now have five foot snow banks in upstate New York, and have gotten three feet
of fresh snow in upper New York and in Vermont in the past couple of days. Meanwhile there is major flooding going on in
America’s heartland. Perhaps the worst
flood crisis we had was in July of 1993, which was like a hundred year
flood. But now we have all sorts of
what used to be regarded as “hundred year weather events” every few years. Hurricane season starts in a few days and
they say it’s going to be a bad one.
Right now more violent tornadoes are predicted for northern Kansas and
in Nebraska. And there is a whole
violent weather system stretching from this area into about Ohio. So I was curious when they said they had
Steve Milloy the author of the “junk science” website, invited to speak at some
luncheon, on C-Span. This guy was
positive that global warming was a hoax and that the whole idea that earth is
an ego system that has to stay in balance lest it be polluted, this Steve
Milloy regards as a gigantic hoax, and thinks the whole “sustainability
argument” as he calls it, is just another political ploy. Of course like Rush Limbaugh he says “Basically
Americans are divided into two distinctive classes- - there are liberals and
conservatives, and that’s about it”. He
says that “High school students know nothing about environmentalism, and when
they graduate college they STILL know nothing, but now have become political
pawns and tools of the left. I’m
listening to all of this and curious how he is going to “make a fool of the
ecology movement” and put us all to shame bowling us over with charts and
figures. Well, this guy had none, and I
mean absolutely none. His whole speech
was nothing but blather and bluster. He
attacked that Population Bomb author Paul Erilck, whose 1968 book prognosis
failed to come to past. OK I’ll grant
you that Paul Erlick knows nothing about the economy, as least when it come to
metal price speculation. But this and
every other so called “example” he had was tangential and anecdotal. He failed to point to any real credentials
that he had to speak on ecology- - - and admits arriving at the party
late. His background was in business as
a Wall Street broker or something. He
has kind of a Mitt Romney background serving on a lot of right wing committees and
pitching his “reports’ to the government, and when they reject his reports he
cries “political agenda” or something.
He spoke at length of some land in Patagonia in Argentina about using
forest land for harvesting. But then his
pet organization fell on hard times and Goldman Sachs acquired the land. And they handed it over to an ecology group-
- and Steve regards this as “mal feasence’ or something. He said that Silent Spring by Rachael Carson
was a complete lie, and nothing in the book came to pass. He said that eliminating DDT is responsible for
the deaths of millions of Africans. He
said that the bald Eagle wasn’t threatened by industrial pollutants but as far
back as 1916 was almost extinct through over hunting. And he also said that due to wonderful
breakthroughs like hydrolic fracturing- - we have so much oil and gas now that
- - - we now export it. He never quite
got around to explaining why gasoline wasn’t yet back down to $1.50. At one point he said “I’m not going to go
into any details on global warming”. Of
course he mocked the idea of the 350 line for parts per million for CO2 or
something. Now we have passed the four
hundred PPM mark, when the absolute maximum the planet can sustain is 350
ppm. Of course he from there went on to
say that basically conservatives were the producers and the liberals were the
takers in America, and did a lot of Al Gore bashing. The only vaguely redeeming thing is that he
isn’t a “ranter” like a Mitch Mc Conell or Rick Santorum, or Rush Limbaugh, or
Glen Beck.
sent me three letters, one was on this James Rosen reporter from FOX news,
which actually pre-dates the AP affair.
I didn’t know that. Karl Rove is
defending the news profession, and rightly so.
And I think he’s right that the liberal news media such as Bob Sheefer
is slowly but surely turning against the Obama administration. The theory now is that "each successive administration learns better how to keep things secretive than the previous administration did. Bob Sheefer is now saying that any guest sent by the White House is a nearly useless source of any real informative news. The whole Ambassador Rice thing is only one of many, many examples. Each successive administration takes increased delight in keeping the press in the dark as to what it is really doing. Here's more material. he
New Yorker reported this week that Justice seized the telephone records of five
Fox News reporters and several White House staffers in connection with the 2009
probe into a former State Department contractor who is accused of leaking
classified information to Rosen. The disclosure
came in a document filed in the case of the former contractor, Stephen Jin-Woo
Kim, on Oct. 13, 2011, The New Yorker reports.
"I'm sympathetic to wanting to discover the leak of confidential or
classified government information," Rove tells Newsmax, "but it's just
really extraordinary and it was deliberate.
"They said, 'We want to make an example of a reporter — and it just
really makes us happy that it's a Fox News reporter.'" Rove says that it is just as "extraordinary"
that Justice also recently seized two months of telephone records from editors
and reporters of The Associated Press. "There are very firm Justice Department guidelines that say that this can
done only in the most extreme of circumstances — and then only with the
approval of the attorney general."
