Monday, June 03, 2013

US Supreme Court Mandates DNA Testing

Got a lot of Work to Do
Trying to Get a Message Through

-George Harrison

The US Supreme Court today in a 5 to 4 decision mandated DNA testing for major crimes throughout the country.  A lot of people like David Cruise claim to be surprised by this decision but I’m not.  It’s a requirement whose time has come and it will clear up a lot of confusion.  As to the breakdown of the Justices’ votes- - the three women on the High Court voted against the majority- - along with Judge Antenon Scelia, however you spell it.  David Cruise is worried if you get picked up on a drug charge or something- - they’ll also nab you for that rape you committed last week.  That’s what law enforcement likes to do.  Once they have a suspect in custody they see what other crimes they can hold him on.  It’s like every time you watch Cops and they make a routine traffic stop for a burnt out tail light, you know they are going to get the occupants of the car for drugs and weapons.  For some reason known only to the producers of the show- - stops are never innocuous- - and nobody is ever innocent.  Of course the DNA is essential for testing both old rape cases and old murder cases where the prisoner may well be on death row.  I really don’t see who could possibly be against this.

All the bands at Woodstock played

Smoking grass and getting laid

All the hippies had it made

Those were the days

And you know who you were then

Democrats were Real Men

Mister, we could use a man like George Mc Govern Again

Didn't need no Health Care state

We weren't plagued with all that weight

Gee our Pontiac Grand Prix ran great

Those were the days
The Boston Bruins defeated the Pittsburgh Penguins 3 to nothing in game one of the Eastern Conference championship series.  I only mention this because there has been a news black out for weeks around here of any news involving the Eastern Conference of the NHL.  It’d almost be easy to think there WAS no Eastern Conference.  I watched the video game summary.

They say that tomorrow President Obama will be announcing the appointment of three Justices to some Washington DC appellate court.  But the tea party folks in congress want to just abolish these three judicial positions so they don’t have to fill them, and vow to stonewall the vote.  Apparently Governor Christie will be appointing a republican to replace a democrat as US senator from New Jersey.  Of course when George Bush was in power they were always threatening to use the “Nuclear option” but we haven’t heard about that at all lately.   There is some trial starting today involving the Wikki leaks leaker- - from three years ago.  Well it takes courage to leak anything that high up; I’ll say that.  Apparently a bunch of civilians in Afghanistan were slaughtered in a cold blooded manner and Wikkileaks reported it.  Mario points out that liberal KTLK radio has routinely and repeatedly lied to us about the nature of a 501C4 category.  This category as opposed to a 501-C3, is a category expressly FOR political groups.  Obviously the tea party has always worked off this assumption, but people from Randy Rhodes to Stephanie Miller to whoever- - said that the 501C4 category banned politics.

According to Mario today is the seventieth anniversary of the Zoot Suit riots in Los Angeles.  This would be in 1942 when one wonders why a young male of fighting age wouldn’t already be drafted.  The times in Los Angeles then were highly racist- - I’d say just about as bad as the deep south.  The police, the newspapers, and the public were all steeped in racism.  It seems that the Latino race was deemed as “dangers” because they “listened to Jazz” and went to Black jazz clubs.  Someone pointed out that the group “War” is kind of a fusion of Black and Latino.  Anyhow they were mentioned as speaking “Spanglish” and also a variety of “Spanish Gypsey”, which Mario never heard of.  These Zoot Suit people were regarded as being infiltrated by Communists and also genetically related to the dreaded Japanese people.  Of course Pat Buchannon reminds us that Latinos aren't "Real Catholics".  I guess that must be from an Anthropology book from Bob Jones University.  All of this is laughable now but it wasn’t funny if you were a victim of law enforcement falsely convicted of a Crime.  News coverage was not only false in so many ways in 1942 but when the Daily News represed the story today it stated "Perhaps the terms used for the Zoot Suit rioters weren't politiclly correct by today's standards".  This remark is euphanistic to the point of delusion.

Now the attorney in the George Zimmerman case has a video out perporting to demonstrate that “friends of Trayvon Martin beat up a homeless man, so this proved the are all violent”.  Of course it turned out to be just a phone video of one stranger beating up another.  Of course David Cruise points out the mystery of “Just what was George Zimmerman doing just hanging out in the rain.  We know Trayvon was on his way back as fast as he can from the 7 – 11 store with his Skittles and iced tea.  I sometimes point the finger at “God” if you will and say that such and such event would never have even come up in my life had not some Higher Power “set me up” as it were to begin with.  As has been pointed out a lot lately, a police department will often expend a great amount of energy surveiling one race just “looking for somebody to do something wrong” so they can swoop in.  And of course they give their own race a pass holding them blameless.   Of course on that soap opera today Samantha Brady rightly wanted to know why the Salem Police Dept freed a violent thug who kills just for the hell of it devoid of all morals or restraint.  In that case there was enough blame to go around for a whole lot of people.

