They're giving us a free pass today. Well they are calling today's airliner incident the "miracle on the Hudson". An "air bus" loaded with passengers flew into a flock of geese and clogged the engines forcing the experianced pilot to find an emergency place to land. This pilot whose been one forty years gets an A plus for execution of the landing and definitely has to be the ABC Person of the Week. All of the passengers survived in the near freezing waters. The plane was almost immediately surrounded by rescue crafts. Only the front hatch was opened so that icy waters would not flood the plane. They recently raised the maximum age for pilots from sixty to 65 and I think this was a good move in that this is the sort of wisdom you can't buy.
Today Adolph Hitler gave his final speech on election eve of November 8th. 1938 at the moment of being booted from office. OK that never happened, although people pray that it would have. Just remember that even the broadest of horizons are bounded by Infinity. If we view God as infinite and therefore "of infinity" then we know that at least in this country, at least so far, even the worst of despots can't stay on office forever. George Bush did not declare a military emergency in order to scuttle the Inoguration festivities and remain in power. Only once in the whole speech, I suspect, did he speak the truth. That is when he said "Since 9 - 11 I haven't seen things the same ever again". We know that he obsessed on 9 - 11 but we also know that he Dreamed about a 9 - 11 incident in his fondest fantasies before it even happened. We all know about that "political capital" he wasn't going to waste. We know that even with all that capital he could not privitize social security or overturn Roe verses Wade. He says with every decision he made he always had what was best for America uppermost in his mind. A lot of us would like to believe that but we just can't. Rush Limbaugh feared Clinton would not "go quietly into the sunset" after his terms were passed. We can hope that the day will come and soon that we can look on George W Bush and see just another insignificant, irrelivent person who is going nowhere. Let's hope.
The forces of the new are rising in the sky even as the old ones are setting. We'll soon have a new FCC chairman who will bring back the fairness doctrine and restore sanity to the communications media. This is not to say that with every three hours of Rush Limbaugh we should have three hours of Randi Rhodes. One can hope. But what it means is that a thing called Community Responsability will be returning. One can also hope that their will be greater diversity in who owns the media. Eric Holder today came out against torture such as water-boarding calling it illegal and wrong. There was a Justice Department lengthly report in excess of 450 pages that made quite a number of succinct recommendations as to what Congress could do in the future to insure that we again won't see an Imperial Presidency.
As you may know Computers work with Rational numbers rather than Irrational numbers. If you count things in nature you get a rational number but if you seek to use a human abstraction to quantify things in nature you inherently get an Irrational number. So it may interest you to know that as computer numbers go, Infinity is a quite quantifiable ammount. Infinity is a surprisingly precise number in fields such as calculus, optics, trigonometry grafts, as well as these time-distance-speed problems that give Jethro Bodeine such a hard time. In fact once I set up a problem where the answer was "beyond infinity" just to see how the computer would handle it and to my astounment, the computer had absolutely no problem with it. You see when you graph tangent coordenates, for instance, once a number goes extreme positive, then it goes extreme negative. There is only one exact "point" where the figure is infinity, so you see, infinity is actually quite finite and quantifiable. If you look at a painting of a landscape (assuming a flat earth for this illustration) than no matter how broad the horizon, the land is always bounded by infinity. Some may be disheartened by this fact but that is "just the way God ordered it".
Armet with this knowledge and "awareness" we can look at Einstein's theory of relativity a little differently. You know the one that says we can never measure anything going faster than the speed of light. This may come as a surprise but "It might not even matter". Because if each of us, (or all of us) is surrounded by a limiting "bubble" we'll call infinity expanding as the seemingly sloth-like speed of light- - the thing is we shouldn't lament that we can't go farther because as far as Einstein is concerned that space beyond does not even EXIST. Like the broad horison in our landscape painting- - it is bound by infinity and "that's all there is". Some may wonder about all the hocus pocus of Einstein. Just remember this train of causality. If time slows down mass HAS to increase accordingly. (Remember our "Smallville" analogy) This connection between mass and time progression is simply Newtonian logic. Also in Newtonian logic is that if the "speed limit line" of light is always "the last thing there is" then there is never really anything beyond it to begin with, is there as space shrinks down. OK it's the matter that shrinks down. But if you didn't know the matter was shrinking you wouldn't know the speed was shrinking, would you. Even is you're "making this stuff up" - - logic would dictate that if smaller "perceived" distance means reduced speed that you somehow "don't notice" then in order NOT to notice it you need dialated time- - which leads direcly to increased mass.
But some would say "Haven't they measured the weight of the soul and found that when a body dies it actually gets heavier?" If that's the case then the soul would have negative mass. We have prooved elsewhere that "anti matter" in our Universe can't really exist, except in ways that make it an irrelivent mathmatical abstraction, like negative numbers in a trig graph. Yeah the numbers are really negative but no, it doesn't portend anything metaphysical. Today I looked up Orpheus in and learned I had to enter the name because they didn't have it in the list of Greek Gods. People from the Federation told me twenty years ago that Howard Richards was Orpheus. This is relivant now because Howard Richards has incarnated as a young child who in the year 2061 will break the speed of light barrier. Some have spoken of tachions - as hypothetical particles that can ONLY travel faster than the speed of light. We have said in previous postings that were our sould to be accelerated to the speed of light and try to go beyond all the math coordenates would "double back on themselves" and the only thing that would be different would be of exestential perception- - as highlighted by the Benjimin Button movie, and that is this "soul" or "metaphysical mass of tachions" or "soul" or whatever "thing" it is- - - would perceive the future and base the present and past on prior experiances in the future. But guess what. Einstein's theory is so binding it states that "even if something hypothetically COULD travel faster than light, it STILL can't because this theory says so. This speed limit is stated with the same metaphysical certitude - - - that Jesus is the Son of God. I would like to know how scientists have "inferred" that tachions can only travel faster than light. It's an interesting thing to muse on to think that the Individual who can unwind this cunundrum that has so baffled scientists- - might be alive on Planet Earth as this very moment. What was that line John Lennon said? "I can hardly wait for you to come of age". There are a lot of secrets in science and they are waiting to be discovered and ARE being discovered one by one, and what seems an impossibility now will soon not only be possible, but in time be part of the Mundane.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
One Brick Shy of a Filibuster-proof Senate
This opening thought isn't related to anything but I need to say it. Just as this weather might be called "false spring" this April fools type warm balm we are experiancing in Southern California while the rest of the nation freezes their toosh off- - -it was on my birthday on December 31st. 1985, the day Ricky Nelson died- - that I wasn't exactly "Born Again" but I had a burst of awareness of where my life was headed. I saw everything in a different light and suddenly I viewed a lot of Christian activities as not only a big waste of time but downright annoying- - and various people were beginning to annoy me. Flag the first four or five months of 1986 as a period when I had what I would peg as a "last chance" to leave this planet before things got really awful and I couldn't even think straight and lost all sense of Ego. This was a period when it was at least worthwhile hanging around for a little while because of certain Events. There was the Challenger explosion, the death of Ron Hubbard, the death of you-know-who, whose funeral was March 18th. and that I attended. Blue Oyster Cult came out with "Club Ninja", which was a subtle hint. And there was Chernobyl- - that horrible nuclear melt-down in Russia. And there was Haley's comet, not that there were any really good views of it. That Christmas I was given a portable elctric keyboard and I "expressed myself" by doing impromptu abstractions- (I wouldn't call them compositions) in the Frank Zappa tradition. Of course the snail mailings to the media were never of more exciting, dynamic quality, and it would have been a shame to deprive recipients of theese. This paragraph is a teaser. More may or may not follow.
