Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Second Governmental Shut-down

In late 1995 Newt Gingrich shut down government as part of some protest against what Clinton was doing. Everybody blamed the Republicans for it, too. Now government has ground to a halt again. Since the President's State of the Union address two weeks ago, nothing has gotten done. About all congress has done is to hold a few press conferences. You can't blame the snow storm for all of this. They tell me that congress plans to be in recess all week regardless of what the weather does. This is only a prelude to next week when congress will do its usual thing of extending a single holiday into a whole week off. President Obama says he wants to meet with Republicans in some televised summit on February 25th. But the Republicans want a pre condition of promacing that the nuclear option will not be used, and also that the President will abandon any hope of either the Senate or House health bills getting passed. The President has fallen badly in all the polls lately from a year ago. They say democratic ideas used to lead republican ideas by 35 points and now it's reduced to five points, and tied in some polls. One can blame the media and I blame the American people for being stupid. They're like sheep, being so easily led by anything the corporate owned media says they should believe. Tell me what has changed from a year ago since the people felt so fondly of their President. Nothing has changed. Except a year ago you didn't have these tea baggers. Their convention in Nashville had six hundred people in attendance and the media regarded it as a major convocation. Yet when hundreds of thousands used to routinely show up at left wing protests during the Bush administration protesting this or that policy, it got maybe a paragraph reference on page 28 or something. And the Democrats are buying into all this negativity too. You know on this soap opera I watch a couple of days ago a woman was worried about whether she would be physically able to give her future husband a child. She said something "But then again, the Christian faith is all about belief in miracles, isn't it? To my astonishment the priest said bluntly, "No, it is not what Christianity is all about". Well in today's episode she is pregnent. My point, and I could have cited many examples I have witnessed, is that Christians love to posture in church or from the pulpit about the things they say they believe in, but in their ordenary lives they don't base their OWN decisions on these beliefs. Were I Clowie, the woman, I would have shot back, "Christians don't believe in miracles? Are you telling me the resurrection of Jesus isn't a meracle? If people don't believe in a small miracle, how can they believe in a big one? (Selah)

So what do we do about all this negativity? Well if I were to write the President a letter it would go something like, "When you meet with the Republicans- - first have your mind made up exactly where you want to lead us as a nation. People shy away from a doubtful leader. If you really don't think the health care bill can be passed, state so plainly to the American people. And at the same time say what course you DO plan to pursue. The American people need to be assured their president is not a flake, and Mr. Obama, lately you have been acting like a flake". It was a conservative reacently I heard voice the oppinion that the President was a shallow man lacking in real convictions, and that his words just wern't believable. I continue to be amazed why the President has been and is turning his back on the very people who voted for him. OK he doesn't have 68 senators in his own party like I heard Johnson had in 1965. This tells me that our work as democrats is not done untill we do get a veto proof congress. This is a goal to shoot for and it is doable if we believe. Faint heart never won an election. When you read about political leaders in the past and see films on their lives in school, one thing you notice is that they wern' cowards. In World War II there was talk of what to do if the Japanese invaded Austrailia. But it was decided we would not let them get that far, and so picked a battle with them while they were still in New Guinea. We took the conflict to them. We have to put the Republicans on the defencive. We need a war strategy to hone our campaign points. What the democrats should be doing this week and next is take the time - not to go off to see their mistress in Argentina - - but to spend this time in planning and strategy ready to hit the ground running when Congress next meets. This means find a way to "get it done" and then DO IT. Be proactive. I wish Carley Manning had been packing heat the last time she met up with Vivian Alamaine. How satisfying it would be to blow her brains out right there in the Kiriacus mansion in front of Victor. The democrats need to get the health bill through with "reconciliation" or whatever you call it, with a vote of only better than 51%. If need be adopt rules that limit the proposal of amendments, lest Republicans get any ideas. They have the power to make the rules do use it. Clearly label the Republicans as the obstructionist party. Identify the Republicans as the source of all of the problems we are having in government these days. Do NOT worry about public opinion. They'll whine if the bill passes but will whine just as loudly if the democrats don't do anything. Whining is all the Republicans know how to do. Haven't you figured that out? As it is said, "Victory has a hundred fathers; defeat is an orphan". Nobody never needed to provide an explanation for winning. If the democrats act like winners, they just might turn into winners.

