Friday, January 11, 2008

Selling Your Soul for a Buck

We've all seen the burger adds where a father and son hamburger are there and the father chides the son saying "Junior, how can you sell yourself for a buck. You're a disgrace to the hamburger profession" and then Junior gets mad and says "Sometimes I wish I'd never been broiled". Well it seems there is some sort of deal making or whoring out in the political profession today. Some way somehow, Berock Obama obtained the coveted endorsement of John Kerry, with all of his "political connections". One wonders why Kerry just didn't endorse Hillary since everyone sees her as the eventual winner. Such an endorsement can't come cheap, any more than Anne Baxter's endorsement by George Sanders was easily obtained in "all about eve". We know how valuable certain endorsements are with all their political contacts. We also know that Edwards had to change his Two Americas speech after he became Kerry's running mate in 2004 because it was just too strident for John Kerry's milk toast message. Kerry was a guy who would literally save anything to get elected. (It wasn't enough) If there was ANY question whom I am endorsing now there no longer is. I have to go for Edwards. Senator Edwards has consistently won in all of the Thom Hartman phone polls. The results are too consistent with Edwards and Dennis Kessinitch at the top, not to have some significance, one that the media is ignoring. I am very unhappy to hear that Bill Richardson is getting out of the race. Along with Joe Byden and Chris Dodd, this whittles down the field consiterably. Why spend all that time for a whole year running for President only to quit a few yards short of the finish line? It doesn't make sense. It's not as if he has to remain a candidate till August- all he has to do is hold out one more month. A withdrawal at this late date will only cause confusions on all the ballots that have been printed up. People want to hear men of subatance like Byden, Dodd and Richardson. We've all had it to here with "the front runners". Now that Obama has whored himself out it's unlikely we'll ever hear another substantive word out of his mouth. Of course the news departments are all whores going after that "entertainment" market. All of the top ranking reporters have to keep job security in mind and not risk losing their jobs like Dan Rather did over some minor misstep, and Rather's mistake was a minor misstep. Dan Rather had the facts right about George Bush's military carrerr. But he also had a forge document. That's all the "drive by media" needs is a red hearing to wring your neck with. We need the wisdom of the people who have dropped out, particularly Joe Byden. Byden is the sort of person who can't capsulate his vast experiance in a thirty second news bite. Once again these three have been running a year and perhaps longer. They started running early and I would presume they did this because they wanted to win and not because they wanted to drop out. John Edwards says he's staying in the race till the convention. I wouldn't bet the farm on that. I heard John Edward's speech Tuesday night on MSNBC. Edwards cares about people. I think of the top three left standing Edwards is easily one of the highest moral principles. It would be refreshing to see a candidate take on "the system" and government by Corporation. I think Edwards is a man who could really "make a difference". Edwards pointed out that ninety-nine percent of the votes still haven't been counted yet. When Richardson talks about "Not doing well in the early primary states" we must correct him. That is STATE, singular. There has only been one primary. I'm so sick of this stuff I can't say about "Well is so & so comes in second he'll have to drop out because he has lost". Give me a break! These candidates who don't come in first in the first two races should give the media the finger and say "If you people won't help me get my word out I'll just have to work harder in other ways". They say boycotts are always good. You don't suppose we could boycott the four major networks, could we?