Some possibly mental ill woman in her mid forties set eight fires in San Barnadino, which luckily didn't get very big.  They were set in vacant lots, vacant houses, trailer courts, what have you?  The woman is now charged with eight felonies.  Of course we have some strange names for our fires.  We've had things like the Mission fire- - but then we had one called the "Old Fire".  Tell me what an "olld fire' looks like.  Now we have one called the "Powerhouse Fire" that has nothing to do with Utilities.  They say that after four days they have finally gotten the upper hand on the Powerhouse fire.

I’d like to talk just briefly about what I would do if asked to be an advocate against the proposition of the Existance of God in any Debate.  I could do that.  I would make my most powerful line, like a defense attorney would that I don’t have to PROVE anything.  Like a defendant all I need to say is “I didn’t do it” and “I wasn’t anywhere around there when the crime was committed”.  It’s not incumbent on me to write a blue book essay on fifty reasons why I shouldn’t be convicted of this crime.  Some would say “Well you are only arguing the atheist position because you’re bitter tword God and hold a bias against God”.   But here again, I can’t be held guilty of holding a gruge against something I don’t believe exists.  But I will say that you do have the right to look at the actions of Christians to see whether they live up to what they claim Christianity does for them in terms of refining their moral character.  And if they are personally shallow and jerks, I have the right to mention this.  If they then say “Many good scientists believe that some outside force created life as we know it” my argument will be simple.  I don't know everything, and I'm not under the slightest obligation to scientifically demonstrate NOW creation as we know it Got here.  I'm certainly not against deriving pleasure from the Beauty of Nature.  I would say that science is learning more and more about how the Evolution process works.  But I'm not just going to fill in any gaps in what I Don't know or fully understand and say "God did it".  Less would I say "God did it BECAUSE God loves mankind and has a wonderful plan for our lives"   I could sit here and argue that Chuck Smith's math probability calculacations on many things are severly flawed and I doubt any mathemetician would dispute me on that.  We aren’t arguing the existence of “some outside force” but the God of the Bible as you people say you Believe it.   That’s my problem with you in that you justify your extreme right Politics because you say such a political stance pleases your God.  If the other side comes back and says to me, “Well you are just an Ungrateful Person.  I bet God has helped you out in ways you can’t even imagine or didn’t know that He did for you.  HOW DARE YOU - - say that you don’t OWE him big?”  My first response to this is “Why are YOU getting so mad- - it’s not as if YOU were God”.  I would further say that if some Force of a supernatural nature intervened on my behalf- - I would Owe that Force.  But I would owe that Force- - even if that Force turned out not to be God.  And I would point out “If a Force WAS protecting me then that Force knows- - that I NEED that protection and WHY I need it- - - and that You people are a big part of my problem”.   At this remark some bell would probably ring and I’d have to shut up.  

If anybody doubts me that Christians used to believe in a crucified, bloodied Christ, but not a Risen Christ they need only read the Justin Martyr "Apology I" where the words "tomb" or "Peter" "James" "John" or "Jesus rose" or "stone" in connection to any tomb- - do not Appear.  Nowhere in the Apology does it in any connect the word Resurrection with anything Jesus Did.  I kid you not.  The only proof of immortality was that others believed in it, and there were a lot of necromancers and demonic activity around.  None of the resurrection stories seem to be known of by Justin Martyr despite his extensive knowledge of other things that Jesus said.  Also the words "three days' and "third day" don't appear.  But in exhaustive word searching I finally came up with this brief text near the end - - -  But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, having wrought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Saviour on the same day rose from the dead. For He was crucified on the day before that of Saturn (Saturday); and on the day after that of Saturn, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to His apostles and disciples, He taught them these things, which we have submitted to you also for your consideration.