Well Rolland Burris has finally taken his place as Senator from Illinois. Yesterday I didn't think it would happen this quickly. All indicators were that senators 58 and 59 on the road to a fillibuster proof senate seemed mighty murky. It still looks as if Al Franken's installment as a senator will have to wait for yet more court challenges. As far as I'm concerned "challenges" mean you're just going to have to work your trigger finger faster. But you know- as bright as the future now looks for getting needed bills passed- - the ghosts of the past are closing in. There are still at times when you feel that the Media, which surrounds you, is in the clutch of the Powers of Darkness. It's these same forces which decreed that Reaganomics was the greatest thing since sliced bread and cutting taxes on the rich and deficets like we've never known were the best possible medicine for our economy. Now there are people on the radio, the ghosts of Larry Elder, who are saying that it's "the media's fault" the economy is doing so badly because if the media had just been more Optimistic in their reporting of economic developments a few years back, that we would never be in the mess we are now. To add to this Joe the Plumber has chimed in. Of course by now you pretty much get the idea he isn't much of a plumber, and I'm not even sure his name is Joe. But Joe the plumber says that it's a job of a "War Corospondent" to conceil news of whatever wars we are in because since "war is Hell" we comoners just don't "understand what we are seeing" and what a great thing it is- - all these wars we are condicting. It seems the only acceptable "coverage" of a war is these World War II news reels where you saw troops proudly marching in formation in some victory parade, or else a few guns firing and a few bombs explotding - - from a safe distance, like a vidio game. Someone else on the radio, and I don't remember who, stated that they wished Hillary Clinton had remained in the Senate because someone needs to take over the reins of Senate Majority leader, Harry Reed- - who never met a political intimidation from the right that he didn't go into a faint over. If there is one thing we know from Hillary, she is a "nag" would win the race, and fight for what she believes is right. As her own campaign adds stated last year she would be ready on Day One. Now we are wondering whether Obama is ready at all from his latest Fred Mc Murry type statement (Hopefully you've seen the Caine Mutiny) Because Obama appears to be getting a case of cold feet when it comes to dismanteling the centers of repression and oppression in this country such as Guantanamo Bay. Maybe he will and maybe he won't. I guess the question posed by obvious fear mongers is "But where would all those dangerous terrorists go?? Would be simply let them loose?" Obama has now said he wants to "turn a page on the past" but in order to "turn the page" it's helpful to first read what is on the page, preferably with extensive underlining and anotating. We have to bring the Criminals of the Bush Adminestration to Justice. There comes a time where is an Executive doesn't act in a timely manner, it forever puts a mark on his character that in the coming years he wishes he could erase. Obama isn't sure he wants to deal with "deeds of the past". But if they aren't dealt with then they don't yet qualify as "the past" any more than walking out of a Computer store with an I Phone. So we simply wish Obama would get off the dime on this issue and act. Hearings are what congress does best. Congress has over the decades held hearings on some pretty frivelous matters and these offences and deeds of the Bush Adminestration such as the systematic violations of civil rights and privacy and covering up previous wrongs- - are anything but frivelous. The ball is in your court.
The issue of transportation is a pressing one. With our air ports all clogged up with people inspecting Prell shampoo bottles and shoes, airport waits get longer and longer as service continues to go down hill and fees march inexerably higher despite how much fuel prices have come down lately. Many people today make use of computer software for their "Virtual experiance" in the absence of the real thing. So today you can ski in eighty degree weather in the safety or a surround screen, and you can play a round of virtual golf without having to walk the four miles or whatever. While these "short cuts to life" may be advisable for people getting on in years, such as my parents, whose last extended vacation away from home was the summer of 1989, the year before they moved- - still younger people should not cacoon themselves in an electronic environment but get out and enjoy life. My biggest fear is that small kids will no longer so simple things like putter around in the dirt or climb trees or play outdoor games. Small children need physical objects, not pictures of objects, to develop their tactile skills. But the question is if we're going to examine how to solve the energy crisis- - Air Traffic would be a prime place to look. I imagine vapor trails put a lot of exhaust into the air and may affect "global dimming" or something. Or do we want that now? My solution is that we go underground. If we had pnumatic tubes like on the Jetsons you could zip around at two or three hundred miles an hour from city to city. These tubes need not even follow the curviture of the earth but make a bee line shortest rout say Under the earth. It's a thought. I don't know how fast the latest Bullet trains so now but I know it's in excess of 200 miles per hour. If we could up this figure a little to half the speed of air travel many may well decide that air traffic is a thing of the past, what with the long wait and having to get to the airport two hours early. You would no longer have flight cancellations or planes stacked up circling a city waiting to land. People want to move and we need to find an efficient way to move lots more people than we are moving now, because as more nations develope into first world countries, more people will want to travel.