One thing that struck me funny about Obama's national terror preparedness address of last week is that he got through the whole thing without mentioning certain obvious hot spots such as Libya, Syria, Lebanon, or Iran. I take this is some kind of "signal" we aren't supposed to be bothered by these things- - and that if the Syrian situation turns bloodier, we are going to go right on ignoring it, just as we have ignored it for the past year, all the while having our hopes bolstered the administration would indeed "do something if things got bad enough". Well, the Jews thought the same thing about "God" during the build-up to World War II and we know how that turned out. Pressure on the White House to arm Syrian rebel groups is intensifying after
a surprise visit by hawkish US senator John McCain and fresh
reports of chemical weapons attacks.
The Republican war veteran met rebel leaders inside Syria to discuss their calls for
heavy weapons and a no-fly zone to help them topple President Bashar al-Assad
and bring the bitter civil war to a conclusion.
McCain's office confirmed to the Guardian that he had slipped into the
country in recent days but declined to comment on the outcome of his talks with
the rebel groups or whether it had hardened his views on arming them. The Arizona senator has been leading efforts
in Congress in recent weeks to force Barack Obama to intervene in Syria following
reports of alleged chemical weapons use by forces loyal to Assad. As the most senior US politician to have
visited Syria, his intervention is likely to strengthen the hand of hawks in
Washington at a time when parallel
efforts are being made by the French and British governments to persuade
the European Union to lift the arms embargo.
I had the Bill Handel
stand-ins on, and then it was a pretty good chunk of a rerun Rush Limbaugh I’d
never heard, where he says that FOX news is the number one cable station even
with only 2.7 viewers. This means the advertising
cable dollar is sliced pretty fine. Rush
Limbaugh says the reason why advertisers stay with liberal shows and shun
conservative shows like his is because “These advertisers are all run by
feminists”. He accused the President and
Democrats in general of doing and saying things I didn’t know what he was
talking about. And Rush provided no
examples. He said that “They always tell
lies about me and mis-characterize the nature of this show”. I’d like to know how his show is
‘”mis-characterized” since the evidence is there every day for us to see. Today
is Monday May 27, 2013 and being a holiday which was already celebrated yesterday,
that leaves today as kind of a void. We
didn’t have a barbecue or any kind of “party” or special presentation at
all. Pete Spiegler left this morning and
according to Janet he didn’t say good-bye to Janet, or to Marsha, or even
James, his roommate. But Joe Drisco said
he said good-bye to him last night. Pete
left with me owing him money, which means he’ll probably never collect it. This morning Janet gave me a capichino of
powder in my styrophoam cup, and a guava nectar, and a small V8 to drink. Stephanie Miller was in reruns on the day in
March when the new Pope was about to be selected.
On KNBC they had the
Grand Prix at Monaco, which could have been run “earlier today” since Europe
runs nine hours ahead of us. It looked
like a smaller, tighter course than most and the announcer had a British
accent. So neither Meet the Press nor
“This Week” were on. So I decided to go
with the UPN or as I called it the Unreservedly Paranoid Network. Lindsey Graham was misconstrewing the President’s
remarks on security the other day claiming the he’s said “The war on terrorism
is over” and Lindsey was quick to inform us that the danger was as great as
ever. Which is strange because the
President didn’t talk about either Libya, Syria, or Iran in his speech- -
almost as if those hot spots were unimportant.
Dick Derbin of Illinois was there also - - who tried to defend what the
President did or didn’t do with the IRS.
Of course Lindsey Graham was “sure” that this “climate of hostility
toward tea party groups” was directed from the President on down. And everybody seemed concerned about treading
on the rights of reporters, and in this case a FOX reporter ran afoul of the
administration. To me it seems the
president isn’t a little “tone deaf” if he doesn’t realize that Eric Holder has
got to resign. Now they were all making
light of the idea that Eric Holder was launching an “investigation of himself”,
as if that would be objective.
We finally know the cosmic origins of "Yes". It's been tagged as "The 59th Street Gang" and the home planet is somewhere near the Federation though not IN it. Other affiliated groups are the Youngbloods, Thunderclap Newman, Judy Collins, Simon and Garfunkle, and another unidentified female folk singer from early 1966. Concerning that mystery group from "Merin County" that Joni Mitchell - - the Carpenters and other odd-balls were associated with, we left off a name, Melanie, and I knew who she was but forgot to mention her. My oversight. Anyhow they are from somewhere in the constellation of Capricorn. I noted in reviewing my blogger numbers that "The Prime Directive" got a spike a few days ago. That post is over seven years old, but it must have recently spiked someone's interest.
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