I want to talk one more time about "Sin". Under Calvinism, sin cannot exist. Sin is defined as departure from the Perfect will of God. We know that everything that happens is predestined and so IS the perfect will of God. The word Perfect means that which is in its ideal form and any alteration of it would be a move tword imperfection. We know God is a fully actually actualized being. We know that God can't learn anything new. All God will ever know he knows now. Therefore this notion of being "disappointed" with man is nonsense. By its definition in the Greek the word perfect also means "Finished" or "Complete". People say the reason why we have Evil on the planet is that God has to abandon his perfect will in favor of his Permissive will, that is 2nd. best. Once again, Calvinistically this is impossible. Man by his own efforts can do NOTHING to achieve holiness. When someone says the word Impossible, perhaps we should believe them. Is confessing Christ "Doing something"? Well, is confessing Christ "Doing nothing?" answer that one. To say sin exists is to say that man "missed" something in his moral goals and aims. That he departed from some Perfection which, on some level had to be at least Possible. But no! Man's so called SIN or ERROR - - Always WAS. It never NOT Existed! There is no logical way he could fall short. There is no way since creation that God can divert the Universe from its pre prescribed path. The one thing God cannot do is change his mind- - and that includes even if you confess your sins fifteen times a day. We are saved by pre election and pre election alone. All that God is may be defined by Theology and without theology one can question whether there is evidence for God. But also- if we insist on a "sign" try this: All that God is is reflected in Circumstance. God lets his perfect will be known by circumstance. Jesus on KFI said "You only go around once in life; there are no do-overs". Well we don't know if God did any "trial runs" in some other dimension. We know only that THIS is the dimension that counts because THIS is where we are. We may have succeeded ten times in a row in some trial run in a parrellel Universe- but it's what we are doing NOW that counts. And since we get rewarded- - not by how we bless others, but by how much we are blessed by God, we CAN DO NOTHING to improve our salvation. If I had "Do overs" for portions of my life to be honist I can't say whether things would turn out better having another go at it. I think in some cases they would, but you don't know. Jesus on KFI says that nobody gets second chances. Some will say "Well, we have control. We can respond to the quickening of the Holy Spirit in our hearts". The trouble is Jesus never talks about the Holy Spirit, and I don't think the KFI preacher believes in it. It can't be overstated that if our salvation is based on something we DECIDE to do, then we have at least some control. Calvinistic predestination affords us no control. The only humane way out, to me is to bring about Universalism. If everybody gets saved, God looks like a good guy and reveals his power over All.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Crying Game

You may remember that when John Kerry was looking for votes in Ohio people relied on the exit polls to project a Kerry victory but then there was a three or four point percentage discrepancy and people made a lot of that. In the case of Hillary beating O Bama 39% to 36% there is no less than a sixteen percentage point discrepency that materialized over the period of just one day. The question is how? I can imagine the sort of show Rush Limbaugh will have today. I'm definitely tuning in. Rush is the one who has said that love is the one emotion you can't fake, unless of course you're a woman, and thank God for that. The thing is men have emotions, too, but at least with men you know it's their real emotions. Women have always used their emotions as tools of the trade in work or whatever. Women have used their emotions to get their way since Biblical times. Of course if you're a man at some kind of a spiritual revival meeting you may feel the need to fake emotions, because in metaphore, the man plays the part of the "woman" with "God" as the man, who's supposed to be "faked out" by your emotions of exticy. I would not believe anything at this point Hillary said or did because she's a pathological liar. As you know she talked about that "vast right wing conspiracy" with Monica Luinsky, knowing all along that the alligations about her were true. Then there was that piece of "fiction" she wrote in her book that when she found out about Monica, her jaw dropped open and she felt like she was going to pass out- - and all of that. The thing is if it's wrong for Ed Muskey to cry in 1972 as somehow a sign of "instability" for a job such as the Presidency, why is it any more "acceptable" for a female Presidential candidate to cry? You know I didn't see the debate last Saturday. Being a man, I was doing what all red blooded American men were doing; I was watching a football game. Neither did I see Bill Clinton angrily come to the defense of his wife on Monday. Once again, if it had been a first lady coming to the defence of a man because "someone made him cry" it would really look unmanly.

We kept hearing that those votes from Hanover and Dartmoth College were going to come in any moment where all the young people voted to sway the score from its 39% to 36% tally. What we didn't hear was the slightest hint that this vote was going to come out like this. I don't want to say that the fix was in but I'd like to see someone explain a sixteen percentage point swing in the space of one day. Monday it was "Panic" and Tuesday it's "Total victory". Of course I may have jinxed it myself when I used the phrase "Going for the brass ring". I've never used it before and I'll probably never use it again. The original "last song" on that compilation was a highly apocraliptic song about doom, gloom, and total destruction. Except we'd already used the track on "Radio Ready". Pat Buchannon is a new found Hillary supporter by his remarks on MSNBC last night.

