on the Today show. We should be thankful, we’re told that there are no serious diseases associated with them. I watched the Mc Laughlin report. Today Pat Buchannon was back, bellering about the Mosque at ground zero. He played the lone wolf today with nobody to back his strident opinion. Monica was absent and some liberal Oriental looking guy was in her place. At seven it was “Malcolm in the Middle”. Then I switched to the end of that Auto Race on ABC. No I don’t remember who won. After this it was aimless dial twirling the rest of the night not watching one station that long. And it wasn’t that long because there was nothing on and I remember making preparations for bed at five to nine. Fortunately the nights continue to cool off nicely. Of course they’re saying this heat wave will intensify as the week progresses.
In the morning I had the Today show on. They were discussing vegetable juice “cleanses” to rid the body of toxins. They say “they don’t have enough calories - - and they lack protein to sustain any regular diet”. After this they had what white wine to drink depending on how hot the thermometer read, becoming lighter and lighter. That’s another way to “cleanse” your body. We had Rice Krispies for breakfast and a fried egg that was well cooked (good health move) and toast with butter and jelly. I had Brenda’s orange juice, and Laurie had Andrew’s, though later he showed up. I watched the 2nd half of Chris Matthews and “Meet the Press”. You know if these talking heads want to do something we’d all love, they’d have six months of reporter’s predictions made at the end of these shows, so we can see who’s right and who screwed up badly. John Mc Laughlin says his prediction was that “in the end Rod Blagoiavitch walks”.
Friday, August 20, 2010
On Regaining Respectability
Thirty-two years ago the Rolling Stones came out with the song “Respectable”. Respectability is something we should all be striving for. That means both moral as well as intellectual respectability. I know I’m never going to be a “George Washington’s Blog” but at the same time I know that I need to have my facts down pat because if people sense a lot of mooshiness or “play” in my intellectual steering wheel, they will cease to regard what I say and my writings will be dismissed and set aside and I won’t be any the wiser. Today is the warmest day we have had all week. The news is kind of in an endless loop rerun with the same stories being talked about near obsessively by Stephanie Miller and Randy Rhodes. Among the few new items are the Authorities closing down those drag races out in the desert because eight people were killed in last weekend’s accident. Naturally if you weren’t one of the ones killed you wonder what all the fuss is about. After all these is kind of a doctrine of “implied concent” otherwise known as common horse sense in attending that kind of a race and standing in such close proximity. If people go through life knowing that “actions have consequences” and are at peace with the “sensible risks” they are willing to take in life, then the nanny state Government will not have to step in and micro-manage our lives. They have commenced furlough days in state offices. I need to get to the Department of Motor vehicles because my license has expired and also I think it’s high time I switched affiliations from the republican to the democratic party. That enchanted cat is in the news again. This is the cat that snuggles up to people in convalescent hospitals and the cat in this way has been amazing in foretelling the next patient to die. Prior to this I had always heard that a cat was one animal that would not hang around the home of someone why is dying. Well, somebody is wrong. Today I had a diet cherry-cola and guess what- - after forty years those things still taste like bourbon. Tomorrow is the day that
Back when I was in elementary school, when they still chizzled on stone tablets, they had something called “American Heritage” which was instituted by the local school board. My feeling about it was “history is history- - why give it a fancy name”. Then five or so years later, when my politics had moved considerably to the left, there was a song on the radio “The Green Barrettes”. Personally I regarded the song ad evil incarnate propaganda from the other side. All that stuff about “Put silver wings on my son’s chest- - after I die” so he can follow in my footsteps. All went well for a number of years until the
Franklin Graham says that President Obama was born a Muslim because his father was a Muslim. Being Muslim is not like being of the Jewish people. There is no assumed limiage either passed on through the mother (as in Judaism) or by the father. Islam is a religion of faith and profession - the first of the "Five Pillars". Islam is a religion of faith and not of race. To even have to mention these things is almost an insult to the intellect. Franklin Graham has lost intellectual respectability. They say a substantial percentage of the American People, more if you're a republican, believes that President Obama is Muslim and not a Christian.