- - - Just Venting A Few Frustrations

Today you're getting the whole enchalada

This is Monday June 3, 2013 and I did not type yesterday.  It’s Billy Joe day, and the anniversary of a slightly dubious day in 1982.  Bill told me that that “Plum” Oriental guy that sits at my table- died this morning.  John and Paul both told me that he died, but Larry Cramer said it was only a roomer and he’s just in the hospital.  I sure hope so.  Last night he was fine and he ate his dinner.  Last night we had roast beef - - and this other little piggy had none - - never mind.  We had applesauce for desert.  We had the usual mashed potatoes and gravy and mixed vegetables with that.  I have a few notes scrawled on the back of a laundry list.  Actually it’s a grocery list- - four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a Partrage in a pear tree.   Donnie had medication - - and I had to fix myself another cup of coffee to get the tuna breath out of my mouth.  It was the ABC network news and later “On the Red Carpet”.   I had AFV on for just a bit but switched to Sixty Minutes where reporter Bill Ward and his camera crew the Dominos were in charge - - - wait a minute.  No- - it was the Six Million Dollar man come to life.  Now we have the technology.  They actually perform brain surgery where they take a prosthetic (robotic) arm and hand- - and wire it directly into the brain motor cortex, and you can literally will the arm and hand to function just by your thoughts.  Now there’s a fantasy come to life.  You see I’ve be worried about maybe it had super human strength.  They say you can actually lift weights with this thing.  It seems you’d go to shake someone’s hand and crush their hand.  Or maybe you’d catch yourself making some dumb mistake- - and in reflex slap your forehead but it would be heavy iron and you’d knock yourself out and wake with a splitting headache.    Apparently (from what they were saying) amputations are simpler because they don’t have to do the brain surgery but have merely to hook up with the nerves with the brain impulses going to the phantom limbs with brain signals still intact.  But now they are working on feeding impulses from said hand back to the brain thus restoring the sense of touch.   Some of the videos on AFV are tricky.  For instance the one with the cat doing the jump.  It’s actually a longer jump than we were led to believe because of the camera angle, so the cat fell short.  Then there is that substitute teacher from hell that Lisa Simpson had to contend with. I’ve seen that episode before and it was too depressing to watch.  I know how Lisa feels.  Who would believe the teacher didn’t like her because she had her pegged as a “pretty party girl”.  Then it was Bob’s Burgers- - where I guess that little kid with the rabbit ears is actually a girl named Louise.   It’s the episode with them crawling around a sewer or something.  Then it was “Family Guy”.   It turns out I smoked seven cigarettes since dinner which flabberghasted me.  I guess I must have been bored or restless.

I had more strange dreams last night as I did the night before.  There are so many dreams where I’m with some group traveling around from social gathering to social gathering- - but decide to leave and try and take the bus home or something.  Or else I’ve got some kind of problem - - and my Black councilman agreed he’d take up my problem and discuss it in a press conference.  But he didn’t have the time for that so I wrote him, “At least discuss that one topic YOU wanted to talk about - - do Something”, but he didn’t want to do that either.   I got up at twenty to six and had loose bowels.  I have no idea what causes that.  I see no diet trend at all.    Stephanie Miller was on.   Certain words don’t fly well in Romulan.  The word “Stephan” means “cripple’ in Romulan.  And oddly it’s a word without a verb derivative- - kind of like the word “buggar” is in England.  In both cases it’s a derisive word that isn’t used in polite conversation.    Of course other names of interest like Geraldo Rivera.   The word “rivera” means “to settle” and the word “Riviera” means “settlement”.   And then we have viragosa.   The word “Vira” means “to break forth” literally like the hatching of an egg.  It also means to bloom like a flower, and it’s also used in reference to ariel fireworks bursting.  The word “goso” with an “o” means “Conceit” or “full of himself” or “puffed up”.    We continue.  I was thinking about that Antonius Pious fellow.    Christian writings allude to “Christians in Ceasar’s household”.  Actually - - since this guy had no official biography- - I think they just exhumed the grave of Tony Di Mira and Neil Savedra used him as a sock puppet.  And we all know- - that God is the ultimate sock puppet- - and when you take your hand out of his ass he reverts to just a lifeless piece of cloth.   I wish someone would pull the hospital room plug on the tea party.  Because basically they’re surviving on fumes as it is.  Their fuel tank is empty.   Apparently I’ve having lapses of memory.  I watched Meet the Press yesterday morning but I don’t remember any woman on that show who said “You know- - we women actually LIKE it when we get paid only 78% the salary of a Man for the Same Work”.   And this led to talk of fifties commercial.  I think it was Chesterfield that advertized that it’s the brand endorsed by doctors.  And now I hear doctors used to encourage pregment woman to smoke “to relax them”.  Uh huh.    You know there is some internet site I used to go to that referred to me as “Chesterfield2”.   I don’t remember ever giving myself that Handle but maybe it was when John Lennon was possessing my body.   Stephanie says that medical costs are dropping in the blue states like California but “she feels sorry for people in the Red states, where medical costs are continuing to rise”.  OK.   We are still one of the countries where both infant and maternal mortality is on the rise.  Is it now?   It seems that 49 other countries in the word have better figures than ours.    The controversy has arisen again - - about Mitch Mc Conell’s possibly not running because he has sunk so badly in the polls.  Mc Conell is still upset because someone bugged him with a cell phone recording him as outlining the smear campaign against Ashley Judd saying that he planned to exploit the fact that she has a history of bi polar disorder.  But I heard the woman who is replacing Ashley in the campaign- - is running ahead of Mitch Mc Conell in the polls.