Monday, February 08, 2010

The Physical Anatomy of Heaven

OK I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen today. I'm like Sarah Palin except that I don't even have notes written on my hands. I'd like to give you some "Cliff Notes" about Heaven, and you're lucky to get that because other people won't even give you that. You look at sites on metaphysics and have to rely pretty much on your imaginations to get anything out of them. First of all I would like to comment on this idea of a "Life changing incident" or life changing decision that people make in their lives. Things like that do happen. But you cannot will them to happen. So when Jesus on KFI virtually orders you to "make a decision" he is cheapening the whole process. Because such life changing moments are precious and if they could be manufactured in mass the way Jesus suggests, it would vastly cheapen their value. I would hope not only that perhaps somebody reading this blog would have a "life changing moment" but it's just possible that someone out there reading this may have an experiance that surpasses my own. First of all we have to know what we are talking about when we throw words around like Heaven and "God". I was in a philosophy class in the fall of 1976 and the teacher seemed bent on proving that an after life was not even philosophically possible. He said that in order to have an after-life experiance you had to have "contenuity of memories" and you could not do that if you no longer had your old brain cells. I tried to pitch the idea to him that you could well be conscious after you died, but have absolutely no memory of your past life or who you were or what you did. We must think of all possabilities. The next thing is determining where heaven is and what it is. Some would say that heaven is "outside of Time". They get this passage saying we are "at the end of time" or "the end times" by misreading a passage in the book of revelation where it says "and the angel said that there should be time no more". But I've heard a more likely word there is "delay- - no more". That makes much more sense in context. Does it matter to you whether or not there is time in heaven? Next we come to where heaven is. Here there are a number of possabilities. Billy Graham teaches there is a whole Spiritual realm right here co-existant with our own space only invisable, and that a freight train could be roaring right through the auditorium and we'd never know it. On StarTrek there is this thing they call "sub space". It's supposed to have a lot of mysterious properties based on sub atomic particles where space is not defined clearly, as some see it. Then there is my Excel dimensions model. In my Excel model I say that a one dimensional universe has zero sides to a ninety degree cube. A two dimensional universe has one. (not two but one. That's because this pancake is not three dimensional) In three dimensions cubes have six faces. In four dimensions there would be eighteen faces. In five the number would be forty and with six there would be 75. This formula, like the whole Sudoku puzzle, is based on "the best evidence available". To put this notion in plain English it would mean that all of the dimensions are co equal but that we only see three of them, and not six, or how many others. Another view of Heaven is that it is somewhere off in the "Outer Darkness" outside this spherically shaped Universe. In some versions of this view, time itself, as well as space runs in circles and starts over again. I do not subscribe to this view myself since time is not a "co equal dimension". Let me demonstrate why. As you know I subscribe to the Ether theory, which can be viewed sort of like motor oil. It varies in viscosity or thickness. (resistance to movement) If it is either too thick things don't work, and if it gets too thinned out the whole Universe breaks down. As such My universe has a beginning and a definite End. As such there is no provision for circular time. As you know from numerous postings several months ago, I subscribe to the hyper-space view of Heaven, which means that "if there were space and you could locate it- -matter would register as traveling faster than light". But I also teach that in hyperspace there is no space as we know it, and so distance is irrelivant. Also the I Ching refers to two kinds of subatance. There is the light, or strong or unyielding substance. Then there is the dark, or weak or yielding substance. And I teach that Heaven is made of a whole different class of "substances" from anything we have the ability to examine in this world. As such my view of Heaven is a "Religious" one because part of the definition of a Religion is that you allude to things that are unprovable. In another philosophy class (I'd told this story before) I once wrote in a term paper that Confucionism was a philosophy and not a Religion, but that Communism was a Religion. Religion as such contains dogma that overrides all other observations on mankind. This is what Communism does. It's not merely a set of moral guideposts on ways to live life, but a hard and fast system of "theology" if you will. Like these other blogs you may read I say that Heaven is made up of- - not "energy" but "intelligent forces" and also of information or ideas per se. Some people say this realm of "energy" travels at the speed of light. But we can see things that travel the speed of light. But once you go one MPH over the speed limit or light barrier, you are OUT of this physical Universe and there is no place for you here, either spacially, or mass wise or time wise. Then the question arises whether heaven is a place of Goodness or not. You may not like my answer. Heaven is a place of Power. But have you ever wondered why people fear Space Aliens? Why are we always afraid of an "Invasion"? Because inwardly we know, like the aberiginal Indians of the Americas, we suspect that the alien's morality may differ considerably from our own, and that we will have no means to fight them, either ethically or appealing to "Higher moral principles". You have heard it said "He with the Power makes the Rules". In the writings of myself and Mark Campbell and Bill Gunderson, we speak of aliens constantly warring with each other. The idea that heaven is somehow a peaceful or tranqual place, may be a highly misplaced notion.

