The other day another beloved relative of mine passed away. People would say that they have gone on to Eternity. When you think about it, Eternity and Death are pretty much the same thing. As that null space StarTrek character said, "How curious. You exist- - and then you don't exist. Tell me, what is that like?" Of course none of us can really imagine what it's like for ourselves not to exist. To quote from Dylan's "Talking World War III Blues" it goes "Time has been passing and it seems more and more people have been having them dreams. Each person sees themselves walking around with nobody else. Some people can be right some of the time, but all of the people can't be right all of the time". As we said in our last posting- - we live in this time realm. There are are events that Start and then Stop. We live in this ccause and efrect world where everything presupposes the existance of Time. It's impossible for us to conceive of any mode of existance that does not involve Time as we know it. Indeed, such a "realm" may not even exist.
But of course for those of us who continue to live on in this present world there are scientific breakthroughs to behold. For Leo le Port to say he's no longer interested in going to Science Conventions- - I say he must be burnt out on wonder and curiosity. To me there would be nothing more fulfilling to be at one of these electronics conventions personally. There are of course ultra thin TV screens. We live in a world now where as one MSNBC "Today" link said, where were seeing the end of the era of moving parts. We are moving away from the era of having a magnetic hard drive that actually spins to retrieve information. We are able to store more and more information in an increasingly compact, durable format. Of course two items have spiked my wonderment and curiosity. One is the whole notion of having computers that can not only moniter your brain waves, but even read your thoughts scanning for images as to where you have been and the experiances you have and haven't had. They actually train computers to recognize all the compartments of your brain where the concept of "screwdriver" are stored, for instance. Of course they have these "Pike" machines now where computers will play video games with you where you control the screen with nothing but your thoughts, because scientists tell us that before you actually move muscles, your electro-activity in your brain signals your intent to do so. Not only this but computers are becoming able to read the intents of people such as suspects and terrorists, of what they intend to do if certain things do or don't happen. This could be a major break-through for police science. But of course we are becoming more StarTrek like in other ways. There is some mystery force that exists in metals that causes what they call "striction", which is different from ordenary friction. On a micro-world scale it causes many moving parts to wear out more quickly than they otherwise would. The answer is to "reverse the polarity" of this mystero "force". I forget the name of this force. If I knew it I would Google it myself. But in a molicule by molicule level- - if this force is reversed in polarity, it will actually set up a repelling force to cause machines with moving parts to last a whole lot longer than they otherwise would. Of course they are improving batteries so you can store them longer now and they won't lose their power nearly as much.
Of course in this brave new world we are going to have cloning, including the resurrection of beings that are dead. Of course you've heard recently in the news how they nabbed a suspect from his DNA discovered in the belly of a misquito who had "just eaten" that was found in the vehicle where the suspect had been, and from looking at the DNA in the misquito they were able to get a conviction of the suspect. Of course in the Klingon realm there was this Messiah personage who live thousands of years ago, and they were able to resurrect him from his DNA and just maybe if they ever found Jesus' DNA they could resurrect him, too. Of course were they to generally start resurrecting dead relatives some would say it was a fulfillment of scripture that "The resurrection will happen on the Last Day". There would be a division in the ranks of the Faithful along lines that have always existed- - Relavency people and the Purists. Some such as Jesus on KFI would say that the only true theology was in the Fourth Century when the "snap shot" of history was taken and everything was lined up perfectly. Such people believe that anything or any thought occurring before then or after then is in error. These same people are the ultimate ritualists reciting the same prayers and creeds as their forebearere by rote because if you vary from them in the slightest to try and make them "relavent" you fall into error. Having science simulate God- - maybe having a 3 D Holographic simulation of Jesus and his Angels returning in the air- - some would say this is a sell-out to the world. Many people in fact bristle at the assirtion that "It's Good- - if it Works- - if it has some physical manifestation in this present world". Others would say "To ask whether an idea "Works" is the ultimate insult to God. These people, and you know then- - Jesus of KFI, the Asshole from El Paso, and I darkly suspect Chuck Swendoll" are people who "get off" a whole lot more in theological precepts that exist in their own minds, rather than in contact with human beings in the real world. In fact I darkly suspect that a lot of these so called Christians- - basically don't like People at all. So the idea of science being employed to help mankind is of no consolation to them.
In terms of all the news with Obama and his stimulus plan, I have already spoken on what is wrong with his stimulus plan. I urge you to listen to Thom Hartman and his "teachings". But I will say this as an olive branch to my conservative friends. We can both agree that the government continuing to go into debt is bad. We both agree that we need to re-establish the worth ethic in this country- - and we need to bring back domestic industry. As Thom Hartman puts it- - having a service economy isn't generating wealth. But if you're able to take iron oar and turn it into an automobile, then you've accomplished something. If you're able to take the fleece of a sheep and turn it into a wool suit, you have created wealth. This is a basic Truth we need to rediscover in this nation. In terms of "greening up our infrastructure" I have no disagreement with Obama's sentaments. Of course all this is "Gona take a whole lot of precious time" as George Harrison says. I would prefer rather than double alternative energy production that quintuppling it might be more desirable to really get the ball rolling. We can do that.
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