Monday, February 29, 2016

Do Conspiracies Exist?

Do Conspiracies exist?  It seems like a silly question since they prove people of conspiracies every day in the court room.  Yet there is a crowd of propagandists who claim that not only DON'T conspiracies exist, it a virtual physical impossability for any conspiracy to be successful.   Let's talk about "Dark Legacy" about the Kennedy assasination.  This hour and 43 minute video can be found on Washington's Blog, if they haven't taken it down.  This movie makes a lot of bold charges. But there was a lot of informative documentary footage.  They showed the President lurching backward, and too the left just like the JFK movie and people running toward the grassy knoll, and other stuff I discuss in my letter this morning to Tim, where I do the font in royal blue.   The limozene driver slowed down when the shots began raining down, where one would suppose he'd speed up.  Someone signaled the secret service agents to get off the back of the limozine.  They complied.  The body was surgically altered so as to try and cover up the entrance wound.  People were running toward the grassy knoll and a few people were lying prone on the ground in this area to protect themselves.  Interestingly of course the rout was changed at the last minute and they hadn't done the usual scoping out of buildings.  Also the crowds of people were much thinner in this section of the road so there would be fewer witnesses to compare notes and movies taken.  Former President HW Bush got a silly grin on his face when he was speaking at Jerry Ford's funeral and speaking about a "lone, crazed gunman" and then grins.  Was it a muscle spasm?  Bush said "I trust the Warren Comission report because Jerry Ford's word is good enough for me".  The movie talks about Prescott Bush and his selling secret formulas for fuel and rubber to the Nazi war machine.  The movie then spins an incredible web of conspirators, all of it amazingly well documented with photographs and memos.    That assassination video concludes by saying that George HW Bush is the most evil of all the conspirators, more than Hunt, more than Stergis, more than Allan Dulles.   Vincent Bugliosi disbelieves in conspiracies, except of course for the Manson case.  The general view of those who say as a generality “conspiracies don’t exist” is to say things like “The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead”.   Vince offers another argument.  He says Oswald was the sole shooter because he had “guilty knowledge” in that when he found out FBI agents were after him he fled the lunch room for the theater.  It seems impossible that the mere finding out that “men with guns are after you” might just scare someone off.  Vince Bugliosi would make a good Christian.  Because here it’s said that it would be “Impossible” for the Twelve Apostles to keep the “dark secret” of their fraud and lies against humanity.  And since it’s impossible to keep a secret- - then obviously there WAS no conspiracy to put forth a lie on anybody because “All liars get exposed” is the mantra of this anti conspiracy crowd.  Do you follow?  I believe often people are forced to deny their own logic such as listening to a Bernie Sanders speech.  The reason "I'd LIKE to believe what he says but I know (from my right wing indoctrination) that I'm not SUPPOSED to believe that, and therefore when I believe, I feel guilty".  (Selah) It sounds cute but does it play out that way in the real world.  There is a “conspiracy” to have nonstop wars in the Mideast these days.  Nobody disbelieves the “Caucus room conspiracy” because the perpetrators have come out and admitted the things that were said about giving President Obama no quarter- - and not allow a single bill to be passed, even on ideals they agree with.  And yet hard core republicans will call such talk of a “caucus room conspiracy” as idle talk and offer an alternate view of history where “We tried to get along with this President.  We had great hopes for the country because of all the President’s rhetoric about unity and going forward.  But in the course of time we became disillusioned with the President”. 

In terms of the JFK assassination thing it became increasingly more far flung and hard to follow the plotline of.  They brought in Richard Nixon and Howard Hunt and Frank Stergus of Watergate fame, but also Prescott Bush and Allan Dulles, whom Kennedy fired as head of the CIA.  George HW Bush named his oil company the Zapeta oil company but they also called the Bay of Pigs operation “Operation Zapeta”, which is a strange coincidence, of which there are many strange coincidences in this video.  But I can still tie all that in together much more easily than the “Socialist plot of Obama”, which combines Bill Ayres, Sol Allinsky, the Rev Wright and Acorn into one grand anti Jewish pro Moslem pro socialist conspiracy.  But I am aware enough to know that somethins you can throw names around with only the barest threads of information. 

The last time I was out back during the power failure was just about six o clock.   Since the power came on before 6:30 I was able to watch the Mc Laughlin group in its entirety.  They had three topics.  The first one was on the Kurds and the Palestinians getting citizenship of a nation of their own.  The concencus was that for the Kurds this would be impossible- - because it would mean part of Iran, Iran, Syria, and worst of all, Turkey.  The second topic was the Church and the Death Penalty.  The third topic was the likelihood of Great Britain leaving the European Union.  That sounds like a good idea.  Then there was a Huwell Houser thing about William Randolph Hurst buying up more land around a small California town.  Then it was the evening basketball game and the Oklahoma Thunder and the GS Warriors played to a tie and then I turned the station a little after eight.  I’m not aware of what program I watched then.