My apologies if you already knew all that stuff. We now move on to the present whacky political landscape. The tea baggers had their first political convention in Nashville over the weekend and Sarah Palin gave that rather trite but vapid speech, devoid of any programs someone could actually adopt. This one term governor drop out wants to be President now. If all she is capable of doing is throwing red meat to the masses in the form of these pre scripted one-liners, she will have a rude awakening. Ten years ago who in their wildest fantasy would have imagined someone like Sarah Palin being the best political mind the right wing has to offer? She certainly wasn't worth the $100,000 fee she charged for showing up. Ten years ago nobody could have even imagined the situation we have today. And if someone wrote a Novel about it, people would be saying it was just too far out to be plausable. I've talked to these people. They have no concept at all that taxes just might be a good thing. They are saying things like "I am so taxed in my business because the government is raising taxes on me all the time and people just aren't going to put up with it". But in reality taxes were cut in 1964 and they were cut again in 1981 and they were cut again- twice- under George Bush. But they are never satisfied and imagine things that aren't so. One of them told me "You know I would like to hire on an employee but the government has so much red tape I just can't do it". When I said to her "Well, Obama wants to give you a five thousand dollar credit for new hires" and she then said "Yeah but some people are so broke they can't afford to hire anyhow so this provision does them no good". You've heard people say "It doesn't matter that Obama cut taxes on 90% of the people- - because everybody knows only rich people pay taxes". Sometimes the right is contradictory. They will say anything to win an argument even if it's inconsistant. Larry Elder says "You know don't you that businesses don't pay any taxes. They just pass it on in higher prices". My response here is, if this if true- - then you won't mind a 30% tax hike because 30% of nothing is nothing. Some of them will say "Well Obama is ignoring the need for jobs". But I calked to a conservative about this whole bullet train thing and she said "I think the idea of a bullet train from LA to San Francisco is stupid. Nobody rides the train. And besides we can't afford it". To this same person I mentioned imposing terrifs to keep American jobs from going overseas. Her response was "Well, a terrif is still a tax by another name". These people want to "Cut taxes to unleash the power of the American economic engine". I'd like to know what that means. Because some people say "Well we have to cut unemployment because as long as they draw unemployment they will never look for a job". But my response is, "How can people who are not making it in this economy have discretionary money to go out and Buy Anything? Broke people can't stimulate an economy. Back to the train thing I said we could bypass a lot of airport security checks. Because you can't hijack a railroad. If there is a terrorist discovered on board, a train can be evacuated. A plane can't be. You can't crash a train into a skyscraper. She was unimpressed. But what about new forms of energy. She said "Well you know that solar pannels don't work and if you bought one now, it will not have paid for itself even if you were to keep it for fifty years. She also said "wind and tide power could never generate the energy we need. Of course Sarah Palin talked about President Obama acting like a "law professor" in dealing with terrorists. It's their side who is uneducated and doesn't read. Tancredo should have been looking in a mirror when he said people voting for Obama could not pass a southern voter litericy text. In terms of these terror suspects tried in criminal court- - President Obama is just following the precedents set by the Bush administration in dealing with trying terrorists. These people on the right just need something to complain about. They need a slogan of the week. And I say for these tea baggers to go ahead and run in Republican primaries. Do it. That way the "real Republicans" will put them in their place. And both of them will be put in their place when the Democratic candidate wins in the fall because the Republicans are all factionalized. But if this is what Sarah Palin wants, I say "Go for it".

