Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pope John Paul II Takes Step Tword Sainthood

Tomorrow Pope John II will be "beatified" by the Roman Catholic church. Throngs of people will be headed into Vatican Square tomorrow. Of course first there is "veneration" and then "beatification" and then Sainthood. Beatification requires one Miracle, whereas Sainthood takes two miracles. Of course Pope John Paul II is considered much more of a humanitarian and in touch with the common man than the current Pope. In fact Benefict was referred to as kind of a protective attack dog, zealously guarding Catholic doctrine. Many thought Benedict would serve only a short while, when he has already served six years, with no signs of quitting. Of course people as diverse as Lek Vluenza, to Elizabeth Gayno to Steward Sutcliffe are affianados of Pope John Paul II. "OK quit mentioning people we never heard of" Stewart and Elizabeth are rather opposite in the way they deal with negative feelings. Stewart is inclined to speak his mind frankly whereas Elizabeth takes the Marge Simpson approach of "taking your bad feelings and stuffing them down into a deep, dark place". But Elizabeth is also a fan of Chuck Smith and Stu can't stand him. Really the whole idea of Sainthood seems silly. I was thinking about this whole topic lately. While we are generally forbidden to talk to the dead ("a message that never got through to You, obviously) we are encouraged to pray to the Saints. Perhaps in the realm of the dead, since Saints are elevated to the infallible status of God Himself, then it is fitting and proper to pray to them, since God has such a busy schedule and all. I have major problems envisioning much of a future for either British Royalty or the Papacy. In both cases maybe there will be a succession or two of a leader, but that will be it. British royal tradition is slowly but surely already starting to come unwraveled. In the case of the Church, there have been no progressive developments in Catholicism since they agreed to all the saying of the Mass in English in 1965. That's about the last time my own denomination updated their confessional creed. I told Craig today that Jews were hard to witness to because they in large part have a fundamental misunderstanding of the overall message of the Bible, which is God's sovreignty, God's perpouses being fulfilled without failure, and God as the redeemer of Mankind, who are destined to be made sinless. A Jew is a victim of his culture, which can be an oppressive taskmaster. Of course Stewart likes to talk about "The karma of the Jews". I don't want to go there because that's dog whistle speech for BAD karma. Stewart also has other Nazi like traits such as to at least a degree embracing the Nanny State, believing it's the government's obligation to insure the physical health and fitness of its citizens. Stu also doesn't believe the Catholics were being cowardly in not opposing the Nazis. He believes that Adolf Hitler "saw the goodness of the Church and had reverence for that and would never attack". My view is "Never say what Hitler would "never do" because if Hitler "has a bad day" he could do just about anything. Many people do not believe Pope John Paul II should be Sainted because "he presided over the period when child molestation among Priests was routinely being covered up". I have undecided feelings about this. I regard all Christians as pretty much cowards to begin with, and moral cowards in particular. I have no desire to make one or the other of them a Saint, which would only be added to the panorama of Icons to be idolized. Basically I agree with Signond Freud's statement that basically, we would all be psychologically healthier without religion. Stewart tells me he believes the same thing, but obviously he means something different by that than I do.

Well, the "Croakings of doom and gloom" as Anne Baxter would put it, continue on the Mc Laughlin report. I think I can see the future a little more clearly this week. I believe Donald Trump has become very close to "peaking" and he will indeed "peak" just about one month from now, and by the time he actually announces for President, his campaign will already be on a downward slope. I think Trump is self destructing in the long run. People got turned off to Ross Perot, too and his campaign peaked around the first of June in 1992. From then on it was a case of "bad timing" one after the other. First he quits and says something about the Bush family conspiracy. Then he jumps back in, after turning people off. In the case of Donald Trump I do think Trump "won the day" at least for last week. Anybody you get someone to do something that clarifies who they really are, I believe they have done a good thing or a "Mitzbah" as our Jewish brotherin might say. I just wish a few other entities would come out of the closet. I would love to see Trump run. Don't get me wrong. But what will happen (conspiracy theorist as I am) I believe Republican leaders will all gather in a cloister in a month or two and secretly decide that Tim Polente or Mitt Romney or somebody IS the candidate, and they will rig the table so that that candidate wins all the primary campaigns. People are pretty much lily livered followers and will back whoever the public opinion polls tell them to.

