Saturday, June 01, 2013

Myths that "Nobody Can Touch"

 Besides their God and their Bigotry and their Guns, rednecks like to cling to their myths.  For instance the President gave a nice little Pep Talk for us this morning on KNX.  He reminded us how well the economy is doing and with the real estate market there is now so much demand for houses that the interest rate for morttgages is hiked a whole half percentage point back up to 3.75% where it hasn't been in years.  People want to buy before it gets any higher.  Energy production in this country is doing so well that OPEC is mad at us, and in retaliation for us increasing the supply, they are going to cut production to maintain the hundred dollar per barrel petroleum prices.  How come the Right Wing never foresaw THAT happening?  But then on the eight o clock "Republican Response" the Republicans are still singing that old song about how we need to "Free up" energy production in this country.  They then said that it's states with Republican governors where the economy is doing the best.  Of course I just heard on Thom Hartman that the reason why North Dakota fared so well in this recession is because they have their own Bank, their own Fed financing, if you will.  And they also have a lot of oil, like Texas has a lot of oil - - and government defense contracts.  California is doing economically well and its a blue state - - so failure to include California on the list is kind of a lie right there.  From everything I've heard- - the red states are the ones that are the greatest economic leeches off the Federal Government- - and the hypocracy of these people knows no bounds.  Because one way some governors "Balance" their state budgets- - is just to shove everything off onto the local governments- - so that sales tax, property tax, and other miscelanius fees go sky high.

One way in which the Jesus Myth is different from other religions, is that Bhudda was a real person.  Mohamed was a real person.  Confucious was a real person.  Nobody disputes this.  In fact they say things like Mohamed married a nine year old girl and had sex with her.  We know who organized the Tea Party and their own particular set of myths.  Who organized Christianity.   My theory is it had to be "someone with a motive" like an out of work Priest from some other religion now out of fashion.  (Selah)  It seems that Justin Martyr was well bred, Greek on one side and Roman on the other and was born into a high diplomatic family.  (Kind of like Mitt Romney in his own way was)  He went from Greek philosophy to Greek philosophy and was unfulfilled by each.  He wanted to join the Pythagareans, but they insisted he learn math and astronomy and physics, which he didn’t want to do.  So we know he was intellectually lazy.  Just like Paul you-know-who didn’t want to learn Greek and so took a degraded Theology degree.  But he was happy for a while as a Platonist.  But he said something on becoming a Christian I actually agree with.  He said “The testimony of piers is more relevant to me, than the teachings of philosophers”.  Using that logic today is an excellent reason for NOT becoming a Christian, and for LEAVING Christianity, once you have joined it.  One wonders what sort of “testimony” he heard, since Christ had been dead nearly a century at the time.   It would be like someone today talking about President Taft's footman (coach driver) if they still had those.   Of course the Tea Party has accused President Obama of being the "Manchurian Candidate".  This is someone mysterious without a past.  They say things like "Where are all President Obama's old girl friends from college?" and conclude he was either gay or from another planet or something.  The most convincing argument that Christianity is based on a pre scripted "Story" is that with ANY real person - - one that actually lived- - we hear other things other than their last three years of life.  Perticularly in an age like the Roman one where pen and paper were not scarce and people wrote at length.  So where is the person who comes forth and says "Jesus wasn't perfect- - I've seen him give the finger to people in the street several times" or "I saw Jesus smoke a cigarette in the alley one time before going into the Synagogue to preach".  They say "We can trace when Bhudda was declared a God despite his wishes- - in history".  But Jesus never "Became' anything other than what he was.  There is NOT ONE source that portrays Jesus Christ as anything but Divine.  For a real person this makes no sense.  Yes his followers would see him that way, but how about the people who knew him for the previous 33 years.  It's unreasonable to suppose that NONE of them ever dared say he was anything but perfect or divine, assuming they could even agree what that was.

Last evening I viewed Venus for only the second time in the evening twilight.  I have deduced that Mercury is about to go into retrograde, which happens to be a good omen for me, but I would remind you that Mercury’s orbits are really short anyhow.  So these retrogrades occur often.   In terms of Justin - - I do have the Apology I downloaded already.  He addresses his thesis to the Roman Emperor himself and other high ranking officials.  I say this because it occurred to me that just someone with Christian writings addresses the thing to a certain person, this is not to assure they ever read it.  (Selah)  It’s Antonius Pious, who was a welcome breeding ground for Christians since he did not oppose them.  He was gay according to the right.  But the next guy Marcus Aurelius, was straight, and he opposed Christians.  He quotes Matthew extensively in his treaties - - and the most stringent parts I thought were “textural glosses” such as not marrying a divorced woman, or for that matter “He who is twice married is a sinner in God’s sight”.  Of course all of the ripping out of the right eye stuff was there.  I quotes this stuff as though he’d “heard it” but not necessarily from a written “Gospel”.   We had breaded fish for dinner with rice and broccoli, with lemon pudding for desert.  I did not wait for seconds.  Bill just turned on Eye Witness News.  But it’s kind of funny how one paragraph is headed “Being a Christian is Rational” and the very next paragraph is headed “The Activities of Demons”.  Maybe that's one you should leave out of your "Conservator hearing testimony".