A bunch of Klansmen showed up at a public event at Pearson Park and five people were stabbed.  The brawl took place right in front of police presence.   In terms of the Clinton and Sanders contest it was bad.  It was 47 thousand plus to 13 thousand plus or a 77% to something like 23%.  It couldn’t get much worse than that.   Later numbers make it 97 thousand to thirty thousand.  That looks just about as bad.    Later numbers make it 239 thousand to 82 thousand.  I’ll say this.  They’re consistent.    With 93% of the votes reporting it’s 247 thousand to 86 thousand or about 73% to 25% or three to one.  Any way you look at this Bernie got a major schlacking.  The final percentages were 74% for Hillary to 26% for Bernie.  

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Divide, Conquer, Colonize

Norman will be joining Thom Hartman and Bill Press at the Blue State Ball in downtown Miniapolis.  General admission starts at seven.  In terms of these phrases of “Super predator” to describe hardened gang members or “bringing them to heel”, I personally don’t have a problem with this language, but I’m not above using it in ads because Blacks are touchy about this phraseology and may chip away at Hillary’s votes.  Hillary tells the “Black Lives Matter” people who raised this issue “We’ll talk about it”.  According to Norman Goldman both Bill and Hillary need to apologise to Black Lives Matter.  I don’t see it that way.  Crime was a light higher twenty years ago than it is now and it would seem that the anti crime legislation back then was successful.  It sure seems that “Three Strikes” was a success here in California.   My word to Black Lives Matter would be that my remarks were generic and didn’t bring race into consideration.   Trump won’t pick any of the people he’s run against for Vice President.  Norman thinks Trump will choose Rudolph Giuliani for Vice President.   That’s too much “New York”.  Eighty percent of the Latinos are negative on Trump, and seventy percent of the Latinos are “very opposed to a Trump presidency”.  That’s worse than Romney did.   I went down during the 3:30 break and on the way up Bill gave me three cigarettes.  Bernie is losing two to one with Latinos to Hillary and he’s losing to Hillary three to one with Blacks.

 Shawn Hannity turned me off when he began summarizing Bernie Sanders’ campaign as taking from the rich to give to the poor.  Hannity also wants to remind us that “Corporations are people, my friend”.  He went on and on about how great and helpful the drug companies are as they sell us drugs that may harm us and that we don’t need, all the while falsifying their research and development numbers.  There is a big teenage hang-out party at pier 78 on today’s show.  Now Joe is attempting to smother Eva with a pillow as she lies in her hospital bed.

People wonder what the ultimate goal of the nation of Israel is, other than the second coming of Jesus Christ, or something.  I don't like phrases used by Shawn Hannity such as "Shoulder to shoulder with Israel" or "joined at the hip".  I just don't think it's healthy for one country to be so dependent on another that the first could not exist without the generosity of the second.  Israel should not be regarded as a 51st state.  I"m just offering you this article to accept or reject as you please.  It gives you something to think about.