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Out To Lunch

A right wing friend of mine had a Glen Beck video for me. It was more of what Glen Beck has been talking about. And that is that there is a socialist conspiracy to wreck the US economy deliberately. In this video the national debt is inflated to ten times its real size and the personal debt of every human being in the country is pegged at over a hundred thousand. There were images of hyper inflation and what happened with Argentina and the Wymar Republic of Germany. And of course after the economy has been wrecked with hyper inflation, then a totalitarian government has to be brought in with standing armies on US soil to managed the panicked and out of control masses. It's right out of something Jim Jones might have shown, except the other extreme. These people really are "Out to Lunch". Glen Beck says he has an explanation for why there is absolutely no indemic inflation now and yet it's going to by his own "calculations" have to be at least 180% before we're all done, if not worse- - this is because "The banks are holding the money but there is no Velocity to the money. And once someone "throws the Master Switch" and the currency is turned on, then we'll see this all happen. Apparently 33% of Republicans believe that President Obama is a racist, and 63% believe that he is a socialist, and that his health care plan is Maoist, Stalinist, Statist, and whatever other word they can come up with. Randy Rhodes believes that republicans actually in the corodors of government don't believe this clap trap themselves, but they feed this propaganda to the masses because they believe they are so stupid they won't investigate any of the alligations but accept the premise whole. There are those Joe the Plumber types out there who are neither plumbers nor earn %250,000 a year, that are concerned they may be the ones to strike it big but when they do the government will conthiscate their money to the tune of eighty percent, another figure that was thrown around. The idea from people I've talked to is that the government is "stealing" from tallented, inovative people out there and killing their work ethic. Of course I thought I heard some republicans say that Obama shouldn't be cutting the sixteen percent of government that he's actually cutting because "there are a lot of good programs in there". Yeah, there is all that pork. Personally I'm open to throwing the other 84% of expenditures open for cutting, and we can start with defense. People forget that all through the Bush years that defense spending was "off budget" and now that we have honest accounting under President Obama, people are upset about how much it all costs.

Of course Republicans even if they agree with you will change their minds if Obama comes out in favor of what they are proposing. For a while under President Clinton we had "pay as you go" meaning if you proposed a program you had to come up with a way to pay for it. But that kind of thinking is out the window now that a democrat is in office. President Obama also he said that he favored a "deficet reduction comission" or whatever to look into causes for the national deficet. But now that the President is for their plan, the Republicans who sponsored the bill to begin with it are now voting against it. John Mc Cain is well known for his reversals in his headlong lurch to the political right. He used to favor extending Medi-Care to those over 55 but now he is against that. (Or was that Joe Lieberman?) They're both so alike it's hard to tell them apart these days. And John Mc Cain said if the top brass of the military came to him and said they were for abolishing "Don't Ask; Don't Tell" that Mc Cain would be all for it then. But now that all of the top officials of departments did just that before congress yesterday, Mc Cain is backing off of his word with the lamest of excuses that "But they never gave congress a chance to express their oppinion", as if Mc Cain was suddenly a lover of the vote of this congress. "Don't Ask; Don't Tell" has got to go because there are too many honorable men of the gay perswasion who have served and died valiently in the military. They shouldn't be stripped of their pension or their honorable discharge put in Jeopardy because they either volentarily or involentarily "come out" and stand up and be counted as among the ranks of the gay population.

Sometimes I think I'd like to recycle stuff I wrote from the second half of the 'nineties for you people. The trouble is first there are certain formatting glitches, but next, I don't think the issues that were important to me then are particularly relavant now to you people. Also on occasion I have dipped into the past either earlier in this decade or in the nineties, when and where I thought I had something relivant to say. Some people's words have a long shelf life and you can dredge their writings up years later and the words are still relavant. Mine are also - in some areas- - but just not in the areas you people would probably be interested in.

The media seems to be getting friendlier to the military. Sixty Minutes was allowed to embed themselves with Green Berets in Afghanistan. So there are a lot of friendly fire shooting incidents. What else is new? The whole idea is to "sell" the idea of continued armed conflict to the people. Now there is some upset over the fact that the US Military is recruiting young freshmen in high school as young as fourteen. There is talk of "mining for youth" and "planting seeds" and "harvesting". Of course you remember that Simpson's episode where they tried to appeal to the most wasted thirteen and fourteen year olds they could find and even they were to smart to fall for their lines. They said, "OK, we'll have to go younger" and you know the movie they showed in grammar school about War being one big glorified Video Game. Hopefully we aren't starting to think along the lines of Communist China where women are encouraged to have more boys because they can be turned into fighting machines. That all of this is happening in the Obama administration I find troubling. Now we are told that it is a virtual certainty that the US will suffer a terrorist attack on our soil within three to six months. I don't know how many more similarities between our country and a fascist state we need to see before the alarm bells go off. I've read the Koran. I was just reviewing it last weekend. And the similarities between it and the Bible are stunning. Clearly whoever wrote the Koran was very familiar with the Bible in the ways the "mind set" of Jehova, or Allah, are presented. Clearly mercy and redemption are taught, even though from the Media you'd think they were all Calvinist or something and believed nobody could change. Perhaps we should make the Koran required reading in schools.

