Saturday, September 24, 2016

Officer Indicted for Manslaughter in Tulsa Shooting

That lady officer in the Tulsa shooting has been indicted already for first degree manslaughter or something.  Shawn Hannity most certainly isn't happy about that but then Hannity lies about everything these days and continuing to even listen to him, even if only out of curiosity, does one more harm than good.  Shawn lies about economic statistics and he lies about stuff like Lester Holt is a biased democrat, when Ijust heard he's a registered Republican.  He lies about these other Black shooting cases such as Ferguson, MO or the Trayvon Martain case.  Now Shawn Hannity is doing ads for Donald Trump.   But I will say this about Shawn and that is he is everything Trump would like to be in terms of an average working class American pulling himself up by his boot straps.  If Hannity had stayed in ANY of those other lines of work he's done over the years he'd be a well respected citizen providing no cause for anyone to be dissatisfied with him.  

Mrs. Keith Scott, wife of the guy who was shot by cops in Chaolette where all of the rioting has been taking place, released a video to the press which featured of police shouting “drop your gun” and the wife shouting “He doesn’t have a gun” and adds, “He has a TBI”.  When I heard this I thought he had some electronic device on him such as a PDA or something.  (Personal Data Assistant)  But it turns out that TBI is a traumatic brain injury, and I’m not sure how that fact figures in.  And then we hear the gun shots and the wife says “Did you shoot him?” and “He better not be dead”.   It is said that since multiple officers believed him to have a weapon that it can’t be the prejudicial idea of just one officer.  First they said they weren’t going to have a curfew and then they said there is a curfew.   The football game between the Vikings and the Panthers this Sunday will be played with increased security.   Three times the number of Americans have died from firearms this year than were killed on 9 – 11.  We accept that gun deaths are just part of the “background noise” and accept them pretty much as normal. 

Yesterday I watched a video that stated that the MAJOR portion of bank profits, in some cases most or all of the profits, comes from out and out fraud.  That’s an eye opener.  It’s true in Britain and in America and perhaps other places.  Today I watched and read a transcript of Neil Young addressing a “Farm Aid” concert.   Actually there was some row of tables and an audience and the microphone was in the audience.   He was attacking President Obama and Monsanto and the stand on GMO’s in general. 

Here is a news flash.  Raphael Edwardo Cruz today endorsed Donald Trump.  Apparently Cruz doesn’t want us to vote our consciences any more.   Cruz was suppose to shmooz with Sheldon Adelson after his speech at the convention but now he was turned away from Adelson’s office.  They are saying that Cruz was virtually forced to endorse Trump or else Sheldon Adelson would make it clear that Cruz's political carrier was through because all of his campaign donations would dry up.  If it shows nothing else it shows all that show of political courage and "principles" at the Republican convention was pure showmanship and that when push comes to shove, Trump will fold like a cheap suit.  I think this has to say something about how Ted Cruz would have acted as president.  

There is good news for Hillary in terms of polling this week, as opposed to last.  She is up seven points in two national polls and up five in a third.  But there is a ceiling of 48% for Trump where he never rises higher in any poll.  Hillary has scored higher than that in nine polls but for Trump the figure is zero.  So I think we can all rest easy after the previous week’s “medical scare” reflected in those polls taken then for Hillary.   Strangely this Chris Matthews fill-in says that 53% of Americans believe Hillary is qualified to be President but the same polls show the Trump figure at 30%, which is strange.  It means people who vote for Trump don’t think he’s qualified.  I dispute the claim that 92% of Bernie Sanders supporters support Hillary because if that were true it would mean Hillary would inherit Bernie’s ten or twelve lead over Trump in the polls.   If the poll numbers show nothing else they show large numbers of defecting Bernie Sanders  supporters.  In still another poll sixty percent of people say Donald Trump does not respect “ordinary Americans” but Hillary’s figure here is “only” 48%.   There is another poll that says 56% of people believe that Trump is a racist, a figure way higher than Hillary's.  People are forgetting in all of this tit for tat name calling that the important thing is whether Democrats take congress, and I mean both houses.  You need both houses to get anything done, the Senate and the House, and even when you have the House too, if you don't have sixty percent there is no guarantee that you'll get all the things passed that the House would pass on its own with a democratic majority. 

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