Thursday, January 15, 2009

You See? Infinity Isn't So Scarey

They're giving us a free pass today. Well they are calling today's airliner incident the "miracle on the Hudson". An "air bus" loaded with passengers flew into a flock of geese and clogged the engines forcing the experianced pilot to find an emergency place to land. This pilot whose been one forty years gets an A plus for execution of the landing and definitely has to be the ABC Person of the Week. All of the passengers survived in the near freezing waters. The plane was almost immediately surrounded by rescue crafts. Only the front hatch was opened so that icy waters would not flood the plane. They recently raised the maximum age for pilots from sixty to 65 and I think this was a good move in that this is the sort of wisdom you can't buy.

Today Adolph Hitler gave his final speech on election eve of November 8th. 1938 at the moment of being booted from office. OK that never happened, although people pray that it would have. Just remember that even the broadest of horizons are bounded by Infinity. If we view God as infinite and therefore "of infinity" then we know that at least in this country, at least so far, even the worst of despots can't stay on office forever. George Bush did not declare a military emergency in order to scuttle the Inoguration festivities and remain in power. Only once in the whole speech, I suspect, did he speak the truth. That is when he said "Since 9 - 11 I haven't seen things the same ever again". We know that he obsessed on 9 - 11 but we also know that he Dreamed about a 9 - 11 incident in his fondest fantasies before it even happened. We all know about that "political capital" he wasn't going to waste. We know that even with all that capital he could not privitize social security or overturn Roe verses Wade. He says with every decision he made he always had what was best for America uppermost in his mind. A lot of us would like to believe that but we just can't. Rush Limbaugh feared Clinton would not "go quietly into the sunset" after his terms were passed. We can hope that the day will come and soon that we can look on George W Bush and see just another insignificant, irrelivent person who is going nowhere. Let's hope.

The forces of the new are rising in the sky even as the old ones are setting. We'll soon have a new FCC chairman who will bring back the fairness doctrine and restore sanity to the communications media. This is not to say that with every three hours of Rush Limbaugh we should have three hours of Randi Rhodes. One can hope. But what it means is that a thing called Community Responsability will be returning. One can also hope that their will be greater diversity in who owns the media. Eric Holder today came out against torture such as water-boarding calling it illegal and wrong. There was a Justice Department lengthly report in excess of 450 pages that made quite a number of succinct recommendations as to what Congress could do in the future to insure that we again won't see an Imperial Presidency.

As you may know Computers work with Rational numbers rather than Irrational numbers. If you count things in nature you get a rational number but if you seek to use a human abstraction to quantify things in nature you inherently get an Irrational number. So it may interest you to know that as computer numbers go, Infinity is a quite quantifiable ammount. Infinity is a surprisingly precise number in fields such as calculus, optics, trigonometry grafts, as well as these time-distance-speed problems that give Jethro Bodeine such a hard time. In fact once I set up a problem where the answer was "beyond infinity" just to see how the computer would handle it and to my astounment, the computer had absolutely no problem with it. You see when you graph tangent coordenates, for instance, once a number goes extreme positive, then it goes extreme negative. There is only one exact "point" where the figure is infinity, so you see, infinity is actually quite finite and quantifiable. If you look at a painting of a landscape (assuming a flat earth for this illustration) than no matter how broad the horizon, the land is always bounded by infinity. Some may be disheartened by this fact but that is "just the way God ordered it".

Armet with this knowledge and "awareness" we can look at Einstein's theory of relativity a little differently. You know the one that says we can never measure anything going faster than the speed of light. This may come as a surprise but "It might not even matter". Because if each of us, (or all of us) is surrounded by a limiting "bubble" we'll call infinity expanding as the seemingly sloth-like speed of light- - the thing is we shouldn't lament that we can't go farther because as far as Einstein is concerned that space beyond does not even EXIST. Like the broad horison in our landscape painting- - it is bound by infinity and "that's all there is". Some may wonder about all the hocus pocus of Einstein. Just remember this train of causality. If time slows down mass HAS to increase accordingly. (Remember our "Smallville" analogy) This connection between mass and time progression is simply Newtonian logic. Also in Newtonian logic is that if the "speed limit line" of light is always "the last thing there is" then there is never really anything beyond it to begin with, is there as space shrinks down. OK it's the matter that shrinks down. But if you didn't know the matter was shrinking you wouldn't know the speed was shrinking, would you. Even is you're "making this stuff up" - - logic would dictate that if smaller "perceived" distance means reduced speed that you somehow "don't notice" then in order NOT to notice it you need dialated time- - which leads direcly to increased mass.

But some would say "Haven't they measured the weight of the soul and found that when a body dies it actually gets heavier?" If that's the case then the soul would have negative mass. We have prooved elsewhere that "anti matter" in our Universe can't really exist, except in ways that make it an irrelivent mathmatical abstraction, like negative numbers in a trig graph. Yeah the numbers are really negative but no, it doesn't portend anything metaphysical. Today I looked up Orpheus in and learned I had to enter the name because they didn't have it in the list of Greek Gods. People from the Federation told me twenty years ago that Howard Richards was Orpheus. This is relivant now because Howard Richards has incarnated as a young child who in the year 2061 will break the speed of light barrier. Some have spoken of tachions - as hypothetical particles that can ONLY travel faster than the speed of light. We have said in previous postings that were our sould to be accelerated to the speed of light and try to go beyond all the math coordenates would "double back on themselves" and the only thing that would be different would be of exestential perception- - as highlighted by the Benjimin Button movie, and that is this "soul" or "metaphysical mass of tachions" or "soul" or whatever "thing" it is- - - would perceive the future and base the present and past on prior experiances in the future. But guess what. Einstein's theory is so binding it states that "even if something hypothetically COULD travel faster than light, it STILL can't because this theory says so. This speed limit is stated with the same metaphysical certitude - - - that Jesus is the Son of God. I would like to know how scientists have "inferred" that tachions can only travel faster than light. It's an interesting thing to muse on to think that the Individual who can unwind this cunundrum that has so baffled scientists- - might be alive on Planet Earth as this very moment. What was that line John Lennon said? "I can hardly wait for you to come of age". There are a lot of secrets in science and they are waiting to be discovered and ARE being discovered one by one, and what seems an impossibility now will soon not only be possible, but in time be part of the Mundane.

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