The basic problem of today is that the republicans have been out of power now for over a year but act if they are still running the place. They have appointed themselves supreme moral arbitors of everything that happens in government. Never have I seen the office of President of the United States held up to disrespect and ridicule more than I have with these republicans. Whatever happened to such things as nationalism and patriotism? They don't care about America when it comes to economic regulations - that's for sure. Why can't they be what they always claim to want and that is be bipartizan and work with this President to get needed measures passed? As Dylan says, "Your old road is rappidly fading. Get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand- - ". History will not be kind to this generation of republicans. They are the last gasp of a crop we thought was going extinct a hundred years ago. And out of their own mouths they say that we have had "a hundred years of liberalism". But in point of fact, though the last time the Republicans had what what the democrats just gave up - a sixty vote majority in the US Senate - - it was 1923 and the Republicans have passed a lot of measures and caused an awful lot of obstruction since them. Don't they ever tire of seeing themselves as the party that has to be led into the future kicking and screaming? This whole gay thing with the military is clearly an idea whose time has arrived. And health care is something every other civilized country in the world already has. In many countries in the world, a private for profit insurer of basic health needs would be seen as a criminal act, and they would be thrown in jail. We spend more on health care than the rest of the world and get less for it. And it's these rising health costs that are going to bankrupt medi-care in the years to come. But now I forget - - are the Republicans for medi-care or against it? There are times in the past I've thought the democrats were being negative. But I fail to see a message of "Why it can't be done" or "Why America is destined to fail" - - can ever win at the ballot box. My hunch is that the republicans are going to have a nasty surprise some the day after the November elections, just like they had in 1998. They were counting heavily on winning that year so they could vote Clinton out of office, but one look at the poll results and they had to abandon their well laid plans. I don't think a lot of the American people know what they want. And Randy Rhodes is right. They are incapable of critical thinking. Once they are educated they'll make more enlightened decisions.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Pardon the Intrusion of Reality

"I hope you people like long, rambling paragraphs"