Well Rolland Burris has finally taken his place as Senator from Illinois. Yesterday I didn't think it would happen this quickly. All indicators were that senators 58 and 59 on the road to a fillibuster proof senate seemed mighty murky. It still looks as if Al Franken's installment as a senator will have to wait for yet more court challenges. As far as I'm concerned "challenges" mean you're just going to have to work your trigger finger faster. But you know- as bright as the future now looks for getting needed bills passed- - the ghosts of the past are closing in. There are still at times when you feel that the Media, which surrounds you, is in the clutch of the Powers of Darkness. It's these same forces which decreed that Reaganomics was the greatest thing since sliced bread and cutting taxes on the rich and deficets like we've never known were the best possible medicine for our economy. Now there are people on the radio, the ghosts of Larry Elder, who are saying that it's "the media's fault" the economy is doing so badly because if the media had just been more Optimistic in their reporting of economic developments a few years back, that we would never be in the mess we are now. To add to this Joe the Plumber has chimed in. Of course by now you pretty much get the idea he isn't much of a plumber, and I'm not even sure his name is Joe. But Joe the plumber says that it's a job of a "War Corospondent" to conceil news of whatever wars we are in because since "war is Hell" we comoners just don't "understand what we are seeing" and what a great thing it is- - all these wars we are condicting. It seems the only acceptable "coverage" of a war is these World War II news reels where you saw troops proudly marching in formation in some victory parade, or else a few guns firing and a few bombs explotding - - from a safe distance, like a vidio game. Someone else on the radio, and I don't remember who, stated that they wished Hillary Clinton had remained in the Senate because someone needs to take over the reins of Senate Majority leader, Harry Reed- - who never met a political intimidation from the right that he didn't go into a faint over. If there is one thing we know from Hillary, she is a "nag" would win the race, and fight for what she believes is right. As her own campaign adds stated last year she would be ready on Day One. Now we are wondering whether Obama is ready at all from his latest Fred Mc Murry type statement (Hopefully you've seen the Caine Mutiny) Because Obama appears to be getting a case of cold feet when it comes to dismanteling the centers of repression and oppression in this country such as Guantanamo Bay. Maybe he will and maybe he won't. I guess the question posed by obvious fear mongers is "But where would all those dangerous terrorists go?? Would be simply let them loose?" Obama has now said he wants to "turn a page on the past" but in order to "turn the page" it's helpful to first read what is on the page, preferably with extensive underlining and anotating. We have to bring the Criminals of the Bush Adminestration to Justice. There comes a time where is an Executive doesn't act in a timely manner, it forever puts a mark on his character that in the coming years he wishes he could erase. Obama isn't sure he wants to deal with "deeds of the past". But if they aren't dealt with then they don't yet qualify as "the past" any more than walking out of a Computer store with an I Phone. So we simply wish Obama would get off the dime on this issue and act. Hearings are what congress does best. Congress has over the decades held hearings on some pretty frivelous matters and these offences and deeds of the Bush Adminestration such as the systematic violations of civil rights and privacy and covering up previous wrongs- - are anything but frivelous. The ball is in your court.
The issue of transportation is a pressing one. With our air ports all clogged up with people inspecting Prell shampoo bottles and shoes, airport waits get longer and longer as service continues to go down hill and fees march inexerably higher despite how much fuel prices have come down lately. Many people today make use of computer software for their "Virtual experiance" in the absence of the real thing. So today you can ski in eighty degree weather in the safety or a surround screen, and you can play a round of virtual golf without having to walk the four miles or whatever. While these "short cuts to life" may be advisable for people getting on in years, such as my parents, whose last extended vacation away from home was the summer of 1989, the year before they moved- - still younger people should not cacoon themselves in an electronic environment but get out and enjoy life. My biggest fear is that small kids will no longer so simple things like putter around in the dirt or climb trees or play outdoor games. Small children need physical objects, not pictures of objects, to develop their tactile skills. But the question is if we're going to examine how to solve the energy crisis- - Air Traffic would be a prime place to look. I imagine vapor trails put a lot of exhaust into the air and may affect "global dimming" or something. Or do we want that now? My solution is that we go underground. If we had pnumatic tubes like on the Jetsons you could zip around at two or three hundred miles an hour from city to city. These tubes need not even follow the curviture of the earth but make a bee line shortest rout say Under the earth. It's a thought. I don't know how fast the latest Bullet trains so now but I know it's in excess of 200 miles per hour. If we could up this figure a little to half the speed of air travel many may well decide that air traffic is a thing of the past, what with the long wait and having to get to the airport two hours early. You would no longer have flight cancellations or planes stacked up circling a city waiting to land. People want to move and we need to find an efficient way to move lots more people than we are moving now, because as more nations develope into first world countries, more people will want to travel.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Obama Picks New CIA Chief
President Obama has picked Leon Penetta to be the next CIA chief. Formerly he was President Clinton's chief of staff, so he has executive experiance in managing people. To me this is a good, sound choice. I think it's high time that we had a man heading the CIA that "didn't come up from the ranks". We need someone to do a thorough house cleaning and re-organization of priorities. As is pointed out by liberal talk shows, we are "supposed to" have non military people heading up the military. There is a charished principle of civilian control of the military in this country. But I'm not especcially down on the CIA. If Obama had gone the other way it would have been fine with me. The CIA wasn't the inherent problem, but rather how George Bush tried to politicise the CIA with his own ideas and cherry picking information. In the broader scope of things people like Thom Hartman tell us all to get involved with politics and that we each have three congresss people we can contact, our two US senators and our House member. He says not to E mail these people since E mails are so easy to generate but rather to call them or write them a letter and wait several weeks while it's screened for Anthrax. Letters make more of an impression. Also we should "get in their face" and go down to their offices and annoy people and make our views known. If enough people do this- - things will change and needed bills will be brought to the floor. In the overall scheme of things it's the American public who should have been saluted by Time magazine for getting personally politically involved and doing the things that needed to be done. We as a people should not get weary with well doing.
The Unemployment rate has now climbed to 7.2% They tell us this is the highest it's been in fifteen years. I disagree with that only to the extent that 17 or 18 years is a bit more in the ball park. Larry Elder in no way can say we don't have an unemployment rate problem any more. If they used honist figuring, the figure would easily be in double digits by now. We have lost 540,000 jobs in the month of December when they used to do Christmas hiring. Most of the massive job losses in the year 2008 have come in the last four months of the year. The stock market was "restrained" in its decline yesterday. I continue to say to think about getting back in to the market and deciding which stocks you want to buy. My inclination at this point would be some kind of energy research stocks. We might see one more plunge. I'm not saying it will definitely happen but don't be shocked if it does. There might be some piece of bad news out there that we aren't aware of yet that could send the market into one final tail spin. But to me buying into America is the best way to be patriotic as well as help get us out of this recession, and by the way, profit monitarily while doing so.