In the song “Dogs” by Pink Floyd, there is a line “- - and it’s too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around”. Somehow I think of Rush Limbaugh when I hear this line. In the movie “All About Eve” I think it’s Bette David that engages in a bit of philosophizing thusly, “You know, you have to be careful who you walk all over on your way up the carrier ladder, because you’ll meet the same people again on your way down”. This is good advice. What goes around comes around- -and the golden rule is a good principle to live by. One of David’s sons, Absolem, turned against him and waged Civil War against him. And it looked as if David’s troops were done for. Absolem’s chief counselor, Ahithaphel (played by Jim Morrison in my movie version) gave Absolem the good advice to strike while the iron was hot and to pursue David’s troops. But David’s side somehow tricked Absolem by “turning” an aid of Ahithaphel against his own side. And this aid was sent back to Absolem and told Absolem “Thy servant Ahithiphel sent me to tell you to halt the pursuit because you need the time to get the people on your side, that your cause may prevail”. In this way Ahithaphel’s sound advice was circumvented. Absolem listens and halted and David’s side regrouped and came back to beat the hell out of him. David’s general, Joab (somehow I always picture Deforrest Kelly from Startrek) slew Absolem as his long hair got caught in a low hanging bough as he rode his horse and Joab slew Absolem. David mourned for his lost son to such a great extent that Joab came to him and said “I get the feeling you would rather that our whole army lost the battle, if I could bring back your son to you alive”. As such Joab has a bad rep for being an overly bloodthirsty general in many Sunday ser-mons. This is an assessment I disagree with in that Joab was only good at doing his job.
And now our geeky science corner. People with an education in the field of special relativity understandably take exception by my little “looking glass” chart and want mathematical justification accepted by others. Let me offer the following side step. I was talking about a relationship to an alltogether imaginary but theorized entity. This entity would be such an unknown that their relation to us or us to them cannot be quantified. It would be like talking about a relation between ourselves and the Cardassians. (No, I didn't know Cardassian was an Armenian name.) I know the actual formula for addition of volicities and have performed numerous experiments with various numbers on this in Excel. At the risk of excessive detail let’s just say certain “things” become apparent. For instance 100 plus 0 remains 100. But 100 plus one equals 1. In fact any number plus 1 including 1 always yields a sum of 1, or the speed of light. A whole number added to a sub-light speed number will yield a number greater than one. A whole number added to another number greater than one will always yield a sub-light or less than one number. Two equal numbers will always yield a smaller sum than a great big number and a little bitty number. The bigger the first number is, the more adversely the second number- whatever it is- - will affect it. What we can conclude from all this is that- - I am not the only one who somehow invisions “small numbers” on the hyper-space side of the ledger. Not only this but it would appear that numbers can become negative by huge factors of a hundred or more. Carried out logically it would mean that masses can go negative and time can run backwards- - - really fast out in “La – la” land. Of course I “Jail Broke” Einstein’s formula because you “aren’t supposed to use this formula with anything greater than one”. When Apple owns the right to Einstein’s works I’ll start to worry. In terms of time going backward- - I used certain terms in recent postings where I showed, shall we say, a lack of discretion. I used terms such as “light dragging” and “light chasing”. You all may have seen the cartoon where Sylvester goes over the water fall and then tweety bird turns off the flood gates and Sylvester is now desperately trying to climb up the vanishing supply of water. I’d like to reintroduce the terms “fast light” and “slow light”. “fast light” is red shifted and “slow light” is blue shifted. Now if you are listening to a radio transmission from red shifted light- - the message will be really slowed down. If you equal the speed of light the message will freeze and should you exceed the speed of light- - hypothetically you’ll hear the message begin to go backwards the other way. It’s that time “slows down” in telescope (red shifted) light or “speeds up” in (blue shifted) Christmas ornament light- - even here on earth if you’re looking at people thusly distorted in vertical (front to back) space- - it looks like time is sort of slowing down. If you are in a space ship that is headed from east to west- - you will see nothing or not our kind of “space” ahead of you. You will be in that hyperbola kind of Universe. And hyperbolas will always trail you in "actuality" but in appearance the hyperbolic view will be in front, to the west. Being out of our ether what is ahead of you will be in that hyper-space realm. You will look as if in a mirror to the west, ahead of you – and see the sky behind or to the east of you. And this image will indeed not only spacially mirrored but also time mirrored "chasing light" so you will see it in reversed time. But you will be looking west- - as I say, as if in a mirror ahead of view viewing objects behind you. If Leo Le Port is reading this I hope he benefits from this updated version of Saturday morning.