Anyhow that Plum guy was not at breakfast.  Brenda misses him because she liked him for some reason- paying special attention to him.   He would be at least the third guy to have died at that table of four.  John Darling, the Black guy died.  And of course Rose died just before I transferred over to that table.  Of course Manfred left, and the buzz on him is that he’s happier than he’s been in a while because his health is improving.  We had corn flakes and then a fried egg and toast and butter and jelly.  This is page five and I have a lot of typing to do.   It would sure be nice if the tea party would just “go away”.  But it’s going to hang on desperately cursing President Obama with its dying breath.   Racism is what drives the whole reactionary syndrome right now.

Saturday evening we covered the early part of.  It was the ABC game shows and then I switched to a CBS drama when Bill was out of the room.  I got hungry and went out for an eight pack of chocolate iced donuts and smokes at the liquor store just before nine.  I checked FOX at nine but “Fringe” or any other decent show wasn’t on.  I had a bunch of confused dreams.  I think someone was stealing my stuff or moving it around or something.  There was one tall dishwater blond Pete Richard had been interested in- - but when Pete wasn’t around I made a play for her and she liked me- - and we were playfully grabbing at each other and wrestling around and laughing.  The question is why when I dream about either of my brothers they are never married to their current wives.  But there was a scene in the [classified into] house where there was this imaginary person I kept talking to or telling others about called “Fugenpox”.    It’s not bad enough the imaginary people already in my repituire I have to invent more.   Being in this house means I had to be at least seven or so.  It’s not like that time when I was four- - I remember I was in my bed and looking at this strange flashing lightning on the wall- - and there was this spirit being called Dax I was a little afraid of.  And I told my parents about it- - and they only said “Dax?  Dax isn’t any kind of a name”.    OK.  Only on Deep Space Nine.

John Powel just reminded me we had French toast yesterday.  I hadn’t remembered till he volunteered the information, as if reading my mental mind quary.  We had oatmeal and Delores gave me a second whole bowl.  Then it was Meet the Press- - which I don’t remember being consequential.  Breakfast with the Beatles did the Sgt Pepper album in mono.   Most mono tracks I remember from the radio - - - but they dinked around with tracks 7 in 8 in unorthodox ways.   Mono “Fixing a Hole” was always better because the guitar part is louder on the mono- - and in the Stereo version the song sounds “shushy” because the cymbals are too loud.  It was the “Brian Wilson” version of She’s Leaving Home.  And just for the record for the millionth time- - the album actually came out on May 29th 1967.   Brian Ray - - Mc Cartney’s latest guitarist was on - - and he’s got his own rock group that actually puts out good stuff.  They’ve got a good sound.  Then it was John Dunsemor or the Doors.  He has a book out “Doors Unhinged”.  Thumbs down on the title.    He’s absolutely right about Jim Morrison.  To a much greater degree than with myself- - Jim Morrison was a guy who liked to be “in a group - - but not OF it” but was in an information gathering mode later to incorporate in his own ways.  As to that quote from the Tibetan Book of the Dead- - about “The dead cannot find happiness and peace without us sending them good thoughts” - - I had never had that before, and it doesn’t fit in with Federation “theology” but it does comport well with Mahayana Bhuddism, which I have studied.   Just for the record “Another Girl” is Jim Morrison’s all time favorite Beatle piece.  I have not heard from Jim Morrison in quite some time.