There is some substance out there called getropa or something. It's some weed that produces black seeds or something that produce really efficient bio-oil fuel. They have used it on jet planes already and the planes have fantastic take off inclines never before seen. Apparently they are just now adopting the weed to grow in US climates. Some have held that America's future is in "clean coal" but the environmentalists tell us there IS no such thing as clean coal. Even the cleanest coal contains all sorts of carsonigian substances that would make a pack of cigarettes appear safe in comparrison. This while "running your car on vegetable oil" bit seems to be the thing of the future. It seems strange and inefficient to me, but you can't fight progress.
I guess one class of people who Annoy me are people who are totally lacking in curiosity. These are the "been there - don't that" croud who apparently know everything about everything. Many of these people are Born Again Christians. When I was a young Christian I was filled with wonderment. I wanted to find out more about ghosts and spirits and life after death. I was thinhking they would discover new metaphysical properties of matter. When people said that Jesus was coming I was thinking in terms of how having Jesus run the world would improve society and bring about universal peace, and unleash previous unknown scientific principles and technological progress. I was NOT thinking of people suffering from radiation poisoning after the Bomb was dropped and having their eyeballs melt in their sockets and run down their cheeks. And I wasn't prepared for the "I don't care" attitude you seem to routinely get from Christian whenever the subject of moral equity is raised. If there is one StarTrek race that gets me more morally insensed and angry it has to be the Packlid people. These are a race with an outward look of mental retardation. Like the Christians- - they lack the capacity to actually invent anything since Christians are inherently afraid of anything new. But they are more than willing to use things like computer web sites to propigate their Faith once they are invented. These are the original "Make it work" people. They hire outsiders to "Fix" their malfunctioning electronic equipment they don't understand- - so that they can resume their favorite pasttime of threatening and killing people with it. Of course as an enlightened individual I see logical fallocies where other people wouldn't. There is a Chuck Swindoll video of his talking about the ministry of Jesus. And he makes the statement that the key thing Christians need to do is to surrender your own wills of action in favor of what "God" wants them to do. And of course we know who's playing the part of God today. he has white hair. But in reality its absurd under Calvinistic theology to suppose that God would do ANYTHING that was contrary to his own will and divine providence- - and to suggest that Jesus "really didn't want to come to earth and save mankind" is to raise the question "what would Jesus prefered to have been doing?" You know in the song "Crown of Creation" by the Jefferson Airplane there is the line "In loyalty to their kind- - they cannot tollerate our Minds. In loyalty to our kind, we cannot tollerate their Obstruction". I guess what annoys me most about Christianity is it's kind of like used to be said of George Bush. He was born on third base and he thinks he just hit a tripple. The whole thing about "becomming as a little child" is of value to this extent. Little children think that they can do anything. Their creativity is not bound by preconceived notions. In like manner famous inventors and inovaters like Albert Einstein were not bound by preconceived notion. We need to bring about a change in society that once again values ingenuity and inovation. (Selah)
The Unemployment rate has now climbed to 7.2% They tell us this is the highest it's been in fifteen years. I disagree with that only to the extent that 17 or 18 years is a bit more in the ball park. Larry Elder in no way can say we don't have an unemployment rate problem any more. If they used honist figuring, the figure would easily be in double digits by now. We have lost 540,000 jobs in the month of December when they used to do Christmas hiring. Most of the massive job losses in the year 2008 have come in the last four months of the year. The stock market was "restrained" in its decline yesterday. I continue to say to think about getting back in to the market and deciding which stocks you want to buy. My inclination at this point would be some kind of energy research stocks. We might see one more plunge. I'm not saying it will definitely happen but don't be shocked if it does. There might be some piece of bad news out there that we aren't aware of yet that could send the market into one final tail spin. But to me buying into America is the best way to be patriotic as well as help get us out of this recession, and by the way, profit monitarily while doing so.
There is some substance out there called getropa or something. It's some weed that produces black seeds or something that produce really efficient bio-oil fuel. They have used it on jet planes already and the planes have fantastic take off inclines never before seen. Apparently they are just now adopting the weed to grow in US climates. Some have held that America's future is in "clean coal" but the environmentalists tell us there IS no such thing as clean coal. Even the cleanest coal contains all sorts of carsonigian substances that would make a pack of cigarettes appear safe in comparrison. This while "running your car on vegetable oil" bit seems to be the thing of the future. It seems strange and inefficient to me, but you can't fight progress.
I guess one class of people who Annoy me are people who are totally lacking in curiosity. These are the "been there - don't that" croud who apparently know everything about everything. Many of these people are Born Again Christians. When I was a young Christian I was filled with wonderment. I wanted to find out more about ghosts and spirits and life after death. I was thinhking they would discover new metaphysical properties of matter. When people said that Jesus was coming I was thinking in terms of how having Jesus run the world would improve society and bring about universal peace, and unleash previous unknown scientific principles and technological progress. I was NOT thinking of people suffering from radiation poisoning after the Bomb was dropped and having their eyeballs melt in their sockets and run down their cheeks. And I wasn't prepared for the "I don't care" attitude you seem to routinely get from Christian whenever the subject of moral equity is raised. If there is one StarTrek race that gets me more morally insensed and angry it has to be the Packlid people. These are a race with an outward look of mental retardation. Like the Christians- - they lack the capacity to actually invent anything since Christians are inherently afraid of anything new. But they are more than willing to use things like computer web sites to propigate their Faith once they are invented. These are the original "Make it work" people. They hire outsiders to "Fix" their malfunctioning electronic equipment they don't understand- - so that they can resume their favorite pasttime of threatening and killing people with it. Of course as an enlightened individual I see logical fallocies where other people wouldn't. There is a Chuck Swindoll video of his talking about the ministry of Jesus. And he makes the statement that the key thing Christians need to do is to surrender your own wills of action in favor of what "God" wants them to do. And of course we know who's playing the part of God today. he has white hair. But in reality its absurd under Calvinistic theology to suppose that God would do ANYTHING that was contrary to his own will and divine providence- - and to suggest that Jesus "really didn't want to come to earth and save mankind" is to raise the question "what would Jesus prefered to have been doing?" You know in the song "Crown of Creation" by the Jefferson Airplane there is the line "In loyalty to their kind- - they cannot tollerate our Minds. In loyalty to our kind, we cannot tollerate their Obstruction". I guess what annoys me most about Christianity is it's kind of like used to be said of George Bush. He was born on third base and he thinks he just hit a tripple. The whole thing about "becomming as a little child" is of value to this extent. Little children think that they can do anything. Their creativity is not bound by preconceived notions. In like manner famous inventors and inovaters like Albert Einstein were not bound by preconceived notion. We need to bring about a change in society that once again values ingenuity and inovation. (Selah)
Friday, January 09, 2009
Wondering Aloud - - Again
The other day another beloved relative of mine passed away. People would say that they have gone on to Eternity. When you think about it, Eternity and Death are pretty much the same thing. As that null space StarTrek character said, "How curious. You exist- - and then you don't exist. Tell me, what is that like?" Of course none of us can really imagine what it's like for ourselves not to exist. To quote from Dylan's "Talking World War III Blues" it goes "Time has been passing and it seems more and more people have been having them dreams. Each person sees themselves walking around with nobody else. Some people can be right some of the time, but all of the people can't be right all of the time". As we said in our last posting- - we live in this time realm. There are are events that Start and then Stop. We live in this ccause and efrect world where everything presupposes the existance of Time. It's impossible for us to conceive of any mode of existance that does not involve Time as we know it. Indeed, such a "realm" may not even exist.