However they want to address the issue, most people are horrified at the refugee crisis now besetting Europe, with its scenes of chaos, conflict, and desperation. Yet in Israel, at least one high official sees in it not horror, but hope. As Rania Khalek has reported:
“Dore Gold, director general of the Israeli foreign ministry, expressed optimism that the refugee influx will shift Europe to the right, making it more sympathetic to Israel’s ‘security’ justification for its ongoing colonization of Palestine.
‘Israel always faced the problem in the past that its national security perspective was completely out of sync with how Europeans were viewing the emergence of the European community and the borderless world that was emerging,’ the American-born hardliner told The Jerusalem Post.
‘In the European models that existed 25 or 30 years ago, it is kind of difficult to hear an Israeli argument. But now things may be beginning to change a little,’ posited Gold.
‘The European perspective is beginning to sound a little bit more like Israel’s perspective on security issues, compared to what it was in the past.’”
This is hardly the first time a top Israeli politician reveled in the great misfortune of an “ally,” hoping it will engender tighter identification with Israel. Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, The New York Times reported the following:
“Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ‘It’s very good.’ Then he edited himself: ‘Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.’ He predicted that the attack would ‘strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we’ve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.’”
Sharing Israel’s perspective seems to have a self-reinforcing quality. The US response to the 9/11 attacks that Netanyahu welcomed14 years of widespread, non-stop war and intervention in the Muslim worldis what caused the European refugee crisis that Dore Gold welcomes today.
(Note that throughout this essay, by “Israel” I mean the government and not its Jewish subjects. Any anti-Semites reading this looking for support for their bigotry can go jump in a lake.)
Like Israel (and often through Israel), the US has long projected colonialism and militarism upon countless Muslims, whether through direct force, proxy wars, clandestine subversion, or puppet dictators.
Like Israel, the US suffered terroristic blowback as a consequence.
Like Israel, the US responded with massive, indiscriminate violence and conquest, compounding the original problem of colonialist militarism, and leading to further blowback.
European governments have participated in that violence, and now they are also partaking in the blowback as waves of war refugees wash up on their shores.
As a result, scenes are now playing out in Europe very similar to everyday life in “Greater Israel” (Israel proper plus the Occupied Territories in Palestine): crowds of unarmed Muslim men, women, and children being chased, beaten, rounded up, herded, penned, and cage-fed like animals.
It is a vicious cycle and a cycle of viciousness. The more we adopt Israel’s perspective, the more we adopt its policies. The more we adopt its policies, the more we adopt its problems. The more we adopt its problems, the more we adopt its perspective. And around we go.
Of course Israel has done far more than passively serve as a model for US policy. By leading the drive toward a war on Iraq, its neocons and Israel Lobby actively grafted Israel’s foreign policy onto America. The long propaganda campaign diverted the post-9/11 rage and hysteria into a catastrophic war on an Israeli strategic rival that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 and posed no threat to American security.
On top of those killed, the Iraq War displaced millions, many of whom fled to Syria. There they joined hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugeeswho themselves, their parents, or grandparents were driven from their homes long ago by Israel directly.
Unfortunately for them, Syria is also hated by Israel. So, Israel-firsters in Washington have since helped make Syrian regime-change official US policy. In pursuit of that policy, the government has fomented and armed a rebellion that has plummeted Syria into a devastating civil war.
Actually, it would be more apt to call it an invasion than a rebellion or civil war, as the leading “rebels” are predominantly international Sunni jihadists, like ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, which is a branch of Al Qaeda.
That is how completely Israel-firsterism has hijacked the post-9/11 American rampage. In the latest stage of that rampage, the US has taken the side of Al Qaeda, the perpetrators of the very attacks that triggered the rampage in the first place, in order to overthrow yet anotherregional rival of Israel. This goes beyond “sympathy” to enthrallment.
As a result, displaced millions are pouring out of Syria (including many originally from Iraq and Palestine). And these comprise a huge part of the refugees pouring into Europe.
Western powers have been subverting, bombing, invading, and occupying Muslim countries non-stop since 9/11 (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, etc), just as Israel has long subverted, bombed, invaded, and occupied Palestine, Lebanon, and more.
And now in Europe, governments are caging displaced Muslims and contemplating tyrannical measures to maintain “security” and “demographic purity,” just as Israel has done to the Muslims it has displaced within its own jurisdiction since its inception.
Moreover, the ultra-nationalism and Islamophobia that hasafflicted Israel especially since 2009 is now on the rise throughout the West, stoked in Europe by the refugee influx and in America by the atrocity films of ISIS: that spawn of the Iraq War.
Western governments have always been imperialist, and the Israeli government has always been a colonial appendage of the West extending into the Middle East. This was true even before its founding, when its paramilitary precursor trained under the wing of the British Empire. But now the tail is wagging the dog, and the Western imperial core is being radicalized by the demands of its militant frontier outpost.
The Washington-led West is becoming ever more like an occupying Global Israel, forever paranoid, exclusivist, imperious, and warlike. And it is turning the Muslim world from Mali to Pakistan into a occuppied Global Palestine, its people forever bombed, corralled, and at times driven to desperate violence.

War is remaking the world in Greater Israel’s own ugly image. It is therefore no wonder that homicidal racist colonialists like Benjamin Netanyahu and Dore Gold feel more comfortable in the brutal new world they helped create.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Some People are Patient to a Fault

Norman Goldman had a Hillary melt-down with a caller.  Some of these “liberal” talk show hosts are becoming increasingly more strident in favor of Hillary Clinton and against Bernie.  Keep in mind only four states out of fifty have voted last time I checked.  And yet everyone is pronouncing the race over.  This tells you something about Hillary’s hammerlock on the politics of the democratic party.  All she has to do is snap her fingers and a bunch of extra union employees go out to caucus for her.   Are we to infer that Hillary is more strongly in favor of or has a higher prospect of success of raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour than is Bernie?  I don't think so. You could look back over the past twenty years (early 1996) and call it twenty years of regression.  We “fixed” the welfare problem.  For a while we had the unconstitutional defense of marriage act.  (for technical reasons)   If you are gay, if you are among that three percent of the population you can say that YOU have had progress in the past twenty years.  It’s my guess that some minority of that three percent has actually gotten married to the same sex.  Maybe it’s a third of three percent, which makes one percent of the population last time I checked. 

