Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Warning Shot accross the Bough

This is the 29th. posting of "Karmic Suicide" and I think hexigram no. 29 has to do with boats and "The Abysmal Water". Let me check that out. Well, this is kind of an ordenary day so what am I going to talk about on this Tuesday Afternoon? (It still is in California, but not for long) As you know Paul Mc Cartney may have been razzing the Moody Blues in his line "Tuesday Afternoon is never ending". If you want some free stuff from The World Beyond before we get started with the 35 Articles of Impeachment of George Bush, the Federation now says that all those people who died when Aldeberan IX was blown up by Alcyonne in June of 1967 actually survived in consciousness. I was formerly under the impression that they had been inilated- - like they just "Ceased to Exist". The Federation taggs them as the Birmingham group, and I'm not sure if all the following groups are from Birmingham but here we go- - Traffic, Pink Floyd, Procol Herem, Black Sabbath, and the Moody Blues. It's the Federation that links these groups together- not me.

OK if you listened to Randi Rhodes today you know that last night she listened in rapt attention to CSPN, a station I don't even get, to several hours of Dennis Kasinitch's reading of the 35 Articles of Impeachment of George Bush that he had drafted, and it reportedly took several hours. I downloaded the whole thing onto Adobe Reader, but it took a little time to find because Google seemed reluctant to give me anything in Kassinitch Impeachment or 35 Articles. Perhaps it's because I can't spell. Randy describes herself as being in some altered, hypnotized state, and she says "Normal people just don't watch CSPN. She says sometimes it weird to get information that only You have and can't share with anybody. That's how I feel now with Mark Campbell and Bill Gunderson out of my current reality. You know- - sometimes a Revolution can be a noble thing even if it fails. Take that Bar Kopha guy or whoever that led the rebellion of Judah in 135 AD. You know that revolution failed, but in the words of Jack Nicholson, "Well, I tried- god-damn-it! At least I did that". In point of fact the Jews were able to obtain an independant state for a couple of years or so and even minted their own coins. I point this out because most of what you hear about this Second Jewish Revolt is negative. The leader is spoken of as a "false messiah". But if you look at what he did he was a great organizer, and his followers did everything in their human power such at the revolution should succeed, including the timing of the attack at the most oppertune moment. If you're wondering how this relates to Dennis Kassitinich let me just say that he has the heart of a true revolutionary. And the thing is I'm not sure whether anybody on the left at this point isn't dealing with a stacked deck and a rigged craps table. There are still roomers floating around that George Bush might not even allow the election of 2008 to take place. Many of these 35 articles, perhaps too many, have to do with the Iraq War and the fraud leading up to it. Of course that Poker Deck thing has 54 things that Bush is guilty of and I'd have to cross-reference to see which ones mesh with the other. But the point Randy was trying to make is that the news isn't going to report such a momentus event. The media in a perverse sense really "defines" what is "True" and "Worthy News" and "Relevant" in our society today. It's not just that they slant the news- - -they produce the news like a Broadway Play is produced. It's coriographed with actors and scenery and the whole shabang. It could be said that he who controls our vocabulary controls our thinking, and Thom Hartmann has talked a lot about this in "Cracking the Code". In fact if you go to his web site or to your local book store if you can still find one, you should buy all his books.