The Chicago Blackhawks are up two games to zip over the Kings.  We just had cold cuts for lunch.  I had Leo Le Port on.  I was talking with James Fisher in the morning and we were both trying to remember the full cast of the movie “Easy Rider”.   Yes and I did write Dr. Levy two letters.  Allan says Marie is riding her motorcycle for the first time in almost eight years since her accident.  I had no idea she hadn’t attempted to ride a bike till now.  She’s always seemed fine to me.   I watched “Face the Nation” on computer, at least the majority of it.  And I also caught a pretty sizable chuck of the Detroit Grand Prix.  That supply of instant “espresso” is going down fast.   I think we’re done here.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Never Learn Not To Reason for Yourself

The United States ranks seventeenth in Science among the world's developed nations, and eighteenth if you can't China, which comes in first in both Science and Math.  But people say, "That doesn't count because the Chinese do everything by rote".  We have sunk to 26th in Math skills and only 16% of today's High School student care to pursue a higher education in any of the STEM courses, which is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.   But of course the Mc Laughlin group is never going to say the President is correct in wanting to spend money on making sure our young people are properly schooled in these courses.  Pat claims that "In Washington DC we spend more money per student than anybody else and our students do horribly on achievement tests".  Pat says "It's all a race thing anyhow.  We have these "feeder nations" such as Mexico bringing down our score and the Whites as a group score significantly higher."  I kept waiting for Pat Buchannon to laps into his native German.  He and others say "We are doing poorly now, but it's only going to get worse".   Perhaps the worst thing about the Tea Party, and you also see it in people like Judy, is their extreme negativity, bordering on the pathological need to see America fail if Obama is President of it.

The Suicide rate on troops in Afghanistan are stunning.  We have lost more troopers from Suicide in the past year in Afghanistan than we have from enemy fire.  And in the course of the war in Afghanistan we have lost 2,862 men and women to Suicide.  This is positively scandelous, and they really ought to have better psychiatric diagnosis in the military to head this sort of thing off before it goes that far.  I think we should withdraw all of our troops in Afghanistan right now.  I see no earthly purpose for remaining there one more day.  Our mission there is over.  Pat Buchannon agrees with me that our country never should have gone to war with Afghanistan or Iraq to begin with.  I also agree with Pat that we don't want to turn America into another London with a million cameras and spending 200 million pounds of tax payers money to do it.  That's an obscene expense, in any denomination.   Pat also thinks we ought to ignore Syria also, and on that issue we part company.  Pat believes "Syria will probably be destroyed as a nation before all of this is over".   My point- - and maybe I state the obvious too much - - is that if we didn't squander our military manpower on two pointless Wars - - then when the time came where we really DID need our military to defend a vital issue- - they would be fresh and primed and ready to go.

If one but opens his eyes - he sees the utter absurdity of "The Christian proposition" at virtually every turn of the page.  What people have to do is to "Unlearn" this habit of NOT asking the obvious questions that naturally occur to you.  It's like if you're George Bernes in the shower with John Denver you're thinking "All sorts of questions are popping into this man's brain right now.  Maybe if I just sit tight and don't say anything - - eventually I can change the topic to something else".    (Selah)  I read up on Antonius Pious.  He was Roman Emperor from 138 AD to 161 or so.  He is unique in that there is no official history or biography of his life.  What we know from him seems to be obtained from “public records”.   He is one Emperor who actually “sheltered’ the Christians, and also in general worked for rights of the accused against torture and other things.  But he’s almost singularly different in that he fought no military campaigns during his tenure in office.  He was content to rest on Hadrian’s laurals.  They say he was enamored of a certain Rabi known as Juda the Prince, which I find - "interesting".  I then reviewed Hadrian a little.  He passed a law forbidding Jews to circumcise their young- - and of course built a Roman shrine over the old Jewish temple.  As you know that Jewish Messiah Bar Kopplah or whatever- - achieved brief Independance in a respite in the fighting and even minted their own Jewish coins.  How interesting then that among the sayings of Christ Justin quotes is the one about 'Show me the coin in which the tax is paid" and it's Ceasar's image.  Justin, contrary to Ghandi taught 'Civil Obediance" (Selah)  