But of course for those of us who continue to live on in this present world there are scientific breakthroughs to behold. For Leo le Port to say he's no longer interested in going to Science Conventions- - I say he must be burnt out on wonder and curiosity. To me there would be nothing more fulfilling to be at one of these electronics conventions personally. There are of course ultra thin TV screens. We live in a world now where as one MSNBC "Today" link said, where were seeing the end of the era of moving parts. We are moving away from the era of having a magnetic hard drive that actually spins to retrieve information. We are able to store more and more information in an increasingly compact, durable format. Of course two items have spiked my wonderment and curiosity. One is the whole notion of having computers that can not only moniter your brain waves, but even read your thoughts scanning for images as to where you have been and the experiances you have and haven't had. They actually train computers to recognize all the compartments of your brain where the concept of "screwdriver" are stored, for instance. Of course they have these "Pike" machines now where computers will play video games with you where you control the screen with nothing but your thoughts, because scientists tell us that before you actually move muscles, your electro-activity in your brain signals your intent to do so. Not only this but computers are becoming able to read the intents of people such as suspects and terrorists, of what they intend to do if certain things do or don't happen. This could be a major break-through for police science. But of course we are becoming more StarTrek like in other ways. There is some mystery force that exists in metals that causes what they call "striction", which is different from ordenary friction. On a micro-world scale it causes many moving parts to wear out more quickly than they otherwise would. The answer is to "reverse the polarity" of this mystero "force". I forget the name of this force. If I knew it I would Google it myself. But in a molicule by molicule level- - if this force is reversed in polarity, it will actually set up a repelling force to cause machines with moving parts to last a whole lot longer than they otherwise would. Of course they are improving batteries so you can store them longer now and they won't lose their power nearly as much.
Of course in this brave new world we are going to have cloning, including the resurrection of beings that are dead. Of course you've heard recently in the news how they nabbed a suspect from his DNA discovered in the belly of a misquito who had "just eaten" that was found in the vehicle where the suspect had been, and from looking at the DNA in the misquito they were able to get a conviction of the suspect. Of course in the Klingon realm there was this Messiah personage who live thousands of years ago, and they were able to resurrect him from his DNA and just maybe if they ever found Jesus' DNA they could resurrect him, too. Of course were they to generally start resurrecting dead relatives some would say it was a fulfillment of scripture that "The resurrection will happen on the Last Day". There would be a division in the ranks of the Faithful along lines that have always existed- - Relavency people and the Purists. Some such as Jesus on KFI would say that the only true theology was in the Fourth Century when the "snap shot" of history was taken and everything was lined up perfectly. Such people believe that anything or any thought occurring before then or after then is in error. These same people are the ultimate ritualists reciting the same prayers and creeds as their forebearere by rote because if you vary from them in the slightest to try and make them "relavent" you fall into error. Having science simulate God- - maybe having a 3 D Holographic simulation of Jesus and his Angels returning in the air- - some would say this is a sell-out to the world. Many people in fact bristle at the assirtion that "It's Good- - if it Works- - if it has some physical manifestation in this present world". Others would say "To ask whether an idea "Works" is the ultimate insult to God. These people, and you know then- - Jesus of KFI, the Asshole from El Paso, and I darkly suspect Chuck Swendoll" are people who "get off" a whole lot more in theological precepts that exist in their own minds, rather than in contact with human beings in the real world. In fact I darkly suspect that a lot of these so called Christians- - basically don't like People at all. So the idea of science being employed to help mankind is of no consolation to them.
In terms of all the news with Obama and his stimulus plan, I have already spoken on what is wrong with his stimulus plan. I urge you to listen to Thom Hartman and his "teachings". But I will say this as an olive branch to my conservative friends. We can both agree that the government continuing to go into debt is bad. We both agree that we need to re-establish the worth ethic in this country- - and we need to bring back domestic industry. As Thom Hartman puts it- - having a service economy isn't generating wealth. But if you're able to take iron oar and turn it into an automobile, then you've accomplished something. If you're able to take the fleece of a sheep and turn it into a wool suit, you have created wealth. This is a basic Truth we need to rediscover in this nation. In terms of "greening up our infrastructure" I have no disagreement with Obama's sentaments. Of course all this is "Gona take a whole lot of precious time" as George Harrison says. I would prefer rather than double alternative energy production that quintuppling it might be more desirable to really get the ball rolling. We can do that.
But of course for those of us who continue to live on in this present world there are scientific breakthroughs to behold. For Leo le Port to say he's no longer interested in going to Science Conventions- - I say he must be burnt out on wonder and curiosity. To me there would be nothing more fulfilling to be at one of these electronics conventions personally. There are of course ultra thin TV screens. We live in a world now where as one MSNBC "Today" link said, where were seeing the end of the era of moving parts. We are moving away from the era of having a magnetic hard drive that actually spins to retrieve information. We are able to store more and more information in an increasingly compact, durable format. Of course two items have spiked my wonderment and curiosity. One is the whole notion of having computers that can not only moniter your brain waves, but even read your thoughts scanning for images as to where you have been and the experiances you have and haven't had. They actually train computers to recognize all the compartments of your brain where the concept of "screwdriver" are stored, for instance. Of course they have these "Pike" machines now where computers will play video games with you where you control the screen with nothing but your thoughts, because scientists tell us that before you actually move muscles, your electro-activity in your brain signals your intent to do so. Not only this but computers are becoming able to read the intents of people such as suspects and terrorists, of what they intend to do if certain things do or don't happen. This could be a major break-through for police science. But of course we are becoming more StarTrek like in other ways. There is some mystery force that exists in metals that causes what they call "striction", which is different from ordenary friction. On a micro-world scale it causes many moving parts to wear out more quickly than they otherwise would. The answer is to "reverse the polarity" of this mystero "force". I forget the name of this force. If I knew it I would Google it myself. But in a molicule by molicule level- - if this force is reversed in polarity, it will actually set up a repelling force to cause machines with moving parts to last a whole lot longer than they otherwise would. Of course they are improving batteries so you can store them longer now and they won't lose their power nearly as much.