As to the Trayvon Martin case- - three vocal analysts have stated that the screaming for his life bit on that 911 tape - - you know- - when the gun shot is fired the screaming stops - - and is never heard again - - that tape, that voice is not George Zimmerman’s.  Once you can establish that- - this case is a done deal.  Judy has bought into the myth that "Travon Martin started the thing" and that Zimmerman was only defending himself.  The fact that there are people who believe this visious lie, only shows what sort of a morally depraved and sick country we live in.

That trans California railroad is in big trouble.  Bill Handel announced it in his roster of news items this morning.  They just want to start construction on the Fresno to Madera portion of the line later this summer but it may not happen.  Some land owners are suing California saying the project is not viable.  And since there were provisions in the original 2008 measure that the ten million project had to keep within those spending bounds and clearly it won’t therefore legally it can’t even be started.  The Supreme Court put another hold on the California death penalty here.  The last California execution was in 2006.  Apparently they didn’t clear it to be able to switch from a three drug injection to a one drug injection.   The California legislature may be “railroading’ another piece of controversial legislation through.  It seems more than likely as if California will now give drivers licenses to illegal aliens – and there won’t be any markers or tags on those ID’s to make it clear to law enforcement that these drivers are in fact illegal aliens.  It’s been argued that they may have already spent the money and registration fees to get a car, and legal registration, and even insurance.  So if the State is going to garner revenue from all these sources- - it’s only right that they then should have a certification to Drive. 

This morning I woke up at four twenty.  Then I got up at five to five or something.  I listened to the Bill Press program.  I had Stephanie on at six, but grew bored with that and switched to Bill Handel on the news at a quarter to seven and afterwards at eight twenty with Neil Savedra.  Neil was talking about the perfect way to grill a hamburger, or even a large filet of ground beef- by indenting the middle so the top cooks flat.  He said something about how “handeling the meat too much isn’t a good idea because it changes the taste of the burger”.  (?)  I’m not going to blog any of the things heard on this morning’s radio.  Frankly there is no coherence to it, and I’m not even sure it’s reliable.  First Bill claims that people have only gotten back half the wealth of their household since the recession of 2007 began.  That’s really hard to believe in light of how stocks and real estate have done in the past several years.  If you haven’t “gone under’ in your mortgage yet, you should be way above water now since you’ve obviously been making the five or six more years of mortgage payments.  News on Social Security is “not encouraging” because we’ll run out of funding in 2034 they now say, which is “unchanged” from previous figures.  The Medicare figure for running out of funds is 2026, which is little improved despite the fact that “people are avoiding elective operations due to the extended recession”.  OK.  Also now apparently consumer spending actually dropped one recent month- like April, and the rises in spending the other months was much smaller than I’d been led to believe.  President Obama is still not popular in his health plan.  Bill Handel says it’s a disaster and insurance costs will be hiked.  And now we have those Dick Morris commercials on liberal radio talking about “The Obama Care Survival Plan” because according to that ad, tax on medical insurance will rise as much as forty percent.  (?)  Also Bill Handel thinks Israel’s intervention in Syria is “insignificant” and how Assad is not afraid of Israel at all, but he’s probably going to defeat the rebels, because this is the concencus now.  If I were Israel I’d consider this statement almost a challenge.  But apparently since the Soviet Union and Hez Ballah are going full bore with support for the Assad Regeime in Syria- - the Rebels don’t stand a chance.  There’s one thing I’d like to know.  Is there a dime’s worth of difference between the “Russian” government now, and the old “Soviet Union” as far as cold war politics is concerned?  How can we now say that “The cold war is over?”   What exalted power decreed that it was OK for Assad to slaughter as many innocents in the Mideast as he can and we won’t do a blessed thing about it/.  Then it was the Mexican lady for the fifth day in a row.  Seldom if ever can I remember a week when KTLK had the same nine o clock host all five days consider the “deep bench” of hosts they have.   This lady was into trivia topics such as how men and women “fight” or verbally joust - - differently.  And there was talk about the Washington Redskins changing their name to something “not racist”.  They are trying to tell us that now in the 21st century that “Redskin” is a commonly used term for the American Indian.   Bill Handel was talking about “nine year olds having sex” because of that new “app” that will inform your friends that you are STD free.  You don’t have a sexually transmitted disease.  It’s kind of strange for Bill to go “What, sex?  Why would anybody want to have sex?”  As though Bill Handel had never engaged in sex before he met Margerie.  He himself openly admits besides having his nasal passages eaten out by cocaine that Bill “shtooped his brains out when he was younger”.   Rush Limbaugh wasn’t on - - and I’m not going to listen to a substitute reading a script, or else I might have listened to that.

This is seven and Jeopardy is just coming on.  I fell asleep during the ABC network news despite just having had a big cup of French vanilla coffee.  Marsha knocked on the door about three thirty to claim her two dollars and I gave the two dollars to her.  Janet offered us some coated cake kind of like cheese cake but not.  She opened up a new box just for me.  Donnie had sugar cookies for us and Bill gave his two to me so that I had four.  There is a rash of new tornados in Oklahoma on the south side, right where the bad tornado last week struck.  ABC had on the spot live west coast coverage.  It’s gotta be hell for those people all over again.

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