I would now like to meditate on this statement made on the Randy Rhodes show today quoting Franklin Roosevelt saying “Necessitous men are not free”. This statement may not be true “Per Se”, but is can be MADE to be true by environment. For instance, Christians are to live by the 23rd Psalm saying “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (or need) You’ve heard it- “God” is all any Christian should need. But you can’t real “relax” in this statement knowing what a farsical lie that it is. Such as when dealing with Christians they will attack you if you are needy, and they will also attack you if you’re too independent. And if you ARE needy, they will not see it as an occasion for them to “practice compassion” but rather somehow ever so delicately or not so delicately in some occasions, to say “Well, a Normal person would not be so needy”. Or they will say “Because you are needy there is something Wrong with you that Jesus can’t fix that was caused somewhere back in your childhood someplace”. They use this “in the past” or “in your childhood” line to throw all of their red hering accusations. But of course you remember that Dr. Levy said last Friday in class that he didn’t trust Obama and said to me that “You know this recession is not over”, when I said that the President took steps to save millions of jobs. Will Dr. Levy now retract his statement after hearing we were up at an annualized rate of over five percent last quarter? I don’t think so. The Republicans need this recession and need it bad to get re-elected this fall. They have to play the fear card wherever they can. They play it with small businessmen who according to the Randy Rhodes show today are getting all these new tax breaks. But they won’t admit that President Obama wants to cut taxes. It’s against their religion to admit for a minute that anything their enemy says might be right. Of course Christians and others like to play games. For instance, as I have said before, it’s the very person who says “I am not a legalist” that you have to watch out for. Also remember when Marcus Blackwell would say “I am a tolerant and open person and I welcome a frank discussion of opinions”. That’s actually the last thing Marcus wanted, as I found out. There are few people harder to share a contrary opinion with than Marcus. Dr. Levy plays much the same game saying “I only choose to have friends who are open and honiest and whom you can trust”. But certain people, like myself, are not autonomus creatures who can pick and choose with whom to associate with. How high does Dr. Levy come in on the trust department? He’s always misquoting people and blaiming the other person for the quote. He does this routine all the time. When does continually joking about something begin to wear a little thin. He went after Michael Deletore for saying he had a masters degree in political science, saying in that joking, if combative tone, “Do you think you are smarter than me, huh?” And what’s with the shoes. He paces around the room acting like he’s going to step on everybody’s shoes and sometimes does. And the whole bit of reaching for Richard’s hat has to be getting really old. So today he gave us that page on Democracy verses Communism. I’m not sure what the deal was with that but the Republicans love to make everything bi-polar. They will start by saying, “There are many forms of government in the world”, and in the end will be saying, “There are only two forms of government in the world- - ours and theirs. Ours is good and theirs is bad.” Dr. Levy is still buying in to the whole “Death panel and doctor rationing thing”. People play games in a lot of ways. Like you know when people say “Where are you going in such a hurry, give me a thousand word explanation right now!” But if you’re really in a hurry a normal person would say, “I don’t want to detain them at this time”, and let it go at that. I left the class at one to watch Days Of Our Lives. Of course then Bo Brady got sermonizing from his mother on personal morality, because Bo was entertaining a woman in the house who was not his wife and his little girl saw her, as if that were somehow the end of the world. Pardon the intrusion of reality but it was Hope who left the house and moved to the residence of Bo’s arch enemy, Victor. Somehow Caroline forgot that little detail. Of course people like Caroline Brady and Dr. Laura have absolutely no business moralizing about people considering their own pasts, anyhow. Have you noticed that conservatives lie a lot more than liberals? Some of their lies are really blatent, too. Of course another type of game is “I’m doing this for your own good” game. Like when Mia comes over to Chad’s father’s DA office and tells the whopper that she and Chad will be going to Vancouver for the Olympics. How demented does Mia have to be to think this whopper will get her closer to Chad. Sure it caused Chad’s father to cancel the whole Vancouver trip that Chad was taking with Gabriel- - and that other couple. OK she scuttled that union before it happened. But does she think for one moment that Chad won’t despise her when and if he finds out what she did, knowing how Chad’s father feels about her (Mia). Nobody likes people who butt in to relations that are none of their business. Kate has done this with Lucas’ life. Of course people on the right love to weigh in with opinions on things they aren’t qualified to pass judgement on, like where the 9 – 11 terrorist will be tried. How much hysteria have you heard about how nobody in New York wants the trial there and the security worries and should we have grilled him longer to get more information out of him? Wouldn’t a little water-boarding of the suspect have been advisable? Even though the Rush administration tried hundreds of terrorist suspects in the Criminal Courts, and got a good number of convictions that way. But as Stewart reminds me (remember Stewart?) - - any Islamic terrorist would love to be tried as a war enemy combatant, because that is how they see their struggle. They do not see it as a criminal act against innocent people. People lie about motives. They say they are worried about “security” when really it’s unauthorized secrets coming out that bothers them. And perhaps that’s OK. I guess we’re entitled to “official State secrets”, but why don’t they just come out with it and admit that this is the Government’s motivation.

. President Obama has backed down under pressure and that terrorist will not be tried in New York City. This will provide a propaganda boost for the Islamic terrorists because this is their fondest dream, to have one of their own operatives tried by a military tribunal. I look forward to tomorrow’s commentary on KTLK on this. Personally, I just wish President Obama would draw a line in the sand for once and stick to a principle. [name withheld] was by with medication and we had chocolate chip cookies.

CBS is running what most likely is a false anti abortion add about a mother who was going to abort a fetus that turned out to be a star football player. The only thing is she was living in the Philipines at the time where abortion was illegal. So if the doctor actually had recommended abortion, he could go to jail. At the same time CBS still won’t run a pro gay add. Not that I am recommending they do that.

Speaking of gays, it seems Scott Brown has a pro gay streak in him because he says permitting for forbidding gay marriage is a “state’s rights” position. That’ my position but it runs contrary to the right’s platform. That makes me want to do a big “Nya- -Nya- - “ to people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. You've heard the expression "What you see is what you get". Well now, the right has "gotten it"! This is opposed to that other expression "What you want is what you get".