Saturday, June 16, 2012

What "Rationalization" Really Is

First I'd like to refer to the Response to the President's Weekly Address on KNX 1070.  It was the devil himself, Scott Walker who spoke.  The message was brief talking about how all the signers of the Declaration of Indeendance pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to enact the document and in this I agree.  You will remember that it was England who was "big international business" back them with the British tea company and all.  It's been pointed out that the middle sized business men here be it the Insurance business or whatever was small potatoes compared to the Landed Gentry of the Empire, with generations of inhereted wealth, and we didn't want to duplicate the same thing here.  Scott Walker claims that his predecessor ran up a big deficet as Governor of Wisconson but he was the big hero entirely wiping out that deficet and now they have a budget surplus and also that the Unemployment figure of the State fell in the last year and a half from just over 9% to just over 7%.  Unfortunately those on the left strongly dispute these figures on both counts.  They say both figures are bogus.  They say that the deficet is as bad now in the state as it ever was if not worse, and Walker's biging tax breaks to big corporations and such actually made the deficets worse creating the need for all these draconian budget cuts and union busting activity, and that even today the state hasn't created jobs and they still have a budget problem.  They say you're entitled to your own oppinion but not your own Facts.  I don't know who is right here any more than I know who is right on the whole gay parents and kids issue.  It's strictly a matter at this point of "He said - She said".

In the Jerry Sandusky sexual molestation trial, now the prosecution has rested and they are taking a three day weekend.  Of course the House of Representatives is taking a two week recess in the light of all sorts of unfinished business so I guess "Taking Care of Business" should be someone's motto.  "Get Your Business Done" was the slogan of a "The Middle" gospell revival program a few weeks ago.  It's a good one.  And nobody likes their Business played around with by even an authority figure- - and that includes psychiatrists who are constantly messing around in people's lives and "business" where they know nothing about it- and any oppinion they render will only cause more Damage.  So it is in the Sandusky trial where the Decence in planning a major hatchet job on those young boys, who are now grown up and can fight for themselves, at last.  The defence is going to put on doctors, psychiatrists saying the boys suffered from "Hysterionics" and that this type of "Hysterionic" personality is one prone to major swings of emotion where they view things radically different day to day, and this type of hysterionic personality "lures older adults through their constant sexual alluring and seduction" and the like.  I don't know, the defense of adultry of "I couldn't help myself- - I was seduced and powerless to resist" won't work there as a divorce defense.  How much less will it work here where you have a grown man claiming to be "seduced" by teenage boys.  It's an insult to the human race to even put forth such an obscenity of a proposition, yet there is no depth to which this Defense apparently will not stoop.  At least as strident as Johnny Cochrin was in OJ's defense, there are certain lines which he would not cross, and these included personal attacks on the Brown and Goldman families, which others to follow weren't so scrupulus about.  This is rationalization carried to a truely sicko dimension.

As you may or may not know today is Saturday June 16th. and it's the fifth anniversary of my prediction of "The end of the world" forty one years ago in June 16th, 2007.  On this date as you know was I believe the very last time all five members or the nuclear family- - - and actually without the in-law wives, were all together in my parent's house in Laguna Hills back when my Dad was living at home after what they had said were "seven emergency trips to the hospital" for digestive and fainting and other crises.  My brother Al for one tried to exhort my Dad to straighten up and fly right and lay off the anti-depressent medication such as prozac, now mixed once again with vodka or something- - because he anticipated 'Having you around for quite a few more years".  That didn't happen.  As with me as you know my Dad built up this WALL that he'd been constructing since at least early 1967 that was "shutting down all emotional involvement" with me.  Perhaps inwardly even more than overtly.  One could rationalize it but the truth of it remains.  In the end "God stepped in and eliminating the conflict" by eliminating my Dad from breathing air on this Planet, which came in late September of 2007.  I guess tomorrow being Fathers Day made me naturally think of this stuff.  But we have other things hard to rationalize away like the rift between me and my Uncle.  In one of our last interactions at Mimi's resturant in November of 2009, I complained about not having any money and my uncle says "Oh that's wonderful not having to worry about Money" missing my whole point.  Being robbed of Money, just as being robbed of a gainful occupation, robs a human being of Dignity.  He just didn't "Get" it.  I first noticed the problem with this Uncle back in late 1987 when my parents still lived in the house I grew up in.  That Bosc roommate had just burned a lot of my books in a bond fire on the patio which set up a rift between me and many Born Again Christians.  Ironically I was actually reading MORE books about Faith and Christianity in 1988, perhaps to "take my own temperature' or try and rationalize my "problem" away.  But I was thinking how a psychologist might say to me "Well, your uncle felt threatened because you know any Christian feels threatened when dealing with weak or oppressed or troubled people.  To protect themselves they put up walls".  But here again whether it's true or not or justified if they do it or not, the point is that a Shrink will always come up with these sort of "rationalizing" explanations to Anything.  When I talked about The Asshole from El Paso - - to Eileen my therapist in the summer of 2000, she kept saying all these things to Defend the reverand, much as Sandusky is being defended.  She'd say things like "Well I'm sure this Pastor cares about you but he's probably trying to protect you from something".  It's a strange line and I never knew what she meant by it.  So often shrinks will come at their job with the meme of "The patient is Always Wrong" and will to go any lengths to defend the Credibility of Anybody the Patient brings up - - except the Patient.  The very idea that the Patient may be the one viewing things Objectively seems utterly behind their power to conceive of.  You know how all these people around here are perpetually out of cigarettes all the time.  It dawned on me one day that they are "Walking advertisements for the notion of Never get in a position like they are- - to be cut off from cigarettes".  Because they only reinforce the idea that going without tobacco somehow de-toxifies your body and eliminates the craving for nicotine.  Their very presence reinforces the notion that "You don't want to be like them" trolling through ash trays searching for a butt with something still on it.  Of course Judy would say in response to this that "Well- - the solution is to get away from the smoking culture entirely because visual cues foster addiction".  People said the SAME thing to me with alcohol and it was kind of wrong then - - too.  Once I got off the physical dependance, I could live next to a liquor store and have money to spend any time on liquor, and NOT be tempted to buy alcohol.  So don't give me this psychological crap- - - it won't wash.

In other news it seems they have just "Given Up" on Syria.  The "Solution" the UN has come up with on Syria is to just pull out all their observers and throw up your hands and call the battle for peace Lost- - and that ends it.  So we said the World would take several weeks to decide to intervene but eventually eventually NATO troops would.  Now a month after I made this statement, it seems I was too optimistic, because NATO apparently doesn't care how many innocent Syrians or other people get butchered by Assad's regeme.  In Egypt they are holding an election between a Mubarek guy and a Moslem Brotherhood guy, with nobody representing the view of the protestors of last year who want freedom.  Given that choice at this point I guess I'd go for the Mubarek guy because at least that's "The Devil We Know".  Clearly the regene in power now is MORE oppressive to the people than Mubarek ever was.  We'll cross our fingers and hope someone decent gets elected in Egypt to at least try and help with mideast stability.  In Greece they are holding another election on the economy or something.  I think they should pull out of the European Economic Community and go it alone.  Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Span or P I G S, all have their problems now that aren't going away.  This whole "austerity" policy doesn't seem to be serving them well.  As some liberal said "No government ever CUT it's way to prosperity".  Also the adage is true that "You have to Spend money to Make money" and Franklin Roosevelt certainly knew this Truth.  I just wish the Tea Party people would learn it today.

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