Then we come to Ireneus.  This guy is strange.  He never married, and seems to have no childhood, and nothing is known what education he received.  He taught that Adam kept Eve a virgin while in the Garden.  in the same way that the mother of Christ was kept a virgin by Joseph.  So in Ireneus’ view – sexual intercourse was the Original Sin.  Irenius also says that Christ was around 45 at the time of his death and that Pontious Pilate knew and consulted with each other about Jesus’ crucifixion.   This means that Pilate wasn’t dethroned in 36 as history teaches but sometime after AD 41 or so.   Irenius also taught that the Apostle John “and other apostles” lived into the time of Emperor Trajan, early in the 2nd century.  It seems most likely that Ireneus never heard of the Biblical books of Hebrews, 2nd Peter, Jude, 3rd John, or James.   This makes the heavy weight books Hebrews and James third century documents.  They are as it were “commentary” on an earlier century.  Iranius’ didn’t leave that many books, but “Against Hericies” was his major literary contribution.  But the Dead Sea Scrols reveal that Irene often distorted what various Gnostic sects believed befause his goal was to discredit them and not to “describe’ them.  The Valentinians (?) were the greatest threat, and hat the eight fold list of 'venerable attributes" and four were of Heaven and four were of the Earth, and they also venerated the number "30", which I have pointed out using geometric logic that if you do a "3D" cross- - you can count thirty wood surfaces.  As you know this sect also believes that "6" was a Satanic Greek letter and "not normally used", which is why Aries Mu in our ETI stuff- - is reckoned as the 13th brightest star in Aries, and not the 12th as most Greek schollars say it is.  The "59th St. Gang" is from a star around the Aries constelation, though I'm not sure what 'stars" Aries emcompasses since though the Star was highlighted on what I saw, there were no connecting constelation lines drawn.  Ireneus seems to have died of a heart attack around 202.   Ireneus was the first Church Father to attribute the Gospel of John to the Apostle John, and the first to use the term of “Catholic”.   It seems as if the Hugonauts destroyed his buriel site in the fifteen hundreds.

President Obama and the Democrats in the Senate need to be alltogether more proactive and assertive as to their program for America.  Perhaps there will come a tripping point where Americans come to realize "the federal deficet has almost been cut in half, so maybe we can renew the Eisenhower dream of revitalizing America's infrastructure.  As to Chris Matthews there were a lot of similarities in raised topics between Thursday’s and Friday’s program.  In both he talks about how Am-Trak is like living in the old west on a jingly train where you get jostled that limps along at fifty mph, when - - when I was a kid trains regularly traveled between 80 and 90 miles per hour.   Chris Matthews says our country has become amazingly backward.  “In France they have trains that take you 350 miles per hour and you feel like you’re standing still.  They have the Chunnel, where you can get to England in 23 minutes.  In Germany they have a brand new subway.  And Kennedy Airport is no match for the new Johanasberg Airport.  Why is Europe so far ahead of us in all these things?” despite their economy as of late?   Mitt Romney is trying to get back into the public mainstream and wants to “contribute to the political discourse” or whatever.  Anne Romney was shooting her mouth off about the President the other day.  To me this behavior from both of them is just “nuts”.   Now some say that Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin, would make a suitable candidate for President by the Republicans in 2016.  Walker has so many enemies he wouldn’t last one month.  But Chris Matthews  wants to know why this Administration doesn’t have a visionary infra-structure jobs bill complete with shiny , glittery goals that would appeal to many.  This is Saturday June first and I’m not going to depress or bore either you or me by recapitulating the events of twelve years ago yesterday and today.  This afternoon I was preparing today’s earlier blog posting, and another is in sight.  I went down for coffee in the courtyard just after two and got two cups from Laura.  Also we received an English muffin with strawberry jam already on it.  I saw the four birds in the cage.  It got no where near the ninety degrees they had been predicting.  It was pleasant up on the patio around one or so.  Janet mentioned she had cheese cake and I talked with Joe and John and others for a while then went twords her room.  She saw me and invited me in for a slice I took on a plate back to my room.  I had the Chris Matthews show on from about a quarter to three on for the next hour.  I watched the first long segment of Thursday’s show as well as all of Friday’s show except for the next to the last segment.

At 9:30 I listened to that Rodiola-Rosatia thing from Purity on KTLK.   This product called “Vital Balance” has the Rotiola and also Allutro, which is Syberian ginseng, and also something called Shezandra.   There is another bottled product they are throwing in with the same offer called Maca, which is an Inca afrodesiac, praised by Spaniard and Native alike.  Then it was Melinda Lee after ten.  Today there was a lot of talk about dips, and also grilling.  At some point I grew drowsy and lethargic.   Just after Levy’s class at 9:15 I talked to Glen and finally baught that jar of Expresso that he’d talked about earlier, and was only charging a dollar fifty for it.  Then I proceded to brew up the last of the French Vanilla.   I guess we’ll call this file twelfth.  And so I did.  Around this date in 2002 I inventoried my VHF video tape collection, and was unable to locate any tape box after January of 1997.  But it’s possible I just didn’t see them.