But if you are viewing from the ground stationary in our ether time won’t be reversed, so I want to clear that up. I’ll explain just a little more. Let’s say you’re on the ground and the space ship is moving west- - OK. The light starts off moving down and east but the ether wind blows it- - it’s a constant backward vector- - and blows it west. Think of it as a tail wind. Now you have one more question I’ll address right now. First of all tie time thing. Why doesn't time reverse? Because unlike our hypothetical "radio waves" example you aren't "chasing light". You're seeing sort of a mirror effect caused by the ether. And now your other question. And that is how does all this hyper-light speed satisfy Einstein's equation about the constancy of the speed of light? Think of the "scale" control in Sketch and you adjust the axis of travel gradually less and less and then the image becomes a single line and then the image gradually expands back into shape in a reversed image. First the image is squashed. Then it is normal (at twice the speed of light) and after this it becomes elongated in the reversed direction. In this manner we can manipulate the units of measurement. This should satisfy Einstein’s axiom “At all cost- - the speed of light must always be 186,000 mps.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Some Secrets Are Better Kept Than Told
I would now like to do additional rumination about what hyper light speed would be like and how it would be perceived, about which I wrote last night. We all know about how they like to watch drag races in close quarters in the
I would now like to cover another example that may have popped into some viewer’s minds. They say “You overly complicated the image about hyper light speed”. They would say “Just look at this star constellation- - and all the stars in this constellation are light-years apart. But if a light source traveled from two such stars separated by vast distances in short order, like say a half hour- this would be amazing and prove hyper-light speed was achieved.” I will concede that for instance- - an object traveling from left to right and now just right of your meridian- - would still be visible. But for instance- -an object traveling ten times the speed of light would not be visible at an eight to one “Sine” angel of how-many degrees. Maybe twenty. The further away you yourself were from the constellation- - the farther out front the actual object would be in the present tense.. Because light takes time to travel a longer distance but to you the viewer the angle would become smaller. I will repeat that light can never exceed 186,000 miles per second. Remember from previous postings that sub light forms round “Universes” and super-light-speed forms hyperbolic Universes. These are Universes obviously that go mainly one direction, and virtually zero in the opposite direction.
The mathematical model on the previous post is what I call the “through the looking glass” approach. Each side of the looking glass views the one on the other side as in some alien dimension. The speed of light is a denotation of zero on our chart. At a positive one on our chart light has slowed down considerably. The speed of light slows to 10,111 miles per hour at an exponent of .76. I was surprised by this figure myself. Those of you wondering about the whole log and hyperbolic tangent thing, here’s what happens on each side of log zero. What I do is flip-flop the numbers on the other side of zero. I’ll do this after dinner. If we take that 10,111 figure and [subtract it from] the speed of light we get [176,000] miles per second. That’s how it works. Dividing with two renders a log of .94 and a devisor of 120,173 or about half the speed of light so our final figure would be [66,000] - - miles per second. On the positive side of the ledger this is how we do the math. On the negative side of the ledger where the demarcations are -1 and -2 for instance, we do it differently. A negative one is viewed in hyperspace as twice the speed of light and a -2 is seen as three times the speed of light as seen from hyperspace. We use the log figures to deduce the speed as seen in sub light space. We get rid of the negative tangents and make them positive. The .76 figure renders our 10111 [subtracted from] light speed for our [176,000] miles per second. And at the -2 figure we get our [66,000] miles per second, modeling the math from above, only switched around. Eventually we get close to a log one, [186,000 subtracted from 186,000] and get zero (mps.). Perhaps you are thinking that all this would work out much better if we used subtraction rather than division because we would end up with zero and not one. That’s a very good point. At that rate at negative one we would have the speed of light less the figure of 10,111 or about 176,000 mps. I can live with that. We can do it. The figure at either two or negative two would be about 166,000 miles per second. OK. The point is for each side to see the other as “the other side of the looking glass” and to see the speed of light itself AS the looking glass. Capish?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Blagoiavitch Verdict Nearly a Complete Dud
The jury in the Blagoiavitch case, close to being hung on about all charges, finally issued a verdict of conviction on one charge and that was making false statements to the government. He says “I talk too much”. It was on the fourteenth day of jury deliberation. He now faces a prison sentence of five years. Blagoiavitch is one figure I considered excessively vilified. In his famous speech in January he said that the matter could have been resolved much sooner if he were allowed to call quite a number of witnesses in his own behalf. The Republicans are desperate to find fault with any democrat. My guess is - - that there won’t be a retrial on the other charges since this trial took so painfully long. Basically, considering the original number - - twenty-four – that’s a lot- - of charges, the “case” could be deemed a failure. We know that as far as people in the Bush administration, the term “term deflation” is apt. Just to refresh your memory, Bill Clinton was accused of lying in a grand jury deposition. The American people decided that he should not suffer so much as a repermand from congress. In fact it could be argued that
The big news of the day is that a three judge panel put an end to gay marriages once and for all. The long arm of Divine Sovereignty came down and whacked these gay protagonists. Now they will have to wait months if not years. People are disappointed and were all geared up for Wednesday. It was an unanticipated move on my part. It would seem as if the Circuit Court isn’t the pushover many all thought it was. There is obviously the human factor of disappointment. One can hardly expect the sexual inclionations of these people to turn around on a dime. But it does prove the addage, "Just because you spend time thinking about something doesn't mean you get it", no matter what Wayne Dyer says. Perhaps this ruling can serve as a cold shower to wake these people up so that they realize what they are doing. By this one ruling it may well foreshadow how the higher courts will rule when they hand down their final decision on this case.
