As you know the Bhudist says the most important attribute you can have as that you be "Awake". Mal Evans teaches the same thing. Too many Americans still sleep-walk through their day, and I don't entirely blame them. Most people live pretty boring, hum drum lives, and this is the classic way humans have dealt with the "human condition". But when you are drowsy your mind is suggestable and you are more given to misperceiving things, and I site the example of "highway hypnosis". So they join the Tea party. Of course TEA stands for total economic amnesia. Many cultists rely on this "amnesia" of the human perception. You in time forget that you actually had a life, and a relatively happy one, before you joined the cult. Of course the President has many times painted the example of the drunk who almost drives the car off the cliff, and once the Democrats have it almost out of danger, the drunk wants the keys back. Of course you know what the E I B in EIB broadcasters stands for, don't you - Ever
Increasing Bullshit. People who find fault with President Obama are like a captain that rams the ship into an ice berg and then gets mad because the rescue dingies are cold and wet. He's like the drunk, like Ray Maland in "Lost Weekend" when Nat the bartender offers him some of his eggs he gets this look of disgust on his face and waves him away. Then you have people like Bob Dylan. Many have wondered whether I'm a guy who wants you to adopt my belief system, as though I'm peddeling it. Actually I advise anybody out there if you are a member of a Faith or have charished religious beliefs - - NOT to abandon them willy nilly. In so many cases what you adopt in its place may be more destructive than what you gave up. Reverand Westfall tried in 1979 to connect Bob Dylans's abandonment of Judaism with the divorce of Sarah his wife. As you know the Federation elevates both Sarah and Patty Boyd Harrison- - as the "true mate" of their respective husbands. Olivia doesn't get squat. And Dylan took up with this backing singer whom he eventually married, but he took his time about it. And if I were a betting man I'd guess he wasn't chaste untill his wedding day. People like Newt can embrace Christianity with one hand and self indulgent sex with the other. (not that there is anything with self indulgence per se) And so we sleepwalk through our holidays. But if you listen to Thom Hartman you know Columbus Day is Genocide day number one and Thanksgiving is Genocide day number two. If there is nothing uglier than ingratitude, how about displacing the real deserving object of said gratitude and giving it instead to a god you made up, and this same god would later be the impulse in the words of people like Governor Bradford, to wipe out the native peoples in His name. All these banks are like this thirteen year old spoiled nerdy kid who makes all these "demands" on just what his parents "owe him" and often bot bellicose in nature. And Dr. Phil is looking at him going on and on and thinking "Is this kid some kind of a major Fool?" Of course in one of our very earliest postings in the spring of 2006 I said that a cult was like the head of the Cult was the Queen bee and those "priveleged" to "serve in his royal court" were the male drones around the Queen, and then there is the rest of the worker bees who are sexless, which may be alligorical of something. In the tea party case there are the founders like Grover Norquist and the Koch Brothers. Those who serve in their court are the congressmen like Newt and Michelle Bachman- - and the worker bees are the Americans who voted in the Tea Party congress in 2010. Someone on the radio was saying if you actually think about it the "Us" who the tea party and the republican right profess to speak for- - are startelingly few in number. You have at best the one third or less of the one percent who actually AGREES with the tea party. 68% or the rich actually agree they Should pay more taxes. They say a third or something of the entire GNP is owned by six big wall street banks. You have the congressmen and the lobbyests. Rather than being "job creators" they are money shufflers and thieves. The lobbyists "pay to play" and feed the money machine and out the return drawer pops the hand made legislation they ordered. Congressmen are like order clerks. You have a few corporate heads. And you have all their international connections. These people don't care about American freedom or sovreignty or the economy or industry or the people. They only care about themselves. Their only motive in wanting to get more money is they will then have More power to oppress More of the poor people and the general population and have More money to bribe More congressmen to enact More of the legislation they want. These people haven't had an original idea in their heads for so long about improving the lives of America with a new product or service, they wouldn't know an original idea is it bit them in the ass. (Selah)
Let's review the Eleven dimensions one more time. I think going over previously trodden ground can have its benefits, From a pragmatic standpoint it flattens out the bumps.
FIRST DIMENSION: MATERIALITY We know what this is. It is the real world. It is the only thing we can see, hear, touch, taste, and feel, be it energy or matter. It is the foundation of all science and without it science as we know it would be unknown. Hence it is essential.
SECOND DIMENSION: FUNCTION We have called this de facto karma. It could be called involentary karma or non volitional karma. It is so because it applies to material objects, too.
THIRD DIMENSION: FORM Perhaps these two are reversed. For is a blue print or a vehical or instructions for bringing about the thing you wish to bring about. It is like a Computer Program.