One thing I’d like to mention right now is a report from the Iraqi government that says they fear a permanent U S force occupation, and the nation is telling us to get out. Also it is feared by Iran that we plan to use Iraq as a staging area for an invasion. John Mc Cain and George Bush are such idiots they don’t care what the Meliki government thinks. We’ll leave there when we’re good and ready and not one minute before. If some kind of conflict engagement breaks out, hell it isn’t our fault. There is a Star Trek saying "You have manipulated the situation with the skill of a Romulan". This is another way of saying that "incidents" can be fabricated so that the American People almost beg their leaders to lead them into war. As grammar school kids they were shown that film on the Simpsons that makes going to war look like just another very realistic 3D video game. And it only last briefly but then you come home to all the acolades and praise. According to C S Lews, as I have often disparagingly quoted, you go into battle and get blown up by a shell and die instantly and presumably painlessly, and are instantly transported to heaven where you shed your old body, "which is as refreshing as a shower" According to the gospel of Bush, no military presence can be said to "provoke" conflict, if it's Us, because We're Perfect! Why, our forces wouldn't harm a fly! You know, instead of arguing against World War II, Pat Buchannon should be working NOW to put all that propaganda tallent of his into ending THIS war, before it spreads. I thought of opening this posting with something like 'Today here in California- - it's a normal day. You should charish this time in American history- - savor it. Because it may be the last time in a long time you can remember that we are NOT at war with Iran, which will be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire". Hell, at the defence department they're resourseful with propaganda. They can get the American Public to hate just about anybody! One way vocabulary and language creep into our thinking is when a conservative says "Obama wants to surrender the whole Mideast to Al Qaida. The idea of US withdrawal is a congruent cognate to the word "Surrender it all". No matter how good they say our side is doing, it seems the minute we get out the whole area will go to put instantly and Al Qaida and the Shiites will conspire together to take over the whole world or something. I had momentarily forgotten about that all important “17.4” astrological indicator. But I had several months if not a year ago predicted June of 2008 would be a foreign flash point for the Bush Administration and this would cause the republican nominee a lot of trouble in his campaign. It would be easy to just say “Well, it looks like a slam dunk for Obama now”. But of course we are all like Pavlov dogs and the minute we hear the L word, "Liberal" we all salivate on command. Who was that guy Hartman had on today, was it Negroponte? Anyhow he said that an attack of Iran is definitely still on the table. He says it's a logical next move. Even if launching a war during an election year seems like Political Suicide, we know Bush is "not your father's President" so to speak. We know he had the Iraq war rubber stamped in 2002 just before an election. Bush is good at reading the public will. You know “Libre” is the Spanish word for “Free”. Liberalism has as its core the concept of “Liberty” and Freedom and also “Liberate” means “To Free”. I say this because I’ve heard these terms like “Fascism of the left” but such notions aren’t “Liberal”. I noted in entries that they like to include “Free thinkers” with Atheists. “Free Thinking” is still legal, isn’t it?

This last part is typed after dinner (on Sunday). In the hour before dinner I was looking at things like the Gospel of Mark and ‘Papius”, who supposedly came up with the Mark as disciple of Peter theory. This Papius is an obscure man who died in AD 155 at the same time as Polycarp. Irenius refers to him as a “man of old” even though he is only thirty or so years in the past. Eusubius ever the historian, flauts Papius for his belief in the second coming of Christ. I didn’t know that the Bar Koppla war was more costly to the Romans than was the revolt of AD 70. Some parallels to the gospels are noteworthy. There is the phrase “Twelve legions”, which Hadrian sent to battle at Jerusalem. There is the idea of the Jews minting coins with their own inscription, usually melted down from other foreign coins. There is the whole “Star of Jacob” thing or “Son of a Star”. But most noteworthy is the idea of the Abomination of Desolation being set up on the temple site and the idea even now that “The Antichrist” would start off offering to rebuild Jerusalem. Hadrian at first felt sorry for Israel but when the Jews learned he planned to put two idols up, one of himself and one of Jupiter, they revolted. It was a better organized revolt which was coordinated with all the troops. In the AD 70 war, three army factions fought each other for control of the temple mount. It was stated it was only at this time there was a division between traditional Jews and Christian Jews, the latter saying the messiah had already come in Jesus. Also there are many historians who say that Matthew’s gospel really was written before Mark’s. Some have said that Mark’s gospel “contains more distinctly Roman phrasing than Matthew or Luke”.

If I think of anything more to say on this subject I will. You know, Belmont Park could be called a “Champion Breaker”. Here is a jinx that is 31 years and counting. But almost as impressive are the US presidential elections that are “Liberal Breakers”. Only Jimmy Carter could by any stretch of the imagination be called a pure liberal. And it’s popular belief that most Americans despise him. When an insurance company is compiling actuarial tables it assigns the lowest rates to things that virtually never happen. The odds of Obama being “dealt with” by the Powers that Be are high, simply because an election of such a man as President is something that has never happened. “The best indication of future behavior is past behavior”, to quote Doctor Phil.

Jesus Christ seemed to be saying “Can’t we all get along?” today. He said that girl Susie should make allowances for human imperfection in picking a church. My answer to that is if you flush the book of Acts down the toilet you can get rid of all these ideas about divine sovereignty and the leading of the spirit, and the rest. Because nowhere in acts does it mention “How to search for a church”. The very idea is not even admissible. You know of course that St. Paul saw himself as infallible. The people whom Jesus views infallible, and the only ones, are that group of Cardinals at the council of Nicia in the fourth century. Later on he talked about "apologizing for apologetics." He said, “A lot of people burn Christian tracts as fast as they get them”. My response to this is “Just how did the idea of God loving you and having a Wonderful Plan for your Life- - become a notion of Ill-repute?” Jesus also mumbled something about not “pushing back” at the idea of “growth” and how “growth takes time, but we are too impatient”. I'll define "growth" for you. If someone hits you or whips you- - "growth" is the LOSS of the ability or inclination to strike back out of sheer exaustion. Such horses loose races! (Selah)

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