Of course the other phenominum was that John Mc Cain came in first on the Republican side. This has to be the most meaningless victory of all time. We know he is "toast" as a candidate. He's all washed up. People call him "grandpa Mc Cain". So let him have his day. It will be his last. Equally meaningless is Romney's two losses in a row. This projects nothing as to Romney's future. Some may ask me, "What do you care about Mit Romney, you're never going to vote for him". That is quite true. To be honist as this point I'm thinking of voting for Ron Paul. I think he got eight percentage points. I thought perhaps he might get more. But the thing is you have Mc Cain in at first and Romney in at second, and Huckibee at 3rd. but look who is lurking at fourth place. Giuliani. Giuliani is there in stealth mode just waiting to make his mood. I DON"T want Giuliani to be on any ticket as a choice on election day. The prospect of his election fills me with more dread than anybody else. We need to see what will happen in Michigan. If Romney wins big in Michigan, people will come to look more kindly on him. I think Romney is the best choice the right can make to articulate their views in some debate forum.

We've been hearing that the stock markets have not been performing that well in the first week or so of this year. While I could say "I told you so", actually I was expecting a much WORSE drop off for the beginning of this year. I made a number of dire predictions about January of 2008 that haven't exactly come to pass yet. It could be they aren't telling us things. It could be that I just "jumped the gun" in saying we were headlong into a major economic recession.

I'd like to endource Governor Swartzenegger's four Indian tribe amendments to boost revenues. If you heard the governor's speech yesterday afternoon you had to be impressed with it. He spoke of building infrastructure. He spoke of ecology and the need to sue the Federal Government to "get it out of our way" so we can do the job we know we need to do. He spoke of No Child Left Behind- - and the need to take action against schools that don't comply so that we don't lose federal funds. The governor spoke of revenues as being "flat" and we were now off the sugar high of the spike in revenues two years ago, and how we need a constitutional amendment to institute automatic mid year budget cuts, to prevent crises in the future.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

A Varitable Potpuree of Topics

I’d like to make a few remarks about “Handicap Theology”. As you know the mantra of Born Again to outsiders (including me) is “Die to Self”. However another trait touted as a virtue is deliberately cutting off your nose to spite your face. Rev. Peacock once preached on a Greek guy who cut off his little finger because he said it was “in the way” producing certain pottery. In the book “Misery” Annie Wilkes speaks of South Africans who cut off one or both feet of slaves who worked in the mines so that they would not escape. In another book I read how Roman condemned prisoners who worked in the sulpher mines branded them and then gorged out an eye with a hot poker so I guess they’d look so hideous they’d never want to show their face above ground. Of course you have ghettoized handicapped communities such as deaf people, where they see people who don’t sign as outsiders and aliens. Of course many Christians “tie half their brain behind their backs” like Rush Limbaugh. They deliberately pride themselves on their newfound stupidity. As you know Gene Scott has made the statement, “I hate people who know it all”. I bed he does. That must mean he hates God. What he really hates is anybody who actually knows more than he does, as all pastors do.

Today I was playing an old video tape from late August mid September of 1993. There was a Star Trek episode about aliens taking over people’s bodies. There was President Clinton’s speech on health care. And there was Days of our Lives where Samantha was screwing around with the life of her sister, Carrie. You saw a younger, sexier Carrie, and a much younger Lucas Roberts. And there was also a scene about Roman and Abe Carver digging around the life of Stephano. They never heard the valued adage, “Let dead dogs lie”. Sometimes digging for worms only resurrects them. In my own life the late spring and early summer had been a bad one for me in terms of event following hard upon event overwhelming me. They say “Whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger”. Don’t believe that for a minute. The events of mid 1993 started me to drinking alcohol and made me a decidedly “weaker” individual than I was.

