Monday, August 03, 2009

You Know - This Means War!

Well, Congress is off on its break now, and suddenly I’m seeing the light. I see why the liberals wanted so desperately to get the Health Bill passed before the break. You know their goal, don’t you. First they want to slow the bill down to a crawl, and then they will kill it altogether. The neo cons had a whole “war room strategy” just for the break we are having now. They intend to flood the Town Meetings of the congressmen with their own stooges to sit up front by the stage and shout loudly and ask a lot of embarrassing question. They are advised to make them “professional” question meaning they are long winded and choked with statistics. And then they are advised to fire back with aggressive follow-up questions. But these neo con representatives need not even reside in the district the congressman serves. Those are trifling ethical details. What is important is to cow the congressman into thinking he dare not vote for any of the five health care bills lest the people rise up in the next election and defeat him. The whole idea is to paralyze the representative with fear every time he even Thinks about voting for a bill. Of course the other and perhaps greater leg of this assault by the right wing is the millions lobbyists are spending to buy congressmen’s vote. They talk about what a feat it was to pass Mc Cain – Feingold but that bill is near meaningless. It’s like you aren’t ingesting poisons in your food. No- - you are main-lining the poison right into your blood stream by-passing all those pesky digestive organs like the liver, which may dilute the poison. Can’t they just make it a felony for any Insurance Company or Drug Company to try and buy off a congressman’s vote? As long as we have the sort of system we have in this country we are doomed. To those on the left, we should be saying “This Means War”. Why don’t we do a little Public Relations of our own with massive protests and sit-ins, like the good old days? Of course now the media won’t cover these - - - -unless we escalate the action into something illegal. The axiom just might be true in this case that bad media attention is better than being ignored. (Selah) I don’t even know which, if any of the five health care bills is the one to support. But if we don’t least have an atmosphere where we can openly discuss the issues we’ll never find out. Where are the networks on this issue. Why not have an old fashioned TV debate?

You've heard of the bridge to nowhere. Well now, in a throw-back to the Bush administration we have the airport to nowhere. The little hamlet of Uzinki, Alaska is getting awarded a new hundred and fifty million dollar airport, courtesy the US tax payer. Uzinki is one of a number of isolated little hamlets in rural Alaska with no stop lights and are little more than bunches of houses- - that the FAA has declaired worthy of a new airport. You wonder what sort of spell that Sarah Palin has cast over the Obama Administration.

You've heard roomers of it from us, and now it's official. There is a vitamin deficiency crisis among our youths and young people. Seventy percent of young people don't get enough Vitamin D in their diets. The reason is simple. Today's youngsters just don't get enough sunlight because they no longer play outdoors. These children don't even get the bare minimum 400 Units of vitamin D, which is less than is really advisable. Besides, they don't drink milk like we did when we were young. And of course nobody ever considered the adverse affects of sun screens in preventing the body from manufacturing vitamin D. Research has shown that less than an hour in sunshine will give you 2,000 or whatever units of vitamin D or five times the minimum required. This seems like the next perfect public relations push for President Obama to undertake.

Well, Clowie is going to wake up from her coma one of these days and say that her killer is right here in this room, and point to Kate Roberts. Lucas acts like he doesn’t believe that- - but most of the things he’s saying to Daniel in their “jail cell summit” are said out of sheer reflex like a boxer, rather than any cerebral thought process or logic taking place. If Lucas thought about it dispassionately for even a minute, he would see that everything Daniel says is true and that his mother would stoop to anything to exact Vengeance on someone she doesn’t like. What we know is that Kate Roberts never lets go of a grudge. Ex husband Victor is there to prod and taunt her every step of the way, threatening constantly to expose the truth. Now Nicole has chimed in saying that Clowie told her she was still in love with Daniel, and always has been. But the whole theory of the prosecution hangs on the notion that Daniel murdered her because she spurned his advances. Is there anyone who hasn’t figured out that Kate has three motives in poisoning Clowie. Because Kate is the one whom Daniel rejected in favor of the younger more vibrant Clowie, and Kate can’t stand to be spurned. And Clowie is a slut and Kate never liked her to begin with. And of course Lucas has to be “protected” from her, and mama always knows best when it comes to the affairs of her son. “Mama won’t let anyone dangerous get through” - Pink Floyd

It sure is nice having good air conditioning in this room. We have had some monsoonal breezes today with this mixed cloudy weather akin to times like August of 1992. Several strong earthquakes have struck the Gulf of California. There were four big quakes and the two biggest ones were 6.9 and 6.2. The reason why this is a little alarming is that (a) you usually don’t see such a concentration of earthquakes but more importantly (b) all the quake activity was quite close to, if not on, the San Andreas fault, and you know what that means. You know in “Wheel of Fortune” you have to know when to get out of the game before getting wiped out. Unfortunately, Scotty is not circling above in the Enterprise to beam me up. Christians are of course thinking that the Apocralipse is here because of President Obama’s massive health plan- - and it is much more massive than the American People are led to believe if you’ve read one of the summaries of the bill. Personally I’m holding out the olive branch to God. I’m asking Him whether or not I should put out that “Jesus” movie screen-play on blog or not. I continue to be in a state of indecision. I don’t want to “declare war” on God.

We had tacos tonight. There were the two and the refried beans and the extra cheese and the sour cream dallop. Then Dora came by with a third taco, and more beans. I was going to buy cigarettes at the store but it’s closed. I’d be spending money I owe someone else and don’t feel entirely ethical about that. John was at the bakery and now he’s even letting them over-charge him for stuff. But other times they give him freebies. I bought a plain Double Diamond from Larry for 25 cents, which they aren’t worth.

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