You know the right wing is positively relentless when it comes to Obama. The way they have kept up their attack on this president even after the killing of Bin Laden shows they don’t care about the real world or how the terror threat is vastly reduced now. All they care about is keeping up the steady stream of accusations. I’ve been hearing how were it not for torture and rendition and black sites and water-boarding, how last Sunday could never have taken place. Supposedly this is what Sean Hannity says. Today Rush was babbeling hysterically and incoherently about frog marching people in the CIA and how Obama and the left want to destroy this country. He would remind us that people on the left are not just political opponents but “Evil” and are out to destroy this country and therefore in no need of being the least bit civil. If you saw today’s Days of our Lives episode you saw Samantha Brady confronting two people who both claim to be Raphael Hernandez. Maybe it’s just me, but I would be inclined to believe the man who wasn’t waving a gun around the room menacingly. Long term watchers of Rush Limbaugh have got to be scratching their heads and wondering whatever happened to the Rush Limbaugh of twenty years ago. After the 1996 campaign, Rush lost all his sense of humor and approached every situation from a point of bitterness. If you want to talk about drugs changing people’s personalities look at Rush Limbaugh. I don’t know why more radio stations haven’t fired him. You know it’s a saying that a lie has traveled half way around the world by the time the Truth gets its boots on. The right has such a hammer-lock on the media it’s hard to get a word in edge-wise. Of course these people still hold Ronald Reagan to be “The greatest President America ever had” even though most of their talk is pure sentimentality. Reagan wasn’t that right-wing by today’s standards. And Reagan believed in working and negotiating with the political opposition of the other party. And Reagan in his latter years was eclipsed by his wife, Nancy, who kind of was the one who determined whom the President could even talk to, because she characterized the President as “too open to other peoples’ ideas”. So astrology and Iran-contra, and Alzheimer’s and all the rest of it really doesn’t figure into the mix.
It seems as if Newt Gingrich will be the first man to declare for President on the Republican side. He’ll have a lot of supports on the Christian right despite his shakey marital history. It’s pointed out that few points of the Contract with
Now we move to the puzzle of the birth certificate that issued a week ago yesterday. When I saw the document that had previously been held to be the President's birth certificate I mused "You got to be kidding; that doesn't look like any birth certificate". When they released the document a week ago Monday there were immediate problems. First of all the name of the hospital was wrong. It wasn't called by that name till it merged with another hospital in Honolulu years later. Also the father's race is labeled as "African" rather than "Negro" and if you're my age you've filled out a lot of forms and know what I'm talking about. We have another problem with the father's nationality as "Kenya, East Africa". It was never called that. It was called the colony and protectorate of Kenya. Also the date says August 8th 1961 rather than August 4th. There is other more glairing evidence that this document was "assembled on a computer" and not merely scanned in from a piece of paper. We even know the program. It's Adobe Illustrator. Why is there a line all around the main part of the document with green outside, as if the center had been pasted? Were it scanned in from a piece of paper there would be none of the layering we talked about previously. More importantly on a color scanner there WOULD be chromatic distortion. That is it would be turquoise on one side of the letters and reddish on the other. There isn't even a little on the government document- - no matter how you blow it up even to seeing each individual pixel. Also of course there is the matter of the layers, and also a strange inconsistency in the color of the letters. Personally I'm very surprised the government has not recalled the document by now, because these glaring anomallies are plainly there to be seen by all. If this is a forgery, which it obviously is, then we still need to see the President's real birth cirtificate. Other "birthers" point to things such as the President's term papers in the many colleges he attended being a top secret and not viewable to the public, and this even includes a term paper his wife wrote. Some people say "Let it go; it doesn't matter". But if the President is not a natural born citizen he is not entitled under the constitution to serve as President, and to me it's just as simple as that.
A lot of us have that occasional "dream that stays with you". No matter how nightmarish a dream may seem at the time usual when you awaken the fear vanishes. But I have had certain dreams where this was the case. One was about December first, or maybe late November of 1990. Another was the first Sunday night of 1992. To this day I still haven't completely figured out what these two dreams were trying to tell me. But for a dream I had on July 10, 1992 it was different. The message to me was obvious, if true. Needless to say this dream really freaked me out. You know how I've said there is a lot of evidence that "The asshole from El Paso" knew my parents in some capacity unknown to and kept secret from me, and seems to have emotionally "bonded" with my father. Well there is another couple, or should I say, family, that my parents know- - with shall we say, tentacles reaching back to the past, notably the wife. How I came to know this couple myself is obvious. In July of 1988 they were residents at an apartment complex I was considering moving into. My Mom was hot on this place before seeing it. But once there she completely changed her tune and came up with a whole long list of things wrong with it. But I moved in for a lot of reasons. I'm going to shorten this paragraph up considerably from what I planned. Suffice it to say that if these people had regular social interaction with my parents (the "clues" start at least mid 1991) it seems to be a deep, dark secret kept by both sides. (one "clue" is coming upon a locked closet on one of the rare times I was alone in parents house on Sunday November 2nd 1997) Of course my Dad is dead so he's out of the picture now. I guess there is a saying "Just because you're a paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people conspiring against you. The "against me" part is a misnomer but - - it's like that Star Trek episode called "Clues". They kept running into them the more they investigated. I guess my point is if they could keep this relation as a secret so well, what other secrets were and are they able to keep with ease, which might not be so benign? I want to go back to a theme I broached a while back about "another life" that I have been having dreams about the past ten years. It's now gotten to the point when I can tell if I've had a dream about "that life" even if I can't remember the dream itself. Because it's a certain lingering vibe I have waking up in the morning. I hope that other life stays just that- - because the last thing I want is to astro-project into a world that's even less happy than the one I'm in.
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