Here are some debaters
Cliff notes if you will to help the Democrats prepare for what lies ahead. I didn’t steal them from the other side. They are just issues and responses a well
prepared debater should be aware of.
Lets take Bill Clinton’s statement about “Vote for the democrats in 2010
and if you don’t like what we do in two years, you can throw us all out and
vote Republican”. The question was
raised “So it’s two years later so why shouldn’t we take Clinton’s advice and
throw the Democrats out?” Simple. The Democrats were NOT VOTED IN on that
election but the tea party has been running the poop deck for these two years
blocking needed legislation. To say that
“Obama is all talk and no results” another repeated charge. The response here is “There are all sorts of
jobs bills and trade bills that the Republicans won’t even allow to come to the
floor, or if they are they are filibustered and never brought to a vote”. Obama has done everything he can but only
Congress appoints funds. And where the
president CAN take action- - like on the Race and immigrant thing- - Mc Cain
criticizes him for that calling it an “unprecedented grab for presidential
power”. Again this is an untruth. How many out there remember George W Bush for
his famous “signing statements’ where he publicly said he would NOT enforce
certain aspects of laws passed by his own congress. I never knew that Mc Cain – Feingold was
passed on Bush’s watch, but now I know Mitch Mc Conell fought it. I guess it passed over Bush’s veto. And now Romney is playing a different game -
- the old famous “Me too” or “Why was I left out?” game. Now Romney raised this “Temporary fix” line
verses a “real permanent solution” like, they have also used on jobs. You’d never know from this line of Romney
that he ever opposed the Dream Act. And
you have to note his words carefully.
Romney said he wanted a real Solution or “Final Solution” to this immigrant
problem, if you will, like the Pharicees wanted a “More permanent solution to
their problem” with Jesus Christ or Hitler wanted a more permanent problem with
the Jews. Oops! There’s my first Nazi allusion of the
day. To think that Mitt Romney is
sweetness and light on this whole student visa question- - is silly, with or
without Rubio. Of course another thing
Bush talked about was this whole “nuclear option” in congress, for ramming
bills through that body that were being held up. I’ve never heard anyone in the past four
years discuss the ‘Nuclear option”. Then
you have people saying that “With Obama it’s the same old thing relying on
higher taxes and increased beaurocies as a solution to the unemployment
problem, and that’s what you’ll just get four more years of voting for Obama”. The average yahoo hearing that might just be
Forest Gump STUPID enough to fall for that line. There are an awful lot of Simple Minded
voters out there, and I use that term in its offensive context. President Obama hasn’t raised any taxes. And besides wanting more police and
firefighters and school teachers is not what I call “beaurocracy” and in that
the devil, Scott Walker himself, doesn’t regard these workers as “part of the
beaurocracy”. Besides, Ronald Reagan was
the one who started the whole class warfare thing. As Pat Buchannon said last night- - wages
have been stagnant or falling for the middle class ever since late 1973 when
the 1974 “energy crisis” recession started.
So we never really recovered from that.
But it’s been worse the past thirty years. Reagan CUT taxes for the rich but then turned
around and RAISED taxes several times- - for the rest of us. And yet the Reagan myth lives on. I wanted to mention this rant Mc Cain went on
in 2008 about Mitt Romney when he wasn’t afraid to tell the Truth about Romney
in that campaign. The key factor here is
that Romney HAS faced these issues before- - in the person of Mc Cain- - who
spelled it out for the Voters of America.
And here’s the KEY thing Mc Cain left out today. His was a WINNING campaign. It wasn’t “just something I said’. It’s “Something he said’ that the American
people took to Heart and actually Endorsed.
So I think Mc Cain is stuck with- - the fact that he told the Truth
about who Mitt Romney was in 2008 concerning Bain Capital and Massachusetts.
thing that got most notice by me was the line of “Republicans now believe they
can win, but the Democrats believe they can lose”.
I’m going to talk about Meet the Press and what was discussed on today’s show but first my attention was flagged by something Neil Savedra said at the end of his show today. He says “We all know we have to play by the rules but the thing is if nobody else plays by the rules then I don’t see why your daughter should”. I think this remark was made, of all things, about homosexual indoctrination in the school system. I think there are times when you STOP playing by the rules and that is when the GAME has become utterly pointless, and Christianity certainly is such a GAME where few people actually care about playing by the rules. Neil, alias Jesus referred to “portrates of Me in church with my bloody, crucified body” as being traumatic to little kids, but goes on to say “And yet we think it’s traumatic for our young children to be exposed to certain aspects of sexuality”. I believe there are times when we Should stick by “the rules” regardless of whether ANYBODY else is doing them or not. For instance I would not want to be a self obsessed egomaniac like most Christian preachers. I just don’t think I’d ever “get off” on using and manipulating people the way they do because frankly I just have too much respect for the intelligence and dignity of the individual for that. It’s silly for example to adopt a “No tollarence” policy to someone you are Witnessing too about Christ- - as far as what conduct personally you will Allow from them- - - when in the same “set of individuals” are multi millionaires why buy and corrupt elections, and people who have gone through multiple marriages each of questionable circumstances, or people who run big gambling casinos, or whose primary allegence is to another country other than the USA. Dr. Levy says he doesn’t like Donald Trump, but in my book TRUMP is the LEAST offensive one of these big whig right wing rich. Being “Secretive about giving’ is no virtue when you’re a milti-billionaire. People said they liked Sheldon Adelson because he was “unassuming” unlike Trump. To me I’d rather prepare for the tiger in the jungle, rather than the snake in the grass that’s at my feet and I know nothing about but I know he’s going to give me a lethal bite, with no defense on my part.
In other news that mystery space shuttle returned to earth yesterday after a multi-year mission into space doing some kind of secret research. A stage in Torranto collapsed just before Radio Head was scheduled to perform and now the promoters were telling the people the concert is canceled. There was a pilot in a small plane doing accrobatic stunts till he lost control of the plane and crashed, but somehow was able to walk away from the crash. That that Nick Voollenta or whatever famous heir to the circus family making his great grandfather proud, crossed Niagara Falls the other night walking a tight rope. Amazing. He did extensive practicing for the stunt and did wear a safety harnes, which he normally doesn't like doing. It took some time to even secure permission from both governments. They had him miked or whatever and we all agree how how he seemed to be so at peace walking accross commenting like a tour guide or something. Eye Witness News has a revamped application for your I phone you can buy now. I'm kind of assuming you can't get all that stuff for free or they would have made that part clearer. This should be the last posting I do in this blog for a while. I haven't reviewed a lot of my recent postings and I need to do that just to see where I've been, so I'll know better where I want to be going.