Of course in this brave new world we are going to have cloning, including the resurrection of beings that are dead. Of course you've heard recently in the news how they nabbed a suspect from his DNA discovered in the belly of a misquito who had "just eaten" that was found in the vehicle where the suspect had been, and from looking at the DNA in the misquito they were able to get a conviction of the suspect. Of course in the Klingon realm there was this Messiah personage who live thousands of years ago, and they were able to resurrect him from his DNA and just maybe if they ever found Jesus' DNA they could resurrect him, too. Of course were they to generally start resurrecting dead relatives some would say it was a fulfillment of scripture that "The resurrection will happen on the Last Day". There would be a division in the ranks of the Faithful along lines that have always existed- - Relavency people and the Purists. Some such as Jesus on KFI would say that the only true theology was in the Fourth Century when the "snap shot" of history was taken and everything was lined up perfectly. Such people believe that anything or any thought occurring before then or after then is in error. These same people are the ultimate ritualists reciting the same prayers and creeds as their forebearere by rote because if you vary from them in the slightest to try and make them "relavent" you fall into error. Having science simulate God- - maybe having a 3 D Holographic simulation of Jesus and his Angels returning in the air- - some would say this is a sell-out to the world. Many people in fact bristle at the assirtion that "It's Good- - if it Works- - if it has some physical manifestation in this present world". Others would say "To ask whether an idea "Works" is the ultimate insult to God. These people, and you know then- - Jesus of KFI, the Asshole from El Paso, and I darkly suspect Chuck Swendoll" are people who "get off" a whole lot more in theological precepts that exist in their own minds, rather than in contact with human beings in the real world. In fact I darkly suspect that a lot of these so called Christians- - basically don't like People at all. So the idea of science being employed to help mankind is of no consolation to them.
In terms of all the news with Obama and his stimulus plan, I have already spoken on what is wrong with his stimulus plan. I urge you to listen to Thom Hartman and his "teachings". But I will say this as an olive branch to my conservative friends. We can both agree that the government continuing to go into debt is bad. We both agree that we need to re-establish the worth ethic in this country- - and we need to bring back domestic industry. As Thom Hartman puts it- - having a service economy isn't generating wealth. But if you're able to take iron oar and turn it into an automobile, then you've accomplished something. If you're able to take the fleece of a sheep and turn it into a wool suit, you have created wealth. This is a basic Truth we need to rediscover in this nation. In terms of "greening up our infrastructure" I have no disagreement with Obama's sentaments. Of course all this is "Gona take a whole lot of precious time" as George Harrison says. I would prefer rather than double alternative energy production that quintuppling it might be more desirable to really get the ball rolling. We can do that.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Hartmann Economics 101
Everybody should be educated by a teacher like Thom Hartmann, who spells out the issues so clearly. Hartmann declares "Raising taxes is in the overall scheme of things - good for the Economy". Back in the Eisenhower years we in America believed in something called Infrastructure. We believed in building things like water projects and roads and bridges and institutions of higher learning and space ships. Even Governor Swartzenegger back in 2006 right after he lost on his pet issues in that election deboccle the previous fall- - talked in his State of the State address of building infrastructure for the future. According to Hartmann, lower taxes for either the poor and the rich carry a double whammy. For the poor and middle class, employers, who believe in "market forces" will soon learn what they can "get away with" paying their workers and will pay them the lowest ammount possible, such as the markets will bear. If people get tax cuts there is the "take up the slack routine" the Pastor of Calvary Anaheim talks about. The employer will lower wages to "take up the slack" and lower the wage base to the pervailing market forces. For the rich, lower taxes have several consequences. Corporations see no restraining force in paying their CEO's astronomical salaries. Also these CEO's have no incentive but to squerrel away their money in Swiss Bank Accounts or some high paying investment program only the rich can participate in. This corporation with low taxes has no incentive to plow back money into the corporation with capital investment. Back in the Eisenhower days, corporations grew at a fantastic rate. From about 1948 to about 1973 we experianced unprecidented growth in American industry. Corporate bosses would think twice about actually taking all the corporate profits as salary but instead look for some investment shelter or write off. And these shelters were not all bad things. There was a carrot and the stick approach in opperation here where the CEO's would reason to themselves, "I can use this money for capital investment and take tax depreciation of new equipment as it's used". So Obama better "think twice - at least once more" as the Rutttles would say. The answer to increasing the engine of this economy is the power of the rank and file workers to spend money to propell this economy by others buying their goods. We need to bring back the Labor Unions. They gave the necessary counter ballance and insured the bargaining power of the workers. You've often heard that it was Allan Greenspan's avowed goal to create a fear in the average worker for his job, so that he won't be tempted to ask for more money. The results of anything spring from natural consequences of certain acts and planning. There is nothing mysterious or mystic about what is happening now. It isn't "God judging America". But Obama had better listen to the wise people among us who tell the truth and not be as Rehoboam, who listened to the wrong people and oppressed them, such that the people rebelled and he lost his Kingdom.
Obama seems to be breaking with precident in not waiting till January 20th. to move to Washington DC. He says it's because Shasha and Melique start school today. Back in my day they started the semester at the end of January but I guess everything is different now what with Christmas vacation morphing into "Winter Recess". But it would seem to be a bit gosh for Obama to ask to live at the Blair House when that place is no doubt booked up till January 20th. with friends of the current President. Obama's best bet now is just not to say anything and this way he won't be offending half of the people before he even takes office.
It is my oppinion that for too long we have winked at drunk driving. Now they want to file murder charges against people who kill others while driving drunk. On Sixty Minutes they had a case where a seven year old girl was killed by a guy in a truck with three times the legal limit of alcohol. People seem to want to be sympathetic because "we all take a drink now and then". People get down on smokers but nobody smokes a cigarette and then gets in his car and goes out and kills someone. Famous people, people in Congress, have had drunken driving incidents, and some of them have even involved traffic deaths. It seems to me that a 25 to 30 year sentense is more than fair. That way they cen get out of jail when they're in their fifties and go around to schools and tell young people not to go down the path they did but to stay away from drinking and driving. We advertize alcohol and glamorize it in our soap operas with people taking a swig any time the conversational vibes get a little tense. We're showing a terrible example to our children. Of course you know my position on Fraternities and haising. Some want to lower the alcohol drinking age to eighteen. I favored this myself once- - like when I was eighteen. But the adolecent brain is not yet fully developed in the judgement centers at that age.