Some people don’t like churches that after you are supposedly “saved” say, “That is all well and good but you really can’t be sure you’re saved unless you jump through all of our hoops.” Wouldn’t you like to tell the pastor of such a church to go fuck himself, and use the Bible as your scriptural support? I think it’s time for a new denomination of the Church of the Sanctified “Go Fuck Yourself!”

Tonight’s program is brought to you by Stranglex. As you know, studies show that oxygen is one of the most addictive substances on earth and alarmingly, incidences of oxygen addition are growing in America. But we have just the product for you- - - “Strangelex”. Stranglex blocks key oxygen receptors in the lungs greatly reducing the intake of this powerful addictive substance into your blood stream. Our studies indicate that after just twelve weeks of steady use of Stranglex, forty-four of the people in our study are no longer breathing. This is success that works.

The Federation is still sticking to their support for Mit Romney. I wish they weren’t so lilly-livered about recommending the Chargers. They were so bearish on themselves after listening to them you might have bet on Tennessee. Fortunately Charger power rose to the occasion and prevailed despite them. The Federation is still bullish on Romney. Apparently all the Republicans were “piling on” Romney in the debate last night- - that I missed- - and he “wasn’t a member of their club” because of his money. But the Federation states “Having money to spend in yourself is no vice” and they also say, “Being smart and having the ability to accomplish things- is no vice”. Of course one has to wonder whether an assasenation is in Obama’s future. We all know that “the system” won’t let the Black man get ahead, so- - what will they do to stop him this time? It would be the first time since 1960 that a true visionary liberal was a party’s standard bearer for president. People say that the Hillary Clinton campaign is close to a melt-down. They can’t “go after Obama” like they would anyone else, because they don’t want to be seen as opposing a worthy Black man. And they reason that in the remote event Hillary loses, they don’t want to ruin her chances for advancing in the Senate to a status such as majority because she is seen as vicious and vindictive.

Here’s some stuff that has never appeared in my writings before. As you may know from 1973 tro 1975 when Richi Vallenz “died” a second time so to speak, Richi lived in Stanton and had human friends. What I have never said before is that I never met any of these HUMAN friends personally but have only seen photographs of them and heard how they sing. Bill Bormann and Timothy Langly are “OK” according to the Federation to mention (not that I need their permission to mention the others by name) but there is some Federation rule about naming associates of Romulins you’ve never met. There were three “New CMK Members” in 1971. The third person was expelled as a CMK member in June of 1972 and is roomered to have overdosed on heroin in January of 1974. My information on this is scanty but I’ve heard nothing to contradict it. This individual is honored on our latest compilation and here’s how you find the piece. Find the two consecutive songs that are written by the same writing team. It’s the second song. As you know I list my city as Stanton. I’m not saying I’d lie about anything but you people know us internet people are a bunch of natural born liars. If my stuff is 90% true you should count yourself lucky. Here’s another secret. When I first met Zachery as a seven month old baby on April 13th. 1976 I got the distinct impression the baby already knew me and expected me to know who he was. The Romulans, by how nervous they acted, also seemed to indicate it was “one of their own- - that I knew” who was Zachery, and NOT the illustrious Brian Jones. So this has always been a possibility- - just one I don’t talk about much. The other day as I was typing I got the distinct impression that someone had come in the room and was standing behind me. As I was about to turn off “Bad Moon Rising” that was playing the voice “No, this song is a good omen- - because it is an exit point”. Demmis Wilson “escaped” a body as it was being born in 1984 in the sign of Cancer “with a bad moon rising”. It’s too bad people can’t astrally escape their bodies. In Dennis Wilson’s case he boomeranged back into the body in late August of 1985 and was stuck for another couple of years or so before getting out. “Jumping Jack Flash” is said to be an autobiographical song about Dennis Wilson in this brief life.