  If you don’t like the “commercial modernization act” or the way the Media is now, we have retrogressed.  Don't even get me started about the loosening of Wall Street and banking regulations under Clinton and the axing of Glass Steigell.  Let me ask you a question.  Is President Obama more or less strident in enforcing banking regulations now, as opposed to what it was thirty years ago under Ronald Reagan?  Let's talk about the illegal alien "problem" of eleven million people living in the shadows, as it were.  Fifteen years or so ago President Bush wanted to do something about bringing all these illegals out of the shadows and into being responsible, tax paying citizens.   If you are for equal pay for equal work- - we’ve gone from women getting 78% that of men to some slightly higher figure.  Some say it’s 82%.  Bernie has been using the figure 79%.   Have we made “progress” on the minimum wage during this time?  What about prison overcrowding?  What about racism in general in the media and in the American people at large?  Is that getting worse or better?  Bernie was in the trenches getting arrested and stuff for his protests activities.  Bernie has been a whole lot more consistent on gay rights and on a whole lot of other things than Hillary.  Have you compared their respective positions on marijuana?   Here is another area where we have made actual progress.  Are there fewer wars or more wars than there were twenty years ago.  How about health insurance costs?  Have they gone up or down for the average American in the past twenty years?  What about areas such as racial bias among law enforcement officers?  Is this getting better or worse- - if you had to make a guess.  What about issues such as global warming and ecology?  What about labor union rights in places like Wisconsin and Michigan?  Are these getting better or worse?   What about intangibles such as the politeness of candidates?  Have campaigns gotten more polite and “cerebral” or have they gone the other way toward coarsness and vulgarity?   I don’t even think Norman Goldman knows the proper definition of the word “patience”.   

His problem is that when you go to the basic questions such as “How do you solve this problem in America”?  You don’t START with “patience” any more than you START with “God” in my opinion.  There are times in my life where I have put “God” first.  Where did it get me?   You may for instance come up with three methods of solving a problem.  Maybe some methods are inherently slower than others.  Certain solutions necessarily require that thing called “patience”.  But in the absence of a PLAN or some PROPOSED METHODOLOGY any talk of patience is nothing short of silly.  President Obama was not “patient” when it came to putting his Presidential plans on hold while he matured a little over four or eight years.  No.  President Obama needed immediate gratification in becoming president.  That was his goal.  Solving America’s societal ills was never on the top of his agenda.   There was one caller who stated that Hillary had no intention on following through on any of her campaign promises.  I’ve learned that when a natural born LIAR uses the word “NOT”. Saying “I’m not this or that”, this is EXACTLY what he or she is.  Hillary told us in late January of 1992 “I’m not some kind of Tammy Wynette stand by your man type”.  This is EXACTLY what she was- and is.   I don’t see how the average American woman can look at Hillary Clinton and all the trashing of various women she’s done- - and in any way think Hillary is looking out for THEM.  We could talk about the Federal Reserve, or the means by which rich bankers get PAID - - - NOT to lend the vast amounts of money they are freely given.  We could talk about CEO’s and the profit driven a-moral stance of your typical large corporation today.  We could talk about the Trans Pacific Partnership.  Tell me, is this progression - - or retrogression.  We have had twenty years of retrogression on all of the fronts I have described in this paragraph.  Ted Cruz claims to love the constitution and yet the Trans Pacific Partnership- - and all the others- - will make both the Constitution AND the Supreme Court obsolete!  Just think of this for a bit!  We then come to the issues of Hillary’s psychological temperament and how does she treat subordenates?  Is Hillary or Bernie more likely to fly off the handle under pressure?  I say again maybe Hillary asks patience of us, but she isn’t demanding patience of herself.  But more to the point it’s people like Norman Goldman on the radio who is less than useless in advancing the progressive cause.  Where does he propose the American people get the vast amount of patience required to fit into his mollasis agenda?  We’ve all seen the Wizard of Oz.  Dorothy didn’t get action from the Wizzard until she lost her patience with him and exposed all his flaws.  Someone needs to do that with the Hillary Clinton wing of the Democratic Party before they destroy us all.  Just think about it.  

On Days of our Lives Brady wants Summer to come to Salem with him and his “two wives” to meet Maggie, her supposed biological mother.  It’s a little far fetched.  Summer at least admitted she was adopted, and was raised to be a Texas fundamentalist.    Eva tried to OD on morphine but it was more just to get attention rather than any serious attempt to end her life.  On yesterday’s show Eva hit officer Horton over the head with a brick and made her escape from a commercial flight to Italy.  I smoked my last cigarette at two.  I got one cup of iced tea from Dora and a piece of bread pudding.   So far I don’t have any ideas for blogger.  The “Real Goal” of America and Israel is to shatter Iraq and Syria into many small pieces.  I fail to see how that could help.  I think the real goal of the USA and perhaps Israel is to put pro oil and pro Western governments in these two countries that offer a minimum of civil rights to people but get along well with the Saudis.