Maybe it’s the medication or something but now I don’t remember. Do we usually do this rainbow sherbet pattern with the Raspberry in the middle and the Line on the edges, or do we do it the other way around. One big mistake philosophers make is extrapolation. We extrapolate from the small to the large and from the simple to the complex. This is not always a wise thing. Anthropologists tell us that all languages in the world are of equal complexity despite the technical state of advance of the society. If your response to our last Blog is to say “I can’t get inside the head of a Black man to see how a person could think so irrationally” then try and get inside the head of someone from Bangle Desh or New Guinea . It’s impossible for us “Westerners” to fully know what goes on in the heads of other undeveloped peoples. In fact, for a long time I didn’t know that Scientologists believed in reincarnation. I figured such a “wise” organization was too cagy to come out and state their opinion of the Afterlife, but rather come up with a giant “I don’t know”. Thus it could be said that he who thinks himself wise in metaphysics is an Ignoramus, which means “We don’t know”. Some people like Jesus of KFI try to get you to draw on previous experience to imagine what things would be like in the Afterlife. This is a risky thing. Perhaps you’ve heard the story about the hillbilly who received a jock strap as a gift and “Drawing on previous experience” put it on with the label in the back, and presumably went around looking like a jackass. In math one is tempted to “draw on previous experience” when talking about hyperbolic trigometric functions. We did our “Fish” analogy several postings back, but there were shall we say, certain intellectual liberties we took with that paragraph, even though in its way our “Fish” analogy was ingenious. First of all we must first think about “Regular” or circular Trig. In this case you always have the triangle with its point that determines the degree reading at the lower left. For some reason, math teachers like to always draw them backwards. If we were to try in “imagine” what sort of geometric figure would be involved in hyperbolic trig we can deduce certain things. The cosine or the number of the three that starts off Big - - - always remains positive. Thus we can deduce that two of the three triangle lines always remain positive while the third, the other right angle line, is positive sometimes and negative at others. We also know that the Right Angle lines, or the tangent angles- - -are roughly the same size, most of the time. Thus we can infer that it’s the “so called” long line or hypotenuse that is the shortest of the three lines. You may ask “how can you have two right angles connected by a diagonal that is the shortest of the three lines?” I don’t know but them’s the facts. Now let’s look at God and Creation and we come across some similar “problems” in trying to make sense of the incoherent babble of most theologians. We are to believe that there is God, who in his world temporality or “time” does not naturally exist. He as it were has to create islands of it, like ponds, and in these ponds of time, the fish can grow and flourish, but the fish cannot survive outside the ponds much as temporal matter would seem not to be able to survive outside of “temporality” or Time. Theologians will admit there is nothing about being “Outside of Time” in the Bible, so we aren’t even talking Bible now. We are beyond the pale into the exclusive domain of the theologians. These theologians would have you believe not only do temporal beings come to exist outside of temporality, like that Sherlock Holms Star Trek character- - but they will further state that there was a moment in temporality that determines their Eternal Destiny. The Westerner in his language declares “Cogito Ergo Sum”. The Buddhist declares “You think. Therefore you are experiencing Illusion”. That is, there is a Cause and Effect which still rules them- - as if bound by Time- - even though now they are clearly outside of Time. These theologians will further state that because of this temporality which God created on a whim (or whatever motive) that there is for all Eternity some “moment” when you “became” Alive. Even though “Became” is another of those temporal words. Sheer Logic would dictate that at least if you are going to have us live in this Timeless Realm called Eternity- - - that things like start and end points would be thrown out the window. Supposedly you will forever be conscious of one of two things. Either the moment you Accepted Christ, or the moment you rejected him. You would not judge yourself too harshly for decisions you made as a six year old. But the difference between you now and you as a six year old are infinetessible compared to you right NOW and you in Eternity where your perception of yourself will be as an insect frozen in amber. You cannot help being ruled by Time and Circumstance any more than a fish can consciously decide not to be Wet. Then we have the question I’ve never heard any theologian answer is “Just what is it we DO in eternity” after “We’ve been there ten thousand years”?
Obama seems to be breaking with precident in not waiting till January 20th. to move to Washington DC. He says it's because Shasha and Melique start school today. Back in my day they started the semester at the end of January but I guess everything is different now what with Christmas vacation morphing into "Winter Recess". But it would seem to be a bit gosh for Obama to ask to live at the Blair House when that place is no doubt booked up till January 20th. with friends of the current President. Obama's best bet now is just not to say anything and this way he won't be offending half of the people before he even takes office.
It is my oppinion that for too long we have winked at drunk driving. Now they want to file murder charges against people who kill others while driving drunk. On Sixty Minutes they had a case where a seven year old girl was killed by a guy in a truck with three times the legal limit of alcohol. People seem to want to be sympathetic because "we all take a drink now and then". People get down on smokers but nobody smokes a cigarette and then gets in his car and goes out and kills someone. Famous people, people in Congress, have had drunken driving incidents, and some of them have even involved traffic deaths. It seems to me that a 25 to 30 year sentense is more than fair. That way they cen get out of jail when they're in their fifties and go around to schools and tell young people not to go down the path they did but to stay away from drinking and driving. We advertize alcohol and glamorize it in our soap operas with people taking a swig any time the conversational vibes get a little tense. We're showing a terrible example to our children. Of course you know my position on Fraternities and haising. Some want to lower the alcohol drinking age to eighteen. I favored this myself once- - like when I was eighteen. But the adolecent brain is not yet fully developed in the judgement centers at that age.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Legal Is Good Enough For Me
Rolland Burris deserves to be Illinois's next Senator. He was legally appoint and when it comes to legal verses illegal, I'll take legal any day of the week. It's an interesting fact that laws are not only meant to forbid certain things, but are also meant to legally impower others. The economy is a good example. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs would not be as rich as they are today were it not for our patent laws. These laws made those men what they are today. We even have the right to expect protection while we go about our legal activities. Abortion clinics are a good case in point on this one. They are not only not forbidden to perform abortions, they are legally empowered TO perform abortions by the law, whose protection they are entitled to. Rolland Burris is a Black man. I'm not color blind. To me this is a case where if you ignore race you are living in a fool's paradise. Asz a Black man living in Illinois, assuming I am, I would have certain political perceptions I would hope my representatives would be sensitive to. Now if there were say, ten Black senators in the US Senate, then this whole thing would not be an issue with me. But when I hear that Obama was the only Black US Senator and now he's gone, then my antenna goes up. There is ample legal precident as to while Rolland Burris's appointment should be honored. The main reason is because it's legal. As a legal action there are certain suppositions that other legal realities will follow. As I see it the US Senate under Harry Reid doesn't have the right to say "We will not seat Burris" any more than a resturant owner in the South after the Civil Rights bill was passed in 1964. Comentator after comentator in the news today and politicians alike all agree on one thing: that the Courts have consistantly ruled that such appointments are legal and must be enforced. Adam Clayton Powell is a clear example of such a ruling back around 1969. But take a look at President Bush. No one disputes his power to pardon people, even Dick Chaney and Karl Rove, if he wants to, and nobody has the right to presume the highest motives of the President despite the fact we all know he's guilty as sin. Now ten years ago people like Gloria Alred and even myself were saying that Bill Clinton should resign his Presidency for the sexual offences he has committed. We were wrong. Every man is entitled to his day in court, and that includes Rod Blagoiavitch. But consider one more example from the archives. In a college government book in the early 1970's it said that Supreme Court Justice Thurgrid Marshall was put on the Court as part of a political deal between Lyndon Johnson and Senator Eastland of Mississippi, who referred to Marshal as a "Nigger". Johnson agreed to give Eastland some Water project or something, if he voted for Marshall. But nobody would contest Thurgrid Marshall's right to serve on the Supreme Court.