This whole gas crisis hysteria has about reached its limit. If you believed the Mc Laughlin group the world can't help but come to an end in the next few months. We're going to have a double dip recession for a couple dozen different reasons. Well, as the Zombie song says, in a few months "You Don't Need Any Reason" and that's because it will become obvious that gasoline prices and everything people were pinning their negative hopes on, will vanish. We know right now that they will collapse about forty percent, and could do most of that amazingly suddenly. I predict after Memorial Day people will be scratching their heads and say "I don't get it. Usually prices are headed up in the summer but the past week they have been collapsing. And all those fears of consumers not spending and unemployment rising and everything- - will evaporate along with that fall in prices. They said we should drill more. If we can, we should. My sources tell me that there is "nothing left to drill" that would not be more expensive than it was worth to extract. I'm telling you now if you hold oil futures you really ought to sell them now. As I said in a recent posting 'Bulls make money in the market, bears make money in the market, but hogs never do". Don't say you wern't warned.

I think I have come to terms with God in the past week or two. As I wrote I have pretty much "figured out that scientifically it's a "Just" cause and effect world" and you really can't ask for more than that. The Bible says "the curse without a cause does not come". That is a literal truth despite the fact you may not take kindly to the statement. It certainly does no good to "oppose" God because you'll only be beating against the air. I wish that more people were into Science and fewer were into Philosophy. Religion is like philosophy because neither demands any logical observational contact with the real world. I would rather one be a sociologist or anthropologist rather than a psychiatrist. Because in the first two they actually chart human behavior and learn from that. In the third occupation they forever state "what human behavior ought to be" and what is "normal" and what is not. In this they have an almost "religious" devotion to elevating themselves their fellow man, and frankly, engaging in unchristian thoughts and behavior. (Selah)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Prince William & Kate Middleton Are Married

The weather today has been nice, but they inform me both the previous and subsequent weather will be hotter. We had barbecue chicken for dinner tonight with lots of sauce, and corn and baked beans. Unfortunately my canker-sore was hurting, which I may have gotten at the dentist's on Wednesday either from biting my tongue or perhaps rubbing the under side of my tongue up against a jagged tooth that was being worked on. Many people around here got up at three o clock to watch the Royal Wedding. I was not one of them. (A lot of people around here suffer from insomnia) I watched the last half hour or so on 7.2 at 9:30 in the morning. I watched the entire hour over again on FOX at three and took pictures. Unfortunately they aren't yet available for the internet and besides my camera batteries need charging. They had 72 high definition cameras all around Westminster Abbey and two thousand people were inside as the arch bishop of Canterberry officiated. The vows were pretty standard. At one point they said "fear and nurture of the Lord" instead of the usual "fear and admonition of the Lord". The other line is a gramatical triffel. The arch bishop said "I now declare that you be man and wife". I believe that should have been "I declare that you are man and wife" using the indicative rather than the subjunctive. The crowd outside cheered when this happened. They say that 2.6 billion people around watched the ceremony. Kate is far better prepared for Royal life than was Dianne. I hear that they met only thirteen times before the ceremony, which to me seems freaky. This morning Dr. Levy said Prince Philips official title is "Prince consort to the Queen". That either sounds adulterous or worse, incestuous. It could be in years to come King Charles' reign will be so brief that his chief role in the whole thing is sperm donor.

When Elvis Di Mira married Nicole Walker the ceremony itself was beset with a bad omen with the groom falling in love with the maid of honor. Of course there is the Dr. Phil way of dealing with a problem in a straightforward "take the bull by the horns approach". And then there is the soap opera way where every bad decision that can be made will be made. It's as though Gill was writing every episode. By the way if you see old Gill walking down the street, run the other way; he's nothing but trouble. Well now we hear that the "business arrangement" between Nicole and Elvis is coming to an end as Elvis is getting a divorce since it's the only way he thinks he can have Taylor. Unfortunately after he's lost what ever respectability he hoped to achieve, and after he pleasures himself with Taylor he'll grow tired of her, too, and get back to his major obsession, Samantha Brady. He thinks he's managed to engeneer a divorce between Samantha and her husband, but even those hard fought plans may be dissolving before his eyes. Unfortunately he didn't handle the matter of his infadelity with Nicole well, and now she's gotten help to plunge the dagger into this playboy, son of a despot, once and for all.

