Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Comparing Bush and Obama

Mike Papentonio talked about the misdeeds of Chevron Oil today on "Ring of Fire" that I saw.  They are causing cancer in the Amazon due to their tainted oil done by Texico becore Chevron bought them out ten or so years ago.  But the judges in this case rather than finding Chevron culpable, turned their hostility on the public service "pro bono' attorneys who argued the other side of the case saying that they were incompetent or something and should be dealt with.  Apparently President Obama routinely sides with all the wrong people in petetions to the Supreme Court.  He argues FOR all of the national security abuses and FOR big oil and big bankers, and has a notible hostility tword whistle blowers.  When you think about it Barock Obama is one of the WORST presidents we could POSSIBLY have at a time like this.  Because if he were a republican- - or if Romney had become president- - things for the average working man would be much better.  This is because Congress is just being political and voting things down, often against what a majority of even Congress would do if put to a vote,  they vote down things they would embrace were Mitt Romney president.  Examples of this include things like immigration reform, jobs bills, and a raise in the minimum wage.  Congress had no problem approving a minimum wage under George Bush and Bush pushed for immigration reform.  Remember in 2004 President Bush actively courted the Latino vote by easing restrictions on real estate bank lending.  As such the deficet even though half of what it was, would be much smaller, under a more robust economy.  The decitet had already been cut in half- - but the Paul Ryan budget if passed would actually SLOW DOWN the REDUCTION of the national deficet.  Because to eliminate the OTHER HALF would under his plan take another ten years untill 2024, whereas if things were allowed to continue as they are now, we could well be running a budget surplus by the off year elections of 2018.  In such a case, were Hillary President then, she would take a lot of the credit for doing that.

The Bengazi thing is completely silly because we all agree WHO did the terrorist act of 9 - 11 - 2012.  There is no disputing that.  The truth has been known about this case at least as early as late October of 2012, or BEFORE the election was even held.  Voters had oppurtunity to render their judgement and opted to re elect Obama for four more years.  When people hear the word "conspiracy theory" they latch onto the notion of some crackpot with some unproven theory.  But clearly it's PROBABLE that George Bush WANTED the 9 - 11 attacks to happen.  In police work they speak of means, motive and opportunity.  Bush in that book draft of 1999 demonstrated a Motive for wanting War in the Mideast.  Bush is on record is being almost the ONLY person to actually witness the FIRST plane crashing into the north tower.  He watched it happen on some secret monitor from Seresota Florida right before he went into that second grade classroom and made a joke about "That guy must be a really bad pilot".  And then went on to read "My Pet Goat".  Bush and Secretary Rice responded to all of the dire warnings about an iminent attack by Airplanes- - multiple warnings- - by going on the longest vacation of any President.  And on 9 - 11 President Bush seemed to turn over the running of the country to Vice President Chaney in a move no one has explained.  Secretary Rice said "There is evidence we will bring out in due time to prove that Bin Laden planned the 9 - 11 attacks".  This "day" has never arrived.  Bush canceled the Computer system President Clinton had set and ready to go as an advanced security system, and we are told he did so for political reasons.  This is a guy who jokes about people being executed in Texas.  This is a man who joked about "Weapons of Mass Destruction".  This is a man who seem to actually Protect Bin Laden, and showed no inclination to go after him.  The Republicans in turn seemed bothered by the fact that "The President was making such a big thing out of the raid" that resulted in Bin Laden's death.  President Bush also said 'Don't listen to the conspiraacy theories that seek to shift the blame for 9 - 11 from the terrorists to other individuals".  I know of no "Conspiracy theorist' whose motive is to get Al Qaeda or the Talliban "off the hook" as he puts it.  President Bush closely monitered Goldman Sachs all the whole period leading up to when they went Bankrupt and did absolutely Nothing to prevent it.  I think clearly we have demonstrated that Bush had all three meaning Means, Motive, and Oppertunity- - to have shall we say "Made 9 - 11 a lot worse than it needed to be".

