Democracy is on the line
just like Stephanie and the Mooks say.
2020 is the year we either save or lose our democracy. Democracy and fair voting seem to be
completely alien terms to President Trump, just as law and justice are. He got rid of Vitman and his twin brother
and also Sonland. He pardons the law
breakers and he disparages honorable people who do things on principle like
Romney. People are blinded by the glair
of Trump’s bigotry because it appeals to the inner ID of some of them. Some people are genuinely deluded. Yesterday for the first time in a long time
that there might be an element of the demonic in president Trump. I am hesident now to raise the possibility of
the demonic element because it implies a demonic “realm”, and then the question
also arises of a “supernatural” element.
I see this as the coward’s way out of a very human failing, that people
can be genuinely fooled and deluded on their own, out of the disfunction of
their own minds, with no necessity of the element of the demonic. Ruth Montgomery used to talk about “Walk ins”
back in the ‘eighties, where people just took over other people’s lives. These “souls” that took over weren’t
necessarily demonic or supernatural, at least as far as my understanding is concerned. Democrats said for months that Donald Trump
had no intention of assuming the office of President even if he won. They said he was doing it just for the
publicity. It could be that the “old
Trump” they knew had no ambition that way.
He was content just to be a gad fly and puntster. He had his women and his money after all to
keep him warm at night. But for those
who was the situation from the point of view of the book of Revelation- - - are,
or were, looking for some Messiah figure to take over and run the world. We have spoken of dominion theology where
this idea is front and center. Nobody is
talking about any antichrist figure now, and fundamentalists haven’t raised the
issue for a long time. The further
aspect of my conspiracy theory is that some of THEM are ALSO “walk ins” or
perhaps out and out demonic. It’s a lot easier
to get a job done if you’ve greased the skids a little with some “help from the
inside” or maybe that’s “outside”.
Outside the natural realm. But
like I say the question arises, where does this “outside realm” or “supernatural
realm” fall in as far as being an original part of Creation otherwise known as
the Big Bang. I had this all mapped out
in my mind but this supernatural hocus pocus doesn’t seem to fit in with any of
it. We see demons as people who are at
least a little bit insane and highly charismatic with a “demonic” aura about
them. But they don’t necessarily have to
be hanging on the slim edge of sanity or talking gibberish or even backwards or
vomiting up pea soup every few minutes.
The Exorcist should not be our model.
These people can and do appear perfectly normal. On the soap opera I watch, Days of our Lives,
you have just two, two people who are not who they appear to be. If you have two people in the right sensitive
position they are in a place where they can do a lot of damage they could not
otherwise possibly cause. Gina and
Stephano occupied other bodies and we are supposed to assume that “Dr Rolf” has
the technology to do that. Maybe Satan
has the technology to pull it off. Insert
well placed people in key positions of influence. Then logically you have to assume a couple of
other things. That Satan has “a master
plan” and the ability, we know not how, to actually pull it off. When it comes to Born Again Christianity I
will quote you the proverb, “You shall know the tree by its fruit”. You don’t see the fruit of a tree for years
and years. Yet the seeds of the bad fruit
were always there. We just didn’t see
it. (Selah)
Question: Will the meek really inheret the earth? This raises all sorts of questions.
Below we discuss "But what kind of a heavenly body will we have?
Question: Will the meek really inheret the earth? This raises all sorts of questions.
Below we discuss "But what kind of a heavenly body will we have?
We used to talk ages ago
about the Sea of Green, which was sort of a demonic realm where thoughts were
things and you could “see” people’s auras, their “life force”. This “life force” or soul or whatever, would
not be something that you can measure but rather something that continually eludes science as far as pinning it down to
any lab experiment. This demonic realm
does not fit into my multi fifth dimensional model of the Big Bang, because no
matter how many Universes were created under this model, they all have a common
Architect or creator. Many people
believe there is traditional physicality in Heaven. The book of Revelation implies this. Walter Martin believed that Jesus was in his
newly resurrected physical body when he appeared to his disciples on Easter
night. It was a body of flash and
bone. According to Walter Martin “Flesh
and blood cannot inheret the kingdom of heaven, but flesh and bone can”. We talked a month or so ago about a possible
sixth dimensional universe that could be divided into three demonsions of one “space”
and three dimensions of another “space” without overlapping any of the dimensions. If you had just five dimensions these realms
would overlap on one dimension like a line.
If you had just four dimensions they would overlap in two dimensions
like a giant plane. Psychics are always
talking about “planes” after all. But
if you had merely a three dimensional body, to take Walter Martin literally at
this point, then you could only occupy three dimensions at once, and not
six. That would be impossible. It would be like a two dimensional photograph
of yourself occupying the space in a whole room. Walter says that Jesus “did not go through
walls” when he appeared to his disciples but rather he “switched dimensions on
them”. Could a plane be what they call a “portal” in
Science Fiction? Was Jesus near such a “portal”
or did he have the ability to generate a portal wherever he wanted to? These are questions to think about.