"I hope you people like long, rambling paragraphs"
I would now like to meditate on this statement made on the Randy Rhodes show today quoting Franklin Roosevelt saying “Necessitous men are not free”. This statement may not be true “Per Se”, but is can be MADE to be true by environment. For instance, Christians are to live by the 23rd Psalm saying “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (or need) You’ve heard it- “God” is all any Christian should need. But you can’t real “relax” in this statement knowing what a farsical lie that it is. Such as when dealing with Christians they will attack you if you are needy, and they will also attack you if you’re too independent. And if you ARE needy, they will not see it as an occasion for them to “practice compassion” but rather somehow ever so delicately or not so delicately in some occasions, to say “Well, a Normal person would not be so needy”. Or they will say “Because you are needy there is something Wrong with you that Jesus can’t fix that was caused somewhere back in your childhood someplace”. They use this “in the past” or “in your childhood” line to throw all of their red hering accusations. But of course you remember that Dr. Levy said last Friday in class that he didn’t trust Obama and said to me that “You know this recession is not over”, when I said that the President took steps to save millions of jobs. Will Dr. Levy now retract his statement after hearing we were up at an annualized rate of over five percent last quarter? I don’t think so. The Republicans need this recession and need it bad to get re-elected this fall. They have to play the fear card wherever they can. They play it with small businessmen who according to the Randy Rhodes show today are getting all these new tax breaks. But they won’t admit that President Obama wants to cut taxes. It’s against their religion to admit for a minute that anything their enemy says might be right. Of course Christians and others like to play games. For instance, as I have said before, it’s the very person who says “I am not a legalist” that you have to watch out for. Also remember when Marcus Blackwell would say “I am a tolerant and open person and I welcome a frank discussion of opinions”. That’s actually the last thing Marcus wanted, as I found out. There are few people harder to share a contrary opinion with than Marcus. Dr. Levy plays much the same game saying “I only choose to have friends who are open and honiest and whom you can trust”. But certain people, like myself, are not autonomus creatures who can pick and choose with whom to associate with. How high does Dr. Levy come in on the trust department? He’s always misquoting people and blaiming the other person for the quote. He does this routine all the time. When does continually joking about something begin to wear a little thin. He went after Michael Deletore for saying he had a masters degree in political science, saying in that joking, if combative tone, “Do you think you are smarter than me, huh?” And what’s with the shoes. He paces around the room acting like he’s going to step on everybody’s shoes and sometimes does. And the whole bit of reaching for Richard’s hat has to be getting really old. So today he gave us that page on Democracy verses Communism. I’m not sure what the deal was with that but the Republicans love to make everything bi-polar. They will start by saying, “There are many forms of government in the world”, and in the end will be saying, “There are only two forms of government in the world- - ours and theirs. Ours is good and theirs is bad.” Dr. Levy is still buying in to the whole “Death panel and doctor rationing thing”. People play games in a lot of ways. Like you know when people say “Where are you going in such a hurry, give me a thousand word explanation right now!” But if you’re really in a hurry a normal person would say, “I don’t want to detain them at this time”, and let it go at that. I left the class at one to watch Days Of Our Lives. Of course then Bo Brady got sermonizing from his mother on personal morality, because Bo was entertaining a woman in the house who was not his wife and his little girl saw her, as if that were somehow the end of the world. Pardon the intrusion of reality but it was Hope who left the house and moved to the residence of Bo’s arch enemy, Victor. Somehow Caroline forgot that little detail. Of course people like Caroline Brady and Dr. Laura have absolutely no business moralizing about people considering their own pasts, anyhow. Have you noticed that conservatives lie a lot more than liberals? Some of their lies are really blatent, too. Of course another type of game is “I’m doing this for your own good” game. Like when Mia comes over to Chad’s father’s DA office and tells the whopper that she and Chad will be going to Vancouver for the Olympics. How demented does Mia have to be to think this whopper will get her closer to Chad. Sure it caused Chad’s father to cancel the whole Vancouver trip that Chad was taking with Gabriel- - and that other couple. OK she scuttled that union before it happened. But does she think for one moment that Chad won’t despise her when and if he finds out what she did, knowing how Chad’s father feels about her (Mia). Nobody likes people who butt in to relations that are none of their business. Kate has done this with Lucas’ life. Of course people on the right love to weigh in with opinions on things they aren’t qualified to pass judgement on, like where the 9 – 11 terrorist will be tried. How much hysteria have you heard about how nobody in New York wants the trial there and the security worries and should we have grilled him longer to get more information out of him? Wouldn’t a little water-boarding of the suspect have been advisable? Even though the Rush administration tried hundreds of terrorist suspects in the Criminal Courts, and got a good number of convictions that way. But as Stewart reminds me (remember Stewart?) - - any Islamic terrorist would love to be tried as a war enemy combatant, because that is how they see their struggle. They do not see it as a criminal act against innocent people. People lie about motives. They say they are worried about “security” when really it’s unauthorized secrets coming out that bothers them. And perhaps that’s OK. I guess we’re entitled to “official State secrets”, but why don’t they just come out with it and admit that this is the Government’s motivation.
. President Obama has backed down under pressure and that terrorist will not be tried in New York City. This will provide a propaganda boost for the Islamic terrorists because this is their fondest dream, to have one of their own operatives tried by a military tribunal. I look forward to tomorrow’s commentary on KTLK on this. Personally, I just wish President Obama would draw a line in the sand for once and stick to a principle. [name withheld] was by with medication and we had chocolate chip cookies.
CBS is running what most likely is a false anti abortion add about a mother who was going to abort a fetus that turned out to be a star football player. The only thing is she was living in the Philipines at the time where abortion was illegal. So if the doctor actually had recommended abortion, he could go to jail. At the same time CBS still won’t run a pro gay add. Not that I am recommending they do that.
Speaking of gays, it seems Scott Brown has a pro gay streak in him because he says permitting for forbidding gay marriage is a “state’s rights” position. That’ my position but it runs contrary to the right’s platform. That makes me want to do a big “Nya- -Nya- - “ to people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. You've heard the expression "What you see is what you get". Well now, the right has "gotten it"! This is opposed to that other expression "What you want is what you get".
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