The Republicans really do want to sabotage this economy so that it's good and screwed by the 2012 election. The things they advocate like "belt tightening" will utterly insure that. They keep saying that we will use inflation to cure our debt problem. False. They say that the national debt will double in the next five years and tripple in the next ten years. They say that the Obama Health Care plan "takes over one sixth of the US economy. This is very false. One should not expect their talking points to diverge much in the upcoming two years since these lies ans "thought viruses" have worked so well for them already. The best thing we democrats can hope for is some new event to come up out of the blue that the Republicans are utterly unprepared for.
Suicide, as heinous a sin as it is, is not one of the Seven Deadly Sins that Catholics are admonished to keep away from. But Dante agrees that suicides occupy one of the hottest circles of hell. I think one can safely say that the hottest places in Hell ought to be reserved for those who commit one or multiple murders and then comit suicide before they can be brought to justice. Indeed we know right off that cowardess ought to be added to the list of charges. If there is such a crime as “evasion” this, too, would be tacked on. Is there ever a case where suicide is a justifiable act? My philosophy as you know is that we can’t judge others until we have walked a mile in their shoes. It just might be that people who “feel” forsaken and unloved actually ARE these things but only THEY have the cajones to actually admit this dark truth. A phrase was used today on the soap opera. There is a conversation ongoing and one person says “Why do I suddenly feel that a curtain was just closed?” People DO these things in conversations and will go to any extreme to lie about what they just did. One thing suicide would achieve is to “lift that curtain”. It’s like taking sand out of the umpire’s eyes so he again is able to call balls and strikes for what they are. As such one is a position to expedite the disclosure of evil so that war might be successfully waged against it.
I'm sure there are a lot of bright scientists out there who have their own views of "dimensionality" and what form "alternate spacial forms" would take. It's certainly a topic on which I am open to new information. It was decades ago that I pondered the idea that in a hyper light frame of reference- -both sides of the Void view light as traveling at the same speed, which is of course 186,000 miles per second. Only with hyper light speeds there is a logarithmic or some other basis, perhaps hyperbolic tangents- - where infinitely fast is seen is stationary (stasis) and the further you veer from this infinite speed, the more you perceive that speed even exists. We could employ the hyperbolic tangent thusly. If the speed of light is reconed at log zero, we take the result and divide it into the speed of light. We can do this with (1) plus the speed of light or a 100% factor increase and we come up with .76 for our log figure and we use this figure to derive 186,000 ^ .76 at (1) the same way and this obviously renders a lower figure whenwe run it through our formula. As we keep doing this with three, four and five, using the hyperbolic tangent idea, eventually we come close to a log of one, and thus we'll be subtracting186,000 from 186,000 and getting zero or stationary. We can deduce a few elemental things about exceeding light speed by less than a factor of two. (at two you would theoretically have perfect scale mirror reversal) In case of approach we would view the BACK sides of objects in this Universe and as we sped up we could view as it were a sphere, which we were close to one edge of - but for optical reasons this edge would be to our rear. The image here seen would be telephoto or telescopic in attributes. As we broke light barrier we would appear to go through this edge. The view would be both horizontally reversed and TIME reversed. You would travel faster than light so light would be unable to keep up with you so you would be viewing light transmissions in reverse. Light would have a (negative) deficit speed much as a kid throwing a soft ball out of the rear window of a car traveling sixty miles an hour traveling through a vacuum and he throws the ball only forty mph so that the ball is actually traveling twenty mph forward.. Of course Special Relativity uses the "add hyperbolic tangents" formula but I wouldn't put to much in that fact. I have run the numbers with the original formula and you get some strange, if intriguing results. The figure for my purposes just seems "convienient". If you are worried about Einstein, the light speed would still be a constant - you would not only see the reverse side, but you could see action occuring backwards with inferential reversed mass. (I don't need to explain the mass deduction theorem do I?) It wouldn't be real but that's what a "technician" would infer. Capish? In this hypothetical world of mine there would be space- - but it would be in some kind of ultra-speed time frame where to be “normal” you had to travel at infinite speeds. But I was never able to quantify these theory into any mathematical formula.
On the soap opera a few days ago Victor said to Maggie Horton, “You know in