The writer's strike really sucks, doesn't it. Just be glad I'm not subject to that. Now we hear that late night talk show hosts will attempt to boost their ratings by having each other as guests on their shows. In late news Obama is now leading in New Hampshire by double digits. We progressives could not ask for better news. We now have a chance to grab the brass ring that we last got a glimpse of before April of 1968. Unlike Christian pastors, we don't believe in whining, harranging, cajoling or threatening our listeners. We take a page out of Joel Olsteen and merely speak of things as though they were true. Amazingly the reason why other Christians have troubles is because they play the game of hot potato that they'd got to get rid of quickly. By the way I bet you didn't know I'm a "Let It Be" virgin. This is one movie to this day I have never seen, but of course everybody else speaks of the events that take place in it. I owe several of the inspirations of songs below to Yahoo sixties rock. The JA song is track 7 from their 3rd. album. Of course "2-A" has already been listed back in May of 2006.


Gloria (The Doors)

Acapulco Gold (Rainy Days) (??)

Evil Hearted You (Yardbirds)

She (Monkees)

Use Your Imagination (Guess Who)

Devil with the Blue Dress On (Mitch Ryder)

Beechwood Park (Zonbies)

Twelve Thirty (Mamas and Papas)

I Ain’t Never Loved A Man, the Way- - - (Aritha Franklin)

She Said She Said (Beatles)

Cream Puff Wars (Grateful Dead)

Flying on the Ground is No Good (?) (Buffalo Springfield)

Six O Clock (Loving Spoonfulls)

Sun Shine Girl (artist?)

Ooogum Boogum (Brenton Woods)

Love Is Strange (Peaches and Herb)

Never My Live (Association)


Summer Wine (Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood)

In My Own Time (Bee Gees)

See Things My Way (The Who)

Rain on the Roof (Loving Spoonful)

It’s All Too Much (The Beatles)

I Want to Take You Higher (Ike & Tina Turner)

Connection (Rolling Stones)

My Own Tombstone (Procol Herem)

I’m A Real Straight Shooter (Mamas & Papas)

I’d Rather Have My Country Die for Me (Jefferson Airplane)

Colored Rain (Traffic)

She’s Got Medals (David Bowie)

I Wonder What She’s Doing Tonight (Boyce & Hart)

Valerie (Monkees)

Hoochy Coochy Man (Steppinwolf)

Child of the Moon (Rolling Stones)

Hang ‘em High (Booker T. & the M. G’s.)

Friday, January 04, 2008

Obama, Huckibee - - Iowa Caucus Winners

The Twelve Pains of Christmas

Singing Christmas Carols
Stale TV dinner Special
Wrapping Christmas Presents
Finding a Parking Place
The Whiney Kid
Facing My In-Laws
Five Months of Bills
Sending Christmas Cards
Stringing Up the Lights- - - and
Finding a Christmas Tree

They featured this song on Christmas comedy in Yahoo Music. Actually six of these don't even belong on this listing. Personally I regard facing my in-laws a blessing rather than a curse at this point, and many other items on this list I'd call the blessings of Christmas. The reason why I'm even talking about Christmas is that time for me had kind of stopped. I was scheduled to go with the family on December 29th. but the day before came down with a bad flu virus and notibly a cough that "Keeps on hanging on" to paraphraise the Vanilla Fudge. Of course the reason why I'm sick is because I was stressed out to begin with and my system is just "run-down". If you're Stevie Wonder or the people in Grinchville I guess you don't care whether you have "Christmas" or not but for the rest of us it can be downright stressful. My brother was going to come over with my gifts. I have a gift probably worth twenty dollars and perhaps more- - to give to him. But I know there are a lot of machinations at work with our family. Of course time has also stopped when it comes to things like getting the bathroom sink worked on. The faucet leaks- - badly, and getting worse- - and the area under the sink is ruined due to leakage, and the toilet also needs a simple part replacement. The other night I had a coughing fit that was so bad I didn't think it would ever stop. I felt like I was being water-borded. I wasn't ready to die just yet. Other people around here have died, and nobody asked their permission to take their lives. For breakfast this morning we had the thinnest cream of wheat this side of a Dickens classic. We had one bagel, one sausage, a small OJ and one not entirely full cup of coffee. And that's the way life is around here. The place sounds like a T B ward with people hacking their brains out spreading germs and not being given needed cough medicine. This week my doctor is on vacation sipping Mai Tais on the beach in Hawaii.