FOURTH DIMENSION: SHARED PERCEPTION OR ESSENCE Essence is not a scientific term but like many terms we know what it means none the less. It is essentially what an object IS or if you will it is the Essential nature of a being or object that makes them what they are.
2nd. Row - Spacial. These are the three Spacial, geometric dimensions as we know them.
3rd. Row - Time: Time going out radially in all directions enables a whole host of discrete Universes. In Stewart's model however "God" is the Creator or them all and all of the natural laws thereof. Hence there is a similarity about them- - despite all the possible variations of evolution over the Milenia. TWO DIMENSIONS
Top pin: This one is also divided into six sub sets. AWARENESS This top pin is the exclusive domain of the living, and hence is uniquely important to us humans. It is the font of all will and volition that we at least in illusion have seemingly complete control over
Three bottom sub rows in top Pin: This is first, second and third dimensional psychic awareness. The first level is the realm of words or brief messages or emotions or hunches. The second dimension governs vision and spacial observation and movement and character action. The third dimension is Being There - virtually or otherwise. You are now a PART of what you observe and most likely can interract with it and change it and most likely also, you can be observed by others in this realm. This need not be any material dimension but hyperspace, or it could be astral projection into another body or "avatar". What you do in this realm is Real provided you do it in a common fourth dimension. By the way - - intra dimensional Time travel is impossible for the same reason you cannot rearrange the square colored blocks that form a straight row without going outside the line. (Selah) If you wern't already there you cant be.
Middle Two Rows: Karma- - - gravity is the downward dimension and "options" or "psychic space" is the other one. Since these two appear to relate to each other they might be likened to the Strong and Weak forces of Atomic Structure. But like those, These are separate forces.
Top sub pin of top pin: Volition or karma. Karma could be called your assets balance or "Capital" for you George Bush fans. Volition might be likened to this year's income. What you do right NOW is said to be the all pervasive key to everything to many thinkers, who indeed say that "Now is all you have". It may not be all you have but it's all you have NOW. (Selah)
Some of you may be wondering "What the hell were you talking about in that long paragraph in the last posting? In a nut shell I'll tell you. I saw a "cunundrum" in nature with respect to the speed of light where NO explanation seemed to make any rational sense. But at this time I would like to back off a bit of that "Subjectivist" mentality. Even when I have a gun to my head I'm the sort of guy who wants to "think it over", like Jack Benny, when it comes to changing a scientific oppinion. Let me offer now one example that hadn't quite risen to the level of mental consciousness when I wrote that piece. I'd like to invoke the example of lightning. A "fire" does not "know" which wood is dry and which is wet and thus "decides" to go to the dry wood. This happens as a natural physical consequence. As Dr. Beverly Crusher said certain things such as fire, and crystal growth- - show evidence of some aspects of life. Fire after all has the capability of feeding and respiration, just like we do, and it grows, and even reproduces after a sort. But it is not alive. Let's take the image of lightning. We know you should not be around metal spikes or near an isolated big tree or near the water. We know if you are in a group caught in a thunder storm you should scatter, and stay away from isolated trees. We know lightning is not "attracted" to just anything. Lightning will go a farther distance to strike something it is really attracted to, just like someone in love will push aside all the dogs in pursuit of his true love object. This idea of lightning "reaching" for something that is not the closest thing- - is a bit what light may do when strangely, again like some people in Love, they will pursue a person fleeing from them playing "hard to get" and may be much less inclined to act if the pursuit is taken up instead by the female. I don't want to be sexist. I'm sure women do the same thing. In other words ether is not like a concrete highway that you drive your car on entirely indifferent of wht drives on it. But rather it's like a pnumatic tube like the Jetsons or something. Electricity will go to where it is attracted to. Someone once said "electricity cannot get into you unless it can get out of you". I've never had the nerve to put that one to the test. But the point I was trying to make before was - - light seems to "care" about both ends of the link. Some may say to me, "You mean that light from the sun doesn't radiate out in a pure circle?" Others may say to me that "matter doesn't change size per se but it's the space that changes its properties". This may very well be. But the problem if you try and "put everything together" even a bright third grader would admit that "the pieces just don't fit". Einstein with his "big space" and "little space" may solve one problem but he creates a bigger one, or perhaps several big ones. As to the whole "light radiating out in darkness" problem, I can't really answer that one. I'll say this. Receding objects "behave as though they had BIG space" or big space ether. Approaching objects behave as though they had "small space ether". But Einstein will let you down if you say "Well- - the Big-EST space will be from the ONE "stationary" object in the Universe. And smaller space comes as objects Deviate from this ONE "Stationery" point. The trouble is Einstein says himself that there IS no "Stationary point". Hence there can be no Big-EST space light. Also all of the vectors would radiate from one absolute point and be Constant and not Variable and they certainly would not Simotaniously Two Things at the Same Time. Capish?