Witness after witness has reported that loud explosions were heard as the Twin Towers came down, including Firemen who were in the building.  They say that elements used in explosives were detected in the area.  We have one guy on record as "pulling down" building seven, as it was called "Because it's easier than putting out the fire".  But we also know that it takes days to set up the proper demolition of any high rise.  I've also heard there has NEVER been a modern skyscraper come down after being on fire for short a period of time.  Of course news in England of the "pulling" of building seven, was broadcast Before it even Happened!  And we were told incessently that "The Twin Towers were going to Collapse any minute".  How did they know this?  Why was all the steel in the wreckage almost immediately shopped off to China?  How is it so much concrete was just turned to dust?  How come they saturated us with this "new crisis" for a full week preempting regular programming?  They were preparing us for the Patriot Act.  People agree that the Patriot Act was so comprehensive that it had to have been being written prior to 9 - 11.  They had the names of all nineteen hijackers- - even if several of them supposedly dead, turned up later very much alive.  The media ran some stories ONCE and never ran them again because they were not in accordance with the government line.  They stopped showing videos of the plane hitting the building because- - people noted irregularities such as the Flash- - that occurred Ahead of impact, and this is Provable.  Take my word for it.  There was also some strange device strapped to the belly of the plane that hit the South Tower.  This is beyond dispute.  Of course it's the strangest of coincidences that NORAD or whatever was told to "stand down" the morning of 9 - 11 - 2001.  One gets the impression that in this country it's the easiest thing in the world to hijack an airplane and fly it virtually anywhere you want to.  It's also pretty much a fact that it wasn't an airliner that hit the Pentagon.  It had to be a drone of some kind because it didn't make enough of a hole to have been made by a Boeing 757 airliner.  This is beyond dispute.  Besides there were NO remnents of any plane.  It would be improbable that a plane would attack at virtually ground level in a populated area- - when it would more logically make an ariel dive and hit the roof.  Dogs did not pick up on the scents of any passengers or ANY people for that matter.  This is because the plane just happened to hit the portion of the Pentagon that was being Renovated.  You can see all of the specifics for yourselves in the films on You Tube.  We also know the movie about Flight 93 was almot total fiction and again there was almost no wreckage at the alleged site.  This plane was taken out by a missile- - and many people reported seeing a missile.  Also the government routinely conthiscates Video footage known to be in posession of a private party.  First the government says they have NO Video of the pentagon attack despite all of the surveilance cameras.  Then they release five still photos that raise more questions than they answer.  If congress wants to investigate something- - try the events on 9 -11.  Let's put an end of the myth that the government has been selling to us because "People want to believe what they believe", and what the Bush Administration and the Media WANT us to believe.

Rush Limbaugh makes a plausable point that the forces of nature over the long haul are greater than anything that man could produce on his own. So on Cosmos- - a name I’m reminded that they stole from PBS otherwise known as the Petroleum Broadcasting Network - - and on this episode they talked about how global warming struck the earth 250,000,000 years ago.  And the problem was too many trees because suddenly trees had evolved plant cell structure that bacteria couldn’t eat because they hadn’t evolved the ability and termites did not yet exist.  But the trees grew so high that vegetation was out of reach and animals died, and for some reason all the trees died and there was this mass of dead wood- - and the wood became petrified.  With so much death in nature occurring the carbon balance was thrown off and there was more methane in the atmosphere now- - which along with the added CO2 meant major global warming.  Add to this sulphur dioxide- - and then we got acid rain and there was horrible eruptions of volcanoes worse than anything today and temperatures ranged from ice but mostly a heatwave that could not sustain life and nearly everything died.  The point perhaps is that we don't have to make things worse and "give nature a push" or whatever.  They say our own Sun is past middle age and may even now gradually be getting hotter on its own, which of course would affect all nine planets of the solar system and not just earth.  So there would be "Martian Warming" too.  We may all have to move there is things get too hot here.  There was a report released a couple days ago saying that climate extremes will become and in fact ARE the norm right now for planet earth, and we better get used to it.  Should the polar ice caps melt and the oceans rise ten or twenty feet, Rush in Florida will be one of the first people to be affected by it.  But a man of Rush's means with his tens of millions of dollars- - will just be able to move, something most people don't have the ready made option of doing.  Rush and others like him such as the Koch Brothers and Mitt Romney have absolutely no empathy or whatever for the average guy of limited means.  One of these days all these so called "victims of Obama high taxes" who watch the Rush Limbaugh show - - will figure it out.

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