Israel is now commencing its ground invasion of Gaza. Some sources say that Gaza has not been terroritorially been cut in half. It seems to me Israel's response is not only disproportionate, but aimed at the wrong people. Hammas doesn't represent the Palistinians. Fattah (or Fatwah or whatever) comes closser to doing that. Hammas doesn't represent anybody, but it makes a convienient whipping boy for Israel to oppress the territory of Gaza. We don't need any more killing and destruction. This will only harden the population against peace. Let me call on another memo from the EIB archives. I think it was in Robert Kennedy's book that Kennedy was arguing against the bombing in Viet Nam and said "We thought bombing in Germany would soften the resolve of the German people but instead it only hardened it". Those are his words and not mine. Bombs are a bad perswader of populations. The Arabs might not care about the Palistinians now but if things get bad enough there- - they'll begin to notice, and start using the Palistinians as postor boys for why Israel should not be allowed to exist as a nation. Obama is bending over backwards not to show the slightest sympathy for the Palistinians. In my frank oppinion he's done "too good of a job at this". Arabs who looked to him for hope may decide their rosey judgements on his Presidency were, shall we say, premature.
I've heard a lot of Al Franken bashing lately- - from people who call themselves liberals. But Franken is increasing his 53 or whatever vote lead in Minnisota, and it looks right now that he's going to be our new US Senator from Minnisota. I think his tenure in office will be a refreshing one. Minisotans have always been noted for their independant spirit.
In my oppinion of which was the stupidest political "gaff" of the year it would have to be Obama's statement about how "I could no more disown Rev. Wright than I would disown my own White grandmother" and then a few days later he "throws Rev. Wright under the bus". This is my Mc Laughlin pick. I don't think any honorable individual disowns his pastor, particularly one he's known and worked with for twenty years, merely because it's politically expediant. If there is one thing Christianity preaches against it's "political expediancy". Indeed the crusifiction of Jesus Christ was done, was it not, because it was "political expediant". I think this propensity of Obama to want to air-brush his own past is reaching Nancy Reagenesque proportions. I guess we can take satisfaction that he must be giving the World Net Daily crowd Whiplash, but this is small consolation if in the end one isn't able to find a dime's worth of difference between the foreign policies of George Bush and our new President Elect. One thing I was always told about John Kennedy is that he was a principled man who fought for what he believes in. People believed in taking risks for a noble purpose. Such values as courage and fortitude were routinely taught when I was young, but I guess they aren't any more.
Israel is now commencing its ground invasion of Gaza. Some sources say that Gaza has not been terroritorially been cut in half. It seems to me Israel's response is not only disproportionate, but aimed at the wrong people. Hammas doesn't represent the Palistinians. Fattah (or Fatwah or whatever) comes closser to doing that. Hammas doesn't represent anybody, but it makes a convienient whipping boy for Israel to oppress the territory of Gaza. We don't need any more killing and destruction. This will only harden the population against peace. Let me call on another memo from the EIB archives. I think it was in Robert Kennedy's book that Kennedy was arguing against the bombing in Viet Nam and said "We thought bombing in Germany would soften the resolve of the German people but instead it only hardened it". Those are his words and not mine. Bombs are a bad perswader of populations. The Arabs might not care about the Palistinians now but if things get bad enough there- - they'll begin to notice, and start using the Palistinians as postor boys for why Israel should not be allowed to exist as a nation. Obama is bending over backwards not to show the slightest sympathy for the Palistinians. In my frank oppinion he's done "too good of a job at this". Arabs who looked to him for hope may decide their rosey judgements on his Presidency were, shall we say, premature.
I've heard a lot of Al Franken bashing lately- - from people who call themselves liberals. But Franken is increasing his 53 or whatever vote lead in Minnisota, and it looks right now that he's going to be our new US Senator from Minnisota. I think his tenure in office will be a refreshing one. Minisotans have always been noted for their independant spirit.
In my oppinion of which was the stupidest political "gaff" of the year it would have to be Obama's statement about how "I could no more disown Rev. Wright than I would disown my own White grandmother" and then a few days later he "throws Rev. Wright under the bus". This is my Mc Laughlin pick. I don't think any honorable individual disowns his pastor, particularly one he's known and worked with for twenty years, merely because it's politically expediant. If there is one thing Christianity preaches against it's "political expediancy". Indeed the crusifiction of Jesus Christ was done, was it not, because it was "political expediant". I think this propensity of Obama to want to air-brush his own past is reaching Nancy Reagenesque proportions. I guess we can take satisfaction that he must be giving the World Net Daily crowd Whiplash, but this is small consolation if in the end one isn't able to find a dime's worth of difference between the foreign policies of George Bush and our new President Elect. One thing I was always told about John Kennedy is that he was a principled man who fought for what he believes in. People believed in taking risks for a noble purpose. Such values as courage and fortitude were routinely taught when I was young, but I guess they aren't any more.
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