Someone else who will never be the same is the Pope, because Benedict XVI is no John Paul II. He doesn't have that liberal passion to crusade for issues like ending the Iraq War or abolition of the death penalty, etcetra. President Bush met with Pope Benedict today in his "secret garden" where the Pope goes to pray. I imagine divulging what they talked about would be a no - no, but somehow I get the feeling it wasn't the fact that Bush has the most morally depraved Adminestration in American History. I think the President is a man who could stand to "Get Religion" if you catch my drift, but I also have that certain feeling that will never happen.
Apparently John Mc Cain divorced his first wife and married his current wife within a month of being released from Internment Camp. His first wife was a swim suit model (?) but was “disfigured” in an accident and wound up paralyzed. I would imagine the right doesn’t like the way this looks. Mc Cain is against any birth control education. Even though Liberals don't hit below the belt, sometimes they don't hit above the belt either, while they're busy being pummled. If he can call his current wife a "cunt" in public, who knows what he says to her in private? I believe we need a man in the White House who respects women. Hillary Clinton needs to launch a woman's campaign with other big names like Caroline Kennedy and Michelle Obama- - and go out and get the women's vote. Interestingly we haven't heard anything out of Hillary this week. I suppose that concession speech where she talked about herself- - just took too much out of her.
There is still stuff in the news about Michelle Obama using the term “Whitey”, when what she said was “Why did he- - ?” I personally used to use the term "Whitey" all the time in my snail mail writings. I don't see the problem with it. The only thing is if you use that word now it makes you sound rather dated. As my Mom pointed out however, Tim Russart and I are just about the same age. Rush Liambaugh claimed he was going to play a tape of this the next day but of course he couldn’t produce it.
Gasoline in Los Angeles now average $4.54 a gallon and there is one place selling premium right now at $5.09. People remember other gas hikes and even after the crude oil price comes down, gasoline will stay high for weeks or even longer. It's quick to go up and slow to come down, and not to beat a metaphore to death but further increases are "already in the pipeline.
It seems in real estate mortgage loan contracts they are required to use small capitalization in two paragraphs that state the horrible things that can happen to you if you default on this loan. You know, Sylvia Browne was just a year or so ahead of her time last year saying weather stories would be dominating the media news. Cedar Rappids is having a "hundred year flood" but of course they just had that other "hundred year flood" fifteen years ago. This is of course a record tornado season. Of course insurance companies won't even insure you if you're a high risk. After all they aren't in business th give away money. They're in business to get YOUR money. Some people want further food regulations on our food like this tomato scare now. It's a truth that liberals have to face that "The world is a dangerous place". "Stuff" happens, as the saying goes.
There is some Federation news from the past few days. Mal Evans let me know I wasn’t just breathing Moe Sizlack’s exhaust fumes in the summer of 1999 when I learned Brian Jones was still alive on Sirius A and that he got into an argument with Greg. ( Greg is a Denelus IV Romulan) This was after Greg had met the “fake” Brian Jones and gotten into an even worse argument with him. Back in the summer of 1999 I didn't trust myself because my my alcohol consumption. So is Brian Jones the enlightened psychedelic guy portrayed by Mal Evans, or the slothful, washed-up bad attitude has-been portrayed by everyone else. Mal Evans himself has been arguing with other Federation officials about "Too much earth music enphasis and the Andromeda connection". I asked Mal Evans who Greg was for in the NBA finals, and a friend of Greg’s who was present said “
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