Well, the "Croakings of doom and gloom" as Anne Baxter would put it, continue on the Mc Laughlin report. I think I can see the future a little more clearly this week. I believe Donald Trump has become very close to "peaking" and he will indeed "peak" just about one month from now, and by the time he actually announces for President, his campaign will already be on a downward slope. I think Trump is self destructing in the long run. People got turned off to Ross Perot, too and his campaign peaked around the first of June in 1992. From then on it was a case of "bad timing" one after the other. First he quits and says something about the Bush family conspiracy. Then he jumps back in, after turning people off. In the case of Donald Trump I do think Trump "won the day" at least for last week. Anybody you get someone to do something that clarifies who they really are, I believe they have done a good thing or a "Mitzbah" as our Jewish brotherin might say. I just wish a few other entities would come out of the closet. I would love to see Trump run. Don't get me wrong. But what will happen (conspiracy theorist as I am) I believe Republican leaders will all gather in a cloister in a month or two and secretly decide that Tim Polente or Mitt Romney or somebody IS the candidate, and they will rig the table so that that candidate wins all the primary campaigns. People are pretty much lily livered followers and will back whoever the public opinion polls tell them to.
This whole gas crisis hysteria has about reached its limit. If you believed the Mc Laughlin group the world can't help but come to an end in the next few months. We're going to have a double dip recession for a couple dozen different reasons. Well, as the Zombie song says, in a few months "You Don't Need Any Reason" and that's because it will become obvious that gasoline prices and everything people were pinning their negative hopes on, will vanish. We know right now that they will collapse about forty percent, and could do most of that amazingly suddenly. I predict after Memorial Day people will be scratching their heads and say "I don't get it. Usually prices are headed up in the summer but the past week they have been collapsing. And all those fears of consumers not spending and unemployment rising and everything- - will evaporate along with that fall in prices. They said we should drill more. If we can, we should. My sources tell me that there is "nothing left to drill" that would not be more expensive than it was worth to extract. I'm telling you now if you hold oil futures you really ought to sell them now. As I said in a recent posting 'Bulls make money in the market, bears make money in the market, but hogs never do". Don't say you wern't warned.
I think I have come to terms with God in the past week or two. As I wrote I have pretty much "figured out that scientifically it's a "Just" cause and effect world" and you really can't ask for more than that. The Bible says "the curse without a cause does not come". That is a literal truth despite the fact you may not take kindly to the statement. It certainly does no good to "oppose" God because you'll only be beating against the air. I wish that more people were into Science and fewer were into Philosophy. Religion is like philosophy because neither demands any logical observational contact with the real world. I would rather one be a sociologist or anthropologist rather than a psychiatrist. Because in the first two they actually chart human behavior and learn from that. In the third occupation they forever state "what human behavior ought to be" and what is "normal" and what is not. In this they have an almost "religious" devotion to elevating themselves their fellow man, and frankly, engaging in unchristian thoughts and behavior. (Selah)
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