My message to God at this point is, "You shall receive no sign from me except the sign of the Cherokee Nation". Because the Cherokee's were one tribe who wanted to learn White ways and assimilate white culture. Their young were taught English and their people became literate and even dressed like Whites. They even owned Negro slaves like White people. But then came along that traitor Andrew Jackson. The Cherokee people had fought bravely with him in battle in the past against the Creek Indians. But to repay them in 1928 he ran on a platform of exiling the Cherokee people from their land and in 1838 there was the "trail of tears" as the Cherokee people were relocated to Oklahoma during one of the coldest winters they've ever had. I think the message to God is clear. When you're a Christian you lose your identity to the person who "peddled" the faith to you in a pyramid ponsie scheme. It doesn't matter how many times you've confessed Jesus because once you're cut off from your Source, there is no way you can contact God because THEY control you're contact with God because it's THEIR God and not yours to begin with. Jesus once told the Jews, "You shall receive no sign but the sign of Jonah". I would guess that Jesus wasn't doing miracles this day. But I happened to think that there are few people Jesus resembles less than Jonah. How about "Why couldn't Jesus have been more like Jonah", as an explosive sermon title? Jonah was a rebel who was "corrected" by God. God made it clear to Jonah just who was God and the proper relation of humility between them. When did Jesus do this? When Jonah preached to a people he personally despized, the Assyrians, they repented. God told Jonah "Get over it". When Jesus preached to the Jews, a people and culture he personally despized- - it was merely a prelude to their inilation forty years later. Jesus on KFI said "Being humble means being put to shame" or something like that. But I say unto you that being humble is realizing you simply are not in control of the events in your own life. When did this ever apply to Jesus of Nazareth? (Selah)

Moving on to a happier topic the Iowa caucuses were held last night and Obama won. A Black came in first place with 38% or something with Edwards at 30% and Hillary in at 29%. They say an alltogether younger crowd came to the Iowa caucuses. In the Republicans is it was an up or down winner take all vote. With the democrats if your selection did not get fifteen percent of the vote, you had to have a "second choice". And Kasinitch and others may have made "deals" with Obama to make Obama their 2nd. choice. Obama would be the Jack Kennedy of this generation if he's able to rise to the occasion. A broad horizon has been placed before him, and now the question is whether he is able to rise to the challenge. Hubkibee won among the Republicans with Romney in at second and Thompson at third. Romney spent all that time and money in Iowa with nothing to show for it. Huckibee symbolizes change among the Republicans. Some are now saying that Michael Bloomberg will be announcing for President any day now and that he still plans to place Chuck Hagel as his vice president. I won't say for the other democratic candidates like Joe Byden or Chris Dodd to drop out right now. They still have something to say, and they should stay in the race merely to keep the other candidates sharp.

In terms of Auld Lang Sine, the words "Lang" and "Zein" are actual words on the old Sirius A Federation. "Lang" means "Old" but not the kind of obsolete "old" as in "Old Sirius - - " but rather an "old" meaning been around a long time. "Zein" means "desire" among the Sirius A people and the Sirius A Romulins. But the Romulins on Regelus V or Denelus II and IV don't like that word one bit because they say it refers to the blueness of the "Druanian" gene (that we've talked about before) Among Romulans they don't ask you "Are you Jewish?" but rather, "Are you bluish?" Indeed the first year of the ZAC it was called the Zionisum Analisis Committee" due to this Romulan influence. The Sirius people say that the word "Zein" is kind of like "Dezign" in English and demotes imagination, and there is nothing at all racial about the word. - - - They've sent stuff in the E mail that says the Antarians have the biggest star of all. This may be why the Federation was afraid of them four thousand years ago. Contrary to that mailing- - Reigel is seen as outshining "Betelguese". I may have more another time.