We need to pray for all the people in the South who have suffered the ravages of these tornadoes, which is the worst since 1974, and the season isn't over yet. The death toll all over the southern states of the US is 295 and rising. Tuscalusa, Alabama was one of the hardest hit cities with whole neighborhoods being wiped out. Thom Hartman reminds that it's all due to Global Warming. Even though there is just five percent more moisture in the air now (because warmer air can hold more water) it makes a major difference when it comes to actual weather. We know that nature is neither moral nor immoral. It doesn't care. But those who deny global warming are living in a fool's paradise if they think this sort of wild weather isn't only going to get worse. (Selah)

I was looking for someone else's oppinion on Donald Trump today. But my brother said some things that made me think. I have viewed Donald Trump as someone I might vote for, being still a registered Republican, just because I think it would be an interesting campaign if Trump ran. Trump is going to make his decision whether to run for President by June first, not that far off. I have found Trump rather more intelligent and insightful than your average tea party melon head who just fell off the truck yesterday. My brother sees things rather differently. He says he doesn't believe Trump is a Christian and won't vote for him if he doesn't share his spiritual values. As to the matter of his "seeming" more intelligent and qualified and all that- - well, Trump has been before the cameras and microphones for a long time and has had experiance in making a good impression with the public. It will be legal in California to vote for the opposite political party in the primaries for the first time. But as I am still a Republican I won't have any moral scruples myself about voting for Trump. I hope he knows more about the economy than the rest. Randy Rhodes on her show the other day made some really stupid statements. She said that Trump selling goods made in China disqualifies him to run as an American First guy. But of course it's basically his job to make economic profits now. If Trump Enterprises is a publicly held company, he'd be breaking the law and his fiduciary responsability to the stock holders were he not to maximize corporate profits. If he runs for President- - than THAT will be his job come 2013 and his responsabilities and duties will be completely different. Randy Rhodes also accused Trump of being racist in attacking this bit about his getting bad grades but still managed to get into Harvard. Race was the LAST thing I thought of. And the simple reason is that Harvard is a private institution and not suffer to racial quota admission laws. However it IS subject to its own biased terms of admitting students, which often includes whether a parent or a grand parent went there or if they have friends on the board of admissions. I thought perhaps one of these applied to Obama. My feeling is that anything which takes the media spotlight off the regular tea party people who have been setting the agenda- - - is a good thing.


One of the biggest ideas I've had to disregard that were in earlier blogs such as early 2007 was this whole idea of the "event horizon" of Black holes. This theory says as you got closer to a black hole you could look further into it, but that there would come a "point of no return" where you would be destined never to be able to get back. Also this whole idea of a Black hole as some giant cosmic vacuum cleaner sucking up all the matter in the Universe I have disregarded. Also discarded is the notion I've seen on TV that Black holes could sneak up on you from virtually out of nowhere and gobble up the earth. Another notion discarded is the idea that the Universe has a hollow center and virtually all of the matter you see in the Universe is at its spherical edge. In this theory this "center" would "move" to wherever you happened to be you would think you were in the center of it. Also disregarded is the idea you could have negative matter interracting with positive matter. But this notion was torpedoed by the axiom of "the nature of the matter determines the nature of the space around it." Negative matter, if it exists at all, would have to exist in negative space. Also discarded (maybe not quite entirely) is the idea of "space folding' like in Dune where you would somehow transport yourself by folding space and shortening the distance traveled, and once you got where you were going, you would be reversed so everything you saw would see mirror imaged. Of course the trouble with this theory is that if space folding were done on a large scale it would cause mass chaos and besides you would see physical evidence of it. Also discarded is the notion of some invisible world where you can't be detected but you can see others. There is a variation on this theory as in "through the looking glass" where everything is reversed and somehow "different" from here in some ways and alike in many others. Another theory that I'm not really "pushing" now is what Euclid referred to as poly-dimensional space. (I have a nice math formula for this one that seems to work, but I can't find it in any scientific text) While this theory is interesting there is absolutely no evidence for it. But I'm not ruling it out entirely. I have also regarded the "perpetual falling machine" model that I have discussed in a blog. It, too, involves multiple Black Holes. And finally I'm discarding that "spiral staircase" model of "enlightened psychic plains of evolution" where each higher step takes you to a sphere where you have more Free Will and are less subject to the whims of predestination, which in my prophecy book I equate with Sin. These triangles are constructed on the 13 x 12 x 5 measurements specified in the book "Arachne Rising". While the triangles get bigger by 13/12 each time there is no relation at all to musical notes as these are based on fractional exponents and not by proportionality. Many view existing in zero gravity as a pipe dream, but this one is reality and our test pilots do it all the time by flying in parabolic trajecteries in the sky (I have a nice formula for this one in